Many people have read an Edward x Jasper x Bella story, at least once. I decided to give it a twist and make it an Edward x Bella x Paul story instead. It probably won't get as many hits as I'd like it to, but yeah I wanted to test it out. This will be a trial chapter. If it doesn't get any requests to stay up, I'll bring it down and just make it strictly a Paul x Bella story. Thank you and enjoy. :) x

Bella POV

"Are you ready for your first day, Bella?" Asked my best friend, Rosalie.

I looked at her, straightened my shirt and smiled. "Yeah, I am."

I had originally been going to St. Paul's Christian School in Port Angeles, but after a shortage in money, my dad, Charlie, decided it'd be better if I attended Forks High School with Rosalie and Emmett, my brother.

Emmett had a meeting with his football coach so he left us as soon as we got to school. I looked around the parking lot and noticed a motorcycle by a red camaro. More specifically I noticed a tall Native American talking with an equally tall guy with green eyes.

"Who are they?" I nudged Rosalie, trying to get her attention.

"Paul and Edward. Best friends only because they can't make friends outside of the bedroom." Rose replied. I stared at them, but I soon caught the attention of Paul. His black smoldering eyes stared back into my brown ones. He elbowed Edward, and he stared at me along Paul. I averted my eyes, choosing to stare at my scuffed up converse.

"They're staring at you. You're fresh meat." Rosalie said, laughing as she dragged me into school.

"You know I won't open my legs for just anyone, Rose." I said back as we walked to the main office to get my paperwork done.

The lady in the office, Ms. Cope, gave me my class schedule, locker combination and a map of the school. Me and Rose only had 2 classes together, at least it was something. Thankfully we had our first and last classes together.

"You're going to love art here, our teacher knows so much!" She was filling me in. We sat in the middle classroom so we'd still be able to see the board but not be seen by the teacher.

I brought out my notebook and began to doodle. I felt a presence beside me, and looked up to see Paul watching me. He took the seat to my right, turned his chair towards me, and started speaking. "Hey baby, I'm Paul. I'd like to show you a good time." He said with a wink.

"Not interested." I replied, turning to speak with Rosalie. She was on the phone with Emmett so that was a lost cause for me. I looked down at my watch and noticed I still had 10 minutes till the class sarted.

I felt my notebook slide out from under me. I saw that Paul had taken it from me and was dangling it from his finger. I glared at him. "Can I have that back, please?" I asked reaching my hand out to grab it. His other arm stretched out and grasped my wrist.

"If you give me your number." Like I'd actually give my number to a manwhore. I gave him a sweet smile, pulled my notebook from his hand, wrote a note and passed it to him.

"Get lost." He read aloud, and looked up at me with a smirk. I looked to the board and noticed the teacher was getting ready to start the class.


Paul POV

I dismounted my bike and turned to Edward's Volvo parked beside me. We were talking about the girls we got this weekend.

"I met her up in Port Angeles. I think her name was Irina or maybe Carmen, but she had tits that fell right into my mouth when she bent forward. She was so fucking flexible, I was able to get her to do the splits while she was fucking me. I'd give her a 7. She moaned like a cow." I could hear him distantly telling me what she was like.

I looked across the lot and noticed a short girl walking with Rosalie Hale. She had long brown hair, enough for me to wrap around my hand as I fucked her from behind. She was wearing a pair of black tights with a long sleeve shirt that exposed her collar bones. Her thighs were shapely and would wrap around me tightly. Her lips were red and would look great wrapped around my dick.

I caught her eyes, so I nudged Edward to get his attention. Together we stared at this new girl who we'd be fucking soon.

"I'm fucking her first." I said leaving no room for arguments. I unconsciously licked my lips, already imagining the warmth I'd feel the second I entered her pussy.

"She looks like a nice girl, she'll want me first." Edward replied.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "If she's as nice as you think she is, she won't pick either one of us." I looked over at her again. That sexy ass swung side to side, tempting me to go over and take a bite. "May the best man win." I said, turning to Edward with my arm stuck out.

After shaking hands I walked into school. My first class was fucking art. The teacher was an idiot and I'd probably fucked all the girls in that class already.

When I walked through the door I noticed the short girl beside Rosalie again. I walked over to her and began to speak to her. She was gonna be a challenge. I grabbed her notebook out of her reach and asked for her number. She scribbled something on a piece of paper, smiled, and handed it back to me.

"Get Lost." I read. She wants to play, I'll show her. Right when I was about to reply, the nut of a teacher walked into class.

Class went by with me staring at the girl's backside. She was so damn sexy I bet she didn't even know it. She doodled all class period and I knew exactly how to get her to talk to me. When the bell rang, she bolted off her seat and I sped to catch up with her.

Right when I got outside the hallway I saw her walking with Emmett. What the fuck is my girl doing with him? I went up to them and punched Em's shoulder. "Sup asshole, not gonna introduce me to this babe?"

"Actually, no Paul. I'm not. My baby sister doesn't need you trying to hump her leg. Tell Edward that too." He said pulling her away from me. Baby sister... I can't fuck with Emmett, but I wanna fuck that girl so badly. I fucking need her name.

Out of no where, Edward came up behind me. "Isabella Swan. 17. Went to Saint Paul's up in PA."

"How'd you get all that?" I asked him with a quirked eyebrow.

"Around here, all you have to do is fuck the gossip girls and you'll get all the information." He winked at me, elbowing my chest.

I looked at him trying to guess which girl he sexed behind the gym or in a closet. "Jessica can suck, but she can't fuck. Lauren fucks, so I'm guessing it's her that gave you your info. I might be wrong, I might be right. But thank God you found out who she is."

Me and Edward walked out to behind the gym and brought out a pack of cigarettes. I offered him one and we began to smoke. "I fucked Gianna for the information. She may be good at fucking but I had to wrap my cock twice to protect myself from that shit." He said, grabbing his dick to emphasize his point.

Gianna Volturi. Tall at 5'9" with legs that went on forever. She had tits so big, my hands could barely cupped them. Light brown hair, hazel eyes. The perfect fuck, but a fucking walking STD. No way in hell was I getting near that sexy beast without wrapping it twice. If I fucking came home with an STD my mom would fucking kill me. Her sister, Heidi was just as fun, just as sexy. Long legs, average tits, but an ass so big you just wanted to smack it. Those girls together were the fucking shit.

"Since you obviously didn't get her name until now, I think it's my turn for a try." Edward said, winking at me. He killed his cigarette and walked back into school leaving me by myself.

"Good luck trying, bro, she's a feisty bitch." I replied, killing my bud and following him in.


Edward POV

When I saw the new girl this morning, I knew I had to have her. Fucking Gianna was probably dumb on my part but what I got what I needed. Isabella Swan. Emmett's sister. Shit. Trouble. I told Paul about her, but I know she'll be mine.

I saw her walking in the hallway, all by herself and decided to introduce myself. I walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder.

"Hi, I'm Edward Cullen. Welcome to Forks High." I said in my most charming voice. Knowing him, he probably introduced himself like a whore and that's why he didn't get her name or number.

She turned around and I was immediately taken in by beautiful brown eyes. Her lips looked even better up close. "Look, I don't know what they put into the water here in Forks, but I'm not interested."

She's not interested in me? Does she not know who I am? I'm Edward fucking Cullen. I screw girls daily. The last time a girl turned me down was... never! "Hey now, I wasn't trying to do anything. I just wanted to be a friend." What a lie. I wanted to live in her fucking pants. I wanted to kiss those luscious lips until she was left panting.

"Thank God, I'm tired of people hitting on me. I mean I have a boyfriend." She said. Boyfriend! Gianna kept this information from me. I needed to know that she had a boyfriend, this will be more of a challenge.

"Your boyfriend, is he from around here?" I asked, curious to see who was getting in my girl's pants. I looked at her, having a feeling she was lying about a boyfriend. Gianna knows a lot, she's apparently known about Bella's coming for awhile now.

She looked around first, then moved in to whisper, "He's from La Push, don't tell anyone." She made a shh noise and put her finger to her lips. How I wanted to put that fucking finger in my mouth and suck on it.

I had to find Paul and tell him this. We needed to look for this fucker and punch his face in. No one was going to touch Bella until me or Paul did.

"What's his name?" I asked, pushing for more details.

"He's picking me up, you'll meet him then. I have to get going to class, Edward. I'll talk to you later. Oh, by the way, I'm Bella." She smiled at me and walked away leaving me to stare at her ass. What a beautiful ass it was.

Thank God I had my next class with Paul. I walked into class 10 minutes late with the teacher grumbling about how I'd flunk out of school. Fuck him.

I pulled out the chair beside Paul's, and sat down. "Get this Paul, she has a boyfriend. From La Push." His eyebrows raised. He was trying to think which guy from La Push would attract someone as sexy as Bella Swan. It was unlikely, all the boys there were dumber than posts.

"She's probably lying. We'll find out soon, alright?" Paul tried to reassure me, but I mean I heard it from her, let's hope she doesn't have anyone.


By the end of the day, me and Paul were jittery. Bella avoided us all day, ignoring our advances and shooting us down. Her "boyfriend" was supposed to be coming to get her soon. We saw her across the lot walking to a man that looked vaguely familiar.

The guy opened his arms wide for Bella and she ran and jumped. He kissed her with all his being and I felt my blood boil.

Paul came up behind me and said, "Jacob Black."

How did you like it? I plan on making it a full story, but I'm still undecided. Tell me what you think. x