This story is not beta'd so there might be some misspelled words or improper grammar or even missing punctuation. And please do not take it upon yourself to notify me about any of the above, any mistakes made are my own.
Rose and Emmett stayed with us all threw college. They became so attached to my kids they were like second parents to them. If we said no they would go to Em or Rose and give the signature pout and they would give in!
Rose tried to get pregnant but the doctors all said it would be difficult.
She gave up and said if it's going to happen then i'll nature take its course meanwhile she spoilt the dickens out of mine!
A week before Rose and Emmett's wedding she found out she was pregnant. She tried to tell Emmett in Private but he as always was playing a game.
"Emmett can i talk to you for a sec." Rose asked
"Yeah give me a minute!" Emmett nodded with his tongue sticking out.
Me and Edward looked at each other smiled I was doing Lauran's hair and Edward was reading to Michael.
"UM, Emmett now would be better!" Rose looked at me as if i could help. I shrugged
"Wait a sec Rosie i'm almost done with this level."
Big mistake Emmett. Rose's face was getting red!
"EMMETT, I"M TRYING TO TELL YOU I'M PREGNANT!" Emmett froze game forgotten
"Rosie?" Emmett was pale
"Are you Sure?" Rose nodded
"I've already been to the doctor, He said we are due sometime in April and..." Before she could finish Emmett had passed out.
"EMMETT!" Rose screamed
Edward walked over and gave some smelling salt and walked back to the couch!
Emmett woke up and grabbed Rose.
"We are really pregnant, when did we get this way!"
"The doctor said it was probably around July 4th."
"That was when were drunk for like three days right?" Rose nodded
"Uncle Em?" Lauran asked
"Yes! Little Bit!" Emmett looked around smiling
"Why did you pass out?" I know there is something brewing in this childs mind
"Um, It's because Aunt Rosie is going to have a baby!"
"That's cool, As long as it's a girl!" Lauran said
We all laughed..
As the week got along the wedding got closer everything was perfect then at the wedding Toast Lauran decided to let everyone know about Rose being pregnant!
Edward was doing the toast when the little one that was sitting in my lap jumped
"Daddy, Don't forget to tell them about Uncle Em passing out when Aunt Rose told him about being pregnant!"
Everyone gasped and Emmett yelled "Thanks for ratting me out about passing out."
After this every time either of my kids mention the passing out spell Emmett just handed them five dollars and tell them to hush.
On April 15th Rose went into labor. Little Abigail came screaming into the world. After she had been delivered Emmett had to get a cast on his hand, Yep Rose broke his hand during delivery..
State Of Washington
Department of Public Health-Division of Vital Records
Registration District No. : 4958
1. Place Of Birth: Seattle, Washington
2. RESIDENCE OF MOTHER: (a) STATE: Washington (b) County: Seattle (c) Birthplace: Seattle, Washington
3. FULL NAME OF CHILD: Abigail Elizabeth Cullen
4. DATE OF BIRTH: April 15, 2015
5. SEX OF CHILD: Female
6. Twin, Triplet or other Number of in order of birth
7. Number of months pregnant: 9 months
8. Is mother married: Yes?
9. Full Name: Emmett McCarty Cullen
10. Color or Race: White
11. Age at time of birth: 23 yrs old
12. Birthplace (city or place) Seattle
(State or country) Washington
13. Trade, profession, or particular kind of work done, as spinner, sawyer, bookkeeper, etc.
Personal Trainer at a gym in town and also a student at
14. Industry or business in which work was done, as silk mill, sawmill, bank etc.
15. Mothers full name: Rosalie Lillian Hale
16. Color or Race: White
17 Age at the time of birth: 23 yrs old
18. Birthplace (city or place) Dallas
(State or country) Texas
19. Trade, profession, or particular kind of work done, as spinner, sawyer, bookkeeper, etc.
Mechanic at Brown's Garage
Weight: 5lb 6 Oz
Length: 19
So tell me what you think?