Drug Addict

The Tale Begins

There was once three worlds that was bound together, the planets connected with each other like siblings; upon the planet lived the Humans and the Centas just as Humans and Centas evolved slowly over time and until suddenly one day the connection was severed. Thus the three planets became separated and rather quickly disappeared from each others radar.

It was the third planet (the eldest of the three) that decided to force the separation, the reason was simple and easy to understand, it meant that the balance between the worlds became better and more even, less chaotic. The second eldest planet took the power of dying will flames and the youngest took the life stream. Earth and Gaia, flames and mako. The third planet had took the power of creation and destroyer, this ability was dangerous and the third planet refused to let the other two whom was much younger make a mistake with the power.

A small minor slip-up would cost the planet's own death with no core, meant no rebirth.

The third planet sighed as it could feel the mistakes and sip-ups that happen so far away from itself. Despite feeling reluctant to bring together the worlds once again, anymore wrongs would destroy their core.

On Gaia a calamity struck. Pain and agony followed straight afterward; a bloody war between the Centas and Calamity ended with most of the Centas wiped out and the Calamity sealed deep within Gaia. The Humans were powerless and did not try to aid their fellow friend, far too quickly most had forgotten what the Centas did. The Humans multiplied and took over Gaia, built building and research advanced.

Humans and Centa on Earth continued to live more peacefully compared to its younger planet; although wars raged and the other chaos that happened, history of another planet became only a fairy tail; the Centa forgot their true heritage and lived as normal Humans. The odd miracle in history once in a while was the result of the unique power that flowed though several impure Centa bloodlines.

The third planet stared at its surface with mixed feelings. All the Centa and Humans had mixed their heritage and no longer called themselves the separate old races. They chose to name the new race Lydian, named after Aika's daughter, the third planet's daughter. Lynria.

Lynria was the first child born between a Centa mother and Human father after the separation incident. The separation was so powerful that the after affects could had lingered on Aika for thousands of years, but little baby Lynria had absorbed all the negative after affects and this caused the little baby girl to die; her Centa power was naturally powerful and surpassed her mother by an impressive margin, this would had killed the little child anyway, eventually. Such a sad fate, but Lynria took her destiny without hesitation; she was destined to die and be reborn as a Goddess of Aika.

The Goddess of Life, Death and Rebirth.