Egypt:hey there and welcome to another chapter of Assassination! so in this chapter we get a window into the OC's life, and a glimmer of the magic happening! and yes, Atem is the same as Yami/Atem from Yu-gi-oh english dubbed episodes because i just love those episodes!

before you say anything I do NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh! ok? or its characters, only my OC and plot! got it? good.

now i hope you enjoy the story! and please (im begging, down on my knees here people!) please review alright? i apresiate critism ok? but i do not stand for insults and people just bitching about my work ok?

and just to be clear, its M because i'll probably put in a lemon later on and there will be fights and gorr later on ok?

now on with the story!

Chapter 2
She can't hide forever

Something dripped from her sword, landing with a thunderous sound as Atem stared into her eyes. Her face was splattered in red, hands stained, cloths black and blowing in the breeze.

"Why did you do it?" He demanded, trying to sound mad.

"Wouldn't you rather ask who I am and where I'm hiding?" She asked in a seductive voice. His heart started to hammer as he stepped closer to her. She smiled and walked up to him, going up in her tip toes and taking his face in her hands and kissed him passionately. He pulled her to him and returned the kiss with force, tracing down her slender body with his hand…

"Wwwhhhaaaaa!" Atem called out as he sat up in his huge bed, panting and sweating. "I'm getting tired of all these arousing dreams." He groaned. He sighed and got up, walking to his bathroom to take a bath. But the water did little to sooth him, lately all he could think about was that girl, where ever he went, and they weren't exactly cleanthoughts either.

A whole year has passed and not matter how good the hunters were that he sent out, they couldn't find her. Her name and description has travelled through his whole country and yet no peasants can identify her or bring her forward.

Atem had been Pharaoh for over eleven months now, he has ruled well and his people adore and respect him. Atem has successfully brought peace to his Kingdom and even with all his people supported him and he even had respect and help from foreign lands who were keeping an eye out, there has been no word whatsoever of this mysterious girl.

Yes Atem was furious and hated her for what she did to his father, but what he really wanted to know was why. Why had she killed him? Why didn't she kill Atem when she had the chance? He knew she could have easily with all the weapons on her belt. And why did she spare the lives of the guards? Who was she? What was she? Where was she?

Laying back in his bath Atem's hand went to the necklace there…

...The cartouche of the girl. He held up the small symbol, and for the millionth time in the past year, read the name so skilfully carved into the silver.

Neteru...meaning Angel.

What kind of name is that for a cold hearted killer? But…was she really a cold hearted killer? What was her story?

Atem stood and dried off, getting dressed in a hurry. He normally rose before the servants to get a head start on the day. He moved to his father's old office and shut himself in there, looking over paperwork, reading new documents.

He sighed and shook his head as he found yet another death threat. At first the threats were harmless and uncommon, just some of his people were itching for war, wanting to expand their empire. Atem, however, was not interested in such things. As long as his people were safe and well, that's what mattered to him. However the threats became more and more common as time went on, demonstrations took place, his guards and soldiers attacked in the night. Quite frankly he was getting sick of it and wanted to put an end to such selfish, cruel ideas, but he couldn't very well go attacking his own people, and he had no way of finding out where the letters were coming from. He sighed and sat back in his chair, rubbing his head and groaning.

A gentle know came to the door a moment later.

"Come in." He called. Shimon stood at the door, his father's oldest friend and his closest adviser. Atem was lucky enough to have him as well. "Ah Shimon, what is it?"

"I have some news that I think will please your highness very much." Shimon said while beaming with a smile. Atem nodded for the old man to enter and speak. Shimon did so and stood in front of his desk. "The Assassin who murdered your father had been captured and brought here to the Palace as we speak." Atem stood up at his words, so fast that his chair toppled over.

"Have her secured and brought to the throne room at once, but make sure she is not harmed." Atem commanded, leaving his room to go to the Palace Royal balcony to look out for her coming.

He waited as patiently as possible, tapping and drumming his figures to pass the time. Finally they were visible, men dragging a girl through the streets with people staring.

Now normally when a prisoner was brought through the streets in such a manner, they would though rocks and food at them shout and spit. Atem had been weary of this and had ordered his horse to be ready in case such an acted started so he could stop it.

But to Atem's astonishment, the people were silent; some were even bowing their heads and young women cried when they saw her. What is going on here? Atem thought to himself. Obviously there is more than meets the eye with this girl.

Atem entered the throne room just as the guards with their prisoner came into the palace. Atem took his seat then called her in. The huge wooden doors opened to show soldiers leading in a young girl, a neck brace around her slender neck, wrists tightly chained and dripping with blood, ankles in braces with a chain connecting them so she couldn't run away. They forced her onto her knees and grabbed her hair, forcing her to look up to their King. Atem had to bite his tongue to stop himself yelling at them for hurting her.

"So, you are Neteru." He said, eyeing her. Her hair colour was different, but those eyes were defiantly the same. Her eyes were like pink crystals, piercing, observant, and unnerving. Her hair was black, though he had remembered pink highlights the same colour of her eyes, and her skin wasn't white but a patchy gold. "I see you used dye to escape the description." The girl kept silent and just shrugged. Atem thought for a moment. "Who are you?" The girl met his eyes. He could see he had confused her with his question.

"Neteru, daughter of the late Nefer and Apep." Her voice rang through the hall, no hesitation, no shaking or uncertainty. Atem was shocked to hear how sweet but deep the voice was. She sounded and looked old enough to me maybe thirteen, yet the aura around her screamed experience, wisdom and knowledge to tell him otherwise.

"She's telling the truth." The keeper of the Millennium scales assured, stepping forward with the scales raised up to her.

"I recognise those names…" Shimon said thoughtfully. The girl laughed bitterly.

"I should hope so; my father and mother were nobles of Egypt. When my mother had me, they travelled to the coast to see relatives and let my grandparents see me, but on the way back our carriage was attacked, everyone brutally slaughtered except for me. The robbers took me and sold me off to a group who then trained me to be an Assassin within their small secret community in the dessert. The only reason you have me now is because they found me and brought me to your guards, and the only reason I'm telling you this is because they betrayed me."

"Truth." The bald guy spoke again, making Atem nod. At least she's being honest with us. He thought.

"How old are you?" Atem asked, again confusing the girl with his personal questions.


"Why did you kill our King?" Seth demanded in an angry voice.

"Because I was told to." She stated.

"Lie…wait, no…only half true." The girl rolled her eyes.

"Fine, my masters were paid for their top assassin to kill the Egyptian King." She said in an annoyed tone, giving the Scales guy evils enough to make Zork quake in fear.

"Who are your masters and are there more of you?" Atem asked, growing interested. The girl met his eyes again and sighed.

"Yes there's more, but I wouldn't be able to tell you who they are because we were mostly kept separate, especially me because I was the only girl. They wanted us to grow up cold and heartless, with no emotions and to be able to handle great amounts of inflicted pain so we would be tough. And as for whom my masters are and more detail into the Assassin cult...that is information best kept untouched for your safety and my own, Pharaoh." The girl said, never taking her gaze away from Atem's to show that she meant it.


"Ok baldy we get the picture I'm being honest, do you really have to state the obvious?" The girl asked sarcastically, tuning towards the Scales man who was now glaring at her, annoyed.

Atem laughed under his breath. Why wasn't be mad at her? What's wrong with him? She killed his own father yet he just couldn't bring himself to be mad at the small bold girl in front of him… Maybe because she was only following orders like his men would follow his orders to the end. That had to be it. Most people would be quaking in fear by this point of being in his presence because of his rank and importance, a God on earth, yet this girl in front of him treated him like any boy off the streets…and he liked it.

"Who paid your masters and where are they?" He demanded, coming to the real guilty ones now.

"Pharaoh?" Shimon asked confused.

"Neteru was only following orders given. If I gave orders to any of my guards to kill someone for me they wouldn't be the guilty ones would they? I would be because I had given the order. It's the same for this girl only more justified. From what we have heard, we know that she was raised to be a heartless killer, acting like a soulless being just following orders, much like a slave. No, she's not the responsible one but a pawn caught up in a battle. The real ones to blame and who need to be dealt with are her masters and who paid for my father's death." Atem said, low and dark. He knew he was right, everyone did.

"I want to help." Atem's head snapped up at the girl's word and voice. He looked at her, wide eyed in shock. "I want to help you. Those bastards have ruined my life and made me into something to fear and be ashamed of. I want revenge… But, I'm afraid I can't really help much. My masters were always careful about where we lived; they moved us around very often, never staying in the same place for too long and very returning to the same spot twice. And as for this mystery guy, I'm afraid I never saw his face, only heard his voice, once and it was a long while ago now." The girl side weakly. Atem could see the sadness building in her eyes. The girl touched her cheek when she felt something wet, pulling her hand away she stared at the moisture.

"They're called tears." Atem said, the girls head snapped back to him.

"T-tears?" Atem nodded.

"Your crying, people do that when their sad, happy, and in some cases really angry."

"Well I don't feel very good." She muttered. Atem chuckled softly, standing up and knelt by the girl, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"That's because you're sad." The girl frowned at the floor, making Atem chuckle again. "Don't worry, you'll catch on. Now, what are we going to do with you until we find those responsible…?" Atem thought for a moment.

"May I suggest something my Pharaoh?" Mana asked, finally speaking up. Atem nodded and she stepped forward. "Well, why not appoint her your personal guard? I mean, the demonstrations are growing more and more common now and who knows what they'll try next. I suggest we hire her to protect you and do some snooping around in the city to try and find out who's doing all this." Everyone stared at the brown haired girl in shock. "What?"

"Who are you and what having you done with Mana? Our Mana can't come up with sane and descent ideas like that." Atem said loudly, gaining sniggered around the room. Mama turned red and stuck her tongue out at him. The girl, still on the floor, frowned at such an interaction.

"Your Highness please, thinks through this. Are you really going to trust the girl who killed your own father with her bare hands? She doesn't even understand emotions or relationships!" Seth butted in, sounding strained.

"I know what I'm doing Seth. I have faith that Neteru will prove her loyalty to us and Egypt and serve us well." Atem said, sounding strong and sure. Seth held his tongue, not wanting to anger his King. Atem nodded to the guards. "Release her." They looked at each other, unsure and distrusting of the girl, but did as commanded.

Then the chains were dropped, Neteru rubbed her hands over her wrists and frowned again. She has such a cute frown. Atem thought to himself, amused by her strange way of reacting to things. Atem stepped up to her and took her hands examining her wrists. The girl just watched Atem carefully, observing his every move.

He's just so…different from everyone else… She thought to herself, finding herself interested the boy in front of her. Atem looked up and smiled.

"Come on, first we'll get these cleaned and bandaged up." He said, softly and sweetly to her. Neteru smiled a little and nodded. "Court is dismissed for today." Atem announced to everyone else, leading the girl by the hand out of the throne room.

The two travelled through the halls quickly. Atem could feel his heart racing. Finally I have her here with me. He thought and smiled. Maybe now my thoughts and dreams will rest and leave me the hell alone. But that last thought quickly vanquished as an image played on his mind of his latest dream, his girl under him, looking up at him and panting… SNAP OUT OF IT ATEM! You're a King! Not a pervert!

They finally reached Atem's rooms. He led her to the bed, gently pushed down on her shoulders so she sat and went on a search for a bowl and cloth. With hot water, mixed with lemon and salt, Atem gently dabbed the cuts and bruises on her wrists. The girl didn't even wince, even as he pressed harder, she just kept her eyes on him, watching in fascination.

"Doesn't this hurt you at all?" The girl just shrugged.

"I learnt to deal with pain a long time ago. What I'm more worried about is the instinct to attack." Atem looked up at her in shock; she smirked and rolled her eyes. "Relax King, I'm not going to. It's just another part of the training, attack and kill the one hurting you."

"There's one thing I don't understand…if you were taught to kill…and I punched you…why didn't you kill me? And why spare the guards? And give them something to make then forget…?" Atem watched her, to see if she would tell the truth or lie to him. Neteru sighed, but met is eyes.

"Because…because…I…" She sighed again. "Before I attacked, I'd been having awful nightmares…I see the faces and blood of all the people I've killed and they drag me down to Anubis and Amit eats me." She said quietly, looking away from him and letting another tear fall for the second time in an hour. Atem was astonished, by her words, and also an almost overwhelming desire to protect her and stop her sadness.

Neteru froze as she felt muscular strong arms hold her, and took a sharp breath when she felt the side of her face touch a well-toned chest, eyes widening when she heard a racing heartbeat. But she leaned into the hold, enjoying the warmth and comfort it supplied.

"Don't worry, you're with me now. And we'll protect each other." Atem whispered into her hair. Neteru nodded and smiled a little, feeling comfortable and relaxed for the first time in the Gods only knew how long. But then she tensed and grew rigid as a dark thought crossed her mind. "Neteru?"