All characters belong to Stephenie Meyer.

The Twilight Twenty-Five

Prompt: 03
Pen Name: redemptionsong
Pairing/Main Character(s): E/B
Rating: PG

Photo prompts can be viewed here:

Bella felt naked under her too-short shorts and her ex-boyfriend's baggy t-shirt. She literally was naked underneath, the last of her underwear used and rolling around with the rest of her washing in the neighbourhood laundromat.

If only these two would make out on someone else's machine, Bella thought eyeing the handsy couple. She shared an exasperated look with the hot green-eyed guy sitting across from her.

At last her load finished. She bent to unload when she felt fresh air on her ass.

Fresh unobstructed air.

A loud gasp across from her told her someone else noticed it too.