This; as the summary said, is a short persuasive metaphorical Essay I wrote for my English class. I really would love if you'd review, because I want to rewrite and expand this.

Metaphor: I am an ocean.

Purpose of Essay: To link your metaphor to your personality in a persuasive essay.

Things to know: My teacher said to write it however I wanted. :P So I did.

Metaphorical Essay Thangie


I am, an Ocean. My pool of un-singular thoughts is so vast I have yet to see an end. I have unbound freedom, bound by an idea of a reform. I reflect everything that has passed me by or has stayed. Knowledge is only gained.

We are logical about everything here, despite what we may say and or do. We had to be. We have become orphans; in an odd sense, who crave for freedom from societal ways. Our greed for freedom has entrapped us in the spider's web.

We fear glass worlds, because we are filled with such hope it is to be considered heresy. We don't wish for a physical strength and we deny justice from "kind eyes".

The winds bring so much change; on the surface there may be a raging storm, but below it are calm and processed thoughts. I am selfish, not foolish nor naïve. My honesty consumes and yet there is no common ground. For ever doesn't exist, not here, not for me.

Even though our reasons are nothing more than a whim, we are not selfish. We contradict the purpose of our Contraband. It's just what we do.

We are honest, sharp, and enigmatic. We hold on to our child like qualities and curiosities. We do not want to lose that innocent view of our formal worlds. We are fidelity.

I am an Ocean that consumes all. I see, and I know. I am the reflection and product of beliefs and childish whims. I am honest, and sometimes over bearing. Ruthless, charming and expressive, I stand on the thin line of chaos and serenity, but even then you won't find me.