RE-POST- I am reworking this story and I hope everyone enjoys it. This was my first fanfiction story, and I am trying to correct small things that I missed.

This story is not beta'd so there might be some misspelled words or improper grammar.

Chapter 2

The James Story

Edward was walking me to my car he was silent. I glanced at Edward he had his thinking cap on.

"Edward is something wrong?" He took a deep breath and smiled not his usual smile,

"No, there is nothing wrong I was just thinking over everything you said, back in the office about how Jacob would end up like some guy named James, what did you mean by that? And what does it have to do with scissors and having kids?"

"All right first of all don't get upset when you here the story because I know you will"

"Promise" He repeated me "Yes, I promise."

All right here we go I took a deep breath

Me and Alice was shopping and I noticed that there someone following us, I thought well it may be a cusidents that we are at the same place at the same time, it wasn't until we came out of Victoria Secret's the guy was openly gawking at us, he wolf whistled and said whatever I bought would look Fuck awesome on me. Well we got out to the car and Alice forgot something and had to run back in, as I was finishing putting the bags in the boot he grabbed me around the waist and was fondling me all over he was also trying to pull away from Alice's car, I finally wiggled enough to grab my scissors that I keep in the boot of Alice's and stabbed him in the genitals and once somewhere above his belt line.
~*END Flashback*~

"I later found out from dad his name was James and because of me he would never be able to have kids much less get an erection. Jacob seen the photo's of the scene that's why he always gets very pale when I pick up a pair of scissors, I threatened him last summer with a pair after the shit he tried this last summer, he is so damn lucky I didn't do it so now I just use it as black mail.."

Edwards face was blank as he took the entire story in. "Why didn't you or Alice tell us and especially me? And what happened at the beach last summer?"

"Because it was taken care of, I only use this story to scare the shit out of people if they try shit with me. And the beach story is for another time and place."

I'm about to tell Mike Newton the story if he don't stop calling me asking for a date. I said to myself.

"Well Bella, I can agree with you about that, just remind to never piss you off." We both smirked

"All right buddy, I got to get home to do some more studying remember, if you need help call me, you know I'll help you."

"Help with what Black or homework?" We both laughed

"Either one, you know I'll help you!" I winked at him and he opened my car door for me both of us laughing.

"Sure sure Bella I'll see you later, I think we will be over after school!"

"Alright see you all then." I back out of the parking lot and waved by again
I smiled as I drove away man do I miss hanging out at school with that boy.

EPOV(didn't expect that now did you)
I watched Bella as she left me sometimes wonder what kind of secrets she is hiding from me or any of our other friends.

She used to be so shy, she went to visit some family over summer vacation and when she comes back she wasn't the same Bella she was a whole lot more confident, she is something else.

I wish that I would get the confidence I need to admit that I love her but I'm afraid that I will lose my best friend. And I love her to much to lose her...

Thoughts please review