A/N: I would like to say that I wanted to change it to a more Omnipotent point of view so as to not just be stuck with one character, though it will mainly revolve around Harry and Cameron.
also if anyone reading knows who it is the name of my original character Cameron Thomas is, then please message me so that I can confirm whether or not you are right. if any wish to write it in the reviews, then by all means, do.
If anyone feels like I am, as the quote goes, 'Doing it Wrong' then let me know. I will warn you know that this is a Harry/Luna/OC friendship that may have Luna going one way or the other with the two boys, while the one left out will hook up with Ginny. I will also be checking all of my chapters for errors, so if you see any that I have missed please tell me and I will go back and find them as I am doing this without a Beta Reader to check for me.
Disclaimer: I would like to note that I don't own Harry Potter as I am not a woman first off, and am an artist before I am a writer. Now if by some chance that Miss JKR would grace my story with her expertise, I would be quite humbled with her words on the matter. And Thank you Miss Rowling for your inspiring work, the Harry Potter series.
now I best get back to my writing as I hear a whip crack not far off.
After Cameron had changed into his robes, about 10 minutes till they would arrive at Hogsmeade Station, Cameron went down the corridors in search of his sisters, he still remembered the compartment that he had put them in so it was quite easy to find even with they halls starting to fill with the older students. He found them both and told them to follow him to his compartment so that he could talk to them. They where glad to leave the presence of Dean Thomas and Lavender Brown, though that was because of the gouging questions about their older brother and argument about Harry Potter's sanity( Dean of course protecting Harry while Lavender soiled his name). They were able to tolerate this because they knew that their brother would settle this later when he found out after their sorting. Cameron took them back to his compartment just in time to introduce Luna to them and told them if they had any questions, they should ask Luna and that Luna was his new friend. The twins girls were excited to meet a possible housemate, and then thrilled to hear that Luna believed in Harry Potter who they both had just met. The Train was just pulling into the station when a Luna told the sisters of the gentle giant known as Hagrid, who would normally guiding the first years across the lake while everyone else would take the carriages. Luna then skipped ahead leaving the siblings to part ways as the first years were called to form up around a older lady who held a lantern over her head to be seen. Her voice was stern but not cold, it strangely enough reminded Cameron of Professor McGonagall but a younger version, as if the woman before them was her daughter.
After waving goodbye to his sisters, Cameron moved to catch up with his friends, both new and old. Strangely enough when he caught up with the group, Luna was still there looking for a empty carriage. Harry quickly secured the last one in the line and ushered them all in, Cameron turned to see Luna wasn't trying to get on so he held out his hand to the girl and said with a quirked brow. "Luna, care to join us on this fine night? I would love to continue talking with you and get to know you."
At this Luna had a small smile grace her lips as she took his hand to help her into the cart followed quickly by Cam and they spent the rest of the journey to the castle in light chatting with Luna's comments floating in and out of the conversation. When they finally reached the castle Harry had taken up an almost brotherly protectiveness of his new friendship in Luna and stood slightly in front of her on their way to the Great Hall while Cameron and the rest made a protective formation around her with Cam on her immediate right followed by Neville slightly behind him. Ron on her left just a few feet away, close enough to be able to protect without looking like he knew her. Hermione had decided to take the rear being as she was the only girl as Ginny had gone ahead with her boyfriend, much to the ire of her brother Ron. Surprisingly or unsurprising most other students where avoiding them like the plague, which was normal for most Slytherins but after the Daily Prophet portrayed Harry as mentally insane it looked like only a very few of the others from both their own house and other houses. But probably the most notable where the few Slytherins who didn't seem to care one way or another how close the got to the newly dubbed "Boy-Who-Lied" Cameron and Harry where quick to notice them. The three Slytherins where in the same year as them and were notorious around Hogwarts: Daphne Greengrass- Ice Queen of Hogwarts, the untouchable beauty who was never seen anywhere without her best friend; Tracey Davis, the biggest flirt in the entire castle, but was still a virgin and never let any of her boyfriends try to cop a feel. They normally would wind up in the hospital wing with blisters and pustules in very sensitive places; and finally, Blaise Zabini the well known ladies man and son of Ms. Zabini who was a widow seven times over. Blaise was known to flirt with any of the witches in the school with few exception, those being one Ginny Weasely, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass and any female in his year who were in his house. They seemed to stay next to the group a good five feet away, just far enough to keep everyone around them from thinking the two groups were together. Harry and Cam looked at each other before glancing back at the snakes in question to see something they both never expected to see. Daphne, Ice Queen, had looked in there direction right as they had glanced in hers and saw she was caught, her cheeks flushed before her face quickly became the usual frost expression. Tracey had a faint smile on her face and Blaise quirked an eyebrow before giving a barely perceptible nod which was return in kind by the two Gryphs a second later. Strangely enough as the two boys continued their scans of the people around them similar groups from each house where doing the same: Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott, the inseparable Hufflepuff duo; The Patil Twins Padma and Parvati(strangely lacking one Lavander Brown, though we all know the reason why); The Creevey brothers; Su Li and Cho Chang with Terry Boot and a girl neither recognized but looked reluctant to be there; and finally the Gryffindor Chasers Trio Angelina, Alicia, and Katie. Harry understood that the Weasely Twins had gone ahead to avoid as much unwanted attention from any teachers or prefects, but he knew that they supported him totally and would stand up for him when push came to shove.
Harry and Cameron keep up with their surveillance of the surroundings until they're group where sitting, but only for a short while because not long after they arrived in the hall the group of first years where brought in what appeared to be alphabetical order by Professor McGonagall. Neville spotted the twin sisters first and soon the rest were waving at the two before their attention was grabbed yet again by the sorting hat sung it's yearly song, but toward the end something strange happened:
"Thus, the houses and their founders
Maintained friendships firm and true.
So Hogwarts worked in harmony
for several happy years,
but then discord crept among us
feeding on our faults and fears.
The Houses that, like pillars four
had once held up our school
now turned upon each other and
divided, sought to rule.
And for a while it seemed the school
must meet an early end.
what with dueling and with fighting
and the clash of friend on friend.
And at last there came a morning
when old Slytherin departed
and though the fighting then died out
he left us quite downhearted.
And never since the founders four
were whittled down to three
have the Houses been united
as they once were meant to be.
And now the Sorting Hat is here
and you all know the score:
I sort you into Houses
because that is what I'm for.
But this year I'll go further,
listen closely to my song:
though condemned I am to split you
still I worry that it's wrong,
Though I must fulfill my duty
and must quarter every year
still I wonder whether sorting
may not bring the end I fear.
Oh, know the perils, read the signs,
the warning history shows,
for our Hogwarts is in danger
from external, deadly foes
And we must unite inside her
or we'll crumble from within
I have told you, I have warned you...
let the Sorting now begin." -(extracted from the OotP book, not mine)