Abandoned Baby
Chapter 203
That evening the gang and Bless were making way through the club and saw many of their road friends and some that were with their significant others as well either hanging out at the bar, bouncing to the music, some gathered in the VIP sections of the club, drinking and eating, dancing, or just a few couples in the corner talking to one another until they were comfortable to go out to the dance floor.
"Where do you want to sit baby?" Drew asked as he had Bless on his arm looking for a place to sit.
"Anywhere is fine hon. As long as we're together is all that matters." Bless didn't mind where they sat as long as they were together she was fine wherever.
Drew led Bless to where the rest of the guys and girls were in the VIP section of the club where some like Jon (Jimmy Uso), Trinity, Joe (Roman) and his wife Galina, Jon and Renee, and Colby with some small circle of friends like Claudio (Cesaro), Xavier, Rami (Sami Zayn), Ettor (Big E), and Kofi just hanging out with the younger Shield member.
"Hey sweetie. Nice to see you out and about. We haven't seen you in awhile." Galina popped her head up and smiled when she saw Bless approach her and Joe's table side.
"Drew and the guys decided to bring me out tonight to hang out since it's been awhile since we haven't seen each other." Bless smiled softly at the curly haired female kissing her cheek and hugging her.
"Drew, it's about time you brought out the wife, we missed her." Galina mentioned to the Scot happy that Bless was able to be out with them.
"I decided to bring the Misses Out so her mum's nanny is watching the kids so Bless gets a break once in a while." Drew told the young doctor the update.
"Baby, anything you want to drink?" Drew asked sitting beside his wife.
"Just an apple martini to start off hon." She told him as he had his hand on her lap holding her hand intertwined.
"Alrighty." Drew nodded looking at the menu to see what he could order to drink and eat that way he could share it with his wife.
"Hey Drew. Nice to see you out and about." Alberto greeted his best friend as he walked into the club when he noticed the Scot right away and he had his girlfriend with him on his arm.
Drew chuckled as he raised his head up to see the Spanish native and stood up to hug him.
"Dude, hey. Since I had the night off with the guys over there…." Nodding off where Stephen and Stu were talking with some of the other guys in the other corner of the club where they stood. "We decided to go out tonight and I'm giving Bless a break from watching the kiddies and she could be out with me tonight."
"Nice. Hey Mrs. Mendoza." Alberto greeted Bless with a warm smile in her direction.
"It's Bless and no need to call me Mrs. Mendoza. It makes me feel old." Bless smiled at her husband's best friend glad to see him with a girl on his arm which she suspected could be his girlfriend.
"Hi. I'm Emilia. It's nice to meet you." The pretty brunette greeted Bless with a warm smile.
"Hi Emilia. I'm Bless. This is my husband Drew. It's nice to finally meet you." Bless greeted the young woman with a warm smile and reaching out to shake the woman's hand.
"Your girlfriend Berto?" Drew asked his best friend about the girl that his best friend brought with him.
The tall man nodded. "Yup. My girl Emilia who is talking with your girl."
"She's pretty. Good choice dude." Drew approved of his best friend's girl.
"Thanks amigo. I appreciate that. I hope things are also going well for you and Bless after what you guys have been going through. I've heard through the grapevine."
"All things are going well after our trial separation but we've worked things out and still married. I also love being a dad so it's the dad life for me." Drew chuckled softly mentioning about his kids how much he loved them.
Alberto was glad things were going well for the young Scot and his Misses and it seemed that they worked out their differences and now they were a young family with kids.
While the boys talked, Drew ordered some drinks for he and Bless and ordered some food that they could share together. They watched most of their friends file in the club and some making their way to their tables or meet up with the rest of the groups that were around.
"Here's your apple martini swee'ie." The Scottish man handed over his girl's drink.
"Thanks hon." Blesss smiled softly as she gently took the martini glass from him and took a sip.
"Mmmmm…" Bless mumbled as the flavor of the drink soothed her dry throat.
"What are you having baby?" Bless asked her hubby while sitting next to him watching the others having a great time.
"Just a Guiness pint love. I'm not sure if you would love the taste of beer but it's good." Drew mentioned what he ordered for himself. Usually beer was the only thing Drew settled with and he was okay with that even though he didn't drink a lot but just certain occasions like this one or when he was around friends.
"Can I try some?" Bless asked him if she could have a sip to see if see if she would would like it or not.
Drew chuckled softly how sweet Bless was to ask if she could try some.
"Just be careful baby. It's a bit bitter." He cautioned her letting her share his drink.
She then took a sip and made a face which Drew chuckled at how cute she was at the reaction of his drink.
"It is a bit bitter but not too bad I guess. I don't know how you guys drink this stuff but I guess it's just your taste buds that tolerate it." Bless guessed after tasting her hubby's drink before handing it to him as he nodded on his wife's wild guess.
Once their food had arrived, they both chowed down on pizza, chicken fingers, and fries.
"How's the food Bless, you liking it so far?" Galina asked the young woman how her order was since she Joe ordered steak.
"So far it's good so I can't say it's too bad." Bless approved of the food that was set at the table in front of her and Drew before grabbing some to eat.
After the couple ate and chatted with their friends at the table, Drew and Bless decided to join their friends to dance the night away and enjoy the rest of their evening.
"You look beautiful under the lights love." Drew admired how beautiful his wife was under the glimmering lights and she was dressed to the nine's in a long slick hip slit gown, her hair was up in a ponytail bun which was held by her headband, and she wore minimal makeup which made her look more cuter than he could imagine.
"Thank you honey." Bless blushed at her husband's compliment at the way he admired her.
Drew then grabbed something from his pocket and opened it to show Bless which was a pendant wrist locket he got her which glimmered beautifully and on the center were their initials together in a silver heart.
"Honey, this is too much." Bless said shocked at the gift that her husband got her.
"This is something from me sweetheart as my promise to be always devoted to you and to show you how much I love you." The Scot promised her as he grabbed the locket out of the velvet case and put it around Bless' wrist before clasping it together as the heart dangled with their initials under her wrist and the heart charms on the bracelet swung softly together in tune.
"It looks beautiful on you." Drew knew it was the right time to give Bless something he always wanted to give her.
"Sweetie, thank you. I love you." He then pulled her into a passionate soft kiss while threading his fingers into her soft curly hair.
"Love you." Drew rasped softly breaking the kiss placing his forehead into Bless' while looking into her beautiful brown orbs.
"Hey love birds. Break it up kiddos." Jon joked as he and Renee stood beside the couple watching the lovey dovey couple.
Drew and Bless blushed at the words of their colleague who was dancing beside them along with his girl Renee who giggled softly and gently slapped her boyfriend's chest in gesture.
"Leave them alone honey. Let the love birds be." The blonde hair ring announcer teased her man seeing how in love the Galloway's were with each other and hoped one day she and Jon could be like that once they settled down.
Drew chuckled good naturedly at his colleague and playfully flipped the bird at him which Jon laughed at but took in stride teasing the lovey dovey young couple.
Galina and Joe who just also walked out to the dance floor, they smiled at Drew and Bless who were in each other's arms and just enjoying the moment like it was just the two of them and nothing else mattered.
During the night, the couple, the guys, and everyone else gathered at a big table enough for all of them as they bonded over good conversations, drinks, and good food, catching up on each others lives, and happy memories.
"Sweetie, that bracelet looks beautiful on you. Did you buy that?" Brie who was sitting next to Bless and to her left was her boyfriend Brian Danielson (Brian Danielson) who sat with them and noticed the bracelet on her wrist.
Bless shook her head. "Drew gave it to me awhile ago." Bless mentioned to one half of the Bella Twin sisters showing her the bracelet that was dangling on her wrist her hubby had given her earlier.
"That looks so cute on you." Brie smiled at how cute the bracelet was on her friend.
"I know right. I love how Drew was so thoughtful to get something." Bless smiled at her hubby who smiled back and pecked her lips.
"Awwwww… you two are so cute together." The other half of the Bella Twins gushed watching them.
"Woooo girlie, that is a beauty." Galina too noticed what she was looking at when she looked at the gorgeous pendant shining under the lights when it dangled on her best friend's wrist. Bless was a lucky girl to have someone as special as Drew was to give her something so special.
"Thank you Lina." Bless smiled toward the curly haired woman.
"What's beautiful Lina?" Kim, Randy's new girlfriend asked as she came up to the girls to sit down while waiting for Randy as she had her cosmo in one hand.
"Bless' new bracelet Drew got her." Galina gushed about her friend's new jewelry accessorry.
"Ooooo let me see B." Kim smiled to see the piece of jewelry Drew had gotten her and wanted to see it and wanted to approve if Drew had good taste in jewelry.
Bless raised her arm a bit to let the young woman inspect her jewels.
"Oooooo girl, that's a Tiffany bracelet….. that's beautiful for sure." Kim approved of the said pendant bracelet with the silver chained heart charms and heart with their initials engraved on it which shone on Bless' wrist which lit up in the dimmed room.
"Really, a Tiffany?" Bless asked one of her best girlfriend's who she had became close with eversince Randy introduced to her and since then she and Kim grew close and became good friends.
The black haired pony tailed woman nodded with a smile knowing her jewelry.
"Yup it's definitely a Tiffany but it looks great. Drew has great taste that's for sure." Kim approved of Bless' new accessory and she approved of Drew's jewelry taste and it wasn't too much for Bless. It was perfect, elegant, and yet simple.
Bless was glad to have a friend's approval of said bracelet and she thought it matched her outfit of the night as well she decided to wear since it had been a while she dressed nice for one night.
"And your dress is perfect for tonight's occasion which fits with your bracelet." Galina gushed at her friend's cute dress and how it fit her curves. She looked like she didn't have a baby at all.
"Thank you Gal. I decided to look cute for one night and enjoy it while I can since it's not very often I dress up for certain occasions."
Randy soon walked up to the scene and smiled at the women who were bonding while downing his beer he had while sitting next to his girlfriend.
"Having a good night girls?" Randy asked the women that were sitting around bonding and watching the others dance the night away.
"We are baby. We're just pretty much bonding and relaxing." Kim added in as she and the women were watching their friends enjoying themselves.
"Drew, do you want to go up and dance?" Bless turned to her hubby and asked if he wanted to dance since the girls were under the dimmed lights of the club slow dancing with their significant others.
"Sure." He nodded turning towards the love of his life and softly grabbed her hand as the other gushed at how cute they were following in lead with their men leaving their drinks behind to drink later and enjoy the rest of the evening.