It was finally the weekend. PJ was upstairs in the empty office they would use as the baby's nursery and pondering where to start and looked through the various paints and art decors for the room.
"Hey Peej, you in here?" The country bumpkin called out to his best friend looking for him after setting down the pizza boxes and beers on the table downstairs in the kitchen table they could eat and drink once they were finished. Meanwhile Stu was manning the grill along with Ste (Sheamus) who also PJ invited over since after all he was Stu ' s best friend and decided to join along.
RY (Zeke) was also arriving soon along with Fred (Darren Young) since all of them were pretty good friends so the more the merrier to help in the nursery.
"Yup. In here Heath." The South African told his best friend where he was. The redhead followed PJ'S voice making his way to the nursery to walk in to see PJ pouring the paint in the paint basket and getting the rollers and paint brushes ready.
"Someone's excited." The southern bumpkin chuckled seeing his best friend ready to painting the walls.
"Gosh Heath, Char and I are both excited for the baby to get here already and can't wait to hold our daughter in my arms." The country redhead could tell the excitement in his best friend's voice he was happy to be a dad. He was equally happy for the South African man and his girlfriend. They were going to be wonderful parents to their little one.
He never imagined that PJ got this far from being a superstar to being a dad. His best friend was growing up by leaps and bounds. He knew that their baby was going to have the coolest mom and dad in the world and the most awesome aunts and uncles.
"You and Char are going to be the coolest parents ever to your kid and have the most awesome aunts and Uncles though not by blood." Heath had to tell him honestly.
The high flier smiled at best friend's compliment and felt touched by it. Not only did he have these guys as colleagues, they were his best friends and brothers.
"Thanks man. That means a lot."
"I can't believe my best friend is going to be a dad soon. You've definitely grown up bro."
"And not only that Heath, I've found the girl of my dreams and someday going to ask her to marry me. The first time I laid eyes on Charlotte, I knew I was in love with her."
Heath smiled at the soon to be dad and ruffled his hair. Yup his boy was going to do just fine as a father and maybe one day a husband to the love of his life.
"Heath, can I ask you something?" The Capetown man asked.
"Yeah sure bro. Anything." Heath nodded helping PJ setting up before opening the window that they wouldn't breathe in the paint fumes.
"Well...since after you're my best friend and brother from another mother, how would you and Steph be the godparents to mine and Charlotte's baby and my best man if I ask Charlotte to marry me?"
The Virginia native felt deeply touched when his best friend asked him that.
"Bro, I would love to and I'm sure to ask Steph once she gets home. She's going to jump for joy."
I always wanted you to be part of our family Heath plus you're my best friend since we started working together. Our little girl is going to have her Uncle Rock band and Aunt Stephy if something ever happens me and Charlotte. I know we could depend on you two since you and I are close as family."
"Don't worry man. We'll always make sure to give her all the love in the world and promise to take care of her." Heath promised him as PJ gave him a hug knowing he could trust his best friend with his and Charlotte's child if ever something happened to him or Charlotte.
"Hey, what's with the bromance in here?" Stu ' s big booming voice asked seeing the two guys have a man to man talk.
The two men chuckled when they saw their best friend and former Nexus\Correct leader who finished manning the grill and heard the guys were talking while Ste was just behind him.
"Just catching up and bonding big man." PJ told the Brit with a smile.
"The burgers and hotdogs are done and cooling off downstairs if you boys are hungry." The Brit told them since he finished barbecuing out back.
The boys thanked Stu and told him they would eat later once the nursery was done being painted.
Stu and Ste decided to help them get started on the painting that way it was done before Char and the girls got back by seven.
As soon as RY and Darren got to the house, they knew where PJ and the boys were since none of them were downstairs and likely in the nursery with the guys getting started.
Once the nursery was fully painted, they smiled at their handiwork. Charlotte was going to love this surprise once she got home.
"Nice job guys. Once this finishes drying, I think it's safe to say we could get started on the furniture and bringing them in." PJ smiled at their hard work that had been done to the room and loved the theme color he and Charlotte had gotten at the hardware store and thought the colors they picked out were perfect.
He couldn't wait to put the finishing touches to the nursery by putting in the furniture in the room.
"I think we did a job well done too lads. Let's wait for the rest of the paint to dry then we'll help wolf boy here bring in the rest of the stuff before the girls get home." Stu added in his two cents staring at the artwork done in the nursery. This nursery was going to belong to a beautiful little princess in a few months once the baby was here.
While the paint was drying, they decided to have lunch and snacks after a hard days work and celebrate PJ becoming a father.
"So...Peej, how does it feel becoming a dad?" Stephen was the first to ask his good friend.
The South African smiled. "To be honest I'm nervous yet excited. I can't wait till the little princess to be here and it's all going to sink in once she's here." He truthfully answered the Irishman.
Fred chuckled and patted his back. "You're going to be a great father dude. Once you hold that little bundle of joy, you're going to fall in love with your child."
"Here here man. I can a test to that being dad myself with two kids. Any time you and Charlotte need any parenting advice, you're more than welcome to ask us." The 6'3 wrestler told PJ patting his back as the smaller man smiled grateful for a friend and mentor like Ry.
"I guess Char and I are going to get used to sleepless nights once the little one is here."
RY patted his back once again. "Don't worry man. You guys will adjust once the little one learns to sleep through the night."
The redhead then turned to him.
"Have you guys decided on names for the little one yet?" He was curious to know what baby names the couple picked out.
PJ nodded. "We have. We have some names we narrowed down we both love."
The guys around him were anxious to know what they picked and hoped they picked out the cutest names for the little princess.
"Charlotte loves the names Neveah Elise, Divina Liliana, and Kayla Ruby and as for myself I picked out Savannah Brianne and Morgan Rose." The Capetown boy told the names they picked out.
"I love Neveah Elise, it suits the princess to be honest." Heath loved the names and it was unique for his god daughter.
"Then that should be princess' name. What do you think guys?" The South African sensation asked the guys who nodded and agreed once they heard Neveah which was Heaven spelled backwards and they loved the middle name.
"A beautiful and gorgeous name for the little lady. You should tell Char once she gets home." Stu spoke up loving the little girl's name. It was suited well for a princess.
The soon to be father nodded making sure to make mental of telling his girlfriend.
When the nursery finished painting, the guys decided to get the rest of the nursery finished by the time the girls arrived and Charlotte would be surprised.
As soon as Char got home with the girls, they found the guys watching some sports game on the tv.
"Hey baby. How was your day with the ladies?" PJ smiled when he saw Charlotte to give her a kiss.
"It was good honey. It seems like you had company." She noticed the guys sitting around watching tv besides Stu who got up from his seat to kiss Dina hello.
"I invited them over if that was okay. We have a surprise for you." He told the mother of his child who gasped.
"A surprise, oh Peej..."
"That's why the guys are here. We want to show you something ain't that right guys?" He turned to the guts who heard him and smiled at the sweet couple as Stu came up with Dina in his arm.
He's right love. We guys have a surprise you'll absolutely love." He added with a warm smile.
"What did you guys do all day that got you guys all so happy?" The redhead in his arms asked her beau.
"That you'll have to wait and see love." Stu chuckled not letting out the surprise to his girlfriend.
"You guys are spoiling our girl today I see." The blonde room mate known as Casey giggled knowing the boys were up to something by the Cheshire grins they had.
"You want to go up and see it baby?" PJ asked his girlfriend who nodded as the Irishman turned off the tv to follow him with the girls tagging along to see the reaction on Charlotte's face when she saw the nursery. She was going to FLIP!
"When they arrived up the stairs, PJ asked to borrow one of Heath ' s extra bandanna he wasn't using to use as a blind fold.
"Babe, why am I blind folded?" Charlotte asked her love.
PJ slowly opened the door then opened the pink curtains to the windows causing the two girls behind Char to gasp when they seen the art work and the nursery fully furnished. The guys had outdone themselves.
"Heath, would you do the honor of taking off the blind fold once you lead my love in here?" PJ requested the country bumpkin to take off his bandanna once he walked the brunette in the room.
"Come on darlin." Heath smiled as the guys and gals stood back watching the whole scene unfold.
They couldn't wait to see the reaction she was going to get and they know she was going to love it.