Disclaimer: And if I owned Digimon I'd be posting on a fan fiction site becauseā€¦?

Summary: A collection of one-shots about the members of the 02 team going from A to Z. It includes how the Digital World has affected them and everything around them.

The faded lavender door hung loosely on its hinges and cracked open slightly. Next to it sat a small counter littered with keys and junk mail. On top of that, a still ticking clock rested against the wall directly beneath where it had hung before being forced down by a stray soccer ball. A petite, preteen girl sat stiff, eyes forward, focusing all her energy on the ticking clock to distract her from what was to come.

Her mother purposefully strode through the door as it let out a ferocious screech. She marched right up to her daughter, blocking her view of the clock. "Hikari Anne Kamiya, what has gotten into you?"

Kari paled slightly but kept her composure. She wasn't used to being criticized. "Mom, it was just one detention. I'm sorry."

Her mother leaned in, eyes boring into her daughter's, willing her to look. "It's not just one detention! Your grades have been dropping; you've been out all hours of the night; you're always inattentive. Pay attention to me, Hikari!"

Kari slowly forced her eyes to meet her mother's. Surprisingly, they weren't full of anger but disappointment and confusion. Satisfied with getting Kari's attention, Mrs. Kamiya went on, "You know what? This is because of those Ishidas."

The girl's eyes widened as if she had been slapped in the face. "This isn't TK's fault, Mom."

"I know their family. TK and Matt are good kids, but they're open to some very bad influence-"

"This isn't about them!" Kari raged before shrinking down in her chair fearing her mother's reaction to the little outburst.

Mrs. Kamiya stumbled a step or two backwards flabbergasted. She blinked a few times before coming to a realization. "Oh, then Davis? He was always too adventurous for his own-"

Kari stood up straight causing her mother to back pedal out of the way. "This isn't about him either! It's about me! I got a detention, I stay out late, I failed a science test! I'm not some perfect, little angel! I mess up, and I'm sorry." With that, the girl sprinted out the faded door leaving the expectations of the world behind.

Thoughts, Comments, Concerns?