Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Glee or to any product/song mentioned in this story.

The next few months were busy ones, preparing a nursery and preparing themselves for the new addition to their family. The twins might have been the most excited, though at times it seemed to be a tie between them and Sam; they were gaining a new brother or sister; he was gaining a new child. No one would know until the baby was born if it was a boy or girl; Quinn wanted it to be a surprise. Sam was in awe sometimes, watching Quinn grow with another child of his, participating this time around. The first time he felt the baby move he didn't know what to say. The bumps and kicks made Clarice and Beckett giggle. They all talked to Quinn's belly, introducing themselves, telling the new baby about his/her nursery (they had chosen a zoo theme).

Sam did as much research as he had time to do, in books and on the internet and even talking to fellow teachers at Taft, about expecting a baby. Quinn seemed to have it all under control while he fretted about every possible thing. Was she gaining enough weight? Was the baby moving enough? Should she have all the genetic testing done beforehand? Did she have signs of gestational diabetes? Were those real contractions or Braxton-Hicks contractions? Was she getting enough rest? Did she need to start her maternity leave early? Did they have everything they'd need for the new baby? Sometimes, she'd tell him to take a deep breath, everything would be fine. He wanted her to go to childbirth classes with him so he'd know what was happening to a degree when the time came. Clarice and Beckett wanted to go to sibling classes where they'd learn about having a new baby in the house and safety issues and how to help their mom and dad.

About halfway through the pregnancy, Quinn had an ultrasound to check growth of the baby. Sam stood by her side, holding her hand, shaking. The twins flanked him, chattering with nervous excitement, until the doctor started the scan. Sam was again speechless by the images they saw. Quinn didn't want to know the gender; Clarice of course thought it was a girl and Beckett thought it was a boy; she just wanted the doctor to tell her baby was healthy. And he did. Sam saw the baby's face appear, then a tiny hand and all five fingers, and he squeezed Quinn's hand and kissed her cheek.

The due date fell on Sam and Quinn's 1-year anniversary, December 17.


December 17 came and went. Sam and Quinn celebrated their first wedding anniversary as much as possible for a 9-months pregnant lady and a very nervous daddy-to-be. Daily, he asked her how she was feeling? Did her water break? Any contractions? Most days, she shook her head, smiling a bit, and would say no, not yet.

Once the greatly anticipated due date passed by with nothing happening, Sam and Quinn focused on getting Christmas ready for the twins. They were busy with Christmas programs at the school, Christmas parties with family and friends, and last-minute shopping. Thankfully, when they did go out shopping and people saw the very pregnant Quinn trying to make her way through the store, they were met with cheerful moods and much assistance.

Quinn began feeling light contractions on December 21 but didn't tell Sam; it would just worry him. She was timing them to herself and they were very far apart and light, compared to what she went through with the twins' labor. She went about their daily tasks and figured she'd tell Sam if they became painful enough where he'd need to take her to the hospital. They had told her that during the early phase of labor she could do normal things, taking it easy though. She had asked what she should expect with this labor...the labor with Beth was fast, the twins' labor was long and drawn out. Of course, her doctor said it could go either way. So, when Sam asked if she wanted to run to Target to pick up something for their parents, she said sure. Her aunt was already at the house spending time with the twins. Walking around Target helped take her mind off the contractions for awhile. Sam was debating on getting his parents a donut maker or cupcake maker when she had felt a stronger contraction and decided to breathe through it quietly. She finally told him she thought they'd really like the popcorn popper and hurried him along. Then, he wanted to run through sporting goods because he wanted to get a new basketball for Clarice. They had installed a basketball goal at their new house but her ball was old and worn out. Again, Quinn agreed with his first choice and asked if he was done shopping. He looked at her strangely and asked if she was okay.

"I'm totally fine," she answered, forcing a smile.

"Okay," he answered. "I think I'm ready to go."

Walking toward the front of the store, past the kids clothes, he stopped at the boys shirts and admired one with stars and planets that was glow-in-the-dark.

"Beck would love this!" he said excitedly, pulling one off the rack in Beckett's size. "Don't you think so?"

He looked at Quinn, now leaning on a shelving unit of jeans, breathing through a harder contraction.

"Quinn! Dear god, you're not okay!" He wrapped his arm around her, supporting her.

"I'm fine, Sam...really..." she breathed. "Let's just...go home..."

"Can you walk?" he asked, terribly nervous, wondering how he was going to drive.

"Mhmm..." she nodded, making her way to the checkout lanes.

While Sam was paying, she told him she was running to the restroom.

He looked at her in shock.

"I just need to pee, Sam," she whispered, knowing that he thought she was about to give birth.

In the restroom, she sat on the toilet breathing through a contraction. She stood up but was leaking fluid. Crap crap crap, she thought, pretty sure her water had broken. She took a deep breath to calm herself down and made her way back to Sam.

"You alright?" he asked. "You look nervous."

"I'm fine...we just need to go now..." she said, her voice nearly two octaves higher than normal. She pushed the cart in front of her, moving quickly to the exit.

"Quiiiiiiin..." he said, following her. "Please talk to me..."

She reached out for his hand, pulling him along with her to their car.

"Yes, I'm having contractions and yes, I think my water broke. Let's get home and get the bag and..."

"Um, I'm taking you to the hospital..."

"Home!" she grumbled, lowering herself into the passenger seat of the car.

He got behind the wheel. "I really think we should..."

"Home! Please Sam..." she interrupted.

He turned the car toward their home.


At home, he helped her out of the car and up the steps to the porch. She told him to grab the hospital bag from upstairs while she spoke with her aunt and the twins.

"Guys, I think I need to go to the hospital...I think the baby's on the way..." she mumbled through her breathing.

"Are you having contractions?" her aunt asked.

Quinn nodded. "And my water broke..."


The twins were clinging to her. "Are you gonna be okay?" Seeing her in pain was something new to them, scaring them both.

She nodded, smiling. "This is part of it, sweeties. Be good for your Aunt Karis. She'll bring you to see us soon..." then she grimaced through another contraction. "I forgot how much this hurts..."

Sam ran back downstairs with their bag, a diaper bag, and the car seat. "I think I have everything...are you ready, Quinn?"

He dropped everything to throw his arms around her again as she worked through another contraction, whispering to her. Then, they realized Clarice was crying and Beckett was trembling and pale.

"I'm scared for mom...is she going to be okay?" Beckett mumbled.

"She's gonna be fine, son...c'mere, both of you..."

He squatted down to their level, hugging both to him tightly. "Your mom will be fine...I won't let anything happen to her. Are you ready to meet your brother or sister?" he asked them quietly. They nodded.

"Good...so am I. The best thing you can do for mom right now is behave here at home so she doesn't have to worry about you. I promise you I'll call as soon as the baby gets here, okay?"

"You'll take care of mommy?" Clarice asked him, her voice wavering. He knew it was serious; he never heard Clarice call Quinn mommy.

"She'll be perfect. What's happening is natural and she's been through it before...that's how you two got here!" he told them, squeezing them again. "Give her a quick hug..."

Clarice and Beckett did as he asked, and Quinn kissed them quickly. Sam was shaking he was so nervous, never having been in a situation such as this before. Beckett picked up the two bags and Clarice the car seat and they got Quinn to the car. Sam hugged the twins again before getting in the car himself, telling them they were doing a great job and he'd talk to them soon. He kissed them too and drove Quinn to the hospital.


Finally, in the solitude of the car, that Sam was presently driving at breakneck speed through Cincinnati, Quinn could allow herself to complain through the contractions. She had been holding back at the house so as not to scare the kids, but the pain was starting to get out of control.

In between contractions, she told him, "You did great with Clar and Beck, calming them down. I know it's not easy to watch a loved one suffer."

He held her hand tighter. "I'm just goin' on instinct now, Q..."

Thankfully, he remembered where to go when he arrived at the hospital. At the doors, before he got out of the car, he asked if she could walk. She looked at him, sweating and breathing through a contraction, and he jumped out of the car and ran inside to get a wheelchair and some help.

Getting from the car to a room and a bed (Quinn thought she was in heaven when she finally was able to lie down) was all a blur for Quinn. Her mind was wrapped around getting through the contractions that were coming one on top of the next. She heard Sam telling the nurses her name and all the vital information; he was there holding her hand when they put the monitors on her. She heard someone say things were going too fast for an IV. She felt her clothes being tugged off her and a gown being slipped onto her arms. The entire time she could hear Sam's quiet stable voice in her ear, encouraging her quietly. He somehow managed to pull her hair back in a ponytail and a nurse handed him a cool washcloth for her forehead. At one point, during a particularly rough contraction, he put her hand on her belly and could feel the muscle tightening under his palm. He heard her moaning, nearly writhing in pain, and almost for a second he lost what little control he had.

"God, Sam, this hurts! I need drugs!" she yelled suddenly.

The nurse checked her quickly and told her she was too close to delivery for medication. She threw her head back on the pillows and muttered are you kidding me?

"I'm done, Sam. I'm not doing anymore. This is just a bunch of - " She sucked in her breath at the onset of the next contraction.

"Breathe, Quinn...you can do it! You just heard the nurse! You're almost there! It's almost over...we're almost there..." he was saying to her when she kind of sat up and grunted and screamed all at once.

The nurses were yelling at her. Sam was on the verge of freaking out when she said baby and just collapsed against the pillows again.

Sam kept hearing the nurses talking about the baby and they were between her legs and suddenly he heard the tiny cry. Holy fuck, she just had the baby, he thought in somewhat of a fog.

He kept his eyes on Quinn; she appeared to be dozing. She came to suddenly, looking for him.

"The baby? Did I have the baby?" she asked him suddenly.

He grinned, nodding. "I think you did. Can you hear the crying?"

A nurse was telling Quinn that the placenta was delivering.

"Where's the doctor?" she asked.

"You beat the doctor!" the nurses said.

Suddenly, a nurse was at Sam's elbow, holding a squirming mewling bundle.

"Mom and dad, you have a very beautiful little girl..." she said, handing Quinn the baby.

"Oh my god, Quinn, a girl...we have a girl..." he whispered, kissing her on the cheek. She held up the babe for him to see her.

"She's so pretty, Sam," she said, kissing the baby on her head.

"She has hair, Quinn..." Sam said with a sense of amazement. "She has such pretty hair..."

Quinn smiled at him. "We did it, daddy..."

She handed Sam the infant. The bundle was warm in his arms, a feeling of constant tiny movements. The little girl had worked her right arm out of the swaddling and was waving it around and making funny little noises. He kissed her on the forehead also where Quinn had kissed her. He couldn't stop staring at the tiny nose, her perfect mouth, her spiky dark brown hair. He let her hold his finger with her waving hand and was surprised at her grip.

"I'm so happy to meet you, little one! I've waited so long for this day..." he whispered to her. To him, the baby seemed impossibly tiny compared to Clarice and Beckett. "Your mother did such an awesome job...I'm so proud of her."

The baby started whimpering, so Sam gave her back to Quinn.

"It's been so long…" Quinn mumbled, exposing her breast and showing the baby how to latch on. "Sam…she's perfect."

As evening came on, things calmed down. The doctor arrived and checked out Quinn and the baby. Sam called the house and spoke with the kids and Quinn's aunt and they were on their way to the hospital. Quinn's aunt had called Quinn's parents and Sam's family; he called them all to update them and they were on their way to the hospital also.

"So, do you think her name fits her?" Quinn asked him while he was rocking her.

He looked down at the tiny baby girl in his arms and nodded.


Julia Addison Evans entered the world at 4:34 p.m. on December 21, 2022, weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces, 19-1/2 inches long. She was named after her two grandmothers, Judy Fabray and Addie Evans. She instantly had both grandmothers wrapped around her little finger. Her big siblings loved her as soon as they saw her too. Sam was proud of how carefully they handled her and cooed to her.

Sam also took great pride in retelling Julia's birth story, his active part in it, how proud he was of Quinn. Once they brought the new baby home, her nickname became Julie and for Sam, Clarice, and Beckett it was quite an adjustment. Quinn was used to the crying at all hours, the feeding schedule, the sleeping schedule…even if it had been several years. Sam did his best to take care of nighttime awakenings and finally found a routine that seemed to work. In their spare moments, Sam helped Quinn fill out Julie's baby book. She helped him the first time he gave Julie a bath, reassuring him numerous times that she would not slip out of his hands. Both Clarice and Beckett loved helping take care of Julie and entertain her, giving Sam and Quinn a break every once in awhile.

The days turned into weeks, the weeks into months. With every new "first" that Julie displayed, Sam was right there to witness it. He and Quinn took turns recording Julie's feats in her baby book. Clar and Beck loved taking pictures of her. They had each received digital cameras for their tenth birthday.

Before they knew it, Sam and Quinn were celebrating their second wedding anniversary, then Julie's first birthday. Sam was enjoying his teaching job at the kids' school; the kids were enjoying school; Julie was a happy tow-headed toddler; and Quinn had made the decision to return to school to earn her degree and work toward licensing as a physical therapist.

And then they learned Quinn was pregnant again. She was due just after the twins' birthday. They were a little surprised but happy. Their family was growing just as they had hoped.

As Quinn's belly grew, so did their youngest daughter. She had begun talking, and the family was entranced by her voice. She knew she was loved, not spoiled. As her personality became more and more well known to the four of them, they realized she was basically a Sam Junior. She was girly around Quinn, more of a tomboy around Clarice, and would sit with Beckett for lengths of time while he read to her.

For this pregnancy, they again decided to let it be a surprise as to if they were having a girl or a boy. They were sure it was only one baby and planned a gender neutral nursery and clothing and toys and books. Quinn continued her classes, planning to finish her degree after the newest addition to their family arrived. Sam had decided to return to school, as well, to further his education to hopefully move into an administrative position at the elementary school. Their home became a busy hub for the neighborhood kids, no longer thinking of it as haunted but as the place to be. Clarice and Beckett had a good group of friends, and Sam and Quinn enjoyed having the house full of kids and laughter.

As the twins' twelfth birthday approached, Sam and Quinn decided they were ready for their own computers and presented them with small laptops. They gave Julie a toy computer as she was very aware of her older siblings and mimicked them daily. Quinn was heavily pregnant that day so they kept the party low-key. As Quinn remembered it, as Clar and Beck blew out their 12 candles apiece, her contractions started.

Once all their friends had left, she told Sam about the contractions and that they were getting closer together. They decided to go to the hospital so she could be checked out. Her aunt was still there helping clean up from the party, so they were able to leave for the hospital quickly. Sam and Quinn kissed the twins and Julie goodbye, reassuring them that Quinn would be fine.

Julie put her hands on Quinn's belly and asked "Baby?" Quinn nodded and smiled.

"Baby," she answered.


Early the next day, Brigham Zeke Evans entered the world, screaming. Quinn laughed when they handed him to her, and his face was red and his full head of hair was nearly white. She calmed him by nursing him right away. Sam and Quinn had decided beforehand that if it was a girl Sam would name her and if it was a boy Quinn would name him. Clar and Beck had chosen the middle name, wanting the baby to have a name starting with a Z.

Sam called home soon after the baby was born, letting Quinn's aunt know Quinn had given birth like a champ, both she and the baby were healthy. He asked her to bring the kids in around lunchtime to meet their new baby brother.

The new baby awoke shortly after being rocked to sleep by Quinn, crying again. She handed him over to Sam who walked him around the room, singing quietly to him. Brigham calmed down and listened to Sam's voice, letting it soothe him back to sleep. Sam finally sat down, relishing the happy moment, exhausted from the long day, but full of love looking down at his new son.


From that day forward, Sam and Quinn had lots of happy moments to remember. There were scary moments, too, as happens with most families. As a toddler, shortly after Brigham's birth, Julie was hospitalized with whooping cough. Then, Clarice broke her arm sliding into home plate when she was 13 and had to undergo surgery. Afterward, she ran out of space on her cast for people to sign it. Beckett went through a phase in high school about not wanting to go to college, just wanting to 'explore the world,' which entailed going to California with some questionable kids he briefly hung out with. Sam was probably closest to Brigham, nicknamed Brig by the family, as he had learning disabilities and school was difficult and frustrating for him. Sam spent many, many hours with Brig going over homework nightly. He was proud of his youngest son for how diligent he was with his studying, knowing how hard it was for him to grasp simple ideas and concepts.

The years slipped by in a blur. Quinn earned her degree and became a physical therapist. Sam earned his master's degree and became the assistant principal at Taft the year Brigham started kindergarten and became principal three years later. Clarice excelled in high school, earning scholarships to college. She chose to stay near home and go to school in Cincinnati. Once Beckett got over his 'seeing the world' phase (after one of his so-called friends was arrested for drinking and driving), he worked hard for the remainder of his time in high school and chose to go to a nearby community college and later transferred his credits to the university that Clarice attended, graduating the same year she did.

Major school events began taking over Sam and Quinn's lives: college graduation, high school graduation, sixth grade graduation, plays, sports events too numerous to count, dances, dating.

A day they had been waiting for, expecting, finally happened when Clarice and Beckett were 24. They came home with their respective boyfriend/girlfriend and announced their engagements. They were planning a double wedding in August, right before they turned 25. Julie was 15 and excited about it; Brigham was almost 14 and only wanted to play his video games. Girls grossed him out.

Sam and Quinn were beyond happy. They liked Clar and Beck's significant others and helped with the planning of the ceremony. August arrived too quickly, it seemed, and Sam found himself holding Quinn in his arms on the dance floor, watching Clarice dance with her new husband and Beckett dance with his new wife nearby. Julie had found a dance partner and Brigham reluctantly was dancing with a cute girl.

Sam smiled and kissed Quinn on the cheek. "What awesome kids we have."

She looked up at him and smiled back. "They are pretty cool."

"Brig's dancing with a girl…" Sam whispered, turning her so she could see.

She giggled. "He looks totally uncomfortable."

"I've known that feeling!"

"How is it possible we have two married kids now? Where did the time go?" she asked him.

"It slips by quickly, doesn't it?" he replied. "We still have two at home though…"

"How will we fill all that space at home once Julie and Brig move on?"

He chuckled. "Grandkids Quinn!"

"Hmm…grandbabies…me, a grandma…wow…" she said, hugging him tighter.

"And me a grandpa! I can't wait!" he laughed.

"I'm sure it'll happen soon enough," she said. A year later, they were indeed grandparents, Clarice a new mom and Beckett a new dad.


Sam and Quinn retreated to their room at the hotel where Clarice and Beckett's wedding reception was held. Quinn changed for bed in the bathroom while Sam waited in bed for her.

When she exited the bathroom, he was shocked to see her wearing a tight black dress and long red wig and oversized sunglasses.

"Wait…how'd you…?" he asked, recognizing the get-up from the night she came to the strip club so many years ago. He sat up in bed, watching her slowly make her way over to him. She handed him a dollar bill.

"I believe you owe me a private dance," she purred, taking the shades off.

He took her dollar and stood up, gently shoving her onto the bed.

"My pleasure, ma'am," he said, his voice deep, sultry.

Already in only his briefs, he recalled his dance moves from working at Star Struck and tried doing a few. Of course, they both dissolved in a fit of giggles. He joined her on the bed.

"I hope that was to your liking, miss," he said, kissing her.

"Very much so…I'd give you a dollar every day for the rest of my life to see those moves!" she giggled.

He pulled off the wig, gazing at her.

"You are perfect, Quinn. Perfect for me, perfect for our children…I love you…" he whispered, pulling her into a deep kiss.

"Always for you, Sam…I love you forever…" she answered, getting lost in his kiss and his hands roaming over her body.

For a moment, she was taken back to that night in Fort Wayne, when he followed her back to the hotel room and their awkward encounter that led to where they were now: him moving over her, so very familiar with her body and his body and what they both enjoyed…the one thing that had never changed through all those years…how much she loved him and how much he loved her, then and now.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the ending. It went on a little longer than I anticipated...lol!