Bless Mendoza (OC) & Catherine Rose belong to me. I don't own anybody else. This story is just purely for fun.
Summary: Bless Mendoza (Raw's PA and Drew McIntyre's girlfriend along with their friends find an abandoned baby. Follow their journey as they find out what to do with the little bundle of joy.
Sorry that I really stink at summaries...Enjoy reading the story!
Abandoned Baby
Chapter 1
The guys and gals had just finished the show and they were all hustling and bustling just to get ready to either travel to the next city or stop at the hotel for the ones who didn't want to travel till the next day.
Bless, Stephen (Sheamus), Drew McIntyre (Galloway), Randy Orton, and John Cena were all getting ready to leave the arena when Bless made a sudden stop when she heard something.
"Honey, come on." Her boyfriend Drew called to his girlfriend placing his bags in the rental as Randy pulled up.
"Shhh..."She told him hearing something from behind one of the dumpsters.
"What are you doing sweetie?" John asked as walked up to her.
"I hear something."She told him as she dropped her bag John managed to pick up and slung on his shoulder with a puzzled look on his face.
"Baby, we gotta go!"Drew called for his girlfriend who was inspecting something and looked quite puzzled himself wondering what was taking her so long.
The young PA managed to walk up to the dumpster where there were she heard little mewing sounds which peeked her curiousity. She began moving stuff around and was shocked to find a small infant in a basket full of baby stuff.
She looked around to see if anybody abandoned the baby and didn't see anyone. She wondered what kind of parents would leave their child behind in such a time like this.
The young PA then discovered a note on top of the blanket but no name left behind except the baby's name along with a few things.
Her name is Catherine Rose. Please take good care of her. Bless read as her boyfriend Drew came up behind her.
"Honey, what's that?"He asked after he got out of the car wondering what took her so long.
Bless turned to her boyfriend and gave him the letter as he frowned sadly wondering who wrote the letter and decided to give up their child.
The young girl picked up the young infant and rocked her."'s okay honey, I'm going to take care of you." She whispered picking up the little sobbing baby till her sobs died down to little sniffles.
"Hon, I think we need to take this lil' one to the hospital to make sure she's okay."Bless hoped this little infant wasn't hurt or harmed before she was dumped.
"I think that's the best idea baby."Drew suggested to her feeling bad for the little angel.
She picked up the rest of the things including with the basket and all making their way to the rental where the rest of the guys were in.
"Hey,where did this lil' munchkin come from?" John asked his friends as they came in the car.
"Actually B was the one who found her, she thinks this innocent lil' angel was abandoned by her mother, she found her by the dumpsters."The Scottish man explained looking over at his girlfriend making sure the baby was safe and warm.
The other guys were in shock to hear what was going on and couldn't believe someone would leave a baby behind especially in this cold weather.
"Randy, do you think you can drop Drew and I off at a nearby hospital to get the baby checked?" The PA asked the Viper. "Sure honey no problem."Randy understood as they drove in silence on the way there.
When they got to the nearest hospital, Bless told Randy she and Drew would catch a cab to the hotel back since she knew he and the guys had to be tired and they wanted to sleep. He asked if they were going to be okay as they reassured everything would be fine and they would explain all the details later.
The couple walked in to reception signing in to check in with doctor. Dr. Gina Alexander was a family fiend of her mother and a nurse who worked at the hospital so Bless was happy she knew someone.
After the baby had been checked out, she saw the baby was okay and healthy. She would call Bless back to find out if there was a DNA match to find out who this baby belonged too in a few days.
"Don't worry sweetie, I'm going to take care of you for a little while just until we figure out who your mom and dad are."Bless cooed to the young infant who was sleeping lightly in her arms looking down at her.
"You're so natural with her."The Scottish man smiled as he walked over to his girlfriend who was rocking the baby gently.
"I guess I have that special care with kids."She smiled at him sweetly.
"Drew, you wouldn't mind having a baby around the house would you?"The Raw PA asked her boyfriend.
"Not at all sweetheart, I think we could think of something for a while."He gave her a soft kiss then walked off to find a phone to call one of the guys or a cab that way they could get a good nights rest.
Bless smiled watching her boyfriend whom she loved so dearly. They've nearly been together for 1 year and been happy together eversince. It was love at first sight when she and Drew met through Stephen (Sheamus) and the Irish man could definitely see the love in their eyes the first time they met and never left each other's side after the first date.
"Seems like Randy is still up so he's coming to get us."Drew walked back to his girlfriend and the beautiful baby girl that was bundled up in a big pink fluffy blanket.
"Okay."The raven haired beauty smiled as he sat with her.
"She's beautiful isn't she?"She mentioned as she softly stroked the baby's little chubby cheek gently.
"Definitely like a little cherub."He chuckled smiling down at the little infant in his girlfriends arms.
"I can't imagine why anyone want to give away this little girl."She sighed sadly feeling bad for the abandoned little angel.
"Neither do I babe...I'm sure someone will claim her and would want her back."Drew told her as he rubbed her back knowing maybe one of the parents would want this little baby back and reunite with her.
"Drew, What if they don't want her, do you think we should keep Catherine because I don't want to see her go to a foster home and we could take care of her, you know be her parents and adopt her."Bless suggested to him and she wanted this little baby to have a life that she truly deserved.
"Honey, I don't know and what about when we travel?"The Scottish brunette told her.
"We could have the guys and girls help take care of her plus we have each other and I'm sure you would love to have a baby around wouldn't you?"She teased him as he smiled.
"Yeah I guess you're right sweetie, come on let's get this little munchkin and let's go home."He smiled as they stood up waiting for Randy out in front.
A few minutes later the Viper had arrived with the rental.
"So how did the thing go?"The Apex predator asked the couple about the baby that had been left behind earlier.
"We're taking her home till they can find her real parents, the doctor promised to call me as soon as the DNA results have come in till then Drew and I are keeping her."Bless said as she wrapped the little bundle joy warmly to keep her warm.
"Good thing that is you found her."The baby blue eyed wrestler said to her as Drew sat up in front with Randy.
"I agree, I feel so bad for this poor lil' thing, whoever abandoned her out here by herself has to be crazy or didn't even want her."Bless felt her heart break for the abandoned little girl and hoped she would find a good home and a good family to go too.
"I'm sure you and Drew will take good care of her for now just until they find her parents."Randy reassured her as she smiled.
"If nobody wants lil' Catherine, Drew and I thinking of adopting her."The PA told him wanting a baby of her own.
Randy felt really proud Bless would take full responsibility for a baby that was so small and defenseless. She looked like she would make a great mother for this child. She was right to take in this child and whoever abandoned this baby had to be out of their minds to not to want her. She was definitely a beauty that's for sure.
"Just incase I have some stuff in the back of my hummer that Alanna uses that the baby could use for the meantime just until we find out what to do with little Catherine."The Raw wrestler had some baby things that the baby could use when they got back at the hotel to settle for the night.
"Thanks Randy, you're so sweet."Bless appreciated what he was doing to help take care of the little infant girl.
"You're welcome sweetheart, I'd do anything for my best friend." He smiled at her warmly from the rearview mirror.
5 minutes later they got to the hotel quite exhausted and all they wanted to do is try and get some sleep.
The Raw superstar got some stuff out of the hummer putting it on the luggage trolley that way it was easier to get to their hotel room since they were taking the elevator up to the third floor.
Once they reached their floor, Bless and Drew stayed together in their room adjoining to Randy's room. Stephen (Sheamus) though was staying just across the hall on the same floor.
"Goodnight lil' angel."Bless smiled softly at the small little infant who lay sleeping in the portable playpen. Once she knew the lil' one was asleep, she snuggled with her handsome boyfriend.
Drew smiled sleepily at his girlfriend as he wrapped his big strong arms around her as she cuddled closely to his chest until sleep called out to them.