Chapter 2

"Oh... what's that?" Helga asked Harry excitedly.

"It's a train that takes you to Hogwarts," Harry replied.

"Amazing, is it a sort of transport?" Rowena asked.

"Yes, it takes you when you want to go," Harry said smiling.

"Cool," was all Helga could say.

"Now, where was I... oh yes, everyone who attends Hogwarts gets there on the Hogwarts Train, but it is hidden on platform 9 ¾," Harry continued.

"Why is it hidden, then you can't board the train," Salazar said confused.

"Yes, but it is only hidden from muggles, but witched and wizards can get to it," Harry explained.

"Oh," Salazar said.

"The journey is quite a long one, but it gets shorter as the years go by, as you get used to it. Once you get off of the train, you end up in Hogsmede station, the first years and second years get to the school by boat, and the rest by carriages," Harry said.

"What happens next?" shouted Helga jumping up and down as the others laughed.

"Next, you get sorted," Harry said smirking.

"What do you mean sorted, like into houses or groups?" Godric asked.

"Exactly," Harry replied.

"Wait, wait, what does the school look like?" Helga asked.

"Well, it is pretty amazing, it's enormous for a start and it's a castle," Harry said.

"A Castle!" Helga beamed.

"Yes, it's marvellous," Harry said smiling.

"Get back to the sorting, what do you have to do?" Rowena said excitedly.

"Well, there are four houses, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin," Harry said smiling.

"Hey, those are our names!" Rowena exclaimed.

"Well done Einstein," Helga said rolling her eyes. (Ok, I don't know how Helga heard the name Einstein, he wasn't even born in their time period he he, at least I don't think so )

"Shush, Harry is trying to tell the story," Godric hissed.

Harry smiled, "Each of the houses has their own history."

"So, if your personality matches ours, you get sorted into our houses?" Salazar said catching on.

"Precisely!" Harry said.

"But how do they know what your personality is, do you have to do some sort of test?" Helga asked.

"That's where the sorting hat comes into action," Harry said.

"Awesome, what is it?" Rowena asked.

"A talking hat and a singing one too," Harry said.

"Oooo, who made it," asked Godric.

"You did," Harry said.

"Me, cool!" Godric said smiling.

"Wait a minute, what is each of our personalities like?" Helga asked.

"Well, Hufflepuff house wears a yellow and black uniform and they have their own common room," Harry started.

"Did we choose the colours?" Helga asked.

"Yes, why?" Harry said.

"Those are my worst favourite colours ever!" Helga exclaimed.

"Really?" Harry said interested, "well then what do you think of badgers?"

Helga immediately lifted her legs off from the ground and pulled her wand out.

"Badgers, where, I have Badgers, they're so creepy!" Helga exclaimed.

Everyone else in the room looked very confused.

"This is defiantly a little odd," whispered Remus.

"What is the Hufflepuff house personality?" Rowena asked.

"Well, they are very just and loyal, do you think that matched you?" Harry asked Helga.

"Hmm, I don't really think so," Helga said.

"Well, if you'd ask me I'd describe Helga as maybe a little hyper, clever or sly something like that," Rowena said.

"Yeah maybe," Helga said.

"Next is Ravenclaw," Harry continued.

"Oooo, what's my house like?" Rowena asked excitedly.

"Well, your uniform is blue and silver and your animal is an Eagle," Harry said.

"Gosh, I'd be the opposite of that, I hate birds," Rowena said confused.

"This is getting a little odd," Ron said confused.

"Yes I agree," Remus said puzzled.

"Well your house takes students who are smart," Harry began before all of Rowena's friends broke out into fits of laughter.

"Rowena, smart? You're joking right?" Godric cried.

"Yeah, even I know I'm not smart!" Rowena said.

"It seems that all of the houses don't match the founders at all," Sirius said.

"Well, we'll soon find out what's going on," Remus said, "would you like me to take over Harry?"

"Oh, yes please," Harry said.

"Ok, now the next house is Slytherin," Remus said looking at Salazar.

"Oh goodie," Salazar sighed sarcastically.

"Well, your uniform is green for a start," Remus began.

"Eww, I hate green, but carry on," Salazar said.

"Your animal is a snake," Remus continued.

"Why would I choose a snake?" Salazar asked.

"Well, because your parsteltounge," Hermione said.

"You are?" cried Salazar's friends.

"I am?" said Salazar looking very confused.

"Wait, you mean you're not a parselmouth?" Harry asked.

"Well, no last time I checked," Salazar said.

"Are you a pureblood?" Remus asked.

"An odd question and no, I'm a muggleborn," Salazar said.

Sirius looked shocked, "You are?" he asked.

"Yeah, have you got a problem with that?" he asked Sirius.

"Well, no of course not, it's just you get sorted into Slytherin mostly if you're mean and cruel and a Pureblood," Sirius said.

"Really?" Salazar asked looking puzzled.

"Salazar if far from mean, if you ask me, and he would be the smart one out of all of us, not Rowena," Helga shrugged.

"This is defiantly very weird," Tonks said.

"And lastly, is Gryffindor," Remus said.

"Well, what's mine like?" Godric asked.

"Well, Gryffindor's are brave and trustworthy and their colour is red and their animal is a lion," Remus said.

"That's not fair! How come Godric's house matches his perfectly?" Helga demanded.

"Does it?" Remus asked Godric.

"Well, yeah I guess," Godric said.

Just then Dumbledore and McGonagall had come back into the room.

"Professor Dumbledore, there is something very odd going on, everyone's information about their houses doesn't relate to them, apart from Gryffindor," Sirius told Dumbledore.

"That is quite odd, are you very sure Sirius?" Dumbledore asked.

"Positive and Slytherin isn't even a pureblood, nor does he speak Parsteltounge," Sirius replied.

"Perhaps we could have a word with the Sorting Hat, he might know a thing or two about it?" Salazar asked.

"That might work, it is worth a try," Dumbledore said.

"Oh goodie! We get to see Hogwarts!" said Helga excitedly.

"Professor, we start our new year at Hogwarts tomorrow," Harry added.

"Yes, that's correct," Dumbledore said.

"But what if they can't get home, where will they stay?" Harry asked.

"Well, a couple of days at Hogwarts won't hurt," Dumbledore said smiling.

"Woho! We get to stay at Hogwarts?" Helga asked excitedly.

"Of course, although you will have to change your name, and get sorted of course," Dumbledore added.

"So, would we have to go onto the train and the boats saying we'll be first years?" Salazar asked.

"Yes, although I wouldn't count on all of you getting your own house saying that something very strange is going on," Dumbledore sighed.

"Okay," Salazar agreed.

"We will sort out everything tomorrow, but for now I think we need to pay the Sorting Hat a little visit," Dumbledore said and they all walked over to the fireplace to floo.