Five Rules to the Life in the Potter Family- by Lily Potter

Blame it on James- There is no point trying to blame it on Albus. He is the worst liar the word has ever seen. Or he is the best, and he tricks us all. No, he just can't lie. The problem is if I say it was Albus that ate the cookies and mum ask Albus, he is always going to tell her the truth. She gives him a lighter punishment if he doesn't try to lie, but still! On the other hand, there is James. He is always up to some new joke. He can be a bossy big brother but there is no one better than him as a partner in crime. He can come up with the best, and most crazy ideas. He is okay at lying, but everyone knows it was him that ate the cookies; even if it was me that ate the cookies I just need to say that James ate them. Or even better, say that James said I could eat the cookies. Just be careful and don't forget number two on the list!

If you want something, ask daddy- Face it: Mum grew up with six older brothers, she is never going to fall for the puppy face. She knows all the tricks. Every time we visit Gran and Gramp or some of our uncles, I see it. She doesn't need to do a thing! Also, she grew up in a family with little money, so when you ask her for the newest toy she is just going to shake her head and start to talk about how lucky all kids are today. I get the feeling that she talks about more than toys. Dad doesn't have any siblings, and he didn't get so many presents when he was little. He loves us so much and if I ask for something it is likely I will get it. Maybe I play on others' weaknesses, but I want that new dress.

Don't talk with strangers- This is really classical. Everyone hears it sooner or later. In our family, there is something special. Every time we are in the Diagon Alley, loads of people come and want to speak with dad. Sometimes it is Neville or Aunt Fleur, but most times it is people that we don't know at all. They speak with Dad as if he was an old friend and then they comment on how much I have grown. That is usually a bit awkward. But then there is some that are scary they scream at us; yell horrible things, even if I don't hear so much of it, Mum or Dad Apparate us directly home when we meet someone like that. They still make me nervous, why are they so upset?

Don't ask so much about the past- Of course, it depends on what past you think of. If I ask about stories from when I was little, Gran will show me loads of pictures. If I ask Mum about how she had it when she was little, she will tell me some. But Dad never talks about the past. He gives me a said smile and says that this time is the best ever. Once he said that he lived with his cousin Duldu, or something like that. But I know, I know, there is so much more. Something big that they won't tell me. Not only something that have to do with my family, many other adults get that sad look now and then. It is something sad in some of Mum's childhood stories she talks about her brother Fred. I don't have any uncle Fred, so something must have happened. But everyone gets upset if you ask, so it is better not to think about it. I believe Dad when he says I live in the best time.

Family is the best thing ever- I have my brothers, Albus and James, my mum and dad, but my family is so much bigger than that. Teddy is a part of our family; he is like an extra big brother and he can change his hair color! I have my grandparents. I have my uncles, all five of them. I have my cousins, even if it is hard to count them, they are so many! Hugo is my cousin, but he is also my best friend. One thing I know for sure, something that never will change: My family will always be there for me! No matter what they will always love me and I will always love them.


Thanks to my beta for this story, Ami.