Hello! I hope you liked chapter one. Sorry it was so short. This chapter will be longer! (It took me forever to finish! I finally finished it last night.)
I don't own Hetalia.
Warning: Very (And I mean very) OOC Belarus!
Huh? Where am I? I don't remember coming here. W-what happened to me? Belarus thought when she regained consciousness the next morning. I'm freezing! She thought. She slowly climbed out of the bed, and tripped.
Belarus stood up and turned around to see what she had tripped over. She saw Lithuania, and screamed, waking him up.
Belarus looked around for something that she could use to defend herself. (Unknown to Lithuania, it was actually very obvious that he liked her and Poland was not the only person who knew about it.)
She looked at the desk and saw a pencil that happened to be conveniently sharpened. She grabbed it and held it in front of her so that the sharp end was pointing at Lithuania.
"Stay away from me," she warned him.
"You're ok!" he said happily, and then he hugged her.
What the heck? What's happening? She thought. I-I'm going to marry Russia! Well, once he finally realizes that we're meant to be, but still!
Belarus started to scream. Lithuania refused to let go of her. About two minutes later, Poland appeared in the door-way.
"Could you like, turn the volume down a notch? Please?" he asked. Natalya broke free from Toris's hug.
"Where am I? What happened?" she asked.
"It's a long story," Toris told her.
"I have time," she said, sitting down on the bed.
Lithuania sighed and explained everything to her.
When he finished, he noticed that she looked upset. He could tell that she was holding back tears. He sat down next to her and hugged her tightly. At first, she stayed completely stiff, and then she relaxed and rested her head against his chest. Lithuania held onto her tighter and did his best to comfort her while she cried.
When she finished crying, Lithuania loosened his grip on her a little bit and looked down at her. Her hair was still a little damp from the night before and her dress was still soaked. And there was dirt and tear stains on her face.
"Psst!" Poland said.
Lithuania and Belarus looked at him.
"You guys might want to start getting ready for the World Conference now," he advised them.
Lithuania looked at the clock. It was 7:30; the meeting didn't start until 11:45.
"We have time, but ok I guess we should," Lithuania replied. Then he looked down at Belarus. "Are you ok?" he asked.
She nodded. Before getting up, he gave her one more hug.
He felt her shiver a little. She was soaked and dirty. Liet looked down at her.
"D-do you want to take a bath?" he asked. She nodded.
"Ok," Toris said. He let go of her and went to the bathroom.
He put the little plug thing into the bathtub drain and turned on the hot water.
"Hey Liet!" Poland called.
"What?" Lithuania called back.
"Do you like; expect Bela to wear what she's wearing right now to the World Conference?" Poland asked.
Lithuania gasped. That's right! Her dress is still wet from last night! He remembered.
He went back to the bedroom. Belarus was sitting on the bed. She had wrapped a blanket around herself to try to stay warm. Poland was standing in the doorway, giving Lithuania a look that said "Well, are you going to make her wear something that's wet to the World Conference?"
Lithuania looked at Belarus. Then he got an idea.
"You can borrow some of my clothes!" he said to her.
Belarus gave him a look that said "Okaaaaay," but she didn't protest.
Lithuania dug through his suitcase and pulled out some clothes.
"I'll leave these in the bathroom for you, okay?" he smiled.
"Thanks, I guess," Belarus replied. Lithuania smiled.
He went back into the bathroom and put the clothes on the sink counter. Then he turned off the water and went to get Belarus.
"M-miss Belarus," he said.
She looked up at him
"It's ready," he said.
Belarus nodded. She stood up and walked to the bathroom.
"Thanks," she said before she closed the door. Lithuania smiled. It made him feel happy to know that he was able to help her.
Belarus locked the door, got undressed, and sank into the water.
She started to think about what Lithuania had told her a few minutes ago.
Wow, Toris must really care about me. He found me unconscious in the streets, and he took me with him to his hotel room. And he slept on the floor so that I could use the only bed in the room. She thought. I guess I could be nicer to him.
What's going to happen to me? Why was I lying unconscious in the streets? Did someone do that to me? She started to cry a little. What's going to happen to me? She hugged her knees close to her chest.
"Bela, don't worry about it, you'll be ok," she told herself. Then she splashed some water on her face.
She finished washing herself and got out of the bathtub. She grabbed a towel, dried off, and wrapped it around herself. Then she looked at the clothes that Lithuania had loaned her.
Green pants, a white tank top, a white button-down shirt, a black tie, navy blue boxers, a green jacket, and a black belt. Maybe I can borrow something from Poland later. She thought. She got dressed, pulled the plug out of the drain, grabbed her dress, and left the bathroom.
"You can use it now," she said.
"Ok, thank you," Lithuania replied. Belarus stood in front of the mirror and started to brush her hair with her fingers.
"You can use my brush," Toris said, handing his brush to her. "I don't have lice, I swear."
"Thanks," Belarus said, accepting the brush. Lithuania smiled.
Why does he smile every time I say thanks? She wondered. Lithuania grabbed his clothes and went into the bathroom.
Natalya brushed her hair and ties her dark blue ribbon in it.
Not knowing what to do next, Bela flopped onto the bed.
"Poland." She said.
"Yeah!" Poland replied.
"What do you think is going to happen to me?" she asked.
})i({ })i({ })i({ (with Lithuania…)
I wonder what's going to happen to Bela. He thought as he stepped into the shower. He splashed warm water on his face.
Who would do something like that to Bela? And why? Will they try to hurt her again? Will Bela be alright?
Ugh, all this thinking was giving him a headache.
Well, Belarus, don't worry. Whatever happens, I'll protect you! He vowed.
Lithuania turned off the water and got out of the shower. Then he got dressed and left the bathroom.
They finished getting ready and left for the World Conference.
That chapter was long! Some parts were kind of awkward to write. Writing bathing scenes makes me feel so perverted. :P
What did you think? Please review! I'd love to know! :)
I'll try to upload as soon as possible.
Till next time! See you! :)