Hello once more! I am so sorry for not updating; but unfortunately, I am a very lazy writer, so I usually don't write unless I am inspired to. So I hope everyone's been doing well and I am pleased to announce the newest chapter of Watch out Konoha!

Sakura: So now you finally update? Don't lie! You've been watching reruns of old cartoons now!

Iloveallanime16: You know what? Shut up! I can watch them if I want to! You're lucky that the newest chapters of Naruto don't make me send you to the dark closet!

Sakura: You should apologize to everyone first…And also say the disclaimer too.

Iloveallanime16: All right! I am sorry that I have been watching the Kim possible series over again….and also watching the new show Attack on Titan. Now here's Sai with the Disclaimer.

Sai *smiles his weird smile*: Iloveallanime16 does not own Naruto nor anything else mentioned. She is a loser writer too.

Iloveallanime16: Oi! Going too far now!

Previous Chapter:

"WHO SAID I WAS YOUR LOVER!?" Sakura yelled and Garra sighed in relief as she snapped her fingers in front of her face and caught the fainting girl. Just as everything calmed down, a man with silver spiky hair and a mask covering his face except one eye and wearing a simple outfit with a black tee and pants reading an orange book walked in and saw the door gone and one girl laughing, one just shaking her head, and one holding a fainted girl with an annoyed look and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm guessing you're the new student's" Everyone looked to the doorway and the man smiled a U-smile.

"Name's Kakashi, now, can someone tell me what's going on?"


"Well, you see, it's not as bad as it looks. I'm sure that Ino can explain why Hinata acted like that," Tenten growled at the blonde who laughed nervously. Sakura was busy trying to wake Hinata up and Kakashi raised an eyebrow at them as he pulled out an orange book and opened it up and walked into the classroom. Tsunade had told him that there was going to be new students. She also mentioned that they would be very…noticeable as well.

"So, Miss Ino, care to explain?" Kakashi looked towards her and she scratched the back of her head and laughed.

"Well, it's a long story, but whole thing is that I accidentally caused Hinata to act like that, but don't worry, she's actually a really nice girl people, just don't mention the F word, like what Tenten said, being an idiot of course," Tenten glared at her.

"Well, you're the one who caused her to act like that! It's not my fault you gotten us into another bad situation!" Ino glared right back and both girls started to ignore everyone else, who was watching the whole ordeal with curious eyes.

"Excuse me? I get us in bad situations? What about the time you and Sakura got us thrown into jail that one night after we came back from the movies?" Tenten snorted.

"As I recall, little miss Princess, you also were the one who wanted to take the car and also joyride in the mall's abandoned lot and you were the one to crash it," Ino stayed silent and then face-palmed.

"Damn, your right," Tenten smirked. Sakura had Hinata propped up on the floor, leaning on the desk and had a thinking look on her face. Tenten and Ino finally remembered that they had an audience and they coughed nervously.

"Sorry about that. So, Sakura, how goes it trying to wake her up?" Tenten asked nervously. Kakashi was sitting at his desk the entire time, finding this all amusing. Neji had finally woken up and was twitching the entire time and Sasuke was smirking at him.

"Wow Hyuuga, that was great. Way to give me blackmail," Neji glared at him and Sasuke smirked back and turned back to watching the girls. He had to admit, they were weird and crazy, but the only girl he was watching was that pink-haired hottie. Naruto had also been revived after his nosebleed and was too busy trying to look more at Hinata.

"Oh man, that was both the craziest thing and the hottest thing I've ever seen!" He spoke with glee and Neji snapped and grabbed the collar of his shirt and Naruto gulped at the Hyuuga glare.

"If. You. Ever. Say. That. Again. I. Will. Kill. You. Got it?" Neji hissed at him and Naruto shook his head up and down really quickly. Shikamaru had been woken up as well and sighed.

"Troublesome, instead of fighting, how about you focus on the fact your cousin may be around crazy people?" The boys turned back to the girls, who were still trying to wake her up.

"Sakura, can't you wake her up any faster?" Sakura glared at Ino.

"Well, if I had some smelling salts, yeah, but you used them all up for your experiments,"

"Oh yeah, whoops," Ino giggled and Tenten shook her head. Sakura suddenly perked up.

"Oh wait, I got an idea," They looked curious and Sakura exhaled and then….

SLAP! Everyone winced as Sakura slapped Hinata hard across her face and Neji rose in anger.

"What the hell are you doing?" He growled. Everyone looked curiously at Neji, but he didn't care. Tenten had grabbed Sakura by the neck and was shaking her in annoyance.

"Can't you ever solve something without violence, Damnit!?" She yelled as she shook her over and over. Sakura was getting dizzy from the shaking.

"But look! I woke her up!" Tenten blinked and looked over at Hinata, who was awake, but her eyes were in swirly motioned and Ino was holding her up. Kakashi coughed and the girls took notice.

"So, how about you girls introduce yourselves now before you start killing each other, Hm?" He smiled a U-smile, but the girls couldn't really tell, since he wore a mask, covering his mouth. All girls turned to the classroom and Tenten walked up first.

"Yeah, sorry we got side-tracked, so anyone my name is Tenten Kunai, I am 17 years old, I have known these girls forever and I also am a weapons expert, since my family also runs one of the largest companies for making military weapons and I also have 100% accuracy. I love to eat pizza, some chocolate, and I also love to play sports and can take any challenge you got," She smirked at the class.

"Yeah right, you don't have that good of a throw," One stupid fangirl snobbishly said and they all laughed. Tenten smirked and before the girl could blink, the gum bubble that was in her mouth was popped and she nervously turned to see a pen sticking out from the wall, perfectly standing still. Tenten smiled sweetly.

"How's that for accuracy?" She said sickly sweet with a wild glint in her eyes. Neji was impressed, but that still didn't change the fact he did not want his baby cousin around these girls. Tenten stepped back and gestured to Ino.

"Now introducing a blonde, who we all know that blondes are wayy stup-"Ino slapped her upside the head and glared at her.

"Finish that sentence and I will make sure to release a terrible stink bomb in your room that won't go away," Tenten gulped and grumbled as she stayed silent. Ino smirked and stepped up as she flicked her long blonde ponytail back.

"Hey everyone, my names Ino Yamanaka and I am 16 years old, making Tenten the oldest out of all of us. My family owns a large chain of floral shops as well as a fashion line and make-up company. I love to eat mostly vanilla ice-cream on rare occasions and I also love to make new products for my mother's make-up company, just be warned, sometimes my experiments, involve…accidents," Sakura snorted.

"More like the whole science lab will blow,' she muttered as she took out a box of strawberry pocky and Ino glared at her.

"I also love to shop and annoy this Forehead girl all the time," Sakura glared at her as she chomped on a pocky.

"Well, if Ino-pig wasn't such a mad scientist, then that would be no problem," She mumbled as she chewed on her pocky. Ino glared at her and Tenten snorted while Hinata sighed and face-palmed.

"U-um, s-shouldn't w-we f-finish up n-now?" Hinata asked her stutter more noticeable around new people. Sakura nodded and stepped up.

"Okay, all you Konoha people! My name is Sakura Haruno and I am 16 years old and before I explain anything, yes, this is my natural hair color and no, I will not prove it," Sakura glared at anyone who was going to ask and they all gulped and several boys put their hands down AN: I know they were going to ask how it was real ;) lol, I'm such a perv. Sakura exhaled as she was going to continue before the author had interrupted her (Oi!).

"I also live with these girls and we've been friends for a really long time, and if anyone tries to mess with them, well, let's just say that the hospital won't know what to do," Sakura grinned evilly. "I also love pizza, ice cream, ramen, and cherries. I love to play sports, video games and love to practice martial arts. I also see my cousin, hey Garra!" She yelled as she waved and everyone looked to Garra, who sighed and face palmed, but saluted his cousin in a greeting. Sakura grinned and turned back to the crowd.

"So, yeah that's all you need to know, since I don't know any of you and I don't feel like to," She finished sweetly and all the fangirls glared at her. Hinata coughed and stepped forward.

"U-um, h-hello, and m-my name is H-Hinata Hyuuga, and l-like my friend-d, I am also 16 and I live-e with them as well. I enjoy painting and h-hanging out with my friends. I-I s-sometimes have w-weird blackout p-periods so I don't u-usually know what h-happens." Sakura coughed nervously and Ino whistled in secret while Tenten sighed and covered her eyes with her hand. Everyone sweat-dropped at their actions and Hinata looked confused at them. "W-Well, I a-also love to cook and I also warn you: Mess with my friends and I'll make sure to castrate you," She finished with a smile and everyone blanched at her.

She would do it to! Tenten, Sakura and Ino thought with a shiver at Hinata's last victim. Just then, the bell rang and all fours girls looked shocked.

We wasted the whole class! They all thought with a shocked look. Kakashi looked up from his book, not really paying attention that much and giggling a lot.

"Oh, you girls were wonderful, you can all go now," Everyone walked out and the girls sighed and Garra walked up to Sakura, who squealed at the sight of him and glomped him.

"My favorite cousin is here!" Tenten sighed as they headed out and began to walk to their next classes.

"Sakura, cut that out, the boy looks annoyed," Garra silently thanked his cousin's friend. It's not that he didn't love his cousin, he just hated people touching him. Sakura pouted and released her cousin and walked alongside Ino, who was chatting her Hinata about her outfit.

"Maybe we should change you into something else Hinata-Chan," Hinata tilted her head in confusion.

"Why Ino-Chan?" Ino chuckled nervously.

"Just for reassurance," Ino spoke with a nervous flutter of her hand. More like to make sure you don't do that again when you turn to Hina Ino thought. Hinata shrugged and agreed to it. Ino grinned and turned to the others.

"Okay, I'm going to change Hinata into something else and head to class, I'll see you guys later, k?" Tenten and Sakura nodded while Garra 'Hn'-ed and Ino grinned and lead Hinata away.

"So, where are you headed Tenten?" Sakura asked. Tenten looked at her schedule and squinted.

"Um, to Art class, which is where?" Tenten and Sakura looked to Garra.

"The art class is on the other side of school," He said with a monotone and Tenten blanched.

"Are you serious!? Shit!" Tenten pulled out a skateboard from nowhere and skated down the hall.

"I'll see ya later Saki!" Tenten waved as she started to skate past people, who looked shocked and Sakura blinked.

"Where did she get that skateboard?" She looked to her cousin, who shrugged.

"I got to head to History Sakura, so I'll see you during lunch, and stay out of trouble," Sakura grinned cheekily.

"No promises," Garra smirked and ruffled her hair and walked away. AN: *sigh* I just can't get over Garra *hearts in eyes* Sakura knew the author was probably fantasizing about her cousin and rolled her eyes. She began to walk to her math class and saw the room and walked in, colliding with what felt like a wall and she almost fell, but the wall reached out and grabbed her.

Wait a minute, wall's don't have arms Sakura thought with a frown and she opened her eyes to see that what grabbed her wasn't a wall, but a very VERY handsome man with jet black hair that was spiked up in the back and he was looking down at her with onyx colored eyes and such an intense look that Sakura almost fainted like Hinata. Sakura blushed at the fact he hadn't released her.

"Um, could you let go?" She asked and He blinked and let her go and she stumbled a bit and he smirked.

"Annoying," He said as he walked away and sat at one of the desk and she gaped and started to get pissed.

CHA! What did that duck-haired asshole just say!

Forget that fact girl! Did you see that hunk!? Mmmm! Talk about some fine piece of ass!

Oh god, your back. Didn't I get rid of you?

Sweetie, if you thought you got rid of me, then you must not know yourself. Now instead of talking to me, how about get a seat next to that hot man already before someone steals it!

Like hell I will! Tuning out her Inner Sakura, Sakura stomped into the room, grumbling and she turned to the teacher.

"Hello, I'm new here and was just wondering where I should sit," A man in his 30's turned to her and he had tanned-skin with a scar across his nose and he smiled at her.

"No problem. Let's see…" Iruka looked around and smiled.

"Yes, there's a seat, right next to Sasuke, Sasuke, would raise your hand please?" Sakura turned and she gaped as she saw that same a-hole who was smirking at her while his hand was raised. She breathed out and walked over to her new desk and looked straight at the front to avoid talking to him. Sasuke smirked and continued to stare at her. He thought she was pretty amusing, and he was also still interested in this girl. He thought her and her friends were all crazy, but there was something about this girl that got him wanting to know more. Sakura noticed he was staring at her and she whipped her head around to glare at him.

"What?" She hissed and he looked shocked that she was mad at him. Most girls just swooned at him and acted like total air-heads.

"Hn," He spoke and Sakura raised an eyebrow at him.

"You sound like my cousin," She snorted. She was slowly feeling her anger fade away as she sat there, watching Iruka give the lesson and tapping her pencil on the desk. Sasuke smirked more at her. Oh yeah, he was going to like this girl. A few seats away, Karin was watching this whole exchange and she grinded her teeth together in anger and broke her pencil. That pink-haired bitch was trying to seduce her Sasuke-kun! Well, she'll get what's coming to her. Her and her friends. Sakura felt a piercing stare at her and looked out of the corner of her eye to see most of the girls glaring at her. She raised an eyebrow and ignored them all.

What the hell is their problem? She thought as she wrote down her notes. Sasuke noticed most of his fangirls glaring and scowled, but smirked. He reached his arm out and placed it on the back of Sakura's chair and all the fangirls cried anime-style. He smirked and Sakura was even more confused. Iruka turned to see most of his female students bawling and his new student mostly looking confused and sighed. Teenagers.

Tenten's POV:

I was skating as fast as I could towards the art room. People were jumping out of my way and yelling at me, but I could care less at what they thought. I was more worried about being late for class, especially since Deidara and Sasori were teaching.

Oh man! If those two found out I was late, they are so going to rat me out to Kisame-nii! Just as the bell rang, I made it inside and slid on the floor with my skateboard held high.

"Victory!" I screamed. It was silent and I opened one eye to see Sasori looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Deidara was talking to the class, but he was looking at me as well. So was everyone. I blushed and got up and rubbed the back of my head in a nervous gesture.

"Hehe, so…I'm not late, right?" I asked and Sasori just shook his head. I grinned but frowned when he held out his hand to me and I pouted as I handed him the skateboard.

"Now, since you love to make entrance, I would love it if you took a seat Miss Kunai," Sasori smirked at me and I glared at him, resisting the urge to flip him off. Deidara smirked at me as well and I just stuck my tongue out at him. I sat down at the nearest chair I could find and looked at them with a bored look.

"Okay, so for today, you and your partner will create a small scale model of the school out of wood," Sasori spoke and I saw some girls sigh with girly affection and I shook my head in disgust. Deidara glared at him and pushed him away.

"No, they will be using clay and make sculptures of the school, yeah!" Sasori twitched and glared at him.

"Yeah, if you're in the 3rd grade, no they will me making some wooden models,"

"Sculptures, yeah!"

"Wooden models!"

"I said sculptures, yeah!"

"And I said wooden models!"

"Nobody gives a shit of what you say, yeah!"

"Likewise yourself, clay-boy!"

"What was that puppet-man!?" As Deidara and Sasori continued to argue, I saw how everyone wasn't that much shocked and I wasn't either, since I always saw them arguing over the same reason. I looked to my left and saw a girl with long hair and whose eyes were closed. I held out my hand and she opened them and gave me a pointed look.

"My name is Tenten, what's up?" She looked at my hand and narrowed her eyes. She grabbed it and shook it.

"Neji Hyuuga," She spoke with a deep voice. I blushed in shock as I realized that she was a he! A very handsome he I thought with a blush. He raised an eyebrow and I saw that I hadn't released his hand and pulled away and laughed nervously.

"Whoops, sorry about that. Wait, did you say Hyuuga? Are you Hinata's cousin?" He nodded and then I remembered how we acted this morning.

"Oh man, I am so sorry about this morning! Aw man, you must be so mad at Hinata," I groaned and he shook his head.

"No, I'm not mad at her," I looked at him in shock and smiled.

"That's great,' I relaxed.

"I'm mad at you," I stiffened and looked at him as he was glaring at me.

"Excuse me?" Venom dripping from my answer. This little shit was what?!

"You heard me. I'm disappointed in the type of people my little cousin hangs out with." I was starting to see red. Who did this ass think he was, God?!

"And why the fuck should you care?" Forget being nice on the first day, this ass was about to face my wrath. He scoffed and I glared at him some more.

"Listen here you SOB, Hinata is her own person and you have no right to say that about anyone she hangs out with, especially since I am one of her best friends. You haven't been involved with Hinata since she was little, if that's what I've heard. So you know what? Fuck off," I sneered at him and turned away. I congratulated myself at not blowing up that bad. He glared at me and turned away.

"Disgraceful," I heard him mutter and that's when I lost it. Okay, so maybe grabbing a whole bucket of black paint and pouring it all over his head and yelling 'Take that bitch!' was bad, but hey, my mom didn't raise me to be a wimp. I realized though, that we were still in class and groaned at the pink note Sasori handed me. Great, Ino was going to kill me.

Ino's POV:

I grinned as I pulled Hinata into a bathroom and pulled out my backpack, pulling out a purple tee and some black short shorts. I pushed them into Hinata's hands and pointed to a stall.

"Get changed now little one," Hinata sighed and got into the stall. I grinned. I always win. I walked over to a mirror and started to see of my make-up needed fixing. I was hoping to get done before the bell rang, and of course, with my luck, it did. Hinata popped out of the stall wearing the clothes and I grinned.

"Much better. Feel better?" Hinata grinned with a shy smile and I took her old clothes and put them in her bag. We walked out of the bathroom and I pulled out my schedule and grimaced.

"Aw man, I have to go to stupid English! Hinata-Chan, don't leave me all alone!" As I wailed and grabbed one of my besties. Hinata gave me a half-smile as she tried to pull away from me.

"I-Ino-Chan, I have to g-get to class, so please, let go," As she pried me off, I pouted as she walked away and waved, but I swear I could see that smirk. Little fox. I sighed as I walked towards my class and saw some empty seats and sat into one. I heard a snore next to me and frowned and turned to see a man with a weird pineapple style hair asleep on his desk. He was actually pretty cute sleeping and I shook my head in that thought. I decided, me being a good person, to wake him up before the teacher arrived. I started to poke his cheek.

"Hey, you shouldn't sleep in class, you know," The boy started to groan as he woke up and he yawned and stretched. He looked at me with a lazy look and laid his head down again.

"Troublesome woman, leave me alone," I gaped at him, then glared. Who was he calling troublesome!?

"Whatever, you can get in trouble for all I cared!" I hissed at him and huffed and turned away. Just then, the teacher walked with, smoking a cigarette and he smirked and waved some papers.

"Ok, class, time for a pop quiz," Everyone groaned, but I wasn't worried. I wasn't some stupid blonde like how people thought. I smirked. I was going to probably be the one who gets the best score. I was going through this test with a breeze, and looked to see everyone else stressing. I turned to the pineapple head and saw he was completely down, yet he looked like he didn't even move! I gaped and then the teacher clapped.

"Time's up!" He said and I passed my test and he took the boy's test and smirked.

"Of course you got all them right Shikamaru, why am I not surprised." I was looking shocked at this boy. The teacher, who was called Asuma, looked at my test as well.

"Well, it seems you pass as well Miss Yamanaka. You tied with Shikamaru, but you only missed one," I was shocked and turned to see the boy smirking at me! I turned red in anger and turned away. This guy was such a jerk! Well, guess I found a new goal: Beat this Shikamaru in a test, no matter how cute he was!

Hinata's POV:

I sighed as I ran from Ino. It's not the kind of outfit that I would wear a lot, but it will have to do since for some reason, wearing that dress makes me feel exposed. I started to walk the hall towards my class. I was really nervous about today because I saw how Neji-nii san thought of my friend's antics. He might try and tear me away, but being with those girls gives me confidence and they truly understand me. I walked into the room and saw a very scary looking man at the front and he turned to me.

"Are you the newbie?" I shook my head in a furious gesture. This man was really scary! He grunted and just turned back to the board.

"Well, find a seat newbie," I scurried over to an empty seat and tried to not make much notice towards me. I was really nervous, especially since the girls weren't around.

"Hey! Aren't you Neji's cousin!?" I turned to the loud voice and saw the cutest boy ever! He was grinning at me with such a cute grin and he had the clearest blue eyes I've ever seen.

EEEEKK! What a hunk! He might be even cuter then Panda-Chan! Hehehe

W-who are you?

Oh, you'll know me soon Hinata-Chan. Focus more on cutie over there

I blinked as he was still looking at me with a confused look.

"Are you okay?" I felt my face turn hot and shook my head, not trusting my mouth. Cute boy grinned that cute grin of his.

"That's great! So my name's is Naruto Uzumaki! Believe it!" I giggled and he laughed, then a chalk piece struck him in the head and I gasped as he yelped and fell over.

"Uzumaki, since you love to chat with the newbie over there, how about explaining to the class when the village was founded?" Naruto-kun got up and was glaring at the teacher and rubbing his head.

"What the hell Ibiki-sensei!? Couldn't you have just asked me instead of throwing that?" The class was laughing and giggling and so did I. Naruto saw me giggling and grinned and winked. My face turned even hotter and I looked away. He was just so cute!

"How about I see you in detention Uzumaki," Ibiki-sensei said and turned back to the board. Naruto-kun stuck his tongue out at him as he turned around.

"I saw that Uzumaki. Make those two days detention," Naruto-kun cursed and I tried to contain my giggles. He saw me trying not to laugh and he mock-glared at me. I smiled at him and he grinned. Just as the bell rang, I got up and turned to see him standing in front of me. I backed up so not to bump headfirst into him and blushed. He grinned as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"So, you never told me your name," I smiled shyly and pushed my hair back from my face.

"M-My name is H-Hinata," I spoke softly and inwardly cursed at my lack of self-confidence. Where was Ino when you needed her?! She could handle guys better than me! Naruto-kun just grinned at me.

"Well, it's was wonderful to meet you Hinata-Chan!" I blushed at the honorific and then something took me over and I felt a mischievous part of me walk up to him and smile, which looked like it made him blush.

"It was wonderful to meet you too Naruto-kun," I whispered with a low voice and winked at him, walking away and as I turned around to see him looking at him, I blew a kiss and he blushed. I don't know what happen, but I think that I can say, Ino had been teaching me very well. I was smiling the whole way towards my next class. Couldn't wait to tell the girls.

Lunch time:

Sakura sighed as she walked into the cafeteria. She was looking for the girls and saw them over near a small area with a tree next to the table. She grinned and raced over and glomped Ino from behind, who shrieked in surprise. Tenten stopped muttering darkly and looked up in surprise and Hinata snapped out of thought and blinked.

"Did you miss me Pig?" Ino snorted as she recognized who had glomped her from behind.

"Hardly. And do you ever stop sneaking up on people?" Sakura grinned as she let Ino go and plopped down next to her and pulled out a lunch bag and grabbed a bag of grapes and popped one in.

"Nope," She mumbled and grinned. She saw Garra and stood up on the seat and waved her arms.

"GARRA! YOUR BABY COUSIN IS HERE!" Garra twitched in annoyance as people started to turn in surprise and he walked over and she grinned and sat back down, but yelped as Garra smacked the back of her head.

"Ow! What was that for?" Sakura pouted and Garra snorted and sat down next to Tenten, who he bumped fist with. AN: Tribute to Killer Bee! .

"Sakura, so what's this I hear about you and the Uchiha being all friendly?" He said as he grabbed some of her grapes. He had grabbed just a slice of pizza and some Mountain Dew for lunch ( LOVE MOUNTAIN DEW). Tenten began to eat her low mein noodles and was still muttering darkly, something about 'Long-haired girly boys' and 'So gonna kill Sasori'. Hinata was sipping her Vitamin Water and had a simple sandwich while looking curiously at Sakura as was Ino, who stopped eating her salad and raised an eyebrow at Sakura. Sakura groaned at that news.

"Seriously, there's rumors now? Oh my god, I just wanted a simple semester. Guess that's why I'm getting the death glare from almost every girl here," She muttered and sighed. "There's no way I like that Duck-butt asshole, so I don't know why people think I do," Tenten laughed at that statement and looked at her with mirth in her eyes.

"Duck-butt?" She chuckled. Garra smirked. Sakura blinked.

"Yeah, have you seen his hair? I just think that's so weird," Ino rolled her eyes.

"Say's the woman with pink hair," She said sarcastically and Sakura stuck her tongue out at her.

"U-um, s-so how w-was everyone e-else's c-classes?" Hinata asked, putting down her water. Tenten suddenly remembered her class and groaned and banged her head on the table and everyone blinked at her.

"I hate your cousin Hinata," She muttered and started to explain the story. Over at the popular table, Sasuke was busy still staring at Sakura. He still thought she was a weird annoying girl, but she wasn't fangirling over him and he was glad.

"Hey Teme!" Sasuke rolled his eyes and turned to Naruto, who was grinning at him.

"Having fun looking at Sakura-Chan?" Naruto wiggled his eyebrows and Sasuke slapped him upside the head. Neji walked over to the table and he seemed really pissed off for some reason. Shikamaru was snoring and was trying to ignore Naruto's yelling.

"Hey Neji, what's got you looking like the devil?" Naruto asked and Neji glared at him and he yelped and hid behind Sasuke, who twitched in annoyance and pushed him away. Shikamaru yawned as he stretched and rubbed the back of his head.

"Troublesome, it may have to do with the fact that one of the new girls poured black paint all over him today. He was in the boy's locker room taking a shower to get all that paint off," Naruto laughed loudly and Sasuke smirked at Neji, who glared.

"A girl got the drop on you Hyuuga? Wow, how the mighty have fallen," Sasuke spoke with sarcasm. Neji glared and looked over to the girl, who was gesturing to her friends what happened and growled.

"I still think those girls are a bad influence on Hinata-sama. They are too wild to be with her," Shikamaru sighed and poked at his food in a lazy manner.

"Still, the blonde might be a good person, she seems like she's just a gossiper, but she's actually pretty smart, but she still is Troublesome," Shikamaru muttered as he looked at Ino, who was laughing at what Tenten was saying and Shikamaru smirked. Naruto grinned and slurped some ramen down and Sasuke shook his head.

"Yeah, plus Hinata-Chan isn't all that bad. She's really cute," Naruto said with a mouth full and Neji whipped his head to glare down Naruto, who gulped and laughed nervously and held his hands in surrender.

"O-Of course there's no way I can date her, she's way too sweet and so out of my league," Naruto spoke in a nervous voice and Neji calmed down and was still looking at him in suspicion. Sasuke snorted as Naruto tried to cover his ass and saw Karin and her flunkies walking over to Sakura's table and he raised an eyebrow and nudged Naruto and gestured over to the table and Naruto blinked.

"This might not end well," He said as he pointed over and they all turned to table, where most of the café also turned to. Sakura was too busy laughing at Tenten, who was glaring at both Ino and Sakura to notice Karin walk over.

"Hey, losers!" They all looked to see Karin in front of their table and she had her arms crossed across her chest and was glaring at them, her nose held high in the air. Sakura raised an eyebrow at her and Tenten narrowed her eyes. Ino flipped her hair back and looked at Karin with a curious look.

"Can we help you?" Karin wasn't looking at Ino, but at Sakura, who was confused at why she was glaring at her.

"Listen, I only dragged my ass over to warn you rejects: This is my school and I do not tolerate some newbies coming into my school and trying to take me away from thrown. Also, you, pinkie over there," Sakura was twitching at that name and Ino whistled lowly and Tenten shook her head and smirked. Karin ignored all this and started to walk towards Sakura and glared down at her.

"If I catch you anywhere near my Sasuke-kun, I will personally make your life a living hell and that goes for your friends. Stay away from the Kings, and then maybe you won't face my wrath, got that pinkie?" Sakura was going to calmly ignore her and just eat her lunch when…

"Plus, like, you all are such skanks, so why would the Kings be even interested in you anyway?" Ami, who was smirking at the whole ordeal, said with a nasal tone. Sakura's eyes bolted open and Tenten growled. Sakura got up and turned to Karin with fire in her eyes.

"Listen here you little whore, I was enjoying my lunch until you and your walking STD's came over here and ruined it. So I suggest that if you want to make sure that face of yours doesn't meet my fist, walk away slowly and I will let you live" Sakura growled as she grabbed Karin's collar and lifted her up, then dropped her down. Karin gasped and Tenten smirked. Just as she turned around, one of Karin's lackeys were about to strike her from behind when Sakura's karate skills kicked in and without turning, plowed her fist into the girl's face, who wailed in pain and that's when everything went crazy. A girl tried to hit and Sakura dodged her fist and knocked her down and sent a roundhouse kick to another girl behind and she flipped onto the table, just as everyone pulled their lunches. Garra sighed as his cousin started to grin evilly and Hinata, Tenten, and Ino already knew this was coming as soon as Karin walked over. Ami growled and tried to attack Tenten, who grabbed Ami's fist and flipped her down onto the floor and held her there.

"Not a wise move there," Tenten smirked and Ami shrieked in frustration. Sakura was hopping in place and held her hand up, gesturing 'Bring it on' to the other girls. Hinata and Ino were just watching calmly when one girl came behind each of them and tried to hit them over the head with a tray, but Hinata got on the table and kicked them both as she did a mid-air split and both girls were knocked out and she smirked as she folded into a hand-stand and jumped back into her chair. Ino pulled out a magazine and began to read while Garra was just sitting there with his eyes closed. Everyone was gaping at the scene and Naruto was one of them, especially amazed at Hinata, who went back to calmly sipping her water and chatted with Ino. Sasuke was smirking as he watched Sakura grab a girl and jump into the air and kicked her square in the face. Neji was trying to not be impressed as Tenten jumped off of Ami and blocked two more punches from girls. He was still impressed thought. Shikamaru was pretty interested that Ino wasn't fazed at the fighting, which meant that this wasn't that much of a shock to these girls. As Karin watched all her lackeys fall down, she growled as she saw Sasuke's impressed look at Sakura and went for the girl herself. Sakura saw her coming and smirked as she saved the best for last. She held her fist and ploughed it straight into Karin's face and she grinned at the sound of a crack and Karin went flying about 15 ft. Instant knockout. Sakura turned to Tenten and saw she was grinning over her work of 3 girls knocked out.

"How many did you get?" Tenten asked and Sakura shrugged.

"I lost count after the 5th girl came at me," Tenten nodded and Sakura turned to the café.

"Let that be a lesson for everything. Don't even try and fight us, cause you will end up like them," Sakura grinned and she cracked her knuckles in a warning. The bell rang and the girls all grabbed their stuff and started to walk and Garra opened his eyes and smirked. His cousin sure made an impression. He looked to see the Kings looking interested and scowled. Maybe too much of an impression. He sighed as he started to walk to class.

AN: I'm going to switch music and lunch around because I totally forgot about that class lol. Sorry.

Music class:

Sakura walked in front of the girls into the music room and saw a woman in her 20's sitting at the desk. She looked up and smiled at the girls.

"You must be the new students everyone is talking about. My name is Kurenai-sensei, please, come take a seat." Sakura grinned and nodded.

"Don't mind if I do. I'm Sakura," Tenten walked in and nodded.

"Tenten," Ino walked in and smiled.

"Ino Yamanaka at your service!" Hinata walked in and smiled shyly.

"H-Hinata Hyuuga," She whispered and Kurenai smiled as the four girls took a seat up front. The rest of the class came in, including Sasuke, Naruto, Neji and Shikamaru. Kurenai got up and calmed the class down.

"I hope everyone is ready for today's lesson. Today's theme is...a freebie," Kurenai smiled as everyone cheered. She held up a microphone and waved it around. Sakura instantly shot up.

"I'll go!" Kurenai blinked in surprise and everyone else looked surprise. Sakura skipped over and grabbed the microphone and Kurenai smiled.

"All right. The floor is all yours," Sakura grinned and turned to the crowd.

"Better get ready everyone," Sakura said and took a deep breath and started to sing.

I got this feeling on that summer day when you were gone.

I crashed my car into the bridge. I watched, I let it burn.

I threw your shit into a bag and pushed it down the stairs.

I crashed my car into the bridge.

I don't care, I love it. I don't care.

I got this feeling on that summer day when you were gone.

I crashed my car into the bridge. I watched, I let it burn.

I threw your shit into a bag and pushed it down the stairs.

I crashed my car into the bridge.

I don't care, I love it. I don't care.

You're on a different road, I'm in the milky way

You want me down on earth, but I am up in space

You're so damn hard to please, we gotta kill this switch

You're from the 70's, but I'm a 90's bitch

I love it!

I love it!

I got this feeling on that summer day when you were gone.

I crashed my car into the bridge. I watched, I let it burn.

I threw your shit into a bag and pushed it down the stairs.

I crashed my car into the bridge.

I don't care, I love it.

I don't care, I love it, I love it.

I don't care, I love it. I don't care.

You're on a different road, I'm in the milky way

You want me down on earth, but I am up in space

You're so damn hard to please, we gotta kill this switch

You're from the 70's, but I'm a 90's bitch

I don't care, I love it.

I don't care, I love it, I love it.

I don't care, I love it.

I don't care, I love it, I love it.

I don't care.

I love it.

i love it i don't care.


Sakura finished with a fist raised in the air and was panting as she grinned. Everyone whooped and clapped and the girls grinned as she mock-bowed to everyone. Sasuke was nodding his head in appreciation and decided to show the pink-girl up. He stepped down and the class went silent with shock as he walked up to the girl and she raised an eyebrow at him and he just held his hand out. Sakura narrowed her eyes but gave in and gave it to him and sat down again. Kurenai was surprised. This was the first time Sasuke ever decided to sing! He ran his fingers through his hair and the fangirls swooned.


If you really want more, scream it out louder,

Get it on the floor, bring out the fire,

And light it up, take it up higher,

Gonna push it to the limit, give it more.

Watch me as I dance under the spotlight-

Listen to the people screaming out more and more,

'Coz I create the feeling that keep 'em coming back

Yeah, I create the feeling that keep 'em coming back,

So captivating when I get it on the floor.

Know y'all been patiently waiting, I know you need me, I can feel it,

I'm a beast, I'm an animal, I'm that monster in the mirror,

The headliner, finisher, I'm the closer, winner.

Best when under pressure with second's left I show up.


If you really want more, scream it out louder,

Get it on the floor, bring out the fire,

And light it up, take it up higher,

Gonna push it to the limit, give it more.

Get up both your hands, I'm in the zone, tight!

Put 'em in the air, if you want more (and) more,

Cos I can't wait to feel it.

I go hard, can't stop,

But if I stop then just know that imma bring it back,

Never quittin' on believin' that.

Know y'all been patiently waiting, I know you need me, I can feel it,

I'm a beast, I'm an animal, I'm that monster in the mirror,

The headliner, finisher, I'm the closer, winner.

Best when under pressure with second's left I show up.


If you really want more, scream it out louder,

Get it on the floor, bring out the fire,

And light it up, take it up higher,

Gonna push it to the limit, give it more.


Gonna push it to the limit, give it more


If you really want more, scream it out louder,

Get it on the floor, bring out the fire,

And light it up, take it up higher,

Gonna push it to the limit, give it more.

Sasuke finished and opened his eyes and smirked at Sakura, who noticed and blushed angrily. All the girls were screaming like it was a concert and Naruto was shaking his head and smirking. Trust Sasuke to try and show up everyone. Kurenai blinked and tried to calm down the fangirls and Sakura was too busy trying to be both mad and also trying not to be impressed. She did not want to admit that the Uchiha was not only a great singer, he was freaking hot while doing it! Tenten, Ino and Hinata noticed her torn look and they all gave each other pointed looks. Just then, the bell rang and they all raced out in order to escape the crazy fangirls and Kurenai sighed. Maybe it was a bad idea to let it be freebie day.

Gym time:

"Okay, forehead, spill," Sakura blinked as she started to change into her uniform for gym class. Tenten was wrapping her hands in protective wrappings and Hinata was putting her shoes on. Ino had changed more quickly than the others and was narrowing her eyes at Sakura.

"Spill what? My lunch? No thanks Pig, I think I should keep that down," Sakura grinned with mirth and Tenten snorted. Ino twitched in annoyance.

"No! I meant of how you and that Uchiha hottie had obvious chemistry between you two!" It was silent, then….

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Sakura was rolling on the grounds with tears and Ino was glaring at her. It took about a minute before Sakura finally calmed down and was still giggling. Tenten and Hinata were sweat-dropping at her reaction.

"Are you done?" Ino was tapping her foot against the floor and Sakura nodded and started to get up. She shook her head and wagged her finger at Ino.

"There is no way I like that arrogant Uchiha," Sakura smirked and Ino raised her eyebrow.

"Then why did you seem so upset during music class when he showed you up and what about the rumors?" Sakura thought this threw and smiled.

"We're rivals!" She said with fire in her eyes and the girls fell anime-style. Sakura smiled and skipped out of the locker room and Ino glared at her back with a half-smile.

"That girl is so dense it's not funny," Tenten and Hinata nodded. Sakura was waiting outside, leaning against the wall and waiting for the girls. Ino and her theories! What a bunch of trash! Sakura looked across the room and saw Sasuke twirling a basketball with one finger, looking bored and then saw her staring and smirked at her. Sakura blushed and scowled and stuck her tongue out at him and turned away. Ugh! Something about the Uchiha just pissed her off! Tenten walked in and saw Neji standing next to Sasuke and glared darkly at him. Neji, feeling someone glaring at him, turned and saw the same rude girl who poured paint on him and glared back. Tenten stood next to Sakura with the same scowl.

"I hate him," They both muttered and they blinked at each other.

"Who do you hate Tenten?" Tenten jerked a thumb at Neji.

"He's the one who cost me the detention," Tenten muttered and Sakura laughed.

"He's the one you poured paint on?" Sakura laughed and then realized something.

"Hey, you know, he has the same eyes as Hinata.." Sakura looked confused and Tenten faced-palm.

"Sakura, their cousins, in fact, he's the cousin Hinata was talking about before we came here," Sakura gasped.

"Really?! Wow, small world," Tenten sighed and turned to see Ino coming over, looking annoyed and Hinata blushing. Tenten saw a guy with a pineapple hairstyle and a kid with blond spiky hair over where they just were and raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Ino blew some hair out of her face and scowled.

"I swear, Shikamaru has to be the most sarcastic annoying guy I have ever met and its sucks cause he's really cute!" Ino stomped her foot on the ground and Tenten sweat-dropped. Hinata was also looking over there as the two boys started to walk towards Neji and Sasuke.

"And care to explain why Hinata is acting like a shy Japanese school girl?" Tenten blinked at that sentence.

That was a stupid question Tenten rubbed her head in frustration and Sakura blinked as she realized her question.

"That's stupid Tennie since she technically is a Japanese school girl," Tenten glared at Sakura, who chuckled nervously and held her hands up in surrender. Hinata blushed even more.

"I-It's nothing T-Tenten," Hinata muttered and the girls were even more curious.

"All right you maggots! Line up!" The girls whipped their heads to see a woman in her 20's with purple hair pulled into a spiky ponytail and wearing a large trench coat over a white tank-top and black shorts.

"Now Anko-san, we should respect these youthful students and show them the joys of our youthful gym class," The girls turned and their jaws dropped at the sight of a man wearing a green spandex! Ino almost barfed at the fashion disaster and Sakura rubbed her eyes and cringed.

"That is so weird. Thank god there's only one of him," She muttered. She spoke too soon.

"Gai-sensei! I am ready to begin the youthful gym class and prove my youthfulness!" Sakura gaped as a carbon copy appeared out of nowhere. Tenten twitched in horror and even Hinata was creeped out. Ino grabbed her eyes in horror.

"IT BURNS! FOR ALL THAT IS FASHIO HOLY, IT BURNS!" Sakura rushed over to Ino and shook her by the shoulders.

"Stay with me Ino! Don't go towards the light!" She was rapidly shaking her and Ino was seeing stars.

"Sakura! Let her go!" Tenten screamed as she pulled her off Ino, who had stars in her eyes and was dizzy. Sakura blinked and gave a cheeky grin.

"Whoops, sorry about that," Everyone was looking at the girls like they were all insane and the carbon copy suddenly spotted Sakura and she blinked as he raced over and kneeled in front of her. He held up his hand and took hers.

"Oh beautiful woman! My name is Rock Lee and I wish to have you as my girlfriend so we can explore the wonders of youth together," Sasuke twitched as he heard that and it took every ounce of his self-control to not kill the Gai copy. Sakura was frozen in shock and then pulled her hand away

"Okay, one: No way in hell, two: That sounded so wrong and apologize to my eyes as I had to witness your outfit," Lee got disappointed and then the fire returned to his eyes.

"I will not give up my blossom! I will prove myself to be worthy of your love! I will run 100 laps in order to prove my youthful love!" He raced away and Sakura gaped at his retreating form. Tenten was too busy trying to hide her giggles and Hinata was fanning to wake Ino up. Anko sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Okay maggots, it's time for 10 laps around the field, and then it's…" Anko grinned evilly as she held a bright red ball. "Dodge ball," Everyone shuddered as she licked her lips and Tenten and Sakura sweat dropped.

Are all teachers this crazy? Gai grinned and gave everyone thumbs up.

"Let the power of youth be your guide!" Everyone blanched and ignored him as they started to run. Sakura and Tenten smirked. Time to show what they got. Sasuke and Neji were running ahead of everyone else and not even breaking a sweat when they suddenly saw two blurs and both blinked as they girls were running in front of them and they grinned cheekily.

"Oh, didn't see you there," Sakura said sarcastically as she ran ahead. Tenten snickered.

"Yeah, looks like we're were too fast for you," They both laughed and ran away and the boys glared at them and increased their speed. Oh, it's on now. Naruto was running not far behind and gaped at the four runners ahead.

Sweet mother of Ramen! Those girls can actually keep up with those two ice cubes!

"U-Um, h-hi Naruto-kun," Naruto turned his head and saw Hinata jogging slowly along with him and he grinned at her.

"Hey Hinata-Chan! Did you see those four!?" He said with shock and Hinata giggled.

"W-Well, S-Sakura a-and Tenten always-s l-loved to compete w-with others," Naruto looked wide-eyed as the four passed by faster than anyone and Hinata sweat dropped.

Of course, they always do go overboard she thought. She sighed and turned to see that Naruto had been run over by them.

"N-Naruto-kun!" Ino snorted as she saw Hinata try to nurse him back to health.

"Man, that's just sad," She muttered as she kept up a slow jog. There's was no way she was gonna ruin her make-up by going all out. She yelped as she stumbled over something or someone. Ino groaned as she sat up and glared at Shikamaru, who was groaning as he sat up and rubbed his head.

"Troublesome woman, can't you see where you're going?" Ino gaped at him and glared.

"How about don't just suddenly take a nap in the middle of the field, jackass!" Shikamaru stared at her and she blushed as he continued to look at her.

"W-What are you looking at?" Ino inwardly cursed. Since when did she start acting like Hinata? Shikamaru sighed and stood up and held his hand out to her and she blinked and took it.

"Thanks," She muttered and Shikamaru started to walk away.

"Look where you're going next time, Troublesome woman," Ino glared at his back and he turned and smirked at her.

"Nice shirt by the way," Ino felt confused, then blushed a cherry red as she saw her purple bra was being shown through her flimsy white tee.

"DAMN YOU SHIKAMARU!" As the last lap was finished, everyone was panting in exhaustion and Sakura and Tenten felt like they were going to drop any minute. Sasuke and Neji had actually worked up a sweat against these girls and the girls felt proud they were able to show whose boss.

"S-Shannaro," Sakura whispered and then conked out as Tenten fell next to her and started to snore. Hinata and Ino sighed and then gave each other a knowing look. Ino pulled out an air-horn and Hinata covered her ears.

HONK! Sakura and Tenten screamed as they woke up.

"It wasn't me!/" I was innocent!" They screamed and then blinked as everyone was looking at them.

"Damnit Ino! Stop doing that!" Ino smiled smugly at them and put the air horn away.

"Not my fault you two took 10 laps as a challenge," Sakura grumbled at her.

"Shut the freak up Ino," Then realized what she said and they all whipped their heads to see Hinata going into a dazed look and Tenten grabbed her before she could do anything, but was too late.

"SAKURA-CHAN!~" Hina squealed as she launched herself at her and Sakura yelped as they tumbled to the floor. Tenten cursed and Ino face palmed.

"Damnit Sakura! Not again!" Sakura ignored them as she tried to get Hina off her.

"Get the hell of Hina!" Sakura couldn't snap her out of it and Hina giggled.

"Did you miss me Sakura-Chan? Oh, have you grown since I last saw you?" Hina smirked and Sakura paled as she tried to get away but Hina glomped her from behind and grabbed Sakura's boobs. All the boys in the vicinity got a major nosebleed and Neji looked scandalized at his cousin's action and Sasuke raised an eyebrow. Anko was also raising at eyebrow at these girls action. Sakura was laughing as Hina started to tickle her and Tenten sighed. Ino was shaking her head in exasperation.

"W-Wait! N-not there, Hahaha, that t-tickles, s-stop!" Sakura was laughing too hard and Hina was giggling.

"Oh wow, you have grown," Hina saw Tenten and smirked.

"Have you grown too Tennie?" Tenten blinked and before she could move, Hina launched herself on her and tried to grope Tenten as well.

"Oh hell no!" Tenten said as she was able to get Hina off and before she could change her back, Hina shoved the barrel of her paintball pistol in her face.

Crap All three girls thought. Hina smirked and everyone screamed as she got up and was still pointing it at Tenten.

"Relax people, it's only a paintball gun," Sakura calmed them down and Hina smirked.

"Yeah, it's only a paintball gun but getting shot by that still hurts. Now, I have no intention of going back and I suggest you let me have my fun or Tenten-Chan here gets it in the chest," Tenten gaped at Hina. This was way different from the usual sexually harassing Hina! Ino was sneaking behind Hina and struggled for the gun, then it went off and got Ino in the leg.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" Ino screamed as blue paint splattered on her leg. That was gonna bruise. Sakura dashed forward and before Hina could shoot, Sakura snapped her fingers and pulled the gun away as Hinata collapsed to the floor. Sakura' s face was blank as she tossed the pistol to Tenten, who got up and whistled lowly.

"Your aunt's gonna kill us you know?" Sakura nodded and Ino shakily got up and slapped Tenten upside the head and she cursed.

"What the hell Ino?" Tenten snarled and she glared at her.

"Next time, don't bring that to school, stupid!" Ino yelled and Tenten pouted. A cough was heard and the girls turned to see Anko with her eyebrows raised.

"Hehehe, we're in trouble aren't we?" Tenten laughed nervously and it was silent until…

"I like you girls!" Anko gave them a grin and they fell anime-style, as did everyone else. Neji was too busy hyperventilating and Naruto was too busy worrying over Hinata. Shikamaru also looked concerned about Ino and Sasuke could really care less.

"My, what youthful students we have in this wonder spring of youth!" Gai-sensei said with a thumb up and grinned his pearly whites. Lee nodded next to him.

"It's a remarkable show of youth sensei!




"GAI-SENSEI!" The three girls twitched as a sunset magically appeared behind the two spandex people and Ino turned green.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Tenten nodded and Sakura felt her mind becoming permantely scared. The bell rang and the girls grabbed Hinata and ran out along with everyone else and Anko pouted.

"Damn, I couldn't get the maggots to play dodge ball, oh well," She shrugged and licked her lips.

"Time to find that Iruka," Iruka-sensei shuddered as he felt like something was after him or someone. Hinata groaned as she began to wake from Tenten's arm and she blinked as she took in her surroundings.

"What happened?" She groaned as she grabbed her head. The girls were outside now and were sitting on the concrete railing in exhaustion. Sakura perked up from the end.

"Oh nothing much, just you turning into-mmph," Ino covered her mouth and flapped her hands nervously.

"It was nothing Hinata-Chan! You just fainted after the run, no worries!" Hinata got the feeling her friends weren't being honest but didn't try to push them. Tenten sighed and rubbed her head.

"You know, this might not have been a great first day," She muttered but Sakura grinned and stood up and stretched.

"We still got tomorrow you know?" The other three girls groaned and Sakura laughed as she started to walk down the steps to the car. She saw Sasuke sitting on the top of his car along with Naruto, who was yapping his ear off and Neji and Shikamaru were standing next to them. Sasuke looked up to see Sakura staring and smirked. Sakura blushed and turned away as the others caught up to her.

"Hey, Sakura, why so red?" Ino asked with a knowing smirk. Sakura glared at Ino's smug look.

"Shut your face Pig," Ino glared back.

"How about yours Forehead?!" Sakura glared and stood her ground.




"FOREHEAD!" Tenten twitched as the two started to argue then…it turned into a scratching fight. Guys whooped at the so called 'cat fight' and Hinata looked worried over her two friends.

"KNOCK IT OFF, DAMINT!" Tenten yelled with anime tick marks as she fired her pistol at them and both yelped as they avoided the paint and Tenten smiled sweetly.

"Good, now let's get home so I can take a bath and get over today," Ino and Sakura nodded furiously and raced to the car with Tenten following and Hinata sweat dropped and sighed at her friends.

"BYE HINATA-CHAN!" Hinata blushed as Naruto yelled and waved goodbye to her and she waved shyly back and Neji was twitching annoyance at Naruto. Sasuke watched Sakura get into the driver's side and smirked. He was going to enjoy messing with her some more tomorrow. Count on that.

HOLY CRAP! This was 32 pages long! That's probably the longest chapter I've ever wrote and I hope it's all you your guys liking. I thought it was funny to make Hina seem like a sexually harassing person, which was inspired from watching too much of zettai Karen children. XD. Plus I'm weird like that. So I hope you all liked that. So far we see that Sakura and Tenten are both frustrated by the two emotionless men and that Hinata needs to get some earplugs and Ino loves to prove that blondes are smart. So, I am going to go work on Prove them wrong and I hope you all leave great reviews and no flames! That is my number one rule! Bye~