Hello Readers long time no see. I have no excuse except life got a little dramatic and even though i had this story finished on paper i couldn't sit down and finish it on my laptop. So my stress levels had went up here in the last couple of weeks so i decided that it was time to sit down and finish my story's because writing always helps. So I hope you enjoy this chapter And please leave me a review.

Alice and Jasper were the next two to get married.

Jasper proposed on July 4 under the fireworks. Alice also found out that she was pregnant that same night. Alice hadn't been feeling too good and she was throwing when catching whiffs of different smells so me and Rose forced her to take a pregnancy test and it turned out it was positive. She was planning on telling Jasper as soon as the fireworks were over but he proposed and as she went to kiss him she caught a whiff of his cologne and run straight to the bushes. She heard me laughing and yelled for me to shut it. Alice never believed me when I was pregnant about Jaspers cologne. Now she believes.

On Wed. July 8th Alice and Jasper get the exciting news that Alice is 14 weeks along and also having twins. Alice was in shock and Jasper passed out.

Alice and Jasper got married on November 17, 2009 it was as Alice always dreamed it would be. The Color theme was White with allot of pink. I kid you not the church looked like someone had poured bottles and bottles of Pepto-Bismol everywhere.

The twins were born on February 25, 2010 the first to be born was Major Carl Allan Hale he come into this world as calmly as possible. Alice didn't even know she was in labor until her pants were wet by the time she said something she felt a contraction and felt the stretching.

Jasper was already speeding towards the hospital when Alice started pushing. As they pulled into the hospital she had delivered Carl. He was perfect and so calm to the amazement of everyone. By the time they had Alice in the emergency room. Her contractions started getting stronger. You can hear her screaming down the hall. When Little Angel Esme come screaming into this world. You could tell right off that Angel has her mother's personality where Major has his father's.

State Of Washington

Department of Public Health-Division of Vital Records


Registration District No. : 4958

1. Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington

2. RESIDENCE OF MOTHER: (a) STATE: Washington (b) County: Seattle (c) Birthplace: Seattle, Washington

3. FULL NAME OF CHILD: Major Carl Allan Hale

4. DATE OF BIRTH: January 20, 2011


6. Twin, Triplet or other


Number of in order of birth


7. Number of months pregnant: 8 1/2

8. Is mother married: Yes?


9. Full Name: Jasper Hale

10. Color or Race: White

11. Age at time of birth: 19 yrs old

12. Birthplace (city or place) Dallas

(State or country) Texas


13. Trade, profession, or particular kind of work done, as spinner, sawyer, bookkeeper, etc.

Student at the University Of Washington

14. Industry or business in which work was done, as silk mill, sawmill, bank etc.


15. Mothers full name: Mary Alice Cullen

16. Color or Race: White

17 Age at the time of birth: 19

18. Birthplace (city or place) Forks

(State or country) Washington


19. Trade, profession, or particular kind of work done, as spinner, sawyer, bookkeeper, etc.

Student at the University Of Washington

20. Industry or business in which work was done, as silk mill, sawmill, bank etc.

21. Children born to this mother:

(a) How many other Children of this mother is living? 1

(b)How many other children were born alive but are now dead? 0

(c) How many children were born dead? 0

Weight: 5 lbs 9 oz

Length: 18 in

State Of Washington

Department of Public Health-Division of Vital Records


Registration District No. : 4958

1. Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington

2. RESIDENCE OF MOTHER: (a) STATE: Washington (b) County: Seattle (c) Birthplace: Seattle, Washington

3. FULL NAME OF CHILD: Angel Esme Hale

4. DATE OF BIRTH: February 25, 2010

5. SEX OF CHILD: Female

6. Twin, Triplet or other


Number of in order of birth


7. Number of months pregnant: 8 1/2

8. Is mother married: Yes?


9. Full Name: Jasper Hale

10. Color or Race: White

11. Age at time of birth: 19 yrs old

12. Birthplace (city or place) Dallas

(State or country) Texas


13. Trade, profession, or particular kind of work done, as spinner, sawyer, bookkeeper, etc.

Student at the University Of Washington

14. Industry or business in which work was done, as silk mill, sawmill, bank etc.


15. Mothers full name: Mary Alice Cullen

16. Color or Race: White

17 Age at the time of birth: 19

18. Birthplace (city or place) Forks

(State or country) Washington


19. Trade, profession, or particular kind of work done, as spinner, sawyer, bookkeeper, etc.

Student at the University Of Washington

20. Industry or business in which work was done, as silk mill, sawmill, bank etc.

21. Children born to this mother:

(a) How many other Children of this mother is living? 1

(b)How many other children were born alive but are now dead? 0

(c) How many children were born dead? 0

Weight 5 lbs 14 oz

Length: 18 in