Here you go! I believe this is he chapter everyone has been waiting for! Onward to the story!

Previously on GLG

Elena's POV

Just then the door was thrown open and in walked in two very pissed of vampires. The twins...and they made it here first. They had at least a two minute head start before Stefan would get here.

Double shit.


3rd Person

Isabella and Jasper arrived at the mansion very pissed off at what they heard on the phone. Nothing though could have prepared them for what they were about to see. They ignored the door that they just busted through their eyes were on their friend.

It wasn't hard for them to realize that he was dead, he was just too still and he had no eyes turned red upon seeing Elena and Damon, obviously the ones to have killed him. Isabella charged at Elena while Jasper went after Damon.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She yelled at Elena.

The only response she got was a flinch as the girl tried to put some space between the two of them. Jasper through Damon into a wall, ripped off a chair leg, and staked him in the thigh.

Damon groans.

Elena gasps as she looks at the smirk Jasper sends her way. He enjoys giving him pain, and she could only guess what Isabella was going to do to her. Girls were known to be a lot more pissed off and creative than guys.

Elena was too busy watching Jasper that she didn't notice Bella picking up a random lamp and hitting her over the head. Her mind went blank for a few seconds, in those few seconds her body sagged and she fell to the floor. Bella walked up smiling and rolled her on her back with a nicely placed kick.

Jasper was contemplating what he should do next when he got a text from his brother.

To: Jay

From: P.W.

Pencil Sharpener and pencils upstairs third door down to the left.

Bella was waiting for him to say something, but instead he disappeared upstairs. She shrugged, she didn't care as long as she could continue fucking over the bitchy doppelgänger. She placed her foot on Elena's chest smirking.

"I should kill you where you lay."

The doppelgänger gasped.

"I-Isa." Came the weak response of Damon.

Of course he couldn't do anything else, Jasper had come down with a bunch of freshly sharpened pencils in each hand. Moving over to Damon he staked him in both his ears. Isabella stepped on Elena's leg effectively breaking it, ignoring Elena's screams.

Jasper smiled wickedly picking up three pencils and with accuracy stakes Damon in his...well you know somewhere a boy never wants a girl's foot to connect. Damon howls while Jasper smirks at him.

Isabella tilts her head to the side and curses.

"Stefan is about to get here."

"I know I can hear him too." Jasper snaps Damon's neck.

"You're lucky girl."

Jasper disappears off somewhere, but not too far.

Elena cries at her words but not with joy. Isabella bites her wrist and shoves it to Elena. She involuntarily gulps down the blood. Jasper returns with a shovel the same time Damon wakes up confused. Isabella flashes over to her brother and takes the shovel.

She hits Elena on the ribs breaking just about all of them. Then made her way to Damon. He looks up at her, though she can't read the expression that is on his face. She flips the shovel over and drives it through his abdominal. Jasper takes two pencils and stakes Damon's hands down.

Elena is unconscious and Damon can't move. This is what Stefan takes in when he bursts in. Isabella moves over to Matt and pulls the knife out while Jasper picks him up. Stefan makes his way to his girlfriend then looks to Jasper and Isabella seeing their eyes flash with hate and pain.

"Don't give her your blood. I gave her mine, it works a little slower, but giving her yours would only kill her." She smirked at him and they left with Matt.

He sighed and took the stakes out of Damon. Seeing them bleeding he runs a shower, washes most of the blood off them, and lays them down. He shakes his head.

"You two probably just caused a lot of unneeded deaths."

With that he left the room disgusted with his brother and ex-girlfriend.

Isabella's POV

We ran until just a few feet away from the original mansion. Jasper nodded at me and I nodded back. I walked into the house. Mother zoomed down the stairs and smiled at me.

"Hello Darling." She said.

She sniffed the air and her smile got even bigger.

"Ah good Matt is here, I haven't seen him all day." I frown and looked down.

"What's wrong?" She asked. She lifted my chin and frowned.

"Did something happen?" She pulled herself back and looked me over pinching me randomly.

"I don't see anything." She said confused.

"I'm sorry." I finally say.

"What's wrong?" She asked again.

"I wasn't fast enough."

"Fast enough for what? What is wrong." Her voice was laced with so much worry.

The rest of the family came down including a girl that looked exactly like Elena. I growl at her before I could stop myself.

"What's wrong?" Klaus asked.

"Who is she?"

"Tatiana. Elena and Katherine's ancestor." He said.

"I feel sorry for you." I told her.

"Why?" She asked.

"Your descendants are assholes."

She sighs, "I know."

"Is that blood." Fin asked suddenly making me stiffen.

"Did something happen?" Mother asked yet again.

"Jasper." I whispered.

He walked in carrying Matt. The originals froze.

"Matt?" Mother asked walking over to him and touching his face.

"He's cold." She stated looking at Jasper confused.

"Why is he could? I'll run him a bath."

"Mother." Jasper said. She paused and turned back around. He shook his head at her.

"He doesn't need a bath Bekah." Kol whispered.

"But he's cold. He'll be better after a bath."

"Mom. I'm...sorry." I say.

"Nothing is wrong, he just needs a bath!"

"Sister please." Elijah said trying to reason with her.

"Please what Elijah!" She yelled at him.

"Please accept what you see in front of you." He said.

She got a blank expression on her face, dropped to her knees, and didn't move. At all.

"Mom?" I finally whispered.

"I'm going to run him a bath." She said her voice void of all emotion.

"Rebekah-" Uncle Niko began but got cut off.

"I know he's dead, I just want the blood washed off of him." She left to go upstairs.

"What happened." Finn asked.

"My ex-boyfriend and the doppelgänger happened." I said.

"I was afraid you would say that." Niko said.

"Yeah well it's not exactly easy for me to say. It's all my fault." I said as all the pain finally gets too much for me.

The tears I wanted to keep away practically flew down my cheeks.

"You must be bloody mad to actually think that Isabella. It's their fault not yours!" Kol growled.

I didn't listen to him, it was my fault. I didn't think his friends would turn on him. I thought he was safe. I was wrong. So so so fucking wrong.

"She's going into self loathing mode." Jasper sighs.

"Why would she believe it was her fault?" Niko asked.

"Because it was her boyfriend so she feels responsible." Jasper answered.

"That's ludicrous!" Niko hissed.

"The water is ready, Isabella." Mom said to me. I stood up grabbed Matt and went to mother.

"She is going to cling to mother now." Jasper said.

"I think we should pay Damon a visit." Kol said.

"I doubt he is up for one." Jasper said.

I watched as mother stripped Matt and submerged him in bubbles.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"It is not your fault. You have nothing to feel sorry for." She said.

"My boyfriend killed your mate." I said.

I could hear Kol laughing at whatever Jasper said.

"And him and the doppelgänger shall pay." I nodded at her words.

She hugged me, "I shall be fine."

I nodded again. My mother did not deserve this. I'm getting Matt back even if it kills me.

Bonnie's POV

Elijah sat down at my booth sitting across from me.

"Good evening Miss Bennett." He said.

"Hello Elijah. Why'd you call me?"

"Well I hate to say, but this isn't a social call."

I looked at him bemused.

"Then why'd you call me?"

He looked me in the eye, "Your friend Matt is dead."

I froze. He did not just say what I thought he said. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You're lying."

"And why would I lie to you about something like that?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Kol probably put you up to it." But I knew as I said those words they weren't true.

"As if I would join Kol in his childish games." He said.

"When, where, how, and who?" I asked.

"A couple of hours ago. At the Salvatore's house. A knife to the heart, plus a lot of bleeding and internal damage. Damon and Elena." He said the last part quietly.

The glass in my hand broke. Damon and Elena? I knew they didn't take the knife in both their hands and kill him.

"Which one was it?" I asked though I had a good idea of who it was.

"Bonnie I don't think." I cut him off.

"I asked you a question Elijah." He sighed.

"Only Elena's scent was in the knife."

"I'm going to kill her."

"No I think we've had enough deaths for today."

"Why? Why'd she do it?" I asked.

"I don't think she approved." He said.

"Approve of what?"

"Of the fact that he loved my sister."

I paused.

"You need to get that hand clean." He said.

Shit there was glass in my hands everywhere but thankfully very little blood. I excused myself to the bathroom, cleaned my hand, and looked at myself in the mirror. I wanted to say that I looked strong and my feelings were under control and my tears weren't about to burst would mean I was lying though.

I opened one of the stalls and walked in. I sat down and did what I usually did when I thought of Grams and the fact that my mom left me. I curled up and cried. I cried for my Grams, cried for my mom, for Matt, for myself, and for the fact that I knew I wouldn't be crying if I hadn't befriended Elena.

Why hadn't I seen it earlier? My family was all but gone, Matt's family was all but gone along with him. Caroline's a vampire, Tyler is a hybrid, Jeremy's parents are dead, almost everyone was dead. God we were all listening to an 18 year old girl dating a fucking vampire. Why were all our lives so fucked up?

I stood up and exited, looking in the mirror I put a new definition to looking like shit. I had to see her. I ran out the bathroom and out the bar, all the while feeling Elijah's eyes on me. He must have heard me crying. When I made it there I didn't bother knocking, it was never locked.

"Hey there witchy." Damon said.

I didn't think I just used all the power I had and gave him an aneurysm. He dropped to his knees, blood coming out his ears, eyes, and nose. After a minute he fell to the floor unconscious. I stormed up the stairs and opened Stefan's door to see Elena laying down.

She smile when she saw me. I walked up to her and slapped it off her face.

"Bonnie?" She asked.

"How could you Elena?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You killed Matt Elena!" I yelled.

"It was an accident." She whispered.

I felt something snap inside me. Elena was thrown off the bed and on the floor.

"An accident! An accident is walking into someone in the hallway not putting a knife in them because they are with someone you don't like!"

"Bonnie calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down! How would you feel if I killed Jeremy!" I asked.

"Please don't." She pleaded.

"Of course I won't I have common sense unlike you! The originals were leaving us alone. They didn't care about you anymore." I paused.

"That's what it was wasn't it? You couldn't handle the fact that no one was paying any attention to you. The originals stayed away. Damon was in an actual relationship and everything was going good."

"They were all leaving me for those evil twins!" She yelled.

"Evil twins? You mean Jasper and Isabella?! They didn't do anything to you. Yes they were a little closer to Damon and Stefan, but news flash Elena they knew each other when they were kids." I said.

"She had Damon and Jasper was slowly becoming Stefan's new best friend and would always go see him and hang out."

"What now Stefan is not allowed to have friends?" I asked incredibly.

"I couldn't lose him too Bonnie." She said.

"Well I hope you're proud of yourself. Now all you have is Damon for all I know." I turned around to leave.

"Bonnie STOP!" She yelled.

I used my magic and pushed her against the wall. Hard.

"Good bye."

I walked down stairs to see Stefan reading a book.

"Bye Stef." I said.

"See ya Bonnie. Can you close the door on your way out please." He said not looking up from the book.

I closed the door and left. Elena was not the girl that I once knew. I don't think she ever will be again. With that thought I drove away. Maybe that day at the bridge, she should have died with her parents. I took out my phone and called Elijah; he answered on the first ring.

"Hello Bonnie." He said.

"Where is he?"

"He's here. My sister and Isabella just laid him down on the sofa."

"How bad does he look? I'm on my way."

"He isn't that bad now. They cleaned him up and changed his clothes."

"Okay, I'll be there in ten." I hung up.

None of this seemed real. I want to just wake up and this all be a long - very long - dream and I'm just having a post junior year nightmare. Though I know I'm not that lucky. When I pulled up the door was already open so I just walked in.

"Bonnie." Jasper nodded.

"Hi Jasper."

" want to see him?"

"Yes, please."

"Follow me, he's in the living room."

When I walked through the door only Rebekah and Isabella was in the room with Matt. Before going to him I gave Rebekah a hug, even if she was supposed to be the enemy even she cared for Matt more than Elena. After that I walked over to him. He didn't even look like he was dead. I had to bite my tongue, because I was about to ask them if they heard a heartbeat.

After a while Isabella gasp and shook her head.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." Was all she was muttering.

"Care to elaborate?" Jasper asked.

"How old was Matt? 17 right?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"He isn't too old then." She whispered.

"Too old for what?" Rebekah asked.

It seemed like Jasper caught on to what she was talking about though.

"But that's a long time to wait." He said.

"Not if we can find him." She said.

"Bonnie?" He asked her.

"Yes." She said.

"What the hell are you two talking about?" Rebekah asked.

"I'm a hybrid mother. Half vampire half Afterling. I already told you what an Afterling was. Anyway they give you a few days to decide. I'm pretty sure he hasn't decided yet. If we can find him. We can put him back in his body!" She said.

"You mean find his soul?" I asked confused.

"More like find his ghost form. Trust me its complicated. You won't get it unless you were in the same situation." She said.

"So you want me to find him."

"Let me help too though." She said.

"How will you be able to help?" I asked.

"I have some witch powers. They're pretty basic, but still." She shrugged.

"Okay we'll do it then."


"Yes, we need four vanilla candles, some sage, purple incense, something that belong to Matt, and some of your blood."

"Well I have the candles and maybe some sage." She said thinking.

"What about the stuff that Ester used?" Rebekah supplied.

Isabella ran to the room and came back smiling.

"We are in luck." She said.

After a few shuffles everything was in place.

"Ready?" I asked.


We grabbed hands standing over his body and chanted.

"Ab omni loco obscuro in angulo. Invenies scriptum in omni verbo atramentum amice Matthew Donovan et adducite eum ad me. Corpus et anima eius haberi iterum introire. Ut omnem recludam Vincula auxiliábitur ei. Liber sit. Quod fratres a ligula ratio et inveniam illum, et tunc domum eius. Mors volumus referri."

There was a barrier around of so that no can enter. It was made of blood, Isabella's blood. As we chanted the same words over and over again I could hear the sound of chains releasing. Isabella whimpered. The sound was getting louder.

It was as if a marching band was playing on either side of my ears. It must have been ten times worst for Isabella.

"You can do it Bella." I said.

"It hurts Bonnie!" She said.

"Don't let go!"

I doubt she heard me. As I said those last words a bright white light knocked us back, we through the barrier. My back slid against the floor and my head hit the wall.


"Is-Isabella? I'm fine, where are we?"

This did not look like the Mikealson house. It looked like an interrogation room except there was no glass window.

"It's a containment chamber." I looked as her bemused.

"And it's containing?"

She snorted, "Us apparently."

"Just great."

"It's okay we will be let out of here as soon as we are finish with whatever we're doing."

"Okay find Matt and we leave. But where is-"

"I found him!" Isabella said.

"Okay that was easy."

"He's behind this door. We need a key." She said looking at me.

"Maybe we can forge a key out of or combined magic." I said.

"Or... You can just reach me that key off the latch." She said.

"Okay that works too." I smiled at her.

She shakes her head at me.

"What? I'm used to things being complicated." I picked up the key and unlocked the door.

A mass of energy burst out the room and we were both knocked back. This time when I opened my eyes we are in the Mikealson house.

"THAT BLOODY WANKER!" I looked up to see a completely pissed off Isabella.

She comes to my side and helps me up.

"What's wrong, did it not work?"

She sighed, "It worked to some degree. His soul is free so he can enter his body again. He has three said to do so, before his body is too ruined."

"Where is he?"

"I don't know! But that bastard took my powers!"

"Is that why you yelled?"

"Yes I wonder where he went though..."

That thought went away when her phone started ringing.

"Hello? Peter?" She asked.

I hope nothing bad happened again.

Peter's POV

"Hello? Peter?" Thank god she answered.

"Hey Iz."

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I don't know yet, my gift is telling me to go to the Wickery Bridge tonight for some reason. It gave me a specific time and everything. Something bad is about to go down. The thing is, if I go early my whole existence disappears. Alice called me freaking out."

She sighs. "Did Alice see anyone else at the bridge?"

"No just me. Everyone else was here or something."

"Okay well Peter you are going to have to wait. What time will you have to be there?"

"About an hour from now give or take a few minutes."

"Well just calm your nerves for now. I guess go fuck Tanya or something ." I could almost hear her smiling.

I laughed when I heard Edward say 'what the fuck?' From somewhere in the house.

"What makes you think I'm in the mood to?" I asked.

"Again I say, what the fuck?" Edward said.

"Language Edward!" Esme yelled.

"Merdé!" He said.

"Edward Anthony Masen Cullen!" She yelled again.

"What.. I changed the language." He said innocently.

Isabella laughed from across the line.

"Uh..H-how is he?" I cleared my throat.


"My gift told me he was back right before I called you." I said confused.

"He is apparently, just not back in his body, and he took my powers."

"Why'd he do that?"

"I don't know, it probably coincides with you having to go to the bridge."

"You may be right. And Iz I'm sorry about the while Damon thing."

"It's okay Peter. I knew in the beginning that the relationship probably wasn't going to work. I was still clinging on to the boy Damon used yo be. I'll be fine." She said.

"You sure will. Just hang in there, you still have us."

"I know I do, thank you. I love y'all Peter."

"I love you too Bella."

"I LOVE YOU MORE." Edward yelled.

She chuckled.

"Take care of your mom until Matt's back, I need to go find Tanya."

"The hell you do!" Edward yelled.

"Bye Pete." She hung up.

"Language Edward!"

"Sorry mom." He mumbles.

"I think we should call him." I said.

"No Peter." Edward growled.

"Who Damon?" Esme asked confused.

"No even worst." Edward said.

"The guy isn't that bad." I said.

Carlisle walks downstairs.

"Are you guys talking about who I think your talking about?" He asked.

Edward nods slowly.

"I don't think-" he gets cut off by my phone.

"Hey Alice."

"Already called him, he'll be there in three days. Char and I'll be home soon, we're bringing a friend. See you tomorrow." -click-

"That takes care of that." I said.

"Where'd Edward?" Esme asked.

"He took off with Tanya as soon as Peter's phone started ringing." Carlisle said.

"That meany." I grumbled.

"Just go take a shower." Carlisle said.

He walked up the stairs with Esme. Now that was disturbing.

"Tell me about it." Edward said.

"I thought you left." I said

"I did, but Tanya wanted to go shopping with Rosé."

"So she ditched you?" I laughed.

"Yeah pretty much." He sighed.

"Oh well I feel like something bad is going to happen."

"Something bad already happened. How much worst could this possibly get?"

"Careful Edward don't jinx yourself."

"Superstitious freak."

"Arrogant Prude."

"You asshole!" He yelled.

"You ass scratcher!" I yelled back.


"Well someone's in a bad mood." Edward whispered.

"Tell me about it." I whispered back.

Caroline's POV

"You're kidding!" I giggled.

"No I am not, they are dating!" Tyler said

"Matt and the original. He has us all beat!"

"Yup Elena and the Vampire. Caroline and the Hybrid. Matt and the Original. You should write a book." He said.

I chuckled when I heard him laughing on the phone.

"Naw, because Caroline and the hybrid is going to take like four books to get everything out."

"Don't worry Care. I'll help."

"No! With your help its going to turn into a porn novel!"

"And that's bad because...?"

"Ty that's not funny!" I said laughing.

"Really then why are you laughing?" He asked.

"Because it would be rude if I didn't."

"Rude? Who are you and what have you done with Care. My Care wouldn't care!"

He cracked up at that. That was hardly even funny!

"That's been nagging at me since we first started calling you care."

"That was years ago!"

"I wanted to wait for the perfect time!"

My phone beeped.

"Hold on Ty it's Elena."

"Kay Kay. I'll be here."


I switched over to Elena's line.

"Hey Elena, what's up? Can we make this quick. I was on the phone with Tyler."

"Care you have to help me."

"Elena? Elena whats wrong?"

Her line went dead and Tyler was back on the phone.

"Care? CARE what happened? I can hear you breathing on the phone!"

"Yeah, I'm here. Sorry Ty I have to go check on Elena. Call me later?"

"Yeah sure." He hung up.

Ugh Elena! I've been spending much more time with her than I've spent with my own boyfriend. I made my way to the boarding house, since she's never at hers, and walked in.


"Up here."

I ran and stopped at Stefan's door. She was standing there with a book bag. A book bag full of clothes.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Care you have to help me! They are coming after me."

"Woah Elena slow down okay. Who is after you?"

"The originals!"

"What? Why? Hold on let me call Rosalie she might be able to help."

That blonde was a bitch and my new best friend.

"No! She is going to want to kill me too." She cried.

I put my phone away.

"What? Why? Elena did you do something?"

She looked at he ground ad knitted her eyebrows together.

"Elena what did you do!"

"I'll tell you on the way, we just really need to leave here."

I've never seen my friend so flustered before. Something was telling me that I should just leave her here. But I had to do something.

"Fine." I said.

"Thank you." She said and gave me a hug.

"We can take one of Damon's cars." She said.

"Would he mind?" I asked.

"Don't you already know the answer to that?"

"True. Lets take his favorite one then." I smiled.

I laughed as I watched her roll her eyes at me.

"So where are we going?" I asked as we were finally settled and started making our way out of Mystic Falls.

"Anywhere as long as I'm as far away from h- Care look out!"

I turned the wheel as fast as I could as soon as I saw her standing there. Rebekah Mikealson. When I looked back she was gone.

"CARE!" Elena yelled.

I turned to see that we were headed straight for the water. I forgot to take my foot off the petal.

"SHIIIIT!" I cried as we plummeted into the water.

We were sinking and we were sinking fast. Elena was looking at me holding her breath. I pointed up and she nodded. We easily got out of the car and started swimming to the surface. But something was blocking our way. It was like a think sheet of ice was covering the lake.

With my vampire hearing I could faintly hear someone on the ice walking towards us. A male and hopefully help. I looked to Elena who looked like she was about to die. As a human she could only hold her breath for so long.

Please who whoever you are HELP!

3rd Person Point of View

The truck had slid out of control as she tried to dodge the woman that was standing in the middle of the road. Too bad that they didn't know that they would be stuck for quite a while.

The woman was gone now, but someone else was still there. He was waiting for he knew what was going to happen next. He watched as the truck kept going, the woman driving clearly not paying attention.

He cocked his head to the side, the passenger was finally telling the driver what she was doing. Too late now sweetheart, just sink your dumb ass to the his way to the edge of the river he frowned, the doppelgänger just didn't want to go down.

Oh well it didn't matter this was all part of the plan. He ever so gently knelt down to the surface of the water. His right hand reached out on his command and using the index finger he touched the water. The water rippled once and after it started to expand a thick sheet of ice was behind it.

Soon the whole river was under a thick sheet of ice. So thick one vampire wasn't going to be enough to break through it. He made his way across the ice, he didn't have to worry about falling, the ground was way too dry for that. Making his way closer to where the truck had stopped, he could hear her banging on the ice.

He looked down, right under his feet was the vampires hands. Any other day he would have helped her, but not today. Today he had an agenda, and everything was going to be checked off.

"Please!" He could hear the watery pleas but paid them no heed.

He cocked his head to the side, listening to the distinct sound of the doppelgänger's slowing heart beat.

"Help us!"

He smiled and shook his head, though she couldn't really see it because of the ice. She also had to continue to dive under to get the unconscious girl who kept sinking. She couldn't fantom why someone would be doing this to her.

Finally after it seemed like forever the doppelgänger's heart stop beating. The vampire could last a few more minutes, in that time it should be too late to save the human. After a couple of minutes footsteps were coming closer and closer. At a very fast rate. This was his time to depart.

When Peter arrived on the bridge. You could see on his face that he was confused as fuck. He pulled out his cell phone.

"Hey Edward how's the weather at Bells house?"

"Pretty warm...why?"

"Because the water under the Wickery Bridge is frozen. I mean completely fucking frozen."

He jumped off the bridge and walked the perimeter.

"I don't see anything right now, I'll call when I do." A few minutes later he heard it.




It was pretty faint but still there, under the ice. He followed the sound and found a half frozen vampire underneath the water.

"Fuck Caroline." He pounded the ground with his fist.

After it seemed like forever the ice broke and the opening was big enough for him to pull her out.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah just c-cold. Elena's still d-down there though." She shivered.

He nodded and dove in looking for her. It wasn't easy since her scent was gone and from the sound of it her heart already stopped. Peter finally found her just floating. With a quick lunge he pulled both of them from under the water.

"I'm sorry Caroline, she's dead." He whispered.

She broke down of course. But he could not be sad, this was Karma acting on its own. If she hadn't killed Matt, she would be still alive now.

The door to the original mansion opened and slammed shut. Rebekah was home and she was wearing a sad smile on her face.

"Mom." Isabella said running down the stair with her brother at her side. They ran to their mother and gave her a hug.

"We thought you went out and did something stupid." Jasper whispered.

She didn't have to have a good imagination to know what he meant by that. She hugged her kids back knowing she could never do something like that to them.

"No I'm fine. I promise." She let them go and walked into the living room where her mate was still laying.

She brushed his hair out of his closed eyes. It seemed as if he had a smile on his face. Heaven must be nice. She smiled softly.

"Vengeance is mine, my love." She said closing her eyes and placing a chaste kiss on his lips.

As she pulled back his body came forward and she felt as if he was kissing her back. She opened her eyes to see deep blue eyes looking at her.

"As is mine." He said giving her another kiss.

There it is so now I have a question. Should I leave Elena dead? If not i have a very nice plan for how she will turn out. Review!