KFP - Family Times, by UnTalented Artist
Chapter 1
Two weeks had passed since their victory over Lord Shen and for two members of the team they had been a bit awkward...
After they got back to the Valley, the atmosphere around Po and Tigress had changed... Tigress didn't really know how she felt about him. Every time she was around him it felt like she had butterflies in her stomach and she could not explain that feeling, because it was totally new to her.
Po was somewhat the same as before; or so it seemed to the others... All but Viper of course...
Every time he was in the same room as Tigress, he would blush, feel warm on the inside and he seemed to stare at her from afar...
During their usual daily training, Po was distracted by none other than Tigress. He tried to stay focused when it was his turn on the course... the others did notice Po's unusual behavior during training, which was entertaining for Monkey an Crane who bet 10 Almond cookies on how long Po would survive.
"Ha, ha, pay up Crane," said Monkey after 5 minutes had passed after Po had started.
"Oh, fine… I'll pay up after practice," Crane said to Monkey.
After Po had started rolling on the floor, Master Shifu told them they could take the rest of the day of, which made them look at each other with confusion.
Shifu looked at them and said: "Students, you have been training hard training for these past two weeks and for that I'm rewarding you with this free time."
It didn't take long for them to bow to their master and leave for dinner and for some odd reason Po was cooking noodles.
"So Tigress would you like to take a bath after dinner?" asked Viper.
"…Sure… a bath sounds nice after training all day…" Tigress replied.
"So Tigress what's going on with you and Po?" Viper asked at the bath house.
"Wh.. What? Me and Po? Nothing..." said Tigress blushing a little.
"Oh, come on Tigress. I can see there's something going on," Viper chuckled. "He's always staring at you and you at him."
"Oh… ah… um… There's nothing going on." Tigress blushed a little.
"So why are you blushing Tigress?" Asked Viper with a devilish smile on her face.
"Oh fine... I think I lo… like him..."
"No, really Tigress? I couldn't tell," Viper said rolling her eyes...
"So Po, what were you doing today at training?" Monkey asked.
"Who me? Ugh nothing… just slipped…" Po said, rolling his eyes, lightly blushing.
"Yeah... just slipped… right after you were staring at Tigress," Crane pointed out laughing at Po's reaction.
"So, is there something you'd liked to tell us…?" Mantis asked Po.
"What? About what?"
"Well about your feelings towards Tigress..." At that, everybody chuckled.
"Uh... hmm... oh… ah... Okay, okay, I think I have feelings for her, you guys happy?"
"At least you admitted them, though you were as easy to read as a book…" said Crane. "Well time for bed... we still have to get up tomorrow..."
"Yeah..." everybody agreed and went to their rooms.
Suddenly a gong-sound was heard in the early morning hours.
"Good morning students!"
Whoosh and everybody was up at the hallway: "Good morning Master!"
"I have a mission for you today. Bandits have been sighted near the next Village... Go and stop them before anything happens."
"Yes Master!" everybody replied.
After 2 hours of running, or at least some of them were running, they found themselves at the village.
"Okay guys let's go!" Po yelled.
"Come on Po you were the one who was dragging us down with your snack stops..." said Tigress, rolling her eyes.
They all charged at the village going from different directions to cut of any bandits that might try to run... Tigress found herself alone, taking down bandits left and right, but then she heard a cry coming somewhere near her.
Tigress took off, running to whoever ever had been crying and to her surprise, she found a little girl cornered by a bandit.
In a matter of seconds the bandit was down. To Tigress' surprise she had rescued a little tigress.
"Are you alright, little one?" The scared girl looked at Tigress…
"Yes..." and then she fainted.
Tigress caught her before she hit the ground and checked if she was okay. She seemed to have a slight fever. "I better take her with me and find her parents."
Tigress met up with the others shortly after she took the girl in her arms.
"Hey Tigress, who's your friend?" Po asked.
"Don't know… I rescued her from a bandit and then she fainted," Tigress replied. "She also has a fever. We should ask if anyone has seen her parents."
After they had asked around the village if anyone knew her, they found out that no one had any idea about who she was.
"We can't just leave her here. This village doesn't have a healer," Tigress said to the others. "We could take her with us to Jade palace," she added shortly after.
"I agree with Tigress," Po said, blushing slightly. The others looked at Po and Tigress who were looking a lot like a family caring for their own cub.
"Yeah ok, we should take her with us… at least until she gets better," everybody agreed.
When they finally got back to the Palace, Tigress and Po left with the girl to look for Shifu.
"Master, Master!"
"Is something wrong Master Tigress?" Shifu asked her.
"Master, we found this girl in the village. She has no parents, nowhere to go and on top of that, she's sick."
"Tigress, what made you bring her with you?"
Master, please. She has nowhere else to go and something in me just wouldn't leave her alone."
"Oh…" Shifu looked at his adopted daughter with a smile. "We can talk about this after you have taken her to the healer… now go."
"Yes, Master Shifu," she said as Po and Tigress took off to the healer.
"Yes Po?"
"Should I go make dinner for us and bring her some, if she wakes up today?"
Tigress stopped and looked at Po. After a moment of silence she replied: "Uh… yes. I think that would be a good idea."
"Okay, you take her to the healer and I'll go cook something for us." Po then took off.
Tigress looked after Po. "That was a sweet idea." Blushing a little and continuing to the healer.
Po knocked on the recovery room's door and asked: "Is it okay to come in Tigress?"
She walked over to the door, sliding it open. "Yes Po come in, but be quiet. She's asleep."
"Oh ok, by the way, here's your soup Tigress."
"Thank you Po." Tigress blushed and chuckled.
Po looked at her confused. "So… did she say anything or has she been asleep the whole time?"
"No she has been sleeping the whole time, but the healer said she'll be ok.
"Oh… that's great news, isn't it Tigress?"
"Yes… she looks so cute sleeping, don't you think?
"Uhh… yeah… you must have looked just as cute when you were little... not saying your n-… no-... not cu-... cute anymore." Po blushed, while trying to look at Tigress, embarrassed.
Much to Po's surprise Tigress didn't kick him out of the room, but kissed him on the cheek blushing.
"Thank you Po," She chuckled.
"Oh… wow… that was… WOW." Po tried to find words for what had just happened. After a moment Po hugged Tigress and they stayed like that for the rest of the night, looking at the sleeping girl and sometimes at each other, both blushing, knowing that this was a start of a new kind of friendship.