Disclaimer: I do not own The Legend of Zelda
Thanks to Riku Uzumaki and the Twilight's Shad0w for your reviews.
When Link finished explaining everything, all Navi could say was "Wow"
"I still don't know how we got here though" said Link
They arrived at the Lon Lon Ranch and Link knocked on the gate. Malon opened the gate and saw Link standing there. "Hello again fairy boy" said Malon
"How can I help you" she asked
"My friend asked me to meet her here" said Link
"So I was wondering if I could stay here until she gets here" he asked
"Sure" said Malon
"I can introduce you to my friend Epona" she said
"Who is that" asked Link
"She is the cutest pony on the ranch" Malon gushed
She led Link into the field in the back and started singing a tune. A brown haired pony came up to her and started nuzzling her. Link reached out his hand to pet her only for her to gallop away. "I guess she still doesn't like strangers" said Malon
"What was that tune you sang" asked Link
"It was a song my mother taught me" said Malon
"Epona usually comes when I sing it" she added
"That could be useful in the future" thought Link
"Could you teach me to play it on an ocarina" asked Link taking out his Fairy Ocarina
"Sure" said Malon
She taught Link Epona's Song. He played it and Epona came up to him and started nuzzling him. "I guess she likes you now" Malon giggled
Back at the castle, Zelda went to her room and into her closet. She took out the clothes she secretly got for this occasion and started taking off her dress. She put on a dark pink shirt and white pants and brown hiking boots. She then braided her hair into her old style.
"Perfect" thought Zelda looking in the mirror
Once she made sure she had everything she needed securely put away, she snuck out of her room.
She snuck her way out of the castle and into the field. She crept though the field avoiding the guards and made it past the gate. "Made it" thought Zelda
But before she could go any farther, Impa appeared before her. "Where do you think you're going young lady" asked Impa
"I am going to help Link on his quest" said Zelda
"There is nothing you can say or do to stop me" she said determined
"You don't even know how to defend yourself" said Impa
There was a flash of golden light as a golden sword appeared in Zelda's left hand and a golden shield in the shape of a harp appeared on her right arm. She went through some sword forms before sheathing both on her back. "I do know how to defend myself" said Zelda
Impa had a shocked look on her face before she sighed and said "Alright"
"But be careful" she said
"I will" said Zelda
She then ran off to Hyrule Castle Town.
When she arrived in the town she saw it was getting dark out. "There are probably raising the drawbridge right now" thought Zelda
"Looks like I will have to stay the night in the inn" she thought
She went to the inn and went inside. "How may I help you little lady" asked the Innkeeper
"I would like a room for the night" said Zelda
"That will be 10 Rupees" said the Innkeeper
Zelda took out two blue Rupees and handed them to the Innkeeper. The Innkeeper took them and said "Follow me"
He led Zelda to her room and said "Here is your room"
"Have a nice night" he said
"Thank you" said Zelda
She went inside and got ready for bed before going to sleep.
The next morning she got up and got ready to go. She left the inn and Hyrule Castle Town before heading to Lon Lon Ranch.
She arrived about midday and knocked on the gate.
Malon opened the gate and asked "How may I help you"
"I am looking for my friend" said Zelda
"He was wearing a green outfit and hat while carrying a sword and wooden shield" she said
"He's in the field playing with Epona" said Malon
"I will take you to him" she said
She led Zelda out back where she saw Link playing with a pony. "Fairy boy, your friend is here" called out Malon
Link came up to them and said "Thank you"
Then both Link and Zelda left the ranch. Once they were outside, Zelda smiled and said "Fairy boy"
"Please tell me you are not going to start calling me that" pleaded Link
"Maybe" said Zelda mischievously
"How could you be so mean to your champion" asked Link pouting
"Nobody said I had to be nice all the time" said Zelda smiling
They arrived at a crossroads when Navi appeared and shouted "Hey"
"Maybe we should go visit Saria before we start" she said
"Good idea" said Link
"Who's Saria" asked Zelda
"She was one of the only friends I had growing up in Kokiri Forest" said Link
Zelda nodded her head and they made their way to Kokiri Forest. It was dark out by the time they arrived in the Kokiri Village. Link led Zelda to his house for the night. "Nice and cozy" said Zelda looking around
They both got ready for bed and went to sleep with Zelda snuggling close to Link who had his arms around her.
The next morning they got ready to go and left Link's house. Link saw that Saria wasn't home and asked around where she was. He found out she was at the Sacred Forest Meadow. "Oh great" sighed Link
"What is the matter" asked Zelda
"We have to go through the Lost Woods" said Link
They headed north and go into the Lost Woods. Once they entered Link sees the Owl from before on a tree branch. "I see you have found your partner" said Kaepora Gaebora
"Oh great, it's the cryptic owl again" sighed Link
"Follow the music to find your friend" said Kaepora Gaebora
"You will arrive at a sacred place where few have ever walked" he said
He then took off and flew away.
Link closed his eyes and listen to the forest. He heard faint music coming from one direction and said "This way"
Link led them though the Lost Woods with the music getting louder with each turn they made. They eventually arrived at the Sacred Meadow and Link said "We're here"
"Saria should be on the other side of those hedges" he said
But before they could enter the hedges they heard a howl. They both got their sword and shield out and looked for what howled. It was a Wolfos that charged at Link and attempted to claw him. But Link blocked its attack with his shield. Zelda slashed at its side causing to let out a pained shriek and back off. Link brought his sword down on the Wolfos' head killing it.
They then entered the hedges with their weapons still out on the lookout for any more attacks. As they went around the corner they were attacked by a Mad Scrub. It shot three Deku Nuts at them that Zelda blocked and redirected back with her shield. They hit the Mad Scrub causing it to come out of its flower. Link jumped up and brought his sword down killing it.
After dealing with a few more Mad Scrubs they came out of the hedges and arrived at a staircase. "Your friend must be strong to come through here regularly" said Zelda
Link nodded his head as they climbed up the staircase. At the top they saw Saria sitting on a tree stump playing an ocarina. She stopped playing and saw Link and Zelda standing before her. "Link" exclaimed Saria
She got up and ran over to him. "You came to visit me" she said
"Of course" said Link smiling
"Who is this" asked Saria pointing at Zelda
"This is my close friend Zelda" said Link
"It's nice to meet you" said Zelda
"Why do you always come here Saria" asked Link
"I always feel at peace here" said Saria spreading her arms out and twirling around
"And I felt that this place is going to be important to both me and you someday" she said clasping her hand in front of her chest
Zelda looked around and saw what looked like an entrance to a temple behind and above them. "Before you go let me teach you the song that I made" said Saria
Both Link and Zelda took out their ocarinas and started playing Saria's Song. "I hope the song will remind you of me when you play it" said Saria
"I could never forget you" said Link smiling giving Saria a hug
Saria returned it smiling before both Link and Zelda left.
They came out of the Lost Woods as night fell and went to Link's house for the night. Inside Link asked "Where are we going first"
"Kakariko Village" said Zelda
"The Gorons who live in Death Mountain hold the Ruby" she said
"Just great" grumbled Link
"I have to climb that damn mountain yet again" he grumbled
Zelda giggled as they both got ready for bed.
The next morning they left Kokiri Forest and started on their way to Kakariko Village.
Along the way Link asked "When did your memories come back"
"It was after the first dream I had" said Zelda
"After I woke up, I immediately went to go get the Ocarina and made sure to keep it with me at times" she said
"I was so happy when you showed up Link because I thought I was here alone" she said looking down
Link stopped and gave Zelda a hug that she snuggled into. They stayed like that for a while before they let go of each other and started walking again. "What about you" asked Zelda?
"That owl had something to do with it" said Link
Zelda nodded her head as she asked "Does it remind you of anyone"
Link thought about it for a moment before saying "I don't think so"
"Why" he asked
"It reminded me of my father" said Zelda
"It kind of does" said Link thinking about it
A little while later Link asked "So Hylia, do you know how we got here"
"Well I didn't do it and it couldn't have been the Triforce since we sealed it into the Sacred Realm with the Master Sword" said Zelda
She then thought about it for a moment before saying "Maybe there was more to Demise's curse than we thought"
Link's eyes widen as he caught onto what Zelda was thinking. "You think instead of Demise's hatred plaguing our descendants, we would be reborn every time his hatred is" said Link
"Yes" said Zelda sadly
"To be reborn only to fight and never know true peace" she said
"Well I guess we will have to make the best of it" said Link smiling
"Right" said Zelda nodding her head smiling