Disclaimer: I do not own X-men
Sure things
"I'm baaaaack" said a young adolescent walking in the halls of the Xavier mansion.
Her hair was short and caramel brown, it ran down to her shoulders waving only once with some of it shoved behind her ear falling fairy above her breasts and rested there. Her brown eyes scanned the room as her face smiled like a portrait as usual no makeup was found out of place. She wore a long sleeved black shirt that had a low cut V-neck. The shirt ran down her tiny frame exaggerating her features and ended almost mid thigh, maybe a little shorter. Her long legs were covered with black see though tights that huged her legs. Her shoes made her legs look like models' legs, seeming that they were bejeweled black pumps. Her nails perfectly manicured and a ring that was always on her right ring finger.
That was Kitty. . . Shadowcat.
"Did you guys miss me?" she giggled dropping her bags and bumping the door closed with her hip. She looked up to see storm walking towards her with wide open arms.
Storm was a lovely old lady with her birthday near approaching. She looked better than ever for a woman on her way to 60. Her hair was long and silver it touched her mid back and flowed ever so elegantly. She was a dark colored woman who never wore anything but her X-Men uniform, because she never left the mansion.
"Welcome back Kitty, It's good to see you."Storm spoke in her usual comforting voice. "How was your trip?"
Kitty smiled warmly then sighed. "Hectic, I think it was harder than defeating Magneto." She chuckled loudly. "That does not sound like fun, Kitty, are you sure you're okay?"Storm stared at her slightly bugish more concerned now.
Kitty began strutting past her and looking around wondering where everyone was she sounded distracted when she spoke. "Yea in fine, Storm you worry too much. Just when Piotr is around tell him to take my things to my room I'm going to shower and sleep." With that she left the room and storm staring at the hot pink luggage.
When Kitty got to her room she took a slow deep breath in and smiled. "Nothing changes." She walked out of her heals and fell into her plushy filled bed, sinking down she closed her eyes dozing off into her wide dreamer mind.
"Kitty…. My dearest your house is beautiful"
"t-thank y-you, who are you" she reached her hand out at the light.
"Oh baby when you find me…we are going to be unstoppable but first."
Suddenly the ground fell from underneath her and she was falling through a blue vortex.
'SOMEONE HELP ME' She thought opening her mouth to scream but instead the voice spoke.
"Get out of your fantasy Kitty no one is going to sweep you off your feet get real this is your life you want a man go get him." The voice began to echo continuously never ending as she grabbed her head screaming no a thousand times. Then suddenly she hit the floor.
She screamed a deadly scream that pierced her own ears. Then she hit the floor on her back she lied there breathless surrounded by plushies staring down at her. She sighed thinking 'I need to seriously redecorate.'
She sat up rubbing the back of her head she knew her scream was bound to worry someone so she waited for the intrusion of her room. A second after, her prediction was proven to be true.
A tall red headed woman opened the door abruptly her green eyes searching until she saw Kitty on the floor and ran to her falling to her knees. "KITTY, are you okay? Are you hurt? Were you attacked?" Kitty giggled softly and attempted to interrupt her. "Jean." "Are you fractured?" "Jean?" "Are you sick?" "JEAN!" she stopped and her green eyes began to relax and her features returned calm she smiled. "Erg, Kitty welcome back."
Kitty stared at Jean for a few seconds before standing up and throwing a plush doll of an elephant on the bed. "Thanks." She walked to the door hinting for Jean to get out. Jean smiled and stood up making her way out. "Well I'm glad you are okay I'll see you down stairs for dinner in a half an hour then. Bye." And with that she left.
Now don't get Kitty wrong she has no beef with Jean, it's just that back way in the hay day when Kitty was only 14 she had a major crush on Scott. Jean had knew and purposely screwed him every night. That did not make her at the top of the Kitty nice list.
Kitty looked at the time and decided it was time for that shower she desperately wanted.
30 minutes later Kitty was showered and ready.
She wore a one sleeved baby blue dress that was the same length of her last dress her hair was the same straight silky style her make up new but just as perfect. She put her new wedges on that were dark beige which complemented her skin tone well. She stared at herself in the mirror examining up and down for several minutes. She began to head for the door when she almost forgot her ring that she always wears she picked it up off her nightstand and placed it on her right hand ring finger. She smiled.
Down stairs Scott was placing the food down and Jean was helping the, young couple looked adorable.
Scott's usual shaggy due was gelled back and he wore his shades and instead of his uniform he wore a clean ironed white dress shirt with black dress pants and a tie to boot with his shoes all squeaky clean.
Jean on the other hand wore a black cocktail dress and her hair was French braided back to bring out her strong face muscles. She had on eyeliner and bright pink lipstick with small diamond studs. She had stockings on and one inch black heals.
Xavier entered the room wearing the usual Xavier look.
"Excellent job everyone now were is our guest of honor?"
Jean looked around and spoke up like the only person who would ever know anything she sounded a little snotty. "She's getting ready she should be down soon professor." Xavier smiled at her and nodded. "Thank you Jean." Jean smiled.
Kitty walked down the stairs taking her time staring in the hallways at all the new pictures. She smiled at a picture of her pinning wolverine back in the day and she walked on wards again lost in memory.
"There you are," a familiar strong voice spoke with a familiar German accent. "Kitty."
Kitty froze her feet deadlock and glued to the floor. She held her breath. Her knees began to shake at the sound of his footsteps getting closer. She swallowed hard breathing staggered. "STOP." She said suddenly and his footsteps stopped she could feel his presence just a few feet away and she swallowed her pride. (no pun intended) She took a deep breath in and turned around slowly almost as if in slow motion.
Her eyes proved her fear even more. It was him. It was Kurt.
Kitty's eyes immediately went to his and she put on a fake smile.
"I, uh…j-just wanted to look at y-you… s-sense I haven't s-seen you in fore-ever, erm uh heh."
He stared blankly at her and nodded. Her mind ran with thoughts as he had just given her permission to stare at him until she was done and knowing herself once she started it was nearly impossible to end.
His hair was the usual blue and didn't look like it had grown at all his face was the same masculine face and his lip ever still the same, in her eyes his lips were the perfect size and perfect color. She avoided his eyes to save them for last sense she new that's what always took the longest. She looked down his neck to his enormous shoulder muscles down his well toned arms to the same three fingers she wished that could touch her body and fee her hunger for him. Her hunger made her eyes slide over to his pecks each like a cinder block and down to his abs 10 of them to be exact she counted four more than last time. The shirt he wore was white but unbuttoned so she guessed he was late to. He was wearing dress pants and it looked a little tight on him. She noticed his tail swaying back and forth to the right of him in a hypnotic pattern. She stared at it thinking of how much she just wanted to grab it play with it an- she stopped herself and gulped as her eyes rolled back up his deep blue body and stared into his eyes.
Gosh, she hated those eyes on his him. They were like the knock out to the rest of the hits his body took on her heart. Those gold eyes that glowed in her mind. It was as they say the entrance into ones soul and she saw into his soul and saw the golden heart to match. She saw herself in his eyes. She saw who she wanted to be, her world melted away she wish those eyes could see her how she wanted them to. She'd pray that one day she can get some sort of love out of those eyes the eyes that-
"Kitty?" he spoke a tad bit annoyed at how long she was taking and at looked at the clock on the wall. Which caused her eyes to finally blink and her body to unslouch she swallowed and a faint blush covered her cheeks.
"Y-yea sorry just, you changed quite a bit." She bit her bottom lip.
He looked back over at her with no expression at all he said. "So have you, now let's get going."
With that he poofed away. She frowned slightly confused if that was a compliment or not, to the lack of emotion. She brushed it off and strutted down the hallways slightly less confident and getting to the dinner room when everyone else lit up to see her. She was polite and hugged and talked to all but kept looking over at him. Her mind ran continuously with his words. Almost like a headache that wouldn't go away. It was stuck, She was stuck on him all over again.
'Damn this is going to be a long night if I can't get my mind off of him.'