I'm just gonna say this now... This fic will from this chapter on be focused on the kids more than GXL and NXL... I just don't want to screw up with them being too OOC in this... But there will still be moments for them in this..
Fairy tail - Sun and the Moon, by: UnTalented Artist
Chapter 2
About 7 months have passed after Levy and Lucy got out of the hospital and now they are once again coming in but not in such terrible condition as last time.
'Come on Gajeel... Stop bitching about me crushing your hand, i'm the one here doing all the work.' Levy said as she was getting ready.
'I just never knew you had this much strength in those little arms..' Gajeel replied as he was trying hard not to use his magic to change his hand into iron scales.
'I didn't see Natsu getting any trouble over Lucy's handgrip when we saw them before.' Levy tried to tease Gajeel.
'Well Bookworm, that's just because you're stronger than Salamanders Bunny girl.' Gajeel replied proudly.
'Ugh.. I think it's time Gajeel..' Levy said as the contractions were getting more closer to oneanother.
'It'll be ok Shorty, i'm here with you.' Gajeel replied as the doctor started to give Levy orders.
As Levys grip on Gajeels hand was getting tighter each second and Gajeels face paler.
'Gajeel.. I think you should use your iron scales by the look on your face..' Levy said as the doctor said the head of the first baby was getting into view.
'Yeah... Your strength right now tops Salamanders anyday..' Gajeel replied and changed his hand into iron scales.
Some time passed as both baby's were out into the world. Two beautiful girls, with black hair like their dad and their moms eyes.
Natsu and Lucy had 2 boys. They had Lucys blond hair and Natsus eyes.
For some reason Natsu and Gajeel had become friends over the past months Lucy and Levy had been pregnant and had visited eachother quite often. But now something was bothering Gajeel as Natsu delivered the news about their boys to Levy.
'What's bothering you Gajeel?' Levy asked as she could clearly tell that something was wrong.
'It's nothing...' Gajeel tried to look like nothing was bothering him.
'Gajeel Redfox, i know something is wrong with you... And it has something to do with Natsu and Lucy, right?' Levy put on her serious face that Gajeel came to know quite well over the past months.
'Ok ok, i give.. Don't give me that face.. It's just that we had 2 girls.. And they had 2 boys...' Gajeel looked at her with a worried look on his face.
'What's the problem in that? I see no reason to be upset?' Levy looked at him with a confused look.
'When our girls become older they might get too close to Salamanders boys... That there is the problem..' Gajeel looked at her with a serious face.
'That's what bothering you? That dads little girls might come to like Lucys and Natsus boys?' Levy chuckled.
'Hey i'm being serious here Shrimp!' Gajeel looked at her.
'I know and that's why i love you Gajeel Redfox. But if that someday happens we'll think about it then, right? You might change your mind in time.' Levy tried to calm down Gajeel.
Over at the Dragneel-Heartfilia family.
'I'm sure Gajeel is thinking of same thing right now Natsu.' Lucy said as Natsu was walking around the room as he had told her about Levys and Gajeels girls.
'And i'm sure Levy is telling him the same thing i'm saying to you now.. That if they come to like eachother over time i'm sure it'll be fine..' Lucy added.
'You're probable right as usual Lucy.. We'll just have to deal with it then.' Natsu calmed down.
Levy and Lucy had desited to let the boys go tell the news to the eager people waiting at the guild, while they had gotten beds next to eachother in the nursery.
'I know we both had the same thought in our heads as we heard about the kids, am i right Salamander?' Gajeel aske das they were walking towards the guild.
'Yeah.. And i'm guessing that you got the same "we'll think about it then" speech from Levy as i did from Lucy, right?' Natsu replied.
'Yeah... They really do know us quite well...' Gajeel sighed.
'So.. Let's make a deal.. If our kids somehow become close romantically in the future... We'll not get in their way.. Because their moms would kill us..' Gajeel sighed.
'What? Yeah sure.. I don't want to see that kind of power again from Lucy that i saw today...' Natsus face went pale as the thoughts of Lucys earlier strength came back in his mind.
'Yeah i hear you Salamander... I feel for you... I had to use my iron scales...' Gajeel smirked.
'Hey! That's cheating! I can't turn my hands into iron scales.' Natsu tried to look hurt.
After a few minutes of walking and talking about this and that, they got to the guild. There was a huge ground of people waiting for the good news, that everything was ok and nothing had gone wrong. All the girl were making weird faces and sounds as Gajeel and Natsu told everyone about the kids and their looks. Ofcourse the men were just congratulating the new fathers.
'Hopefully the girls will get more of Levys bodybuild than yours Gajeel..' Cana let slip out.
'There's nothing wrong with my build.. But i too think it would be better if they had their moms looks... I mean they have my hair so what more do they need from me..' Gajeel replied as to everyone's surprise.
'Hopefully one of the girls will have my magic.. ' Gajeel sighed.
'I hear you Gajeel, there's nothing wrong if the boys get Lucys spirit magic. But i'd still want atleast one of my boys to have magic.' Natsu patted Gajeel on the back.
After the men had offered the new fathers a drink, they started to walk back to the hospital with Juvia, Gray and Erza. Who had been picked out as the first ones to see the babys, not that there was anything wrong with the other guild members.
Today is the double twins 7th birthday and their first day as official guild members. Ofcourse Levy, Gajeel, Lucy and Natsu were proud that their kids became part of the Fairy Tail guilds big family.
Ofcourse everyone else was happy to get new guild members of the famous double twins of their beloved friends.
Layla and Kate are the names of Levys and Gajeels girls. Layla is a happy, cheerful and positive girl but on the complete opposite Kate is much like Gajeel, she has his temper and enjoys wearing dark clothes. Much like the Sun and the Moon if i would say...
About their magic, Layla has Her mothers Solid Script and Kate who is the pride of a certain Dragon slayer has his dads Iron Dragon magic.
The boys of Natsu and Lucy are rather famous all over magnolia due to their inherited Fire Dragon magic, but for some reason Igneel has blue fire instead of the usual red color. Igneel has more of Lucys personality of witch he usually hangs out with Layla, much to Levys and Lucys pleasure they get along well.. Luke on the otherhand is more like Natsu, he tends to get into fights over every stupid thing with Kate..
While the girls have Gajeels long black hair it isn't a problem for them, but for the boys to have their mothers long blond hair is a pain or that's what they say.. Having Dragon Slayer magic, being identical twins and having long blond hair gets the girls go crazy over them... But the way they get along with the Redfox girls is enough for them... The boys are also referred to as the Salamander twins.
'Dad! Stop it, i'm not a little kid anymore.' Kate said as Gajeel was again ruffling her hair as they walked towards the guild.
'Kate, you should know how dad feels about us joining the guild right? So give him some slac for today..' Layla said to her sister who was looking embarrassed.
'Am i really that bad of a father to you? It didn't bother you last week?' Gajeel looked hurt.
'You're not a bad father Gajeel, it's just embarrassing for a young girl to have her dad show affection in public.' Levy chuckled.
'So you're embarrassed of me..? And here i was thinking of getting you something nice for your birthday..' Gajeel teased Kate and Layla.
'They grow up so fast don't you think Bookworm?' Gajeel asked Levy as the girls were now sulking at their dad.
'Hmm yes, it seems only yesterday that Kate ate her first spoon... Do you remember that Gajeel?' Levy replied.
'How could i forget about her first show of iron dragon magic.. You freaked out when you were feeding here at their 1st birthday party and she bit of half a spoon. I'm happy that she has my magic, but the silverware at the house didn't agree with me...' Gajeel chuckled as he was remembering the event.
'Dad! Stop talking! Were here...' Kate shouted and dragged Layla in with her to the guild.
'Don't take it too personally Gajeel, you know she takes after you..' Levy tried to calm down the now shocked Dragon slayer.
'Oi! Old man Gajeel, you finally got here...' Luke was staring at him as he got in with Levy.
'Fight me!' Luke added as he charged at Gajeel with his Fire dragons iron fist.
'Don't be too hard on him Gajeel...' Levy whispered.
'Sure sure...' Gajeel replied.
And in a matter of seconds Gajeel had thrown Luke across the guild hall into Natsus arms.
'Told you not to call him "old man"... Didn't i Luke?' Natsu asked sarcastically looking down on his sons face.
'Told you you couldn't beat him Luke...' Igneel said as he walked over to tease his brother.
'Igneel! Don't tease your brother.. He can't help it he's like his dad when he was younger.' Lucy said.
'What, dad was an idiot too?' Igneel chuckled as Natsu looked at Lucy with a hurt expression.
Master Makarov walked in to greet the new members as he heard from Mira that they had arrived. He greeted them like everyone else in the guild as Mira was getting ready to place the guild mark on the new members.
Kate took the mark on her left shoulder like her dad, Layla took it on the right side of her chest. Luke took it on his right palm and Igneel took it on his lower back.
Tomorrow will be the double twins 15th birthday... For Layla and Igneel it's no different then the past two, sense they have dated eachother for the past 3 years. But for the other two of the twins who also have feelings for eachother but have yet to confess them, it's quite awkward. As Layla and Igneel tease them over the fact many times due to their shared staring... And the fact that the double twins are a team makes the matter more awkward.
'Come on bro, you should really ask Kate out...' Igneel teased his brother as they were walking to the guild to meet their team as in the Redfox twins.
'Me ask Kate out? Why? I don't even like her...' Luke tried to hide his blush from Igneel.
'Yeah yeah, that's what you keep telling me... But i heard from a reliable source that she likes you...' Igneel continued.
'And whos that?' Luke tried to act oblivious.
'Like you don't know... I'm dating her sister and she knows about these things a lot more than you and me...' Igneel replied.
'Moorning Igneel~darling! Morning Luke.' Layla greeted them as they got to the guild.
'Yo! Igneel.. Lu- Luke..' Kate hid her blush.
'Kate.. I can see you blushing over there..' Layla teased her sister.
'Like hell i am! It's just hot in here...' Kate tried to cover up her blush.
'Hey Lay-chan, where do you want to go today? Your turn to despite.' Igneel said as he hugged her.
'Anywhere is fine, but what do we do about those two..?' Layla shook her head as Luke and Kate were sharing stares from time to time and turning their heads quickly to hide their blushing from the other.
'Hmm we should get them alone somewhere gihihi.' Igneel chuckled.
'You hang out with dad again? You even laugh like him...' Layla asked.
'No... Haven't you noticed that you laugh like him too... I just spend too much of my time with you Lay-chan.' Igneel replied and kissed her.
'Here you go being all lovey dovey again... Bah that screws up the team work..' Kate joined in.
'We ruin it? How about you two... You always mess up when you just stare eachother all the time... Why not just get it over with and start dating?' Layla replied.
'Ugh.. But i'm not sure he even likes me..' Kate said obliviously.
'If he didn't like you, why is he always blushing and staring at you?' Igneel asked.
'We can get you two alone for the day if you want? You can ask him then.' Layla and Igneel said in unison.
'Well it should not be that hard to get Luke somewhere... We'll just say we got a mission or something...' Igneel added.
'Ok, lets get him to come to the park around 8pm? Then you can be alone for the evening.' Layla chuckled.
'Sounds ok to me... But what if he finds out?' Kate looked worried.
'Nah he wont...' Igneel said though he new Luke was listening.
But on the other side of the guild a certain dragon slayer was listening to the conversation.
'She actually likes me? Ohh i think Igneel was right for a change... I think i'll go to the park and see for myself.' Luke thought as he listened.