Egypt: Hey there again readers!

Ok u know when ur internet just suddenly decides to be a dick and doesnt upload right and wont show u the page u want? Well im having that problem!

the stupid thing wont let me go on the reviews for this story so i can reply to all of u awesome people who have reviewed this story so far! :'(

but thank u so so much for reviewing! and thanks to all of u who have put this story onto their favourites!

so here's another chapter for all of u who like this story!

I hope you enjoy it!

The next chapter is the last! so please review!


Chapter 3


Crystal answered the door with a big smile and happy giggles, welcoming people into her home. The large crowd filed in, a few people carrying presents to which they followed Crystal's instructions and rested them in the kitchen with the families. Holding her hand tightly, Jacob and Ethan came out of the kitchen with Heba and greeted the guests. Everyone was smiling and happy, complementing her dress and the decorations.

"Yes, she looks cute, for a Goth that is." Verruca's voice rung out, loud and commanding. Heba's cheeks burned as some girls shifted a giggle, but took a deep breath and glared at Verruca.

"Well I'd rather be a Goth than a stinking slut! Where'd that dress come from? The prostitute hotline?" Heba was proud when people couldn't hold in their laughter and boys called out "Ooowwwnnneeeeddd!" and Jacob and Ethan smiled at her and nodded in approval. But it was true.

Verruca's dress was red leather low on her chest, so low they were only just above her nipples. The dress looked tight and constricting, so short they only just covered her pants. If she bends over everyone will see all of her back-side! Heba thought in disgust. Worse yet, the tall girl was wearing fish net style tights and knee height red leather boots with dangerously high heels to make her awfully long legs look even longer, and her make-up looked so thick like it was about to crack off of her face. I hope it does so everyone can see you for what you really are, an ugly, cruel slut.

Memories of when she had tried out for the cheerleading squad with other first years and she had put on such a performance that the football team, including the amazing jock Atem, had stopped training to watch. But she still hadn't made the team, as Verruca was head cheerleader. Worse yet, in the changing rooms her cloths magically ended up in the bin just as the men were taking it away. Luckily she had a pair of black jean shorts in her bag for hanging out by Crystal's pool later that day, and Jacob gave her his nice new top, a white short sleeved piece with roses painted on and blood dripping from the petals and thorns-it was a lot prettier than it sounds- and put that over the top. He wore his clean PE shirt instead.

The top was so big on her it almost covered her shorts and looked ridiculously baggy. Crystal then expertly gathering a bunch in the back and slipping a few pins in to hold it together so it looked like that's was how it was designed to be, folding in on itself but still long so it almost covered the black shorts. Many girls had asked where she'd bought it, loving the design, much to Verruca's frustration. Worse yet for Verruca, that was the day Atem broke up with her. The girl had been trying to win him back ever since, and to Heba's joy, and most of the girls in their schools, Atem flatly refused and ignored them.

Verruca was fuming, standing opposite Heba with a look that would scare a kitten to death, but suddenly smiled darkly. And (+1 dead puppy), Heba thought.

"Well, I'm looking forward to you and your little band playing." Verruca said sweetly. Oh Ra I'm going to barf!

"So am I." Came a deep baritone voice. Girls by the entrance gasped or squealed as Atem strode into Crystal's home with his large group of boys behind him. His shoulders rolled and he moved sure strides as if he was the Alfa male in a wolf pack. His blood red eyes met Heba's and he smiled. "Hey Yuki." Everyone, especially Jacob and Ethan, looked at Heba in confusion.

"Umm, hi Atem, thanks for coming." Suddenly her voice was small and soft. Atem smiled bigger and raised an eyebrow.

"What? The strong lioness is timid to simple me?" Atem mocked lightly. Heba giggled but became straighter, feeling her confidence slowly return due to her friends coming closer.

"What else is a lioness to do when the male is around?" Heba asked, winking at him, satisfied to see a pink tint to his cheeks and his eyes widen in shock. Ethan and Jacob were struggling to not laugh at everyone's astonished faces. Heba had a reputation for being soft and shy, especially towards guys, and yet here she was flirting with the school hotie…not that Atem minded in the slightest.

"Well, are we going to party or what?" Jacob shouted suddenly, making everyone jump out of their skin then cheer in response. Ethan took Heba's hand and led her over to the small stage Crystal had managed to make with a few tables. The adults came out then to watch, drink in hand and wards around their loved ones. Yami and Yugi looked up at Heba and how comfortable she seemed behind the mic, smiling in pride.

Uh huh, life's like this
Uh huh, uh huh, that's the way it is
Cause life's like this
Uh huh, uh huh that's the way it is

Chill out, what you yellin' for?
Lay back, it's all been done before
And if you could only let it be, you will see
I like you the way you are
When we're drivin' in your car
and you're talking to me one on one but you've become…

"She's mostly like you, you know." Yami whispered into Yugi's ear.

"Why? Because she's so cute?" Yugi teased.

"That and she is just so good at singing."

Somebody else round everyone else
You're watching your back like you can't relax
You're tryin' to be cool you look like a fool to me
Tell me…

"Well she may have my singing abilities, but she can rip that guitar as good as you on your best day, and her personalities most like you." Yugi nudged Yami, making him smile, but then he turned serious.

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
And you fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty
and promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it
no no no

You come over unannounced
dressed up like you're somethin' else
where you are ain't where it's at you see
you're making me
laugh out when you strike your pose
take off all your preppy clothes
you know you're not fooling anyone
when you've become...

Somebody else round everyone else
Watching your back, like you can't relax
Trying to be cool you look like a fool to me
Tell me…

They watched in silence as Heba sang her heart out, leaning down to the crowd and jumping every now and then, strumming the strings expertly making it look effortless.

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
and You fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get and you turn it into
promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it
no no no…

"She seems to have familiar taste in men to you as well." He said as the instruments had their solo, looking to the front of his daughters audience at the spiky heard lad who looked exactly like him when he was seventeen, only with a gold tan and red in his hear and eyes and looked a lot more muscular than he had been. "I wonder if he's a Skater Boy himself…" Yugi laughed at the cute pun.

"Well I'm sure even if he isn't, Heba can teach him." The three of them smiled as Heba finished her song, Complicated. She'd written it herself.

Chill out, what you yellin' for?

Lay back, it's all been done before
And if you could only let it be
You will see

Somebody else round everyone else
You're watching your back, like you can't relax
You're trying to be cool, you look like a fool to me
Tell me

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
and you fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get and you turn it into
promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it
no no no

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like your somebody else gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
You fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty
promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it

No, no nnoooo

She trailed off and the audience broke out onto a huge round of applause and cheers. Heba smiled, but the smile darkened into a smirk when an idea came into her head. "Hey Dad's come on up and help me with this next one!" Yugi and Yami looked at each other in confusion, but then it clicked together and they smiled as they made it through the crowd.

"Yep she's your daughter aright, a dark mind." Yugi said to Yami who only rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up and get on the stage." Yugi giggled and jumped up, standing beside Heba with a spare mic in hand. Heba took off her guitar and handed it to Yami with a smirk and winked.

"Oh great, the freaks are on stage." Came a voice. Even if it was faint, Heba knew it was Verruca. She fought to keep a straight face. This one's for you Verruca. Heba thought to herself.

"Well this is my Dad's biggest hit; based on a real event… But even though it caused a lot of hurt, that event inevitably brought my Dad's together, so this is my favourite song of all time. If you know the words sing along, if this is your first time hearing it then enjoy." Heba nodded to Yami and he slammed on her guitar with a tune that was all too familiar. Heba laughed and jumped up and down with Yugi.

(Yugi, Heba, Together)

He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?

He was a punk.
She did ballet.
What more can I say?

He wanted her.
She'd never tell.
Secretly she wanted him as well.
And all of her friends
Stuck up their nose.
And they had a problem with his baggy clothes.

He was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy.
He wasn't good enough for her.
She had a pretty face but
her head was up in space.
She needed to come back down to earth.

Five years from then,

she sits at home,

feeding the baby,

she's all alone,
She turns on TV

and guess who she sees?
Skater boy rockin' up MTV,
She calls up her friends,
They already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show,
She tags along, stands in the crowd,
Looks up at the man that she turned down,

Heba sang perfectly in tune, casually pointing at Verruca sometimes, who was staring up at her with hate filled eyes. This is for all the girls you've made cry and all the guys you've used. Heba thought bitterly to herself.

He was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy,
He wasn't good enough for her.
Now he's a superstar
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?

The two jumped up and down with Yami as he sprung his guitar solo, dragging it out a little. The two met eyes and both smiled as Atem comprehended what Yami was meaning and nodded with a huge smile, climbing up onto the stage. Atem stood behind Heba and casually tapped her shoulder. She stopped jumping and turned slowly, almost dropping her mic when Atem's lips softly connected with hers suddenly. He pulled away and chuckled at her shocked expression, stroking her check. Heba broke out into a smile and reached up on her tip toes to kiss him on the corner of his mouth sweetly.

Sorry girl but you missed out,
Well tough luck that boy's mine now,
We are more than just good friends,
This is how the story ends,
Too bad that you couldn't see...
See the man that boy could be,
There is more than meets the eye,
I see the soul that is inside,

Heba sung, looking up at Atem, smiling. He smiled back and wrapped his arm around her waist.

He's just a boy, and I'm just his guy.
Can I make it any more obvious?
We are in love.
Haven't you heard,

how we rock each other's world?

I met the skater boy I said see ya later boy.
I'll be backstage after the show.
I'll be at the studio singing the song he wrote

about a girl he used to know

I met the skater boy I said see ya later boy.
I'll be backstage after the show.
I'll be at the studio singing the song we wrote

About a girl he used to know

Yami dragged off the tune as the teen audience cheered twice as loud as before.

"Never gets old!" Atem said to Yami and Yugi, shaking their hands with a huge smile on his face. "You have no idea how much I've wanted to meet you both! You are my idols!" Heba giggled and looked around, not able to spot Verruca and noticed the front door was wide open. And the Ice queen shatters. She thought to herself, staring blankly at the door. You can't hate me for something that happened between our parents sixteen years ago Verruca.

"You were fantastic honey!" Yugi exploded sliding past Atem and Yami and wrapped his arms around Heba's neck, holding her close and snuggling into her hair.

"Aw Dad come on! C-cut it out! Dddaad!" Heba whined, reaching out for her other father in hope he'd come to her rescue. Atem and Yami chuckled.

"Sorry Heba but I know better than to interrupt your father, I want to keep my hands thank you very much." Yami jokes.

"Oh come on! Everyone's watching!" Heba complained and looking out over the crowd of people. She saw a little impatiens, but apparently no discussed our harshness which pleased her. She sighed, giving in and hugged her father back tightly, kissing his cheek then pulling back. "I think I better move on with the show before we have an angry mod on our hands." Heba teased. Yami and Yugi laughed as they jumped down from the stage.

"And me?" Heba turned to Atem who had spoken. She smiled widely but answered in a serious voice.

"Oh you can defiantly stick around…that is…if you want to…?" Atem smirked and wrapped his arms around her waist again.

"That's a defiantly."

The next chapter is the last of Complicated, and depending on if people like this then i may write a follow on of this one...but im very undecided and i dont know yet :/

Please review and tell me what you think!