The Show Goes On

Authors Note


I'm back! Yea I've been gone for quite a while but, I'm back now :3… Well not really… I've decided to make a new chapter since forever but I got hit with a killer writers block so… yea….

I will continue the story! Yay! Right now I'm just editing the chapters. I don't think I can really do this by myself because my grammar is atrocious.

Also, as I was looking over my other chapters, I noticed that I need a Beta…so you get the point… I need a beta


Really I don't get it. I was born in America and I speak it but I can't pass a frikkin grammar test to save my life! Like a subordinating conjunction follows an adverb…? I can't remember that!

Thank GOD for spell check…

Anyways, I will be editing most of my stories and maybe have some new ones soon .

There's another reason I haven't been working on my stories…

The Sims 3

Yes! That game is soo additive! It's like my drug! I've been collecting the games for a few months now and I only got 4 . That's progress!

I need a life.

I love You Guys soo much and I thank you for those who still support me even though I abandoned you for a few months, almost a year…

I might make my other story Baldness! A multi-chapter story since I got some request for that. And I'm gonna fix it too.

Okay Bye!
