All standard disclaimers - I don't own Hogan's Heroes, Time Tunnel, Bewitched etc, apply and can be found in chapter one.

A short chapter I know, but it felt right to send it here. My heartfelt thanks to those who've reviewed and placed the story on their alerts so far. It means a lot to me. The story itself is a bit out of character for me. In reality, I'm not a chauvanist, misogynist or anything of the like. But I'm having a great time writing it. And I hope you continue to enjoy.

A special message to "The "Girls" from Barracks two." Thank you for your review. But are you really sure you want to threaten the person holding the whip? Be afraid - Be very afraid.

Taking a cup of warm water, Sergeant Joe Wilson, the camp medic lit a cigarette and said quietly. "I can't explain it Colonel. I'm no doctor, but even I know it's just not medically possible."

"Impossible or not, it's happened. And to top it off, our tunnel entrance is gone, along with all of our gear and Colonel Klink. Which means we're pretty much out of business. That is unless one of the other entrances is still open."

Taking a drag off his cigarette, Wilson inhaled deeply. "I'm guessing that's where I come in"

"Afraid so. Joe, I need you to check out the other barracks, see if there's a usable tunnel entrance in any of them." "Tall order Colonel. But I can tell you the ones in nine and twelve are gone too. So I sure wouldn't bet much on any of them being open."

"I wouldn't either, but check anyway. Who ever did this is one thorough going SOB. But they can't have gotten everything."

"They couldn't?" Wilson stopped to look around the room. "Well, when you consider what all they did get. I wouldn't be so sure about that?"

"I'm not. But I sure got a score to settle with whoever tried. They even got Newkirk's pencil sharpener and the laptops."

"We didn't make out much better Colonel. They even cleaned out the rec hall." "The rec hall?" "Yes ma'am. They had us scrubbing them out this afternoom. Everything was gone, even our special limited edition set of fan fiction author dartboards."

A shudder ran through the barracks, accompanied by high pitched, but unimaginative, cussing and cries of sacriledge at the loss of their special shrine.

Covered trucks rolled into Stalag thirteen right after evening roll call. Pulling up to the recreation hall, each disgorged an eight member squad of female SS troopers and their gear. Fraulein Helga, now clad in the smartly cut black uniform of an SS Hauptsturmfurher (Captain) greeted them. "Ladies, Welcome to Stalag Thirteen."

Peeking between the cracks in the shutters, the "Girls in Barracks Two" watched and listened as the trucks rolled in. "What do you think it means Guvn'r." "What else, Trouble."

Back in his office, still smarting from Ann's savage dressing down, Hochstetter threw back a double shot of schnapps. Standartenfuhrer or not, how dare a mere woman threaten him. Then remembering her orders he again shuddered, Yes she dared. But, he asked himself, how could she have gotten the Fuhrer's ear. Were it anyone but the Fuhrer.-

"NO," he told himself firmly. "It is treason to even think such thoughts about the Furhrer." Then shaking his head to clear it of the unbidden mental images. He realized it didn't matter how the woman had gotten the Fuhrer's ear. The fact was that she had it. And unless he got lucky and fast, she was going to have his head as well. Another double schnapps later, he opened his office door and called for his aide, "Get me the Papa Bear files, all of them, NOW!"

Back in the time tunnel control room Endora and I watched the images unfold. She laughed "They don't look very happy do they." "No ma'am, they sure don't." "Well, (her green eyes twinkled) maybe we can fix that." Nodding, I raised my coffee mug in salute, "The wondrous world of witchcraft" Her wineglass clinked against it. "To merry mischief making." With that, we drank, then settled back to watch the show.

In keeping with Ann's orders, Hogan's protest not withstanding, male guards were stationed in barracks two just before lights out. And despite their fatigue, and Ann's dire warning to the guards. The "Girls" found it difficult to sleep under their watchful eyes. Unceremoniously kicked out of his office when it was turned into a guard post. Hogan tossed and turned on a bunk in the common area. Struggling as were the rest of the prisoners to make some peace between their thin uncomfortable mattress's and their new unfamiliar bodies.

Dawn was just breaking as ear splitting whistles roused the prisoners from their fitful slumber. And the black clad SS women behind them had none of Shultz's sense of humor. Rolling over with his usual " just five more minutes Shultzie" Newkirk jumped when a heavy riding crop cut sharply into her panty clad backside. "Hey, What'd ya do that for" Her high pitched Cockney voice burned with outrage.

One of the SS women backhanded her. "You will do as you are told Englander. When you are told. And you will not talk back or question what you are told." Then looking directly at Colonel Hogan she growled. "And that goes for all of you. Or there will be consequences, for all of you. Am I understood." Hogan glared back at the woman. "Loud and clear." A moment later a crop lifted her chin. "Loud und clear vhat schwein?" Through clenched teeth, a seething Hogan replied. "Loud and clear, Ma'am."

"Gut. Now, you have ten minutes to use the latrine and be outside for roll call. If one is late, all will be punished. So, as you American schwein would say, I suggest you move it, now!"

Standing in formation a few minutes later, Hogan fumed, More changes had taken place in the night as the prisoners bodies continued to develop their womanly shapes. Gone were the military haircuts. And Hogan chaffed at the unfamiliar sensation of her dark shoulder length hair brushing against the back of her neck. Even more strange felt the heavy weight of the large womanly breasts pulling on her upper chest. And it was the same shoulder length hair and full firm breasts for the other prisoners as well. "We don't make a bad looking bunch of women." She thought. "But we're stuck in this hell hole with a bunch of women hungry men. Maybe it's just as well we're being guarded at night."

Unlike the previous day, the prisoners caused no disturbance while in formation. Marched by Shultz to the mess hall, each was given a piece of black bread and a cup of weak ersatz coffee. They ate quietly, as they had the night before. Each struggling to ignore the suggestive taunts and leering looks coming from the still male prisoners. After breakfast they were marched back to the barracks and given fifteen minutes to use the latrine and clean up. Then, their knee length shifts having proven unsuitable for marching. The prisoners were again ordered to strip. And as he had the day before, a heavily breathing Schultz led them in two hours of close order drill, followed by an hour of naked callisthenics.