Chapter 24: Morning and Trial


This is the last full chapter of Help of a Seer, tomorrow I hope to post the epilogue. I hope you enjoyed my tale.

Luna wakes up

Luna knew something was different, she no longer felt so cold. That first Dementor had sucked not just the joy from her but it had actually seemed to be feeding off of the heat of her body even while outside her cell. And then a second of the unholy demons had joined the first, and then a third, and after that Luna could not be sure of what was real and what were the nightmares, until there was nothing left of the person known as Luna Lovegood.

Yet here she was starting to think again, starting to feel. She would not start to hope yet, it would hurt too much when that was taken away from her again.

– – (()) – –

Harry woke when his love twitched hard. And she was moaning! As sad as the sound was, it was the first noise she had made since she had been pulled from Azkaban. Since Luna was fighting the covers, Harry untangled the two of them from the several blankets and rolled Luna over so she was facing him, only to be started by the sight of a single tear tracing its way down her face.

– – (()) – –

It changed again. Something had changed, Luna was sure of it. She could be dead she supposed, but her core was still cold, and she didn't believe that would be the case if she had finally died.

If she imagined really hard, she could almost believe she was in Harry's arms again... And with that thought, Luna tensed up, sure that it would be sucked from her in seconds. But the thought stayed, and with that thought her core actually warmed a bit.

With the thought of being in Harry's arms came the memories of their shared times: Harry becoming stupid when exposed to Luna's unremarkable body; Harry thanking her for saving him from the Dursleys; Harry studying about the dismissals from a book he was sure would fall apart if he even looked at it cross-eyed; Harry's confession after Hermione had hurt him. That was a special memory, and Luna was sure it would be sucked up right away, but it stayed, and a ray of hope started to warm her core. She couldn't help it, thoughts of Harry did that to her.

And with Harry came thoughts of others in her clan: Daphne's feelings of being a thumb; Tracey and Blaise's inability to keep their hands off of each other; Hermione's willingness to help when she first arrived at the Reserve; Mum and Dad Granger, struggling to hold her small clan together in spite the odds. Mum and Dad Granger, two people that had learned to love her just the way she was...

– – (()) – –

A second tear appeared and slipped down Luna's face, but she wasn't sobbing or crying in fear, a half smile now graced Luna's face. Emboldened by her actions, Harry kissed Luna's forehead, and whispered for her to come back to him.

– – (()) – –

Luna could almost hear her Harry calling to her. Her Harry. If she opened her eyes, she could almost believe she would see her Harry.

– – (()) – –

Luna's eyelids fluttered, and half opened. It took several seconds for them to start working correctly, and a vision of green eyes and black hair stared hungrily back at her. Glancing away for a second, Luna took in the furnishings of her room at the Reserve. It was not just an empty hope! Luna looked back at her Harry, and smiled. "You rescued me," she choked out.

"I hope you don't mind too much, I wasn't willing to live the rest of my life without you."

Luna smiled and gave a half of a giggle and tried to settle into her Harry.

"Weak," she finally managed to say.

"And likely starving, would you like some water or something?"

"Not yet, just you."

"Well, you will get me for a long time to come. But who am I to complain if you want to spend some time listening to me snore."

Some things just do not change much. For all that Harry was a hero, he still could not time his jokes, Luna thought to herself.

Harry resettled her against him and they cuddled while he brought her up to date on the happenings of her clan.

"What?" Luna had to ask. "What did you say?"

"I said that to get you out of that place I had to marry you by proxy," Harry explained softly. "I'm a bit worried about how you are going to take that little bit, but it was the only way to bypass all the red tape Dumbledore had put around the prison."

"So I'm Mrs. Potter?"

"You are."

"Won't need a dress then."

"You aren't upset with me are you, Luna?"

"Don't think so. Tell you later."

– – (()) – –

Robyn put a plate of breakfast in front of her husband, and sat down beside him while he, Narcissa and Severus ate only to be roused from her thoughts when Severus choked.

"What's wrong...?" Robyn's query died on her lips as Harry came into the room holding Luna in is arms: an awake Luna in his arms.

"Mrs. Potter woke up sometime around four this morning, and decided she wanted some breakfast and the company of others beside myself," Harry exclaimed with a flourish while hooking a chair leg with his foot and then seating himself with Luna on his lap.

"What would you like, Luna?" A surprised Robyn asked while Luna frowned at Harry.

"Water, first," Luna choked out. "Then soup."

"I'll get some soup started," Robyn said getting up and slipping around the table. "But first..." Robyn hugged them both and kissed Luna's forehead. "Welcome back, Mrs. Potter, and please don't worry us like that again."

"Harry, do we need to try and postpone the trial today?" Severus asked.

"No. As much as I would rather stay here today, I need to be at Dumbledore's trial today. Too many things are hinging on the timing of the trials. With Luna waking up, I might not take quite as many of the clan with me so someone can help Luna get around. I really shouldn't have brought her downstairs as weak as she is, but she asked and I never have been able to tell her no."

"Luna!" Daphne's voice interrupted them as she hobbled into the kitchen while leaning on Astoria's shoulder. "Luna, they told me you were comatose."

"She was, Daphne, but Luna woke up this morning around four," Harry answered while Luna looked over to Daphne and beamed a bright smile before turning back to Harry and laying her head on his shoulder.

Harry smiled down at his lady, and looked back towards Daphne. "I think Luna is very happy her clan is here around her."

"We are happy the clan head has decided to wake up from her nap," Hermione said as she also entered the room.

"Luna, I need to get ready for the trial today, do you want me to take you back upstairs, or do you want to stay down here?"


"Good enough, I'm sure you will be cosseted and fussed over... Love you."

– – (()) – –

"So, Harry: Hermione, Bill, Blaise and Uncle Snape will be going with you today. Tracey, Astoria, Dad Granger and I will stay and spoil our two convalescents. If you don't want to announce that Luna is awake, you can always say we are just dealing with a cranky Daphne." Robyn summarized the results of a meeting that took place while Harry was in the shower and changing. "They are all getting ready and should be back in a minute or so."

"I didn't expect that many..." Harry a confused said. "Not with Luna awake now."

"Well, really we all wanted to go, and if Luna had not rejoined the world this morning, it is likely that Hermione and I would've been the only ones to stay as Daphne had indicated she had every intention of going in support of you. She is willing to be the excuse for several of us not going, however."

"Thank you, Mum Granger."

"We expect that Thomas and Amantha will be in the courtroom, as will Susan and Hannah. Madam Bones, Madam Longbottom, Neville and Ms. Black will also all be attending, but as members of the Wizengamot. So you will not be alone, not at all."

"Although we fully expect Dumbledore to request a one member, one vote rule in order to nullify our majority via proxy," Narcissa said as he joined Harry and Robyn. "Good, I see you have dressed according to your station. That could be important today."

"Uncle Snape strongly suggested it, Miss. Black. And while he doesn't frighten me as much as he used to, I don't plan on just disobeying him when he gives that kind of advice either."

"I'm not sure I will ever get used to being called 'Uncle anything'," Severus said as he joined the group as well.

"We could always go back to 'Uncle Severus', sir," Hermione quipped, as she and Bill joined them.

"You look amazing, Hermione, where did you get those robes?" Harry had to ask as he saw his friend.

"They are Daphne's, although we did modify the colors and size a bit to match me better."

"You two did a good job," Severus said while looking over the dress robes. "And since Blaise has joined us, let's go."


"Harry, Madam Bones has some advice she wanted me to pass along," Arthur Weasley said as he drew near the newly arrived group. "Dumbledore is calling your ability to charge the Chief Warlock into question, and is going to demand you answer some questions while under the influence of Veritaserum."

Harry glanced over to Bill and smiled before returning his attention to Arthur. "We were guessing that the senile man would try something like that. What is Madam Bones' advice?"

"Request a buffer, and allow only one person to ask the questions. Since you have not been charged with any crimes, it is your right."

"Thanks, Mr. Weasley, that is a good idea. Bill, would you be willing to be my contact?"

"I can if you wish, Harry."

"Good, now I don't plan to just let Dumbledore give me some Veritaserum, I am going to want some concessions from him as well. So let's proceed."

"Harry, you're looking good this morning." Neville came up and stopped a few feet away. "I have been asked to discover if there has been any change in Luna's condition. Susan and Hannah are in the gallery with some of our other friends from Hogwarts, and they charged me with finding out."

"Morning, Neville, you can tell Susan and Hannah that there have been some positive signs, and we are all more hopeful as of this morning."

"That is good news, Mr. Longbottom, and I can't fault your seeking that information, but you need to take your seat now," Octavius Peppers said from behind the group.

"Mr. Potter, the defendant is calling into question your right to charge him as he held the office of Chief Warlock at the time of his alleged crime."

"We expected something like that, Minister, but I am going to want something in return before I let anyone ask me questions while I am under the influence of Veritaserum. So Mr. Dumbledore will need to formally make his request before the entire Wizengamot while it is in session."

"There is not much you can demand, Mr. Potter."

"Have I been actually charged with a crime?"

"No, and you won't be for any of the actions you undertook this summer."

"Then I can demand he agree to take Veritaserum if I do."

Octavius blinked at that, and smiled. "Yes, you can make that demand, although I don't see why that will help, he will refuse afterwards."

"I'm counting on it, sir."

"Mr. Dumbledore is also requesting a one person, one vote rule for the duration of this trial. Do you object to that?"

"I won't, but again I want it requested during the session, so it is a part of the record of the trial."

"I can make it a part of the record without taking the time to do that, Mr. Potter."

"Very well, I won't fight that."

"Excellent. Could you pass on message to Mr. and Mrs. Granger for me?"

"Yes, sir, or you can speak to their daughter Hermione."

"She is here?"

"Yes, several of my friends are with me today."

"Then let me get that taken care of and then we can start the official proceedings."

The trial of Albus Dumbledore

"This special session of the Wizengamot is called to order for the purpose of holding trial against our Chief Warlock, Albus Dumbledore. The Chief Warlock has been accused of crimes against Mrs. Luna Potter, wife of Harry James Potter. To wit, that Albus Dumbledore did falsely imprison Mrs. Potter at the prison of Azkaban where she suffered grievous harm due exposure to the Dementor guards.

Both parties have agreed that a one-person-one-vote is in effect during this trial.

Chief Warlock, Albus Dumbledore, how do you plead to these charges?"

"Minister, I offer no plea as the charges against me have been improperly filed." Albus' voice was firm.

"Why do you feel these charges have been brought improperly, Mr. Dumbledore?"

"As the Chief Warlock, I cannot be charged by a killer, and Mr. Potter has killed several times."

There was a murmuring of voices after Albus finished.

"Objection, sir," Harry called out. "As I understand the law in question, the Chief Warlock cannot be charged by a murderer. There have been occasions when Aurors or Unspeakables have charged a Chief Warlock, and they are often required to kill in the line of their duties."

"Mr. Dumbledore, Mr. Potter is correct, the law says Murderer, not Killer. Are you accusing Mr. Potter of murder?"

"I would ask that Mr. Potter be questioned to prove he has not murdered."

"Mr. Potter, what is your response?

"I swear that I have not committed murder, Minister."

"Mr. Dumbledore, do you accept Mr. Potter's word?"

"I do not, Minister. I would like Mr. Potter to be questioned while under the influence of Veritaserum."

The murmurs grew louder. The magical people in the gallery were not pleased that their savior was being accused of murder, and that his word was not enough.

"Minister, I feel that if I am to be so questioned then Mr. Dumbledore will need to be willing to be questioned in the same manner. I would also request there be a buffer between myself and the rest of the courtroom with only that person being allowed to ask me questions."

"Mr. Dumbledore, do you agree that you will submit to the same type of questioning that Mr. Potter will be facing?"

"I so promise, Minister."

This was it; this was what Harry was hoping for.

"That is not good enough, Mr. Dumbledore. It seems you are unwilling to accept my word, so it should not be considered strange that I will not accept yours. I will demand an unbreakable wizard's oath from you that, if called, you will agree to being questioned about these charges while under the influence of Veritaserum."

The court room was shocked into silence, and Albus' face paled. No wonder Harry had wanted this to come out while the Wizengamot was in session. Albus had doubted Harry's word, so Harry did not have to take his.

"Mr. Dumbledore," Octavius finally got the ball rolling again, "Mr. Potter has brought up a valid concern. If you wish to have him questioned you will need to swear a wizards oath to allow yourself to be so questioned as well. Mr. Potter did specify it was only for these charges."

"I...I...I'm not sure, Minister, I mean how would I swear to the Wizengamot?"

"I would demand you swear your oath to me, Mr. Dumbledore, as I don't trust you to comply with oaths given to any others," Harry interrupted.


"Minister, I do not wish to be addressed so informally by Mr. Dumbledore."

"Agreed. Mr. Dumbledore, you will apologize and use Mr. Potter's correct address."

"Yes, Minister." Albus bowed his head and looked up. "I apologize, and I will swear the oath."


"Yes, Mr. Potter?"

"I have the wording I want for the oath here."

Albus looked sharply at Harry. It seemed that Harry had been planning for this all along; he would need to check the working of the oath carefully.

"Please give your wording to the Master-at-arms, and he will bring it to me."

"Yes, sir."

After reviewing the words carefully, Octavius handed the paper back to the Master-at-arms saying, "Please give this to Mr. Dumbledore. I see no differences between what Mr. Potter was asking for and this oath, but Mr. Dumbledore must agree to this wording as well."

Receiving the paper, Albus started going over the document and then went over it again more closely. There was nothing that he could see that would trick him, and it was worded such that when Harry's charges were disallowed, he would not still be required to take the Veritaserum.

"I can agree to this wording, Minister."

"Very well, do you also agree that Mr. Potter will be buffered from the courtroom and will only answer approved questions from a single source? If you agree, then you will then be allowed the same courtesy."

"I do agree to that, Minister."

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Dumbledore, please approach each other and the Master-at-arms. He will bond your oath."

Once ready and with the paper levitated in front of him so could read from it, Albus said his oath.

"I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, swear on my magic, that if called to answer questions before the Wizengamot concerning the charge of false imprisonment of Mrs. Potter, I will allow myself to be questioned under the influence of Veritaserum. So mote it be."

Albus could not be sure, but he thought he heard Harry say "Got you" as they turned to return to their seats. "No, I got you instead," Albus whispered right back.

After requesting that William Weasley act as Harry's buffer, Harry was soon seated in the witness chair and a muffling spell was put around him. He would be able to understand questions only from Bill.

After the required three drops, the questioning started, with Bill asking the required leading question.

"Who are you?"

"Harry James Potter."

"Are you in fact married to Luna Lovegood?"

"I am married to Luna, and she is Luna Potter now."

That answer surprised Albus as he was sure Harry had been bluffing about being married.

"How many people have you murdered?"

"No one."

"But surely you have killed."

"I have killed many, but I have not murdered anyone."

Albus was sure that was not really correct. And he had received some intelligence about a death that happened earlier this summer.

"What was the last spell you cast at Draco Malfoy?"

"A stunner."

"What!" Albus was sure that wasn't correct, but Bill looked up at the Minister who indicated Harry was not to be asked that question.

"But who killed Malfoy then?"

Bill looked up that the Minister again, and filed a complaint. "That question has nothing to do with the questioning Harry agreed to, sir."

"I must agree, Mr. Weasley, do not ask, Mr. Potter that question. Mr. Dumbledore, do you have any other questions to ask."

A shaken Dumbledore nodded and started a different line of questioning. If Harry hadn't actually murdered...

"So all of the people you killed were fighting back?"

"They were all Death Eaters and they were fighting back, or torturing someone or raping someone."

"So you haven't killed a suspected Death Eater while he was just walking?"

"No, I have only killed while in a combat situation."

Albus dropped his head in defeat. He was sure Harry had been the one to kill Draco.

"No more questions, Minister."

"Very well, Mr. Potter will be given the antidote. I am ruling that, as Mr. Potter is not a murderer, he may bring charges against you as Chief Warlock. There will be a fifteen minute delay while we wait for the antidote to work."

"May I request a recess, Minister?" Albus asked.

"You may ask, but I am not granting it. The start of this trial has been delayed long enough as it is."

– – (()) – –

Harry was back and ready for the main show well within the fifteen minutes he had been granted, which allowed the Minister to start the trial over.

"I find no reason why Mr. Potter cannot file charges against the Chief Warlock, and so the charges continue to stand.

Chief Warlock, Albus Dumbledore, how do you plead to these charges?"

"Not guilty. I have been charged with false imprisonment, but as the Chief Warlock I am empowered to hold citizens for questioning." Albus knew this was really a thin argument, but it was the only one remaining to him.

"Minister, I must disagree, while the Chief Warlock may request someone be detained, the office does not actually grant him the right to do the detaining. And it does not come close to allowing that the detained are sent to Azkaban." Harry took a breath and set his hook. "Minister I request Mr. Dumbledore be questioned under the influence of Veritaserum, I wish to show he was fully aware his activities were illegal."

Albus blanched, he was caught, with his only hope now being a delaying tactic.

"I feel I do not need to answer such questions, Minister."

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, I call on you to be questioned before the Wizengamot concerning the charge of false imprisonment of Mrs. Potter," Harry intoned.

'What is he up to?' Albus thought furiously.

"I would rather we have the safer version of the Veritaserum, Harry."

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, I call on you to be questioned before the Wizengamot concerning the charge of false imprisonment of Mrs. Potter," Harry intoned again, his face solemn.

Albus squirmed in his chair; this was not something he had planned for.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, I call on you to be questioned before the Wizengamot concerning the charge of false imprisonment of Mrs. Potter," Harry intoned yet again, his face no longer so serious, rather a large smile was playing across Harry's lips. And a look that reminded Albus of Harry's father, James, when a prank was about land on someone's lap.

"Tomorrow, Harry," Albus pleaded.

Harry looked at his watch, "It is before three, and I want this done today."

Harry then looked back at Albus with a smile of victory.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, I label you an oath breaker. Three times I have called and three times you have failed to perform as you swore. And as an oath breaker I call on the magic of your oath to punish you."

"Harry...NO!" Albus panicked.



– – (()) – –

"Mr. Potter, you do realize you are in trouble, don't you?"

"Yes, Minister, however, I am perfectly willing to drop my charges against the squib named Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore, a squib! Merlin!"

"He swore on his magic and failed to live up to his oath... poof, no more magic."

"As a squib, we cannot send him to Azkaban, so the charges of abuse of his authority are likely going to be dropped as well... Mr. Potter, your smile is way too big."

"A squib, however, is still allowed a vault, and the trial with the goblins will be next week. By then the safer version of the Veritaserum will be ready, and as a squib, the ex-headmaster will learn that he has next to no rights. He will be forced to take the Veritaserum and has no say about it. And we can ask any questions we want to while he is under the influence of the drug. Oh, and guess what? The law that allows that was passed by our ex-Chief Warlock Dumbledore."

"Mr. Potter, are there any others you wish to destroy so thoroughly?"

"Until Luna was taken, I didn't wish to destroy Dumbledore, just de-claw him, and remove his influence from my life."

"Good, I do not want to have any other sessions like this one again. The charges being dropped because the defendant can no longer spend time in prison, I declare this session closed."

– – (()) – –

Luna found her husband out by the seeing tree, and collapsed beside him. She was still too weak to really be on her own, but Harry had been too quiet since he had gotten back from that last trial of Albus Dumbledore for the theft from Harry's Trust Vault. Bill and Hermione had been happy with the results, but Uncle Snape and Harry hadn't even made it to the dinner table.

"What is it, Harry?" Luna asked as she burrowed into Harry's side, both for the warmth she craved, and to support her man.

"Dumbledore is sick, Luna," Harry answered. "He had plans to start teaching someone how to guide the world to his Greater Good. He wanted it to be me, between assuming that I would die at Tom's hand because of my scar and thinking I would live. But his Greater Good isn't good at all. And, Luna, the whole reason he kidnapped you was so he could have a seer help him achieve his Greater Good. And with you forced to help him, he could have done it."

"A seer can't be forced to lead like that, Harry." Luna tried to soothe her man. "We see so many different paths that it is impossible to force us to pick just one path and follow it."

"I'm not talking about any seer, Luna, I'm talking about you!"

"From that first evening, I would have been useless to him, Harry. The Dementors fed well on me that first night."

Harry shuddered in concert with Luna's own involuntary shudder.

"What will happen to him now, Harry?"

"The Minister has confined him to St Mungo's for a while, then he will be sent to a non-magical old folks' home to live out the last of his days as someone thought to have gone mad from old age.

There is enough money in his vault to pay back my Trust Vault as well as pay to set up his full time care in a facility that will not let him leave the premises. His retirement from Hogwarts will cover his monthly expenses.

The Daily Prophet will be publishing the highlights of his plan as the Minister wants to use the information to help push through some reforms he and the non-magical government have decided on."

"The Minister is still working with the non-magical government?"

"Very closely. They had some plans to intervene before he approached them. Some of the knowledge he came back with scared him. The way they were able to eliminate those teams from France just cemented that feeling. He is sure the statute of secrecy can be maintained while still being more open with the government."

"Good," Luna decided. "Harry, you were missing from dinner, so you missed the announcement from Mum and Dad Granger."


"Harry, would you like to become a non-magical teacher?"