Disclaimer:I do not own Naruto, or any of it's characters or themes.
This is my first fan fiction :) I am hoping to write more but I would like to see what others have to say about it! Please review!
The music blared loudly as the bodies on the dance floor rocked back in forth. It was only eleven at night and things where just starting to heat up. The bartenders hurried to get everyone's order, while the Dj nodded his head to the sound of rap music screeching through the speakers. The dancers hypnotized by the beat of the song, were completely unaware of their surroundings. And I, was in the arms of the most perfect and sexiest ninja in the village of Kohona. Kakashi Hatake.
His body was pressed up against my back and he held me tightly as we danced with the rest of the bar goers. But dancing with this incredibly yummy ninja was not my real agenda tonight. And dancing with me was not his. As much as we both enjoyed it. I kept my eyes out for a target that we were looking for; he was top on the hit list in Kohona. Naturally, Tsunade sent Kakashi, but for some reason she sent me along. It was odd seeing how Kakashi and I never met or worked together. But that shouldn't have been a problem since we were trained to work with any other ninja in the village.
My thoughts where erupted by Kakashi's breath on my neck. "I see him, lets go" He whispered in my ear as chills ran through my body. He released me and took my hand and led me through the tight weave of busy dancers. We had to look like a couple of course. We were undercover after all. But for just one split second, I wished his arms were meant to be around me, and then I focused on our targets fall.
We could not get to close, just far enough to hear what our target was saying. He wasn't a built man, yet he wasn't lanky. His figure actually reminded me that of Kakashi's perfect figure, yet this man was nowhere near as sexy as Mr. Copy ninja. He was about five foot six, messy blonde hair, and sharp looking evil green eyes. It looked as though he kept some scary company from the looks of the two overly built bodyguards he conversed with. The target, Ito Hayato, was a man wanted for numerous murders of innocent civilians in the Snow Village. The Snow Village had no ninja military, so ninja like us were called in for any necessary help.
Through my assessment of Hayato, the night club hadn't changed at all. There was still the unmistaken scent of alcohol that filled the room. Kakashi and I had not been noticed when we had left the dance floor. When you were crammed in a room with a hundred other swaying bodies, it was easy to sneak around. "Ouch!" I hissed quietly at Kakashi who had out of no where pushed me against the wall. His arm wrapped around my waist and brought me closer to his body. "Shhh,Shadow," He whispered into my ear seductively. His very voice made me tremble. He brought my face up to meet his, and then, he started to kiss me passionately.
What the… My body automatically tensed up from the shock of his lips crashing into mine. I was not quite sure what to do at this point. I just stood there with my body against his and my hands on his chest. He noticed my lack of response and pushed me into the wall. "Why so tense my love?" He whispered into my ear. His hot breath lingered on my cold skin as he started to trial kisses my neck. I struggled to keep up my senses and to stop myself from trembling again.
"I'm sorry sweets, you just shocked me." I whispered back while wrapping my arms around him and molding my body to his. "Goodgirl," he brought me into another deep kiss and slowly slid his tongue into my mouth. I sighed inwardly. If only this kiss would last forever. It felt so right, his arms holding me tight against him, his mouth on mine, as if we were the only two in the room, although there were hundreds. Thank GOD that this was nothing unusual to the club goers. There were many couples making out about the club.
That was not the purpose of our being here. We were both well aware that Hayato had slipped passed us and into the men's room. It was my cue now. "I think we should take this somewhere a bit more private baby." I said pulling my lips away from his. He honestly looked just as disappointed as I did. "It's getting a bit to crowded in here" I smiled up at him seductively.
"As you wish, just let me find a bit of protection. Why don't you freshen up a bit before we head back to my place babe?" I nodded shyly. And as he leaned down to kiss me once more he whispered in my ear. "Taketothevents,followmychakraflow,I'mgoingtofollowhim.Beready." Within a short peck on my lips he was gone into the men's room.
I acted quickly and swiftly found my way to the Women's room. Perfect, it was empty. Now where are the vents? I looked around the ceiling, gotcha, in the lower right hand corner, which was right above a stall. Score! Not exactly sure how much time I had and with the risk of a clubber coming in at any time. Cause lets face it, with that much alcohol in your system your going have to piss like a mother at least half the time your there. And yes, of course, I was speaking from experience.
So I got up on the toilet and balanced as best as I could. For a ninja I was pretty uncoordinated in all honesty. Not to mention that the bathroom was absolutely dreadful! The rank smell of urine was attached to every damn thing in there as well as pads and nasty letters written on the wall every where. Sigh, I could never understand people.
Right as I got the vent cover undone and pulled myself up and into the vent, a trio of giggling girls came into the restroom to busy gossiping about some guy's dick to notice me putting the vent cover back into its place. Mission success! Now just to find the men's room, and get a hold of Kakashi's chakra flow.
The music was thankfully muted much more in the vents. It was crazy loud out there. It was all I could do to keep up with what Kakashi was saying. I didn't think that anyone would here me as I crawled threw the vents as loud as that music was but I decided to take it easy just in case. I finally got to the vent opening that overlooked the men's room. I took a peak through it to see if I could spot Kakashi. My eyes widened in horror…I spotted him all right…
Oh. My. Gosh. Am I really seeing what I think I'm seeing? Kakashi was…Oh. My. Gosh. I felt like such a peeping tom staring down into the men's room like this. My cheeks burned with embarrassment but I had to keep focused.
I guess it would have been assumed that Kakashi was using the, erm, urinal and I got a good look at his huge and or small dick. But, thankfully, that wasn't the case. Instead I was staring at Kakashi…who was shoved up against the wall…by one of Hayato's henchmen. Gawd, I leave him for one minute and this is what happens. What the hell. Thankfully I was close enough to hear what they were saying.
"What do you want from me?" Kakashi asked fearfully. Hmm, he's a good actor. "Shut up you piece of shit!" The henchmen said, slamming Kakashi up against the wall more. "You know what!" The scary henchmen, who was at least 6 foot tall and scarred terribly with what looked like to be battle scars, proceeded to punch my yummy ninja in the stomach….And that dumb ass took it. I sighed. So much for the copy ninja, who was supposed to be an amazing fighter?
"No actually, I'm still not clear on what I did wrong." He said innocently as he started coughing up blood from the punch. I wanted to step in at this point, and save Kakashi from getting hit anymore, but I knew I had to wait. The timing was not right, and Kakashi knew what he was doing. Plus I was looking for some kind of signal from him.
Luckily these thugs weren't trained on the ways of a ninja and left their selves open for anyone to take the kill. If they were any good at all, they would have sensed the flow of Kakashi's and my chakra. I suppose that could be why they had Kakashi up against the wall…But on the other hand, maybe Kakashi was so much of a pervert that he was the type other guys would catch looking at their junk why they peed…..No, ew, definitely not that