"WHAT!" Rachel's scream was glass-breaking. Finn could hear it from the next classroom.
"What is it?" Finn's voice sounded hesitant.
"Can't you see the board, lead part to Mercedes?" Rachel had been mad, but this was unlike any thing. She knew what she had to do. As she walked to Mr Shoe's classroom, she gave each student a glare. Her pink bedazzled shoes clicked as she gave the last little skip to the classroom.
"What is this, Mercedes the lead part? I killed it in my audition, she sang "You belong with me" by Taylor Swift, and do you know what that song's rated on MTV? Not very highly is the answer".
"I'm sorry Rachel; Mercedes voice has "the sound". Mr Shoe's face looked worried.
"THE SOUN-"Rachel was cut of by another voice.
"Actually, I think Rachel can handle that". Jessie's voiced beamed from the doorway.
"Jessie, you back!" Rachel sounded excited. It took her mind of not getting her dream part; Maria from "The sound of music".
"I'm back and so is my reputation of being the glee bad ass" he wiped his hair with his hand and gave a smirk.