Anon: HELLO PEOPLE! I AM BACK BABY! In the last chapter of my past story 'Secret Friends' I asked you all if you wanted to know how Gokudera and Yamamoto had kids… So since you guys gave me so much support from my last story… Here is the… wait for it…..THE SEQUEL! TA-DA so in this story I will feature all my favorite pairings for the fun of it! Of course with 8059 as the main pairing, so I hope you guys enjoy. Oh and my other personas are taking a vacation. Cause we all nearly killed each other during our little family reunion… So… Yeah… I'm wondering whether I should invite them to host again or not… Oh well… So~ on with the story!

DISCLAIMER... U-N-F-O-R-T-U-N-A-T-E-L-Y I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn this belongs to the respectable Akira Amano. Trust meif I did... Expect a lot of Yamamoto X Gokudera scenes, Dino X Kyouya scenes and of course Xanxus X Squalo scenes... Oh and I recently became a fan of Byakuran X Irie and TYL Reborn X TYL Lambo Ok I am officially insane...

WARNING... This is a shounen-ai fanfic so meaning IT IS BOY X BOY. If you do not wish to suffer like my brother when he saw such a thing I suggest you heed my words and leave now...

SUMMARY... –SEQUEL TO 'Secret Friends'– It has been ten years since the Vongola storm and rain guardian got together. And all are living their lives… Until something happens to certain guardians… NOTE: Please don't kill me!…

-=-=-=-:::Not Exactly A Secret:::-=-=-=-






The Awesome-ish Prologue –


"Ah it's finally finish! After 2 years of research it's finally done! I have to keep this cold until he comes to pick it up and attempt the experiment… Hmm, I'm sure the Vongola guardians won't mind if I put it in the fridge… I'll just write a note…



That should do… ~YAWN~… It's late I should get some sleep…"

With that the figure that stood at the kitchen in front of the refrigerator closed the appliances' door and the light that dimly illuminated the room had disappeared leaving the kitchen to be swallowed once more in the darkness of the moonless night.


The Vongola tenth generation boss Tsunayoshi Sawada and his guardians now reside in the Vongola main house located in Italy. Of course he has moved there along with his guardians. His officially right hand man and Storm guardian Gokudera, Hayato has loyally been by his side as his right hand man, guardian and most of all, one of best friends.

Yamamoto, Takeshi his rain guardian, the dimmed Born Hitman and also his best friend. Although, the man mentioned is currently away for a mission, along with his future brother-in-law Sasagawa, Ryohei. Yes, the 26 year old boss and the sun guardian's little sister are engaged, and everyone is excited for them. Of course the Vongola tenth as to make an official announcement for their engagement, but the storm guardian already had everything planned out for the announcement.

The tenth generation mist and cloud guardian however, is as usual, missing. Muroko Rukudo and Chrome Dokuro are most of the time not with the family. They mostly hang out with their own gang. Kyouya, Hibari: the cloud guardian is still doing research about the rings while biting people to death along the way. Although the cloud guardian would be found at the Cavallone estate at some times with the said family's boss, most people hope to live a long life so– no one dared question the reason. What both of the two always-not-present guardians do during their free time (Separately mind you! Because they will most likely try to kill each other if they are together), most would rather not know.

His lighting guardian, the once temperamental child Lambo, now 16 his hair has thankfully changed from afro to a more, wavier type of hair style. Despite being a teenager, he was and still a cry baby… still couldn't kill Reborn despite still declaring that he will be the one to take the said Hitman's life (according to the pathetic cow himself as Reborn would less cruelly put it). However though, from a noisy, nosy, annoying child, he was now much calmer than usual more patient although, again still a cry baby. How he grew up to be such a teenager from his child-self still remains a mystery to the family. Did I mention he's still a cry baby despite being now hot in the several eyes of some female population of the world?

Let's not forget the ever-so-awesome tutor that is Reborn. Ever since the Arcobaleno curse has been lifted he had returned to his normal self. So did the other Arcobalenos and decided to continue on with their lives. Most of the time he would hang out in the base, basically scolding anyone if they didn't do things by his standards, he only goes on missions when he threatens the young sky guardian brunette to give him one. It's always either one: he is bored and needs to kill someone, or two: he just wantsto kill someone.

Yup, this was the Vongola's life now. Kyoko is also living with them in Italy learning about the country's rich culture and history and is clearly enjoying the fact that she and Tsuna are engage and the wedding, the two had decided was to be within a few months. Haru is currently travelling the world, but of course was going to be Kyoko's maid of honor. Banchi had returned to her and Gokudera's house, she still can… Cook-obviously-questionable-dishes-much-to-her-delight-and-the-suffering-of-others. Shamal serves as the Vongola family's doctor, although most of the time he still refuses to treat any non-female, patients. Giannini is still, as competitive as ever with Spanner when it comes to creating new types of inventions to help the Vongola family, but most of the time is responsible causing explosions in the manor constantly, leaving the tenth generation boss to deal with the repairs. Shoichi is part of the family, but for some reason, he is not seen often. Although, he gives his weekly reports and keeps his meetings with Tsuna via satellite video. Fuuta lives at the mansion but he has his own jobs from time to time. I-Pin would visit since she returns to China sometimes to do more training with Fon. And they say the rest is history…


Not exactly…


59..Storm has logged in…

ImissMyHayato has logged in…

59..Storm: OI IDIOT!

ImissMyHayato: Haya-Chan!


ImissMyHayato: Aw… But its true Haya-Chan I miss you so much… I'm so lonely without you. ()

ImissMyHayato: I haven't seen you for the last 3 months! I wanna come home a cuddle with my little tsundere and make him feel all loved and

59..Storm: LALALALALALAH! I'm ignoring what you just typed. And quit whining you'll be home in 2 days for goodness sake!

ImissMyHayato: But I can't wait that long…. I want to see Hayato now!


ImissMyHayato: Aw… Does Hayato miss me?

59..Storm: Not even in the slightest…

ImissMyHayato: Aw… Haya-Chan is so tsundere… Dx

ImissMyHayato: But anyway I have to go now! I'll be home as soon as I can! See you soon!

59..Storm: Yeah, yeah whatever… Don't be late for the tenth's official engagement party! Even the damn Varia is coming and Dino's family for the celebration! You and that Turf top better be home by then…

59..Storm: Oh and when you do try to get the pineapple head guy to come along with Chrome

ImissMyHayato: Hayato…

ImissMyHayato: I really do miss you…

59..Strom: …..

59..Strom: I-I guess, I miss you too…

59..Strom: Idiot…



ImissMyHayato: Hahaha I love you Hayato!

ImissMyHayato has logged off…

59..Storm: I love you too idiot… Be careful… Come home soon…

NOTICE: The user has logged out your message will be listed as an offline message and the user will receive it the next time he/she logs in…

59..Storm has logged off…


He sat in his massive office sighing as he turned off his laptop. His face still blushing as his mind thought back on his last message that he had sent his now-official-lover. His work was finish and there was nothing else left to do. Thankfully he had prepared everything that was going to be needed for the sky guardian's official engagement party was all done. The only thing left to do was to wait for the day to arrive. He stood up from his office chair and made his way towards the lounge chair that was place in the opposite wall across from his table. He doesn't remember how he got the damn thing. But he does remember bits and pieces of why he had gotten the leather coated furniture. He remembers the baseball idiot persuading him to buy it.

The idiot's number one reason was for the chair to be laid on whenever he would feel exhausted and feel the need to lie down. Of course the storm guardian protested the idea of him being tired while working. But of course the rain guardian being, well the usual Yamato Takeshi had decided to give a demonstrative argument on why he should have a lounge chair in the silverette's office. Apparently, the demonstration included Gokudera being spent and caused an aching in his back after the… activity that had occurred caused by the baseball freak.

The baseball idiot won that argument by a land slide.

The face blushed a thousand shades of red once again as that moment in time made its way back in his mind. Making the temperamental storm guardian relive the memory as he laid down on the couch. He glanced at his wrist watch and decided to take a nap since there was nothing much to do anyway. Although he knows that he will never admit it out loud. He loved the raven swordsman a bit too much. The ten years they've been since the 'Secret Friends' incident as Gokudera had called it, the hazel-eyed Japanese had done nothing but shower the Italian silver-head with his love and dedication. Although the Italian would not admit it openly, he loved the baseball-loving-idiot in more ways than words could ever describe.


The Japanese swordsman of Vongola smiled as he turned off his laptop. He leaned back of the first class seat of the plane he was currently in. His mission with the sun guardian had been done the day before the mission only required a negotiation with another family in Spain. The sun guardian had handled the negotiation part Yamamoto on the other hand was only there for back up just in case something unpleasant might happen. A little argument had broken out and the results were… not the pretty. Although after the demonstration of both the rain and sun guardian why they should not mess with the Vongola family, the feud was resolved and the negotiation was complete. So now the two guardians are on their way home, back to the Italian Vongola base.

He wondered how his Hayato would act once he surprises the Italian born that he would be home by tonight rather than two days as the other had expected.


" Ahahahaha… Me too sempai… Me too…"

"Haha, I'm glad both of you haven't changed…"

Dino Cavallone had insisted that they return to Italy together on his family's private plane. It turned out that the Don also had business in the same country and they had met by coincidence. Not that the two could refuse the offer since both wanted to return home as well.

We will be arriving in Italy in half an hour… Please turn off all electronic devices during the landing procedure…

The voice from the speaker said. At the same time the samurai of rain turned to look out the window awaiting the moment he is able to hold his beloved half within his arms once again.


Anon: Dah dah dah the end. I'm bored.