A/N: Alrighty, alrighty, let's get to the fun! It took me like, three days to actually getting around to writing this. Sorry!

(disclaimer: i do not own young justice m'kay?)

Who shall Robin and Falcon be meeting today? Let's see!



Clark Kent had first met Bruce Wayne when he and Lois Lane (who he, at the time, was still trailing after like a hopeless puppy dog) were sent to cover one of his numerous charity parties in Gotham City.

Batman, now Batman Clark had already met several times while wearing the red and blue.

It took a long time for Superman and Batman to become, what the public calls, the "World's Finest". A long time filled with many trials and team ups - team ups that didn't become Batman-consented until after two years - but yes, it was a long time for Superman to gain two things the Batman does not give out sparingly:



Although Batman only revealed his identity to Superman when they formed the Justice League...But still, Clark liked to think he and Bruce had a special bond, different from everyone else in the League.

Which is why Superman was now flying towards Gotham City, with an angry expression on his face.

Batman had two sidekicks. Two children - his own adopted children! - as his partners in fighting the downright nasty things that Gotham City threw at him every night? And he hadn't even thought to tell him.

Superman had only just found out about it from Hawkman and Hawkwoman, who told him the piece of gossip as soon as he stepped onto the Watchtower, hoping to get some quiet monitor duty after dealing with Eclipso's attempt to take over the throne of Kahndaq.

But now. He recieved the shocking information that Batman had two sidekicks.

What on Earth was Bruce thinking? Superman thought. This business is no place for children! It didn't need to be said that Batman was in for it...

Well as much "it" that Superman was able to give Batman without pushing him to taking out the kryptonite on his belt.

It was about ten o'clock at night when Superman landed in Gotham. Using his superenhanced vision (he didn't dare use his x-ray vision - there are things going on behind the walls of Gotham buildings that you just didn't erase from your mind if you see them), the Boy Scout quickly located his dark, brooding friend a couple rooftops away.

"I thought I smelt apple pie," Batman said as soon as Superman appeared. The Dark Knight was crouching on a stone gargoyle that protruded from the gravelly roof.

He smirked. "Funny," he said.

Batman didn't even ask why Superman was here. "You heard about Robin and Falcon," he said, not as a question but as a statement.

"Yes," Superman confirmed, crossing his arms and looking down at Batman.

"If you're going to talk, come down," Batman said. Superman obliged, floating down and resting his feet on the roof behind Batman.

"Batman," Superman began. "I don't understand what you were thinking-"

"I was thinking quite clearly," Batman interrupted.

Superman frowned. "You were thinking clearly when you decided to put those two children in danger?"

Batman stiffined. "I am aware of the dangers,"

Superman stepped closer, leaning down so he could speak to Batman without any nearby people overhearing. "Bruce, Dick and Wally are too young for this! Do you realize how easily they could get hurt, or killed by someone like Two-Face, or Poison Ivy, or the Riddler-"

"Or the Joker?" Batman asked, turning to glare at Superman.

Superman hesistated to speak, for once unsure of what Batman was thinking. "Yes," he decided to say, resuming his upright posture.

Batman stood up. "This was not a spur of the moment decision. I heavily protested Robin and Falcon taking up their own costumed identities,"

"Well-" Superman started to speak, but Batman interrupted again. His eyes were narrowed, a look that clearly said do not question my decisions.

"I did not allow them to begin patrolling with me until they had trained under my direction for two years," Batman said. Superman's eyes widened in surprise, which Batman saw. "Yes, you assumed that I recklessly decided to put my children in harm's way without making sure they could handle it? I trained them in hand-to-hand combat, long distance attacks, weaponry, stealth, and how to use their grapple hooks without falling to the streets below. I pushed them hard, hard enough so they could've given up and decided not to continue at any point. But they didn't. They proved to me that they can handle themselves out here...and I don't let them come every night. They are not allowed to patrol on school nights, and if they misbehave or their grades begin to slip they aren't even allowed to patrol on nights they could have,"

"I am handling them," Batman finished.

Superman shook his head. "I'm not going to be able to convince you this is a bad idea, am I?"

"What do you think?"


Superman turned around at the sound of a child's yell. He was about to fly up into action when Batman put a hand on his shoulder. "It's just Falcon - I keep telling him not to yell so loudly,"

Indeed, Robin and Falcon appeared swinging into view from below the rooflines. The two boys released their hooks and did simultaneous flips in the air, landing on the roof.

"The muggers are taken care of, Bats sir!" Falcon reported, giving Batman a salute.

"Stop that Falcon," was Batman's reply, but he did walk over and looked down into the alley below. Superman followed curiously, and to his shock there were at least six mean looking and big men all lying unconcious, tied up and beaten.

"You let them fight on their own?!" the Man of Steel cried incredulously.

Robin and Falcon just then noticed who was here. "Hi Uncle Clark!" Robin said, waving his hand.

"W-How did you know it was me?" Superman asked, completely shocked.

Falcon shook his head. "Again, Robin? Really?" he asked with a smirk.

Robin clapped his hand over his mouth, and he looked horrified at what he just said. He looked up at Batman. "I'm sorry - I didn't mean to! Please don't ground me!"

"You told them I'm Superman?!" Superman hissed at Batman.

"No," Batman looked down at Robin. "How did you know?"

Robin and Falcon stared back in confusion. "How didn't we know?" Falcon asked. "He doesn't even have a secret identity,"

"What? Yes I do," Superman said.

"Really?" Robin asked. "Oh, do you mean those glasses you wear sometimes?...Yeah, that's a really sucky secret i.d. Uncle Clark,"

"Language Robin," Batman chided. Then, to Superman's astonishment, he patted Robin on the head. "Good work,"

Robin beamed up at his mentor, happy with the praise.

"Hey, I figured it out too!" Falcon said. Batman rolled his eyes, but he gave Falcon a pat on the head as well, and Wally grinned excitedly as well. "I swear you two act just like dogs sometimes..."

Despite the fact that he still believed that Batman was not doing the right thing by letting children fight crime...Superman had to admit, the addition of children - good children at that, who made Batman brighter in his civilian life - seemed to be a positive influence on him. Batman didn't look as dark and scary with these two brightly colored youngsters by his side.

He would never tell him that though.

"I guess you guys have this under control," Superman said. He floated up. "I'm off,"

He had to go see Green Arrow now.

Batman nodded at him, which was his way of saying "Goodbye friend, see you later,". "It was good meeting you two, Robin and Falcon,"

"But you already met us-" Falcon started as the Boy Scout began flying away.

"Come boys," Batman's voice stopped the two boys in their tracks. "Penguin is on the move - south of here,"

"Well, let's go!" Robin said. The three Bats all shot out their grappling hooks, before leaping off the roof.

After a few minutes, the gargoyle that Batman had been crouching on suddenly stood up on its hind legs, rubbing his back.

"Damn Batman, break my spine with his weight," the gargoyle muttered.

A second gargoyle came to life across the street, and it flew over to him with strange membrane like wings. "Man, he was sitting on your for like, half an hour! You feeling okay Goliath?"

"Yes, I'm fine Lexington," Goliath said, cracking his neck.

"Well, come on!" Lexington said, jumping around happily. "Broadway and Angela are waiting for us! Hey, Goliath, do you think-"

"No Lexington, we are not exposing the existence of gargoyles just to join the Justice League,"

"WHY NOT?!" Lexington cried. Goliath didn't answer, preffering to open his bat-like wings and fly off. "Goliath wait up! You could be Bat-Gargoyle!"

"Lexington, shut up,"

Wonder Woman

Diana was raised on the island of Themyscara, home of the Amazons - a race of immortal and powerful women freed by the goddess Hera from the woes of Man's World. As such, she had been raised to believe that men were brutes, and should remain under woman's power.

But Diana could not help but feel empathetic for Man's World. She heard stories of the terrors and disasters they often had to face. They did not have the same kind of protection the Amazon's did.

That is what motivated Diana to steal the ancient bracelets and crown of Amazon warriors of the past, and leave the safety of Themyscara to go into Man's World and help them make it a better place.

At first, she was opposed when the media dubbed her "Wonder Woman" - she hardly ever used that name herself - but overtime she got used to it.

She was formerly introduced to Batman during the alien invasion that led to the formation of the Justice League. Diana knew that Bruce was both wary of her...and impressed by her. Further impressed by the fact that Diana was never once intimidated by him.

They even became...a little close over the years.

Diana knew that Bruce would never give in to their mutual attraction to each other. Besides, it wasn't as if Diana was in love with Bruce. She had one Steve Trevor for that...

Diana smiled as she thought of the man she met when she first encountered the U.S. Special Forces.

Who back on Themyscara would believe that she, Princess Diana, Wonder Woman, had managed to fall in love with a man?

But right now the man in her focus was not Steve. It was Batman.

"Did you come here to tell me I'm an idiot for making them sidekicks?" Batman asked Wonder Woman as soon as she appeared in the Bat-Cave (Alfred let her in, of course).

Diana shook her head. "No," she said. "I'm not here to judge, Bruce. I'm simply here to meet them officialy,"

Batman nodded. He turned his head back to the computer. "Their upstairs," he said.

"Thank you," Diana frowned. She had expected him to accompany her. Shrugging it off, Diana climbed the stairs up to Wayne Manor.

She heard the voices of two boys when she stepped out from the secret door behind the grandfather clock.

"No, I did!"

"Yeah right Dickie, I'm the one who saved the mayor, so I get the last cookie!"

"But I'm the one who freed you from Mr. Freeze's ice cage!"

"But I'm the one who punched Mr. Freeze in the face!"

"But I'm the one who-"

Diana had been watching the two boys argue with amusement, when the black haired one suddenly looked up at her. His jaw dropped.

"Wonder Woman?!" he cried.

Diana smiled as the orange haired boy - Wally, and Dick she remembered - gasped, and his eyes bugged out of his head.

"Wonder Woman - what are you doing here?" Wally cried.

"I wanted to meet you boys," Diana said. She sat down on the floor next to them, and an impish smile came over her face. "And I have to agree with Wally, Richard. If he's the one who saved the mayor, he should get the cookie,"

Dick's face fell, and Wally whooped in triumph.

"But," Diana held up a finger, and Wally froze in his posture. "I'm sure that Wally would be willing to share the cookie with you...right?"

Wally looked forlorn for a moment, before he grinned at Dick. "Yeah, sure," Wally said. "Do you want some Wonder Woman?"

Alfred paused outside the library for a moment. It was an astonishing sight to see Wonder Woman sitting down with Dick and Wally, eating cookies and talking.

He smiled...and carefully snapped a picture before Wonder Woman could see him.

About twenty minutes later, after Diana gave Dick and Wally her goodbyes and promise to return, she returned to the Bat-Cave to find Batman still at the computer.

"Well?" he asked, typing but keeping his attention on Diana.

"Promise me one thing Bruce," Diana said. She walked up behind him, and gave him a small peck on the cheek. "Don't let them become like you,"

The words, if heard by a stranger, would've sounded quite insulting.

But Diana and Bruce were not strangers. Bruce knew what Diana really meant.

"I wont," Batman promised.

With that, his eyes returned to the screen in front of him. Diana, knowing she would not get anything else from him, left.


Giovanni "John" Zatara had merely been curious when he learned that Batman had taken on two young proteges to join him in his mission.

Few people knew that Zatara met Bruce Wayne before he became Batman. The young orphaned billionaire surprised Zatara by finding him backstage after one of his magic shows, asking to be taught everything he knew about illusions and escape art.

Zatara initially passed Bruce off as a spoiled rich kid who just wanted to learn how to scare guests at his parties. But when Bruce persisted in learning, Zatara began to wonder what his real intentions were, asking Zatara to teach him.

So, curious as he was, Zatara decided to take Bruce on a sort of student. He was surprised by how dedicated Bruce was in learning how to create illusions, slight-of-hand, and how to escape from various predicaments.

He also developed a friendship with the young man. Eventually, Zatara deducted from watching Bruce and paying close attention to exactly what he wanted to know...that the young man was going to use this talents for a very specific reason.

Bruce was surprised when Zatara asked him what he would call himself in costume.

He was one of the first people that Bruce fully trusted with his plans to become Batman. Invigorated by this news, Zatara made a drastic decision of his own: He revealed to Bruce his genuine magical abilities, and that he too dabbled in fighting evil every now and then.

Really, it wasn't that hard for the public to connect "John Zatara, master magician!" to "Magical crimefighter Zatara defeats villainess Tigress!".

Zatara remained in touch with Bruce over the years, keeping their friendship strong. Zatara was the first member outside of the founding seven to join the Justice League, on Batman's request.

So Zatara was curious when he learned of Batman's new partners, Robin and Falcon.

When he finally got a chance to meet them, it wasn't by his choice. Tigress had managed to knock Zatara out and hold him captive in her warehouse. The woman, whose name was derived from the orange and black striped sweater she always wore (a bad costume, Zatara would've added), had been planning a slow, painful execution of her foe when Batman appeared out of the shadows, silently to attack Tigress head on.

Robin and Falcon were not so quiet.

"TAKE THAT!" Falcon cried, spinning his nunchucks into the face of one thug, before taking out his legs and backflipping over the thug that tried to sneak up behind him, giving him a nice thwack with a nunchuck as well.

Robin only laughed - a laugh that actually sent shivers down Zatara's spine - as he fought some thugs as well.

Zatara watched in amazement as the two young boys, who were only eight and ten years old, took down several of Tigress's men, while Batman fought the she-devil herself in the center of the ring.

Batman paused to shout, "ANY TIME YOU WANT TO FREE ZATARA BOYS,".

Robin suddenly popped up in Zatara's face, making the older man jump. "Whoops! Sorry about that, Mr. Zatara sir," he said. He unceremoniously ripped the tape covering Zatara's mouth.

"Ouch! Thank you Robin," Zatara said gratefully. Robin nodded back, and quickly cut the ropes on Zatara's body. The magician broke free, shaking himself off.

Zatara looked over at Tigress, still fighting Batman. "SsergiT ezeerf ni ecalp!" he cried in backwards speech.

Almost instantly, Tigress's body stopped moving, frozen like a statue. Batman dropped his defensive stature and merely looked at her in interest.

"Damn you Zatara!" Tigress shouted, her mouth still working.


A piece of tape now appeared over Tigress's mouth. "Ha!" Falcon shouted, pointing at her from on top of a pile of groaning hired grunts. "Serves you right!"

Zatara smiled at Batman when he walked over. "I like them, old friend,"

"Glad someone approves," Batman said emotionelessly, but Zatara saw a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. A very rare thing.

Zatara ended up waiting outside with Batman, Robin, and Falcon while the frozen Tigress was taken away by police.

"How did you do that, Mr. Zatara?" Robin asked, still amazed.

Zatara laughed. "I'm a magician, dear boy," he said, waving his cane playfully in Robin's face, which made him giggle. "I used magic of course,"

"Magic isn't real,"

Zatara glanced over at Falcon. The other boy was looking up at him in confusion. "It isn't?" Zatara asked. Hmm, a skeptic, this young? He thought.

"No," Falcon shook his head.

Zatara kneeled down next to Falcon. "Skcuhcnun reappa ni ym dnah," he recited after forming out how to saw nunchucks backwards. Falcon gasped as the two nunchucks he was holding vanished, only to instantly reappear in Zatara's hands.

"If magic is not real, then how did I do that?" Zatara asked, smiling.

Falcon looked amazed, but he still shook his head. "No? You still don't believe?" Zatara questioned, a little dissapointed.

"No," Falcon said. "It looks really cool, but my daddy said I'm not allowed to believe in-"

Falcon seemed to freeze, just like Tigress had. A flash of pain crossed his eyes, and he lowered his head to the ground in silence. Zatara looked back at the others. Robin looked very sad, and Batman seemed tense. Clearly, what Falcon had just said bothered all of them.

"Well, little Falcon," Zatara said, turning his attention to the quiet boy. "If you still don't believe...here's something I'm sure you would like,"

Zatara raised his hands, and silently began to twist them around in the air.

Falcon's eyes widened as a glowing image of a man and a woman dancing appeared above Zatara's hands.

"Pretty, no?" Zatara asked.

Falcon nodded. He reached out, and Zatara made the glowing dancers move through the air over Falcon's open palm. Falcon cupped his hands together, eyes wide and fixed on the smokey images.

"That's so cool," Falcon whispered.

"It is!" Robin agreed, creeping closer to look at the figures.

Falcon looked at Zatara. "Is it really magic?" he asked, eyes no longer filled with fear...but hope.

Zatara could feel Batman's rare smile, even if he didn't see it. "Yes, Falcon, yes it is,"

A/N: Hope you all caught that reference to an old Disney cartoon series that I loved to watch.

I thought that Superman, Wonder Woman, and Zatara would be the most important JLA members to meet the boys. The rest will be in the next chapter...followed by a team up with the Flash.


Well, I already know. It's you suckers who have to wait in anticipation. Ha ha!

Also, I just found out Maggie Q voices Wonder Woman in the show. Have you guys noticed celebrities seem to have a habit of voicing minor characters - Poison Ivy was voiced by Alyssa Milano, Captain Marvel was voiced by Rob Lowe, Hugo Strange was forced by Adrian Pasdar, and the Riddler was voiced by Dave Franco, from 21 Jump Street! It's wierd but I like it.

Anyway, adios for now!