2. Bedrooms

Kyd Wykkyd was the first boy that Raven ever invited directly into her room.

Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Robin never entered Raven's room unless they asked to come in and she said yes. Cyborg and Beast Boy tended to avoid it, the memories of a certain magic mirror still fresh in their minds. Robin sometimes came into Raven's room to talk because of their mental bond, which made them closer. But Raven never actually said to these boys to come into her room first.

And so Kyd was proud to hold the honor of being the first boy Raven ever invited into her room.

At that moment in the magical teenagers bedroom, Kyd Wykkyd was looking over her collection of books. Raven sat on the edge of her bed, watching him with interest, and a small smile on her face.

"I take it you like them?" Raven asked.

Kyd turned to her and grinned. You have a great collection. I even have one or two of these books...although I got to admit, Billy Numerous kind of got me hooked on comics and manga.

Raven rolled her eyes at that comment. Kyd took another look around the room, before he walked over and sat next to her on the bed.

It's a nice place, he said telepathically. Raven shrugged. "It's home," she said.

Kyd and Raven sat together in a comfortable silence. Then, Raven broke it. "Hey Wykkyd?"

Yeah? Kyd asked, glancing over at his friend.

"You've seen my room. Now, you have to show me your room," Raven said.

Kyd Wykkyd frowned, which made Raven frown. "What?" she asked.

Uh...really? Kyd asked, tilting his head. Raven tried to stop herself from thinking the motion was...cute. Really, really, really cute.

"Well, yeah," Raven said, dismissing the thought. "I've shown you my room. And I think you should know I really don't let people in my room that often,"

Kyd blinked, a little surprised by this information.

"Which means..." Raven continued, looking over at the window for a moment before turning back to Kyd Wykkyd. "That I consider you...a very dear friend,

Really? Kyd asked. He was a little shocked. You do?

Ever since Kyd Wykkyd and Raven had begun hanging out a few days after meeting on the roof of the tower, Kyd thought they were growing closer despite being on opposite ends of the law. Close enough that...Kyd had a few feelings concerning Raven that he wasn't sure he should be having or not. As a result, Kyd became a little insecure over the nature of their friendship.

But now Raven was saying that Kyd was...a dear friend.

Kyd smiled, and took Raven's hand. She looked down at his hand in surprise, and looked back up at him.

Well, my dear friend, allow me to show you the lair of Kyd Wykkyd, Kyd said with a comical grin. Raven couldn't help but grin back.

A moment later, Kyd's cloak unwrapped from around Raven, and she saw they had teleported into a yellow bedroom. The walls clearly showed this was in the hideout of the H.I.V.E. Five, as they resembled the hive system of honeycombs.

Raven looked around, and she smirked. "Wow, you don't really keep a clean room do you Kyd?"

Kyd shrugged in embarassment. It was true - he was not the most tidy person.

They spent a couple minutes looking around the room. Kyd showed Raven his comics and manga like she had shown him her books, and she pretended to be interested.

Kyd smiled to himself as Raven inspected a picture of Kyd and the rest of the H.I.V.E. Five on his bedside table. "You guys close?" Raven asked.

Kyd simply nodded. Very.

Raven nodded back. They became quiet again. Eventually, the two half demons thoughts began to drift to a certain subject both had touched on briefly in their minds before, as the silence became comfortable and peaceful. They couldn't help it, when the person they both had started to feel things for was standing in the same room.

Then, Kyd decided to break the silence in their heads. Raven?


Um...you wanna go get something to eat?