Anon: I'm still bored only with stress involved. Not thesis this time but a series of stress emitting from random events and to-do-list that is seriously annoying everytime I remember it. Like right now... DAMN IT! Oh well... That's life... Gotta take the good along with the bad. Please ignore my rants and continue on with the story... This is a super long chapter because I'm not that lazy to write it so yay me!
DISCLAIMER... U-N-F-O-R-T-U-N-A-T-E-L-Y I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn this belongs to the respectable Akira Amano. Trust meif I did... Expect a lot of Yamamoto X Gokudera scenes, Dino X Kyouya scenes and of course Xanxus X Squalo scenes... Oh and I recently became a fan of Byakuran X Irie and TYL Reborn X TYL Lambo Ok I am officially insane...
WARNING... This is a shounen-ai fanfic so meaning IT IS BOY X BOY. If you do not wish to suffer like my brother when he saw such a thing I suggest you heed my words and leave now...
SUMMARY... –SEQUEL TO 'Secret Friends'– It has been ten years since the Vongola storm and rain guardian got together. And all are living their lives… Until something happens to certain guardians… NOTE: Please don't kill me!…
-=-=-=-:::Not Exactly A Secret:::-=-=-=-
Chapter Two – "It's gonna be a very long night…"
The celebration for the Vongola tenth's engagement had been going on for quite awhile. The tenth and his fiancée were continuously being bombarded with questions about the wedding and their future together. Often times the storm guardian would like to help his boss, only to be stopped by a certain dark haired hitman with a fedora and be told that it was something the couple could handle on their own.
"Why don't you take it easy Gokudera?"
"But... Reborn-san..."
"This is no-good-Tsuna's engagement party... The future of his and Kyoko-san's family is his business, I'm sure he can handle it..."
"Don't you have your own lover to look after?"
"R-Reborn-san!" the Italian said with his face red from embarrassment from the hitman's remark. The smirk that appeared at the raven-haired man face made the Italian blush more than before.
"Hm... Still a child I see..."
"Whatever... Let no-good-Tsuna handle this, that's an order... Now if you'll excuse me I have to hunt for a certain cow who placed a sad excuse of a trap at my room's door..."
With that, the number one hitman walked away from the Italian. The storm guardian on the other hand only watched as the figure disappeared in the crowd. He couldn't really tell whether the hitman was concerned for him or was just being mysteriously creepy but right. He chose the second choice, after all it was Reborn, if he was concern about someone he'll never ever show it.
At the far end of the room the rain guardian samurai lean against the wall watching over the crowd. Occasionally making sure that Mukuro and Hibari didn't cause any trouble nor wanting to kill each other during the festive event of the night. Thankfully the two were both busy with their companions that they didn't even bother with each other despite the fact the they were facing each other.
"Oh goodness this party is very tiring... Oh good evening Yamamoto-san... Is this spot taken?"
"Good evening Lambo, and no..."
With that the teen lean at the wall beside the rain guardian while holding a cup of punch in each hand. They stayed silent for a while only observing the crowd slowly gathering at the dance floor with the orchestra playing soft music. The samurai would occasionally look at the teen taking a sip at the punch being held b his right hand, while leaving the other punch on his left hand untouched. Knowing the young thunder guardian the baseball enthusiast could probably guess for who and what was in the cup other cup of punch.
"Um... Lambo..."
"That drink on your left... It's poisoned isn't it?"
"E-Eh... Ya-Yamamoto-san... Please don't tell anyone..."
'Ah...I thought so...' the rain guardian thought as he knew well what would happen next.
With that the best hitman of the mafia world made his way through the crowd while flirting with some women along the way. Yamamoto saw this and would look at the teen beside him, he could only sigh in pity as the teen kept repeating to himself his mantra composed of the word 'Tolerate...' over and over.
"Ahaha... Hey cheer up Lambo... Be strong, you're a teenager now right?"
The older of the two said he smiled and placed a hand on the teen's raven head and ruffled his curly locks like an older brother would. The teen smiled shyly at the older guardian with his face red from embarrassment as he was being treated like a child. But truth be told he liked it, however voicing out his thoughts would earn him a teasing from a number of people. For example a certain raven-haired man wearing a fedora and an insulting smirk with a woman in each arm.
"Evening Yamamoto... Cow..."
Speak of the devil.
A small chat between the hitman and the rain guardian started, of course accompanied with the occasional disturbances of the two unknown women and the continuous glaring and being ignored of the thunder guardian. After another few minutes the teenaged Lambo left hastily along with the poisoned punch that he apparently forgot to give to his target as his pissed off side ruled over his crybaby side. He disappeared somewhere within the crowd making the calm rain guardian sigh in worry and making the hitman smirk.
Thankfully the party was going smoothly thought the silver-haired storm guardian. The Varia members were surprisingly being in their best behavior. Although he did hear certain threats of whoever annoys the leader of Varia spends the night with the Varia's sun guardian... in his room, no exceptions. He shrugged at the thought of it, such punishment would be scarier than an angry Xanxus. Also Hibari seemed consumed and relaxed even with the Cavallone don endlessly trying to tell him something. Most people were afraid of coming close to the Vongola cloud guardian, and many thought that the Cavallone don had a death wish for always trying to engage with the said man in a conversation. But Gokudera knew better, after what happened during their last years in Namimori high it was fact that was kept secret between them or else a certain person would not hesitate to bite him to death. Also he was one of the few people thatknew the real relationship of the cloud and Cavallone tenth. He was a – dare-he-say-it– trustworthy people in the opinion of the cloud guardian
Gokudera kept his eye on his respectable boss as he made his way to the dance floor with his fiancée at his side. The couple dance happily as their other friends danced alongside them upon the dance floor. Shockingly even Mukuro was dancing, with Chrome of course, and he didn't seem to mind the stares of either curious or scared people on them as would just reply with a smile that was surround with an aura that emitted pure evil. The storm guardian sighed.
'At least he wasn't causing any troub...' the man's thoughts were disturbed as someone bumped him.
"Hey... Watch where you're... going..." Gokudera said from an angry tone to very, very slightly worried one as he saw that the one who had made contact with him was their very own teenage thunder guardian with tears in his eyes. The teen merely bowed slightly while simultaneously thrusting the cup in his hand to the still frozen storm guardian and continued his way in a running phase leaving the storm guardian to gaze at his retreating back. When he was no longer frozen he looked suspiciously at the cup only to have it be taken away from his curious gaze by a taller Japanese man.
"I'll take that... I've got to throw this out before someone accidentally drinks it..."
"Why? Did Bianchi make that punch or even touch it in the slightest? Cause if she did... Make sure you burn it to ashes while you're at it..."
The storm guardian said with a very serious face making the rain guardian chuckle as he called one of his men and ordered the disposal of the drink with strict orders to do it immediately. The man who took the job nodded and made his way to get rid of the drink. He turned back at the to gaze at the Italian man who was now irritated glaring at him, however this only made him chuckle once more.
"Ahahaha... Clam down Hayato, it was just slightly poisoned..."
"P-Poison? Wha..."
"Oh... Why?"
"Oh… What was it this time?"
"Women in each arm while smirking with the usual ignore treatment"
Yes, the storm and rain guardian knows of the troubles of the little thunder guardian. Since he grew up from being a cry baby... Correction a 5-year-old-crybaby. When thunder guardian was trouble while growing up from being a 5-year-old-crybaby he would normally run to the storm guardian. When he questioned (heaven help me) Reborn the hitman only replied that 'The storm and thunder are very close' of course when he was 19 he was irritated when he didn't understand it. But as time passed he slowly understood as he now thought of the young thunder guardian more like a little brothers than the irritating brat he once was. Of course with the ever so caring rain guardian beside him, they both seems to share worry and concern over the teen.
"Maybe I should talk to him? What do you think Hayato?" Yamamoto asked as he looked at the silverette whose eyes still followed the trail that the young thunder guardian took as he stormed out of the ballroom.
"No… I think I should go after him… But…"
"Go… I think he needs his big brother to talk to…"
"It'll be fine Hayato… I'll take over while you're gone… Oh and make sure you come back… I at least want to have the last dance with you…"
He said to his obviously worried lover who happened to have a blush on his face before hesitantly nodded in agreement and slowly left the ballroom. He watched his lover's back disappear through the crowd then through a door before he sighed and turned his attention to Tsuna who was still happily dancing with his fiancée.
The storm guardian found the teenage Lambo sulking in the kitchen drinking something from a bottle that lacked a label. Thankfully the kitchen staff was outside chatting giving them privacy enough for them to talk.
"Oi what're you drinking stupid cow?"
"Shut up Baka-dera… I dunno something I found in the fridge didn't see label but it tastes okay… A bit bitter though…"
Goludera knew that Lambo would reply if he called him that and knew the little brat would call him 'baka-dera' it was serious or at least times like this that the storm guardian wouldn't mind the number of names the other would call him as long as the brat would reply. He watched as the thunder guardian drank a glass of— whatever it was and sulk. He knew when there are times to keep quiet and just listen, and that's just what he did as Lambo rambled about a certain Italian black-haired hitman who loves wearing a fedora.
"Here… Drink with me… Just a bit…" Lambo said holding a quarter full of glass to Gokudera.
"I don't think I should…"
"Then could you leave… I want to be alone…"
Gokudera sighed and took the glass and drank it in one gulp. It was sweet but the bitterness made itself know when it settled in the taste buds. He almost spurted it out when the doors of the kitchen suddenly burst open revealing a very angry Varia vice-captain.
"VOOOIII—! I need some wine!"
The long silver-haired Italian announced loudly in the kitchen that only had the two guardians as its occupants. Annoyed the vice-captain saw the label lacking bottle and turned to the guardian and pointed at it.
"VOI— Vongola trash is that any good?"
Although annoyed, the storm guardian was not in the mood to argue nor was it a good time to cause any trouble so he just nodded. The Vatia vice-captain just took the empty glass Gokudera was holding filled it up with haste then gulped it. He gave back the glass to the currently frozen storm guardian and started to leave mumbling something about his boss being pushy, picky, high and mighty and more about some ther things that the storm nor the thunder guardian could no longer make out.
With that he turned back at the thunder guardian who was still a bit sulky and teary, he sighed once more and placed a hand on the other's left shoulder.
"Oi Lambo , why don't you just go to bed? It's getting pretty late anyway and, you're going to take I-Pin sigh-seeing tomorrow right?"
"Yeah you-you're right…"
Both got up and the thunder guardian left the kitchen and was about to head on towards his room but not without muttering a soft, sincere 'thank you' to the other. Although nothing was said, it was enough for the thunder guardian to have someone worry about him, even if it's a little bit, it helps him forget about certain emotions for a certain hitman. Gokudera sighed one more but was glad the teen had calmed down. He took the label-less bottle and was about to place it back in the fridge but thought to get one more cup before doing so. He then left the kitchen with a full glass of the mysterious liquid in his hand.
Back at the ballroom everything was just fine, he was scanning the room for his lover, but didn't have any luck. The only solution was that he was probably checking stuff out for and suspicious activities. Oh well he could wait, he was about to take a sip of the unknown bittersweet drink that he took from the kitchen when a hand took it from his.
"Thanks for the drink, lower class carnivore…"
Truth be told or seen, the silver haired Italian's eye twitched in irritation at the sudden invader of his silent waiting for the baseball idiot and not to mention that the guy beside him had just taken his drink!
"Hibari… Where's Dino-s-san?" he asked in the most not irritated voice he could manage.
"Somewhere… I'd rather not be around him when a crowd is gathering around him… It irritates me."
"You don't say." Was all the Italian could say as he watch the cloud guardian drinking his drink. Although they were drinking buddies, this was a bit irritating, and he had a short fuse. Silence fell upon them as they observed the party from the side. A blonde Italian don came to their view—
"Oi Kyoya… I'm sorry to keep you waiting why don't we go back to the hotel ne?"
"Hm… Make me wait again in a crowded place and I shall not hesitate to bite you to death herbivore…"
The cloud guardian said in a low threatening voice that would scare anyone who hears it.
"Hahaha of course, of course Kyouya…Let's go…" Obivously the threat didn't doesn't affect the Cavallone don much to the cloud's dismay but didn't show it on his face.
Dino was leading the way out of the ballroom while Kyoya returned the now empty back to the storm guardian. As much as he really, really wanted to show his irritation he held his control as he just glared at the back of the cloud guardian who left the ballroom with ease and the Cavallone don.
It was already around eleven at night when people started to leave. By the time everyone were nearly gone a pair still danced together just on the balcony from the ballroom. The orchestra were kind enough to still play soft music a request of a certain guardian who had a 1000-watt smile of course.
The party had officially ended at quarter to midnight and the guest had all left. The Varia whom decided to stay at the mansion until their return to Italy had all went back to their respectable rooms, and every members of the Varia besides Lussuria were very much thankful that they didn't do anything worth the punishment of sleeping in the same room as Lussusria. Vongola guardians had also returned to their own rooms.
But of course since it has been 3 months since the rain and storm guardian had spent time together. They ended up in the in the room of the rain guardian.
They spent the night together, giving into their desires and pleasure never leaving the warmth of the other's embrace and the soft whispers of promises and confessions.
Anon: Ta-Da the longest chapter I have ever written in any of my stories! I THINK! Anyway sorry no lemon I might die if I do write lemon due to nosebleed even before I finish it. So Sorry please don't kill me! Bye bye now! Read and review! SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER!