Wow, the first story I ever posted is over… I just had to let that sink in. Thanks everyone who has read or reviewed. I hope I entertained you.
Don't own any of the Zelda games. By the way I'm not talking about a specific one, but in my mind I kept thinking of Wind Waker.
The four stared at the two boys, one in amusement, two in curiosity, and the last in concern.
Finally the youngest decided to break the silence and say aloud what everyone was thinking. "What happened to Donkey Madness?"
"It's in the case," TK answered simply as he rested his chin on his hand. "Davis, you can't sneak in through the window. The front door has a purpose."
Davis tapped a few more buttons on his game controller as he tried to launch himself onto the second floor. "If I go through there it'll go to some random cut scene."
"You can't skip the cut scenes." TK sighed. "Here, give me the controller."
Davis moved the controller away from TK's outstretched hand.
Yolei squinted at the screen. "This isn't even a two player game!"
"Good observation skills. That's why we're taking turns." Davis stuck his tongue out at her as he leaned the controller even farther away from TK.
Ken grinned slightly and clarified for her, "It won't be long until you're beating each other up for a turn."
Kari watched the screen thoughtfully. "Davis, are you alright with this?"
He glanced up at her with a confused expression giving TK just enough time to snatch the controller from him. He took a moment to glare at the blonde before asking, "Why wouldn't I be?"
She shrugged. "You never seem to like change, and you and TK have been playing Donkey Madness for awhile now."
Davis shrugged. "Things change."
Cody raised an eyebrow. "Coming from the guy who freaked out when TK didn't use wasabi sauce?"
"Or when Yolei and I…?" He trailed off, a slight blush now spread across his and Yolei's cheeks. She lightly slapped his arm.
Davis threw his hands in the air. "Come on, guys! There's not this magic rule of laws we live by!"
"Actually there kind of is," Ken admitted, "It's a rather simple formula. Go to Kio's afterschool on Tuesday, Monopoly Wednesday night, Mall on Friday, hang out with the digimon Saturday afternoon, and on top of all that, you and TK play Donkey Madness."
"You're about to drown!" Davis burst out.
"No, I'm not! The boat is right there." TK indicated the location by pointing to it as he barely swam back in time.
"You're gonna kill us! Give me the controller!" He snatched the controller before TK had a chance to react.
Cody watched the screen curiously then wordlessly took a seat on the ground. Kari and Yolei exchanged glances before sitting down. Ken remained standing, a slight grin ever present.
There were a few minutes of comfortable silence (besides TK and Davis arguing over their game during which TK reclaimed the controller) before Cody mused, "If you stop to ponder it, it really is incredible how much we've accomplished."
Ken rattled off, "Defeating Myotismon, saving two worlds, some of us more than once, not to mention our more recent personal achievements: Yolei getting a job away from her family's business, Cody's victory at the Kendo Tournament, Davis' A on the last math test-"
He stopped at the sound of TK dropping the controller, and Kari looked over at Davis in shock, both bug-eyed. Davis snatched the game controller obliviously.
"B-but no one got an A on that test!" TK stuttered.
Davis let out a slightly maniacal laugh. "Nope, not even that annoying, red-headed girl."
Kari lost her shocked expression and smiled sincerely. "Looks like studying did pay off."
Yolei rolled her eyes to the ceiling. "Or he finally decided to start bribing the teachers."
"Hey!" Davis started to protest before noticing Yolei's light-hearted grin that let him know she was joking. He smiled back.
"But…" Kari trailed off looking down at her hands.
"But what?" he questioned.
"I still don't know why you're suddenly alright with things changing," she admitted.
Davis clasped his hands. "Because I know the six of us will always be together. It doesn't matter what we do or where we go as long as we stick toge—"
A series of loud crashes and a few high-pitched voices could be heard from the other room. Kari jumped out of her seat. "Looks like the digimon got themselves in trouble again!"
"I can help put them back in line," Yolei assured as she cracked her knuckles.
Kari giggled as did Cody who rose from his spot and also agreed to help out.
The others left the room leaving the two boys to their new videogame, but Ken lagged behind. With a suspicious but amused smirk he accused, "You two just got tired of trying to beat my high score, didn't you?"
Davis paused the game and sighed dramatically as he fell back into the couch.
TK just shook his head. "Please tell me you hacked the system. Your score was over nine thousand! That's not possible!"
Ken chuckled. "You know I'm not too shabby at this game either if you need a few pointers."
Davis plugged up his ears. "No way! We're beating this game without you!"
"That's what you said last time," Ken reminded.
"And I'm going to keep saying it," Davis started (apparently plugging his ears hadn't hindered his hearing), "until it happens."
At that, TK chuckled. "I guess you were right then."
TK explained in an oddly heartfelt manner, "If we all have to wait until you beat Ken at a video game, we really are all stuck together forever."