Another new story I decided to make with the former NEXUS boys and my own OC which I created. Enjoy the story.
Blessing in Disguise
Chapter 1
It was any regular day Charlotte Maria Kensington and a bunch of her friends had just finished clubbing and were about to head out.
"Girls, I think I'm just going to walk home tonight."Charlotte told her friends as they walked out of the club.
"Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself?"Her friend Dina asked not sure if she should leave her friend by herself at this time of night when she knew it could be dangerous.
"Dina is right Char, I don't know if we should leave you."Her best friend Casey spoke up not wanting to leave her friend on her own.
"Girl's, I'll be fine, you girl's go on, you two hang out or something I'm just going home to relax."The brunette female reassured giving her friends a hug but they were still unsure if they should leave their companion alone.
"Okay, just be safe."They sighed nodding walking away to hang out at Dina's house while Charlotte just wanted to be alone for a while at their apartment to go rest.
While walking on her own, The young woman felt maybe her friends were right maybe she shouldn't be on her own but what could she do now but she was stubborn to get any help to go home with.
A few minutes later she felt being pulled to the side roughly and a hand over her mouth. She knew she was being mugged. "Please don't hurt me..."The 26 year old female mumbled shaken and feeling scared.
"Give me your purse and money lady..."The guy threatened her."No!"She told him softly clutching to her stuff tightly.
"Listen, if you don't give me what you have, you will get hurt and I'm not afraid to hurt you."Again he threatened her as he shook her roughly.
"Please just go away and let me go!"The young woman screamed trying to fight the much bigger man.
"I guess you don't have any choice do you?"He told her glaring as he threw her against the wall causing her head to hit the concrete behind her as he clutched at her throat choking her.
Charlotte tried fighting off but it was no use as he finally threw her grabbed her things from her that fell to the ground and threw her down causing her to black out as he ran off into the night.
The former NEXUS members had just finished clubbing and enjoying the night winding down after a show when they heard a sound of sobbing as they were just head out going to their hotel.
You guys hear something?"The Former NEXUS member Justin Gabriel asked his friends as he picked up a sound of a female crying.
" just be hearing things bud,come on man."Stu aka Wade Barrett reassured his young high flying friend putting an arm around his neck reassuring him maybe he was hearing things or his mind was playing tricks on him.
This time the red headed Ginger Ninja also heard something which made him stop and maybe his best friend was right."Heath, you comin'?"Stu asked as he saw the young southern one man rock band stop in his tracks behind him.
"I think I agree with PJ (Justin),something is definitely not right, I think I hear something too."He spoke up looking around to pick up the sounds of a girl crying or something.
Stu looked around as Zeke also stopped along with the guys wondering where those sounds were coming from.
"I told you my mind wasn't playing tricks on me."The South African man told the Preston Native as he heard the sounds of a females cries get louder and ran to see where the sound was coming from.
"I'm going over there."He told his group separating from them.
"I'm coming with you Peej."Heath went to join his friend just to make sure he had company and didn't want his friend to be alone to search what or who his buddy was looking for.
Stu wondered where they were going as he ran over with Zeke to run over with the two men that went in search of a crying girl.
"Guys,OVER HERE!"PJ yelled where the location where he was as he saw to be a pretty female about to be 26 years old hugging her knees together rocking back and forth scared to death.
The trio ran to where their good friend was and were shocked at their discovery of a young female crying.
"Miss...are you okay?"The South African wrestler asked softly walking over to her.
"Please go away..."The woman sobbed looking up wanting to be left alone.
"Sweetie, we're not here to hurt you,do you trust me?"Justin asked extending his hand out to her.
"What?"She looked confused up her savior or saviors that stood before her.
"My name is PJ also known as Justin..."Before he could say anything she cut him off when she recognized the man's accent.
"Gabriel..."She meekly finished with a sniffle.
"How did you...?"He asked that she knew his name.
"My room mate and I watch wrestling every chance we get."She slowly told him as she brushed away her tears.
"Okay."He understood nodding getting somewhere with this young girl.
"But miss..."He finished to ask if everything was okay.
"My name is can call me that."She spoke to him softly a little shaken.
"Char...are you okay...why are you out here by yourself nonetheless?"The South African Native asked curiously.
"I got mugged after separating from my friends after clubbing and just wanted to go home alone...I guess I was stubborn and didn't listen and ended up here."She winced at the pain that her head was hurting and probably would have a concussion or something and she felt pretty shaken up after her ordeal.
"My friends and I can take you to the hospital if you want and maybe you can come to our hotel and call your friends to let them know you're okay."Justin felt sincere and knew Charlotte probably needed some medical attention after what had happened to her.
"I couldn't let you do that...I don't want to trouble you or your friends."She said if she felt like she were a burden.
"Sweets,it's no problem, please trust me."He let her know wanting to help this young lady.
She slowly took his hand and wobbled a little in pain.
"Here, let me help you up."Justin took Charlotte into his arms carrying her bridal style to Stu's car.
Heath,Justin,Charlotte were in back while Zeke rode up front with Wade who was the driver.
" alright?"Wade spoke up as he saw his former NEXUS friend carry a young woman that Justin found.
"She's pretty banged up Stu, I think she also may have to bring her to a near by hospital just to make sure she's okay plus I think the mugger took her things so is it alright if we take her to the hotel just to let her notify her friends she's okay?"Justin wondered while cradling the damsel in distress into his arms letting her know she was okay.
"Yeah I think that would be best."The big man answered getting into the driver's side watching Justin and the girl in his arms in the back.
" head."Charlotte winced at the pain causing a headache to occur.
"It's okay Char...we're almost there."Justin tried comforting the young girl to his ability.
When they got to the hospital, Heath helped his best friend take Charlotte in.
"May I help you gentleman?"A pretty nurse asked the men who walked in with the 26 year old girl.
"Yes, we found this girl this evening and wondering if any of you can help her."Heath told the pretty blonde nurse at the desk concerned for Charlotte.
"Charlotte?"Annie was shocked when she recognized the girl who was in Justin's and Heath's arms.
"You know this girl?"Justin questioned the nurse.
"Yes, she's a pediatric nurse that works here, here let me get one of the other nurses to help me with her."She walked to find another nurse that could help her out.
After finding one fellow comrade to help, they attended to the young girl immediately as Justin and Heath to sit and wait to find out if this girl they found was going to be okay.
Stu and Zeke managed to find a parking space and walked in the hospital to see Justin and Heath in the waiting room."hey guys, is that girl going to be okay?"He asked in concern for the woman who was mugged.
"We don't know so far...One of the nurses recognized her and took her in to get her examined."the male red head told his former NEXUS leader shrugging feeling sympathy for the troubled girl.
The guys nodded and sat with them.
After a couple of minutes, one of the nurses walked in to see the guys in the waiting room who brought in their friend and they looked to be concerned. She was thankful for them finding her in the nick of time.
"Excuse me gentle man, which of you guys brought in Charlotte?"Annie one of the head nurses asked as she just walked guys lifted their heads and Justin stood up first.
"I did, is she okay?"PJ was quite concerned for the pretty girl.
"Char is okay as far as bumps and bruises though and she has a minor concussion but other than that, there wasn't really much damage to her done."Annie explained to him and his friends who sighed in relief.
"She's been asking for you and a guy named Heath though."She warmly smiled.
"I'm PJ and this is my friend Heath."PJ introduced himself and Heath."Those other two knuckleheads sitting over there are also my friends Wade (Stu) and Zeke."He let her know softly chuckling.
"How did you guys find her?"Curiosity got to her how she wound up in that kind of condition.
"Um...well my friends and I happened to find her when we were just coming out of the club since we were winding down after a show we just finished and happened to hear her crying and that's when I thought I heard something and my friends didn't quite believe me and my best friend here Heath, heard it too so we went to go investigate while the two just followed."Justin explained the whole story of what happened.
"Well it's nice meeting you guys and I'm thankful you guys found Char, I talked to her briefly and seems to be okay as far as she was just a little shaken but it may take a while for her to heal after her ordeal. You guys may see her in room 114 just one door to the left."The nurse let them know as they nodded thanking her.
"You guys comin'?"Justin asked Stu and Zeke who were seated." and Heath go on ahead first, we'll wait on you guys."Stu let them go first then they would follow if they needed them.
Heath and Justin nodded getting up from their seats to go to find Charlotte.
As soon as they made it to the room, Justin knocked on the door before opening it to hear a small voice say to come South African opened the door gently as Heath followed to see Charlotte lying in bed with some stuff hooked up to her as she was sitting up in bed.
"Um...Charlotte right?"PJ spoke up walked up to her bed side."
Yeah that's me...hi."She smiled weakily up at him."How are you feeling darling?"He asked her."I'm okay thanks, you didn't have to stay..."She giggled softly feeling herself blushing at the young man that stood beside her.
"I just wanted to come in with my friend Heath just to say hi and wanted to make sure you were okay."He felt concerned for her well being.
"That is very sweet of you guys but thank you for coming to my rescue tonight, I guess I really should've been more careful instead of walking on my own and didn't realize it would get me into some trouble."She appreciated their help remembering how they came to help her.
"It was our pleasure sweetheart."Heath took the turn to speak as he took her hand and gently rubbed it."None of us guys want to see a pretty girl like you get hurt and we're glad you're alright."Justin smiled sweetly and gave her forehead a kiss as she lightly giggled at his sweet touch.
"So...when are you allowed of this joint?"Justin had to ask her if it didn't bother her to ask.
"Tomorrow morning, I'm just here for observations but really I'm okay Justin...You and Heath don't have to stay with me and I'm sure you guys have to be beat after your matches tonight."She felt she was taking up their time when they could be out somewhere else.
"Honey, don't worry about that now, we're fine besides we wanted to help you and here we are now with you besides who knew you knew us?"Justin laughed softly scratching the back of his neck.
"My room mate and I are wrestling fans since we were teenagers and we watch it religiously."She told them with a small smile."Oh yeah, who are your favorite wrestlers?"The one man rock band was curious.
"Actually I have a lot of favorites and I kinda like Justin while my best friend Dina has a crush on you but really adores Wade Barrett."She laughed remembering how Dina told her how much she liked Heath and how hot he was but she was crushing more on the Preston Native.
"Awwww shucks."Heath blushed cutely thinking it was cute that her friend happened to have a crush on him mainly.
Justin couldn't help but smile on the inside and liked this girl a lot when he heard his name being mentioned.
"By the way,where are your other two handsome buds at?"She was curious about their friend Stu they called him and knew him as Wade Barrett and their other friend Zeke.
"Stu and Zeke said they would come in later, they're in the waiting room."Heath told her where the other men were.
"I feel so bad for keeping you guys, they must be waiting on you two."She felt maybe the two men were waiting for Justin and Heath.
"I don't want to keep you guys too long if you guys have to travel or head back to the hotel, I don't to be a bother."Justin thought Charlotte was so cute and very thoughtful he thought to himself and thought of others instead of herself.
"Well...I don't know about Heath,Wade,and Zeke but I'll be gladly to stay with you if that's okay."Justin didn't mind staying just to make sure Charlotte was A-Okay till the next morning and didn't want to leave her side besides he wanted to get to know her more better.
"Jus..."She was cut off by him.
"Sweetie, call me PJ."He smiled at her.
"Okay...PJ then."She giggled."You don't really have to stay, I'm sure you got to go somewhere tomorrow with the guys."She felt bad for him and knew maybe he needed the rest.
"I don't really got to go anywhere besides we're in town for another night here in Chicago till the next day so I can stay."He reassured her with a warm smile.
"Gentlemen, visiting hours are over."Annie happened to walk by her friends room to let them know that way Charlotte could get some rest."
Ann, is it okay if I can stay here with Char?"Justin read the nurses name tag on her smiled at the handsome young man and nodded politely.
"Sure you may honey, I'll bring you some pillows and a blanket if you need them."She smiled.
"Heath, I'm sure you're tired man, why don't you head back with the guys to the hotel while I'll stay here with Miss Charlotte?"Justin suggested to his best friend.
"Yeah I guess I could use some shut eye after tonight's event."Heath nodded feeling tired and ready to hit the hay.
"Charlotte, feel better soon and take care of my boy will ya?"He asked her a favor as he lightly kissed her cheek and gave her a small hug.
"I promise..take care of yourself Heath and thank you for being here."She smiled warmly at the ginger man.
"You're very welcome."He let her know as he turned to Justin.
"Man, are you sure you're staying tonight?"He wanted to make sure his friend was staying with the pretty brunette.
"I'm sure bro,go on ahead,I'll stay one night with Char just to make sure she's alright till tomorrow morning."Justin was sure he wanted to stay with the pretty girl he just met hours ago and wanted to make sure she was okay and felt even more bad if he had to leave.
"You got it bad man."His best friend knew it.
"No, I don't man...I'm just here to help that's all."Justin smiled towards the now sleepy girl in bed.
"MMhmmm sure, anyways take care of her and I'll tell the guys we're heading out and we'll be back in the morning."Justin understood and nodded as the best friends hugged before Heath parted to get his friends in the waiting room.
"You're friend seems so nice and caring."Charlotte noted mentally to tell PJ about Heath.
"He's like a brother from another mother and we get along, the guy could be a goofball sometimes too but in another way he's very caring indeed."PJ responded to her about Heath telling her about him.
"Any way enough about me, how are you really?"He wanted to know getting closer to her while resting his chin on his arms watching her closely looking into her beautiful hazel eyes.
"Like I said earlier I'm doing okay except with a few minor bumps and bruises and will recover quickly plus a minor concussion but I should be fine."She reassured the African native with a small smile looking into his eyes and couldn't help see how beautiful they were.
"I'm glad to hear you will make a quick recovery sweetie."He smiled that he was happy to hear about her condition and she indeed was a strong willed girl.
A few minutes later they chatted up a storm and found out each other's interests finding out they had some things in common with one another until Annie came in to give PJ a cot,pillows, and blankets and asked if he and Charlotte needed anything before leaving the room to them.
Annie smiled at her friend and they seemed to be getting along pretty great with one another. They seemed like long lost friends that found each other.
An hour passed by, Charlotte needed to use the bathroom before she wanted to just pass out and sleep.
"Hon,do you need some help?"PJ asked her helping the young girl out of bed."Could you Peej?"She hoped he didn't mind.
"Of course, here take my hand."She slipped her tiny hand into his large one and smiled sweetly as he helped walked her into the lav while he waited outside the door for her.
When she was finished, she flushed the toilet then washed her hands. She met PJ who was outside the door waiting for her to help get her back into bed.
"There you go, all tucked in."He warmly smiled helping her fluff her pillows that way she was comfortable and straightened up her blankets to keep her warm.
"Thank you so much PJ."The young pediatric nurse appreciated his help."You're welcome honey."He softly kissed her forehead which she thought was a sweet gesture on his part before setting up his cot to go to sleep.
"PJ...may I ask you a request?"The pediatric nurse asked if he didn't mind.
"Do you need anything...are you hurting anywhere?"He turned to her in concern while taking her hand as she smiled at him which she thought it was cute he felt concern towards her.
No...No I'm not hurt but I was just wondering if you could come in here and hold me."She asked in a small voice feeling shy and blushing at the same time.
"Are you sure Char, I don't want to hurt you or anything."The South African hottie didn't want to hurt her in any way since she was still recovering.
"PJ, I'll be fine...I just want some company and I just don't want to be alone."She slowly took his hand and squeezed it as he felt the electricity from her touch go through him.
She nodded as he slowly took off his shirt tossing it on the chair leaving him in his black sleeveless tank top which showed off his defined muscles and took off his sneakers placing underneath the chair he previously sat in.
The young brunette took in every feature of her handsome savior and felt herself blush being close to him and he smelt so good.
She scooted over a little letting him get in with her
"Are you okay Char?"He asked her in a soft voice cradling the pretty girl in his warm and yet strong arms.
"Yeah, I'm okay...Thank you PJ."She smiled softly at him while meeting his eyes as she felt safe in his embrace.
"You're welcome sweetheart."He whispered in his thick accent bending his head down to kiss her forehead.
"Char, I hope you don't mind me waking you up a couple of times in a few hours just to make sure you're okay."He told her the need to wake her just for safety precautions as he gently squeezed her left hand into his.
She nodded against his chest yawning before her eyes closed drifting off."Good night baby girl."PJ whispered to her before he too let sleep consume him.