Sorry that I'm not updating my other stories and I dished out 2 new ones quite quickly. I promise that the other two will be updated soon. :P

EDIT(01/06/2013): Okay so its been over a year since I started (oh dear, that was a long time) anyway here are the edited propeerly gramatisied chapters. Thanks to Amulet Misty.

So Enjoy =)

"I can't believe we have to go to the stupid thing tomorrow," I complain while hopping from one bench to the other, being very careful not to slip on the ice that covers them.

"You're going to break your neck, "my best friend, Chris, calls out to me. Not a moment after he says that I slip and to stop me breaking my neck, I twist and safely land on two feet.

Chris is behind me the moment I fall, steadying me. "You see," I smile and carry on walking, "super-fast reflexes still working."

"You're going to be like your father someday, a 'god'," he jokes.

I grimace. "My father," I sigh, "he's the whole reason why I'll hate tomorrow."

"Hey, at least you don't have to go every single time." Chris points out, thinking it unfair that he couldn't ever get out of going to it.

"That's only because if I go, I'll make a fuss and slip out anyway, so no point in me going," I reply cheerily still hopping from one bench to the other.

The sun is high in the sky meaning the middle of the night for us. We are making our way back across the academy's grounds, our human genes welcoming the light, when we are caught. Unfortunately, while Chris managed to get away, I was stuck in the lime light.

"Lenya, what are you doing at this time of night?" Guardian Dixon or Kira, as we call her, asks while striding straight up to me.

"Well technically it's the middle of the day," I point out. Kira might be one of the younger guardians and might let me go more easily, I hope. She glares pointedly at me.

"I was going for a walk," I lie pointing back the way I came.

"With a vodka bottle in your hand?" Kira points to the bottle I was clenching.

"I was...thirsty?" I suggest weakly. I was digging myself into a hole. I get another pointed glare.

I give up. "Fine, I went to the party thing," sighing I carry on, "I'm not that smashed just a bit tipsy."

She holds her hand open. Sighing again, I hand the half empty bottle over. "I needed that," I grumble.

"It won't be that bad Lenya," Kira tries to sympathise. Instead of answering I turn back around and head for my dorm. My luck for the day runs out as I am caught again by Alberta.

"LENYA NATASHA BELIKOV. What are you doing at this time of day?" I grimace at my full name. You have guessed right. I'm Dimitri Belikov's daughter and just my luck - he's coming here tomorrow.

I really need that bottle.

Review please. The next chapters will be longer, I promise.