Why hello there, it seems like you discovered my awesome story of Watch out Konoha! Now, are you ready to experience the romance, drama, humor, and the awesome girls of Konoha village? Then you've come to the right place. I will make you say Wow by the end of this chapter. Let's go!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I do however own my OC, so please don't sue me.

Summary: Sakura Haruno, Tenten Kunai, Ino Yamanaka, and Hinata Hyuga are childhood friends who live together in Suna. They get expelled from their school and their parents decide to send them to Konoha high. As soon as they get there, they attract the attention of the 4 heartthrobs of the school. Sasuke Uchiha, Neji Hyuga, Shikamaru Nara, and Naruto Uzumaki, the heartthrobs of the school and annoyance to the girls. Can these girls survive the craziness of Konoha High? Will they fall for the boys? Or become their mindless fangirls? SHANNARO! Hell no! I rather eat a kunai.Please! As if! U-Um, N-No thank you


"It was a good chance to get out of this school. I mean, come on, she messed with Hinata, and ~everyone know not to mess with our little Hina~!" Ino finished, pinching Hinata's cheeks. Hinata scrunched up her face at the pull of her cheeks.

"Ino, l-let go of my face, p-please," Ino pouted and pulled away. They finally reached their car, which was a red viper with black flames along the sides. The car belonged to Tenten, since her family was a large corporation that made expensive cars. As they got in, Hinata spoke of the one fear the girl's were hoping they would forget.

"U-Um, w-what a-about telling our parents-s?" Ino and Sakura groaned as Tenten slammed her head on the steering wheel.

"Damnit!" The three said in unison as they drove off to tell their parents the news.


"So would you girls please explain how this happened again?" A young woman in her 30's was wearing a black business suit and was tapping her foot on the ground menacingly. She had pink hair tied into a bun and green eyes. This woman was Satsuma Haruno, CEO of the largest medical pharmacy in Konoha and second in command of Konoha General Hospital. She was a sweet woman, but piss her off and watch the world explode. Next to her was a man sitting in a recliner wearing a brown suit and was holding his hands in his lap. He had brown hair and a 5'10' build. He also had brown eyes. This man was Kenji Haruno, head doctor of Konoha General Hospital and inventor of a new inventor of a medicine that was able to cure brain tumors. These were Sakura Haruno's parents and if you're wondering why only they are there, well…Let me tell you in flashback form.


Tenten and Sakura were playing video games once they reached their house that they all lived in together, since it was easier then living miles away from each other. Hinata was nervously pacing back and forth and Ino was fixing her nails. She sighed and turned to Hinata.

"Hina, you've got to relax, I'm sure that they won't worry that much," Hinata stopped pacing and started to poke her finger's together, a habit she had gotten rid of when she was younger.

"Y-You guys don't know my dad. H-He f-flips over anything that happens to me or Hanabi. He's very protective of us" Ino shook her head and went back to her nails. Just then, the bell rung and Hinata shot towards the doorway and pulled it opened. There stood Sakura's parents.

"O-Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Haruno, please c-come in," Mrs. Haruno smiled as she walked in.

"Thank you Hinata," She and her husband walked in and saw the others just sitting calmly and doing what they do. She smiled and took a deep breath.

"SAKURA ROSE HARUNO! WHY WERE YOU EXPELLED!" Sakura jumped in the air and her controller flew towards Ino, who yelped and accidentally threw her nail polish at Tenten, who screamed as purple polish decorated her shirt. Hinata and Kenji sweatdropped. Sakura nervously turned to her mom.

"Hey, mom, dad, what's up?" She nervously spoke. Satsuma glared at her while Kenji sighed and sat down.

Flashback ends:

So, that you know what went down, let's get back to the original situation. Sakura was twirling her hair around her finger as a nervous habit and Ino, Tenten, and Hinata were wondering why their parents were there too.

"Um, Mrs. Haruno, not to be rude or anything, but why are you and Mr. Haruno the only ones here? Where are my and Ino's and Hinata's parents?" Satsuma blinked and turned away from glaring at her daughter.

"Oh! I'm so glad that you asked that Tenten! Well, since you girls moved into a house together and me and Kenji-kun pay the rent, your parents and us decided what would happen to you guys as a group and after we made our vote, we decided that Kenji-kun and I would tell you what your punishment was," Satsuma finished with a smile. Sakura, Tenten, Hinata, and Ino sweatdropped at her cheerfulness and Kenji shook his head and smirked at his wife's childlike self. Sakura coughed nervously.

"Okay, so what's our punishment?" She asked. Satsuma smiled creepily at her daughter with a mischievous look in her eye.

"So glad that you asked that Sakura-chan," Sakura didn't like the look her mom was giving her and neither did the others. Kenji sighed.

"Satsuma-chan, just tell them and stop scaring them so much," Satsuma pouted at her husband.

"You're no fun Kenji," Satsuma turned to them and clapped her hands together.

"You're all moving to Konoha and going to Konoha High! Isn't that great! ~" The girls froze then….


*Meanwhile, in a house in Konoha village*

A boy who was about 16 years old was relaxing in his room while listening to music. He was 5'11 with muscular arms and wearing dark black jeans with a chain hanging off them. The best part was that he was shirtless and if a girl wandered into his room, they would have seen his awesome 6 pack and lean muscles. He had an unusual style of his hair, which was spiked up in the back and he had this aura around him that screamed he was a leader. AN: Please wait a moment because the author has passed out due to extreme sexiness…..Okay, she's back. This boy was Sasuke Uchiha, a well known name in Konoha and next in line to take over his father's business of making new technology for the world. He had three other friends, which one should be coming in right about….

"TEME!" now. Sasuke opened his eyes quickly and sat up as a boy the same age ran into Sasuke's room and fell to the floor.

"Dobe, what the hell are you doing running into my room?" This boy was Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke's rival/best friend and also successor to a worldwide chain of restaurants. He had spiky blonde hair that looked wild and deep, clear blue eyes and whisker marks on each side of his face. He was wearing a dark orange shirt and jeans and was about maybe 5'10 and looked like he worked out very well. AN: Once again, please wait while the author is trying to regain conciseness….okay, she's back.

"Mmmmmm," Naruto mumbled to the floor. Sasuke rolled his eyes and grabbed a shirt as he walked to Naruto. He calmly looked down at him and then kicked him. Naruto yelped as he sprang up and glared at Sasuke while rubbing his side.

"What was that for, teme?" Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Hn, why the hell are you in my room, dobe?" Naruto thought for a second and then jumped.

"Oh yeah! Neji says he got a call from his Uncle and it involves all 4 of us, so Neji says he has to tell us something downstairs in the living room!" Sasuke was already out the door and calmly walking to the living room. On the way there, he saw his other friend, Shikamaru Nara walking out of his room, well more like dragging himself; He turned to Sasuke and looked lazily at him.

"Naruto?" Sasuke nodded once and Shikamaru sighed.

"What a troublesome guy," Shikamaru Nara was 5'11 and with brown eyes and spiky brown hair that was put up into a ponytail and resembled a pineapple and also had a nice build and was also a genius with an IQ over 200 and also the successor to a large chain of zoo's around the world and bookstores. AN:-_-…Nope, not even going to mention it….. Her computer is pissed now… Shikamaru and Sasuke began to walk towards the living room and left Naruto down the hallway.

"Hey! You guys! Wait up!" Both teens ignored him and walked into the living room and saw a boy no older than 16 or 17 and had long brown hair and when he turned around to face them, he had large pearl-like eyes and an amazing build, plus an aura around him that screamed powerful. AN: THAT'S IT! THIS AUTHOR IS OFFICALLY BANNED! HER COMPUTER IS WRITING THE STORY NOW! SO SUCK IT ILOVEALLANIME15! This man was Neji Hyuga and he was successor to the large military company Hyuga Corporation. Now, Neji wasn't meant to become successor because he had small relation to the CEO Hiashi Hyuga, his uncle, but thanks to the heiress that was meant to be in charge, she pulled some strings with the family and Neji was named successor. Ever since then, he has been grateful to the old heiress and has become very protective of her like her father. Now, Neji nodded towards Shikamaru and Sasuke, who nodded in return. Just then, Naruto came running into the living room and rammed right into the couch and flipped right onto it. Naruto gaped at the ceiling and sat up and looked to the guys, who were shaking their heads at his stupidity.

"Did you guy's see that? I am awesome!" Sasuke rolled his eyes.

'No you're not Dobe, your just lucky to not injury yourself all the time," Naruto glared at Sasuke.

"You suck Teme," Neji coughed and everyone turned to him.

"Now, if you guys have heard from Naruto I hope, you know that my uncle called," Naruto glared at Neji.

"Hey! I can be reliable sometimes!" Sasuke snorted.

"Since when did you learn to speak big words dobe?" Shikamaru sighed.

"Troublesome, Let's not fight and listen to what Neji has to say," Neji nodded towards Shikamaru in thanks.

"Okay, so my uncle told me that my little cousin and her friends got expelled from their school and he really didn't want to tell me why," Naruto laughed and Neji glared at him.

"What?" Naruto grinned at him.

"Maybe he didn't want to tell you because it was something really embarrassing. This just makes me want to meet your cousin more and more," Sasuke, Shikamaru and Naruto have never met Neji's cousin, only his other cousin named Hanabi and she was such a handful.

"Ha-ha, Naruto, but touch my cousin and die," Neji finished seriously. Naruto gulped and nodded slowly. Neji turned to the other two.

"Now, apparently my uncle sent over a tape she made a while back and he just wants us to watch it to get to know the girls, since they are moving into the house across the street," Naruto grinned and Shikamaru sighed 'Troublesome'. Sasuke just hoped they weren't fangirls otherwise he would have to add up more security. Neji pulled out a tape and placed into the TV. The guys sat in front of it as a black and white snowy screen appeared then it was changed to a living room with a beige couch and tan wall. They could see the camera reflected in the mirror and behind it was Hinata wearing a purple tank top and short shorts. Naruto leapt up from lying down on the couch.

"Wow! Your cousin is hot!" Neji glared coldly at Naruto, who gulped and shrank back down. Now, back to the video. The video Hinata scrunched up her nose and placed herself in front of the camera.

"I wonder if this thing really works." She mumbled as she placed her face in front of it. Naruto reminded himself not to drool over her in Neji's presence if he wanted to live. Video-Hinata sighed and stood up.

"Whatever, let's just hope it does work," She picked up the camera and held it away from her face.

"Hello anyone who watches this! If you are watching this, then you found a special tape I made to record the memories of how my friends and I spend our lives. If we watch this 20 years later, then we can look back on how we were as teens and realize that we probably won't change our ways. Now, if you don't know me I'm Hinata Hyuga, 16 years old, best friends to Sakura, Ino, and Tenten, who you'll meet in a few. Why, Let's go see what they're doing right now," Hinata smiled at the camera, picked it up, and walked out the room. She began to walk upstairs and turned left in a hallway. She stopped at a white door and looked to the camera again.

"In here is one of my friends, Ino Yamananka," Shikamaru recognized the name because he's father was very good friends with the family. Hinata opened the door and there we could see Ino working over a bowl and with lots of ingredients around her at a table. Her bed was a light purple with a striped pillow and she had a very large closet that was closed right now. She had pictures of the girls all around her room and many cheerleading awards and certificates. She looked up and was wearing these light blue goggles around her eyes. She took them off and looks curiously towards Hinata. Shikamaru had never seen the Yamananka's Daughter, but looking at her right now, he had to admit she looked really good. He shook his head and muttered 'Troublesome' at his thoughts.

"Hinata-chan, what are you doing?" Video-Ino asked.

"Making a home video, what are you doing?" Hinata's voice carried over from behind the camera and Ino smiled. She waved her hand towards Hinata to come forward.

"Here, come smell this," Hinata walked hesitantly towards Ino, who smiled and poured a small cup of her liquid she had made.

"Here, smell this," She held it in front of Hinata, who nervously took and looked down into it.

"Ino, what is this?" Ino smiled.

"I'm glad you asked that. Okay, so you know how my mom told me that she wants me to follow in Fashion like her, right?"

"Um, yeah..," Hinata spoke hesitantly. Ino clapped her hands together and looked down at the bowl.

"So, I told her that fashion was one of my strong points, but I wanted to follow something differently then my mom. So I told her I wanted to make beauty products. Now she said that in order to do that, I have to make a prototype product and present it by the end of the month to her and if she liked it, she would let me work on my products, so I've been trying to make this perfume that is amazing, but I can't tell if anyone else likes it since I've been the only one to test it, so I need your help. Please Hinata-chan? ~" Ino used her puppy-dog eyes on Hinata that reflected into the camera. Shikamaru slightly blushed and knew if he saw that look, he would give her anything.

"Fine, but if it injury's me in anyway, I'm getting Tenten to chop up your clothes again," Ino paled and nodded. Hinata held the cup and it disappeared behind the camera. Next thing they hear was a cough and her handing it back to Ino.

"Oh my god, what did you add to that?" Ino cocked her head to the side. She held up a few fingers and looked like she was mumbling to herself.

"Um, a few cinnamon extracts, fake vanilla, lavender substance and what else?" Ino put her finger underneath her chin then gasped and snapped her fingers.

"Oh! I added some weird leaves that my mom gave me. Said they were from a tropical land in South America." Ino frowned and looked towards Hinata.

"Not good?" Hinata was walking away from Ino and waved goodbye.

"No, but keep trying. Try some fruit extract," Ino smiled and Hinata left the room and looked back to the camera.

"Well, you all can tell that Ino is not the type of blond that people would make fun of," Naruto grinned.

"You see! Not all blondes are dumb! We are smart!" Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"We know Dobe, you're the only blonde that is stupid," Naruto glared at him.

"Teme!" Neji turned to Naruto.

"Naruto, be quiet, Hinata-sama is still rolling the tape," Naruto snapped a hand over his mouth.

"Sorry," He whispered as everyone went back to the screen.

Lucky for them, Hinata hadn't spoken yet and it looked like she was at a glass sliding window when she held up the camera again.

"Okay, so out here are my two other friends and it looks like they are doing some sparring outside, let's go see," Hinata opened the door and walked out into the girls backyard. There were Sakura and Tenten wearing only sweatpants and sports bras. Naruto whooped loudly and Sasuke and Neji bonked him on the head while blushing softly. Sasuke tried very hard not to look at the pink haired girl while Neji tried to do the same and not look at the other girl as well.

"Hey guys!" Tenten and Sakura turned to see Hinata coming towards them and waved to her. As Hinata walked up to them, she began to hear their conversation.

"Okay, so whoever wins has to break the news to the kid, k?"

"Fine, but you know you're going to lose Saki, so just face the music and tell him,"


"Um, guy's" Sakura and Tenten turned to the camera.

"What are you guy's talking about?" Tenten laughed while Sakura scowled.

"I'm glad you asked Hina; well remember Saki's cousins? You know, the Sabaku's?" Neji raised an eyebrow and Naruto gaped.

"Garra and his bro and sis know these girls and we don't? Neji! Did you know this?" Neji rolled his eyes.

"I haven't seen Hinata since she was 4 years old, idiot,"

"Yeah, why?" Sakura laughed loudly and shook her head.

"Tennie, Hina knows them, especially Garra, but remember, she doesn't know it," Sakura winked at Tenten, who snickered.

"Um, what do you mean Sakura?" Tenten laughed and placed her hand on Hinata's shoulder.

"Nothing Hina, anyway, remember that boy Kankuro?"

"Yeah, the guy who likes those creepy puppets, right?" Naruto laughed loudly and Sasuke smirked. Neji was still trying to figure out what the girls meant by she already knows Garra but didn't remember. He would ask them when they met. Sakura laughed loudly and Tenten grinned in amusement.

"Yeah, him, well he called Sakura today and asked her to do a favor,"

"And being the evil cousin I am, I asked why he need my help ad he told me he wanted to ask out Tenten, so he asked me to ask her about some date sometime," Hinata had turned to Sakura and she had placed her hands on hips and was grinning in glee. Tenten shook her head and then turned to Sakura.

"And I told her that I didn't want to break the kid's heart and tell him no in person, so I asked Sakura to do it, but she says she doesn't want to face him whining about 'I'll never find a girlfriend,'" Sakura scowled.

"It's not cool Tennie! You'd be the 10th girl to turn him down and Temari says that he's starting to crack that no girl just does not want to work on puppets as a first date," Tenten laughed and got into a battle stance.

"And that's why this spar is going to decide who has to tell him the truth," Sakura grinned and also got into her stance.

"Yep, now Hina, just back away cause it's going to get ugly," Hinata backed away and watched 3 feet away from their fight.

"Okay, ready…" Hinata raised her arm.

"SPAR!" Just then, Tenten pulled out two kunai's out of nowhere and threw them to Sakura, who dodged them and ran towards Tenten, her fist outstretched. Tenten jumped at the last second and backflipped over her as she pounded a small crater into the ground. Sakura spinned and kicked to the left of Tenten's head, who dodged and landed a punch and kick to her abdomen. Sakura was thrown back, but landed on her feet and crouched down and was calmly staring at her, then she disappeared and appeared behind Tenten, who gasped and then was thrown back as Sakura kicked her square in the back. Tenten groaned as she was thrown on her back, but rolled over quickly as Sakura punched where she once lay. Tenten pulled out a katana and lunged towards Sakura, who kept dodging her shots. Sakura grabbed the katana out of nowhere and tossed it aside as she punched Tenten in the stomach, who collapsed and wheezed. Sakura placed her foot on her back.

"Give in yet Tennie?" Tenten laughed while coughing.

"Not yet, pinkie," Sakura raised her eyebrow; the gasped as her leg was grabbed and was thrown into the nearest tree about 2 feet away. Sakura groaned.

"Crap, that's going to be sore,"

"Really? I'm working on my perfume and this is what I come out to? I just wanted to relax on my lawn chair," Sakura, Tenten, and Hinata turned around and saw Ino coming out looking irritated. Te she pointed towards her lawn chair and they turned to see the kunai Tenten threw attached to them. Tenten laughed nervously.

"Whoops, sorry Ino," Sakura laughed and sat up.

"Yeah, we're just trying to solve an argument," Ino shook her head.

"I know, you guys are such wimps, Tenten, just tell the guy there's no way you want to go out with him because he's just not your type," Tenten thought about it, then shook her head in agreement. Ino turned to Sakura.

"And you, you shouldn't decide on telling him this by a fight, that's just mean," Sakura sighed and rolled her neck around.

"Yeah, I guess your right," Tenten nodded.

"Yeah, who knew Ino could give advice about letting a boy down gently," Ino blushed and glared at Tenten,m who was smirking with mirth.

"Shut it," Just then, a beeping was heard and Hinata gasped.

'Oh, man, my battery is dying, okay you guy's, say goodbye to the camera," Tenten htrew a peace sign to the camera.

"Peace out," Sakura laughed and waved goodbye.

"I hope this is made into a video," Ino blew a kiss towards the camera.

"Yea, wouldn't want to disappoint the fans," Hinata laughed and turned the camera towards herself.

"Well, if this is ever made into a video, let's just say…" All girls gathered around and smiled.

"BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!" The screen went black as the video ended. Naruto sat up and stretched.

"Those girl's sure are different, and I like it," Sasuke snorted and Shikamaru sighed 'Troublesome'. Neji got up and took out the video. Sasuke was thinking about that pink haired girl. She seemed annoying, but she also interested him as well. He just hoped that she wasn't the type to become fangirls easily.

"Hold on," Everyone looked towards Shikamaru.

"Remember our reputation at school? If anyone found out that we knew these girls, and then they would be targeted by our crazy fangirls," Naruto shivered and nodded and Neji frowned.

"I don't want them hurting my baby cousin," Shikamaru nodded.

"And that's why we should pretend we do not know them at all, we have to treat them like everyone new person," Naruto groaned and sat down again.

"Aw man, I wanted to hang out with Hinata-chan!" Neji glared at him and he yelped and ran upstairs. Neji sighed and walked upstairs, his mind not on his cousin, but on a certain weapons girl. Shikamaru looked to Sasuke.

"What do you think?" Sasuke stood up and put his hands in his pockets.

"Hn, whatever," Shikamaru sighed and laid down on the couch.

"Troublesome, it sucks being popular," Even though Sasuke didn't say anything, he agreed with Shikamaru in his head.

Hey, everyone. Sorry it's been so long since I last posted my new story and updated it. It's just that my bro always uses my computer 24 7 and then my internet doesn't work well. But anyway, I hope you all love this new chapter! I like hw the guys know about the girls before they meet so that way its more romantic and more drama filled. And I added how they won't talk to the girls as another drama fit. Plus, when you see how the high school is, I think it would be awesome idea. No flames and keep rocking!