Sorry guys, I met to update on Wednesday but I had basketball tryouts. I know I'm always making excuses, but so sorry! Well here we are chapter four.

Disclaimer. Sad to say I do not own Twilight. No Copyright intended.


Chapter 4- First Game- BPOV

I woke up feeling wonderful. I practically skipped out of bed, which sadly resulted into me falling and bruising my shins. I walked the rest of the way to my small but cozy kitchen. Taking out the Lucky Charms, I poured them into a bowl. Adding milk I grabbed a spoon, and put everything back where it went.

I've been in New York for over two weeks now, and I haven't seen Edward, which usually plummeted my mood. I don't know why I'm thinking of him. I've only ever seen him that one time. I mean his bronze hair is kind of hard to forget. And those eyes- Shaking my head I tried to forget about Edward today was Twilight's first softball game and I need to focus.

My appetite was gone by then. I cleaned out the bowl in the sink, and went to take a shower. Scrubbing every particle of hair on my head, I let the warm water wash over my head. When the water system had enough, I reluctantly got out. Wrapping my hair in a towel, and doing the same to my body, I walked out of my bedroom.

I glanced at my clock, and blanched at the time. It was 10:53, and my game was at 1:00. I hurried into a plain white sports bra, and put my grey jersey on over it. It had the word Twilight in the front, and my number thirteen in the back, with my last name. Swan.

Putting on some cotton underwear that matched the bra, I slipped on my Nike softball pants. I slipped on a pair of white socks, and slipped on my Adidas slides on, and packed up my sports bag. I threw in my midnight blue softball shoes in there with an extra set of clothes, and necessities.

I practically ran out of my room, careful to lock the door behind me I glanced at the screen of my iPhone4, it read 11:16. I knocked on Alice and Rosalie's door only to get no answer.

Esme told us we needed to be on the field two hours early and I was already running late. I ran to my Kia Soul. It was silver, and a going away present from my mom and dad. Driving over any legal speed limit, I drove to the official stadiums downtown. I parked my car in the first parking spot I found, and got out quickly locking the door after grabbing my bag.

Luckily I wasn't the only one late. As soon as I walked in the stadium I saw a couple more players strolling in. One being Jessica Stanley herself. And also that Charlotte girl.

"Bella! I thought you would never make it." She gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. I looked at her funny and turned to Rose who wasn't at all acting funny. She did give me a hug, but it was just as awkward.

"Bella." Rosalie acknowledged.

"Yeah so thanks for waking me up this morning. I thought it was real fun to show up to our first game fucking late!" I was seething, but the anger was fading just as quickly as it was brought on.

"We knocked, but your shower was on, so we waited. But then it turned 10:30 and we needed to leave." Rosalie explained.

"Who cares, Esme isn't even here yet. She's probably getting it on with Coach Cullen." I saw Rennesmee look over her with a disgusted look on her face. I guess she heard us.

"Gross guys!" She yelled and moved farther down the field.

"Coach Cullen?" I asked.

"Yeah he's the new coach for the Yankee's and he's also Esme's husband. But apparently we're going to be watching their game after ours to see strategies and such. Esme texted me earlier today. But don't look so horrified, all of our team has to do it. And we are lucky, we are playing our top rivals today. The Volturi." I was about to respond to Alice's monologue, but Esme finally came, and we all had to start warming up.

After a hour of stretching, and warming up I was pumped. The game was about to start, and the crowd was filing in. I looked around at all of the unfamiliar faces. I just knew I would love this more than anything. Suddenly their was a flash of bronze in my peripheral vision. I looked towards the area and saw Emmett, Jasper and Edward taking seats in the front row, with what looked like the rest off the yankee's team. They had their striped jersey and pants on. I tried to regain my focus as the game started.

The game was played hard and played fast. The two hours passes quickly with lots of arguments between the teams and glares.

The game ended with a tied score of 28. It was an overall great game. Alice was scowling at the Volturi as they walked out of the stadium. I just rolled my eyes, and grabbed Alice's arm dragging her to the stands where the Yankee's were previously sitting. Esme said for all of us to meet their.

As soon as we walked up their we were congratulated with a ton of 'Great Jobs!'. I blushed wildly when Edward himself congratulated me. His crooked smile, almost melted me then and there. But it was all ruined when he patted my back. It was just something normal, something a friend would do. A friend. I always knew I liked Edward but right then, I knew that I was falling for him.

By the end of the night, I was positive of three things.

1. Edward rocks at baseball.

2. There was a part of him that looked so alone sometimes, and all I wanted to do was help.

3. I was falling unconditionally, and irrevocably in love with him.

So that was chapter four. Read and Review. I posted the team outfits on my page. PLEASE REVIEW! I really want to know what you guys think. Give me idea's or something you want me to put in the story, and I'll try my hardest.