Hullo! This is KURONO-ANGEL (also once known as Kurayami Angel, had to change the username because someone else took it :{ ) Who FINALLY got her account back from her shittyyy hacker :3 Anyways, I decided to edit Silver Rose and Red Sunflower completely, and it'll be much different from the original (if you can remember), but almost the same plotline. ALMOST. If this story isn't as good as the original, I'm sorry TT^TT
Updates will be...uncommon. I've got waay too much on my plate, including craploads of midterms, exams, tests, homework, you get it. Plus I got a science competition in February, and I have to start studying for that too...Sighs. This story will be slight AU, with changes to the plotline and such, but that's it..I think.
Enough of my complaining, enjoy this Rune Factory story, and don't forget to read and review!
Nothing's Ever Perfect
Prologue: Nine Years Ago..
"Mommy, can you tell me another story tonight?" Seven-year old Aria asked, pushing her pink quilt back down as Mana was tucking her daughter in. It was a rainy spring night in Alvarna, but the rain was getting heavier and heavier by the minute. The temperature was dropping, and soon the household found themselves wrapped in sweaters and extra blankets. Mana placed another thick blanket over Aria's quilt, before giving her daughter a look of disbelief.
"Another one? Aria, darling, you just made me tell you over three stories tonight! Mommy's voice is getting a bit sore..." Mana said, as she sat back down on the soft bed, holding one of the stuffed animals that were littered all over the room and bed.
"Please Mommy?" Aria begged, her large cinnamon eyes blinking, pulling a 'puppy-dog' expression as she pouted a bit, her cherub face even more angelic, if possible.
"No, and don't you go pulling that puppy-dog face on me! Cammy must be a bad influence on you if she taught you that!" Mana joked, lifting Aria up in the air as she swung her around.
"Cammy is not a bad infla- influ- infuance on me Mommy, she's my bestest friend, so's Leann and Orland!" Aria shouted indignantly, her fleshy hands balled into small fists as Mana set her down back on the bed, pulling the pink blankets over Aria. Mana burst out laughing at Aria's attempts at pronouncing the advanced word, before sitting back down on the bed.
The door to Aria's room opened, and Kyle stepped in.
"I've been trying to sleep, but I can't!" Kyle moaned jokingly as he walked over to Aria's bed, and laid down besides his daughter. "Maybe I should sleep here tonight..."
"No Daddy! You're too big for my bed!" Aria giggled, jumping out of her blankets while hugging her stuffed bear that was besides her. "Only me and Raggy the bear can sleep in my bed!" Mana rolled her eyes at her family's antics, but couldn't resist a small smile on her pale face.
"Daddy, tell me a story." Aria ordered, her giggles ceasing as she laid down in her white pillow, Raguna the bear held tightly in the seven-year old's arm. Mana placed the blankets over her once again, and sat back down, as Kyle sat besides his wife.
"Hm..Alright then..." Kyle murmured, placing his large calloused hand on top of Aria's.
"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful woman who was taking a stroll in Alvarna-"
"What was her name?" Aria interrupted, her eyes full of curiosity.
"Her name was...Mana." Kyle said, glancing at his wife, who looked rather indignant.
"Just like Mommy!" Aria shouted, giggling as Mana playfully punched Kyle in the shoulder.
"Oh Goddess, Kyle. Not this story again!" Mana groaned, as she rolled her eyes.
"Anyways," Kyle continued. "Mana was taking a walk in Alvarna, and stopped right in front of her most favorite place in the world, and that was right by the cherry blossoms, where she would sit beneath them and take naps."
"But she was a grown-up!" Aria said. "Grown-ups don't take naps!"
"Well, in my story they do!" Kyle retorted back rather childishly.
"Mana was ready to lay down and sleep, but for some reason, there was already someone in her spot! She had never seen this person before, and when she saw him, Mana felt a certain spark in her heart, something she never felt before..."
"Did someone light a fire on Mana, Daddy? Why would her heart spark? Was it on fire?" Aria interrupted once more, hugging Raguna tightly.
"No!" Kyle roared with laughter, before adding; "Aria, if you interrupt Daddy's story again, Daddy and Mommy are going to sleep!"
Aria nodded frantically, shutting her mouth as she placed Raguna in a sitting position next to her.
"But when Mana asked for this mystery person's name, he said he didn't know! This man had lost his memories, so Mana suggested the name 'Kyle' to him. The man accepted graciously, and in order to find his memories, Kyle decided to stay in Alvarna, to start a farm, and a new life. As time went by, he began to attract many young women in Alvarna, but in his eyes there was only one woman he wanted, and that was Mana. Kyle wanted to marry Mana, but Mana had a very scary father, who didn't want Mana to get married to a farmer!"
Aria suddenly began to cry. Mana, shocked, began to frantically comfort her daughter.
"Aria, Aria, what's wrong?"
"Kyle c-couldn't g-get married to M-Mana because of that meanie old Daddy!" Aria wailed, wiping her teary eyes as best as she could. "N-Now there's no h-happy ending!"
Kyle began to laugh once again, and Mana soon joined him. Aria looked furious as her parents were laughing at her, but began to calm as Kyle kissed her forehead.
"Keep listening, Aria honey." Kyle said, as he continued his story.
"Kyle didn't want to give up, because of the scary daddy, but he knew in his heart, that Mana was the right one for him. So, when he saw the daddy in the dungeon, Kyle knew he had to talk to him as soon as possible. But, right as he stepped forward, a giant Orc suddenly appeared out of nowhere!"
Kyle paused for dramatic effect. Aria's large eyes were even larger as she clutched Raguna even tighter, her small mouth formed into a small 'o.'
"Immediately, Kyle took out his sword, and fought that Orc bravely, in order to protect the father of Mana, to win his approval. Surprisingly, Kyle defeated him in several blows, very easily. The daddy was very surprised, but also happy, because he had finally found the perfect man to give to his only daughter. He gave Kyle an Engagement Ring to give to Mana, and when Kyle presented the ring to Mana..."
"They got married and lived happily ever after! Right Mommy?" Aria shouted happily, forgetting Raguna the bear was in her arms as she waved her arms around in celebration. Raguna flew to the other side of the room, landing on top of Aria's larger pile of cushions and stuffed animals. Mana nodded, placing her head in the crook of Kyle's shoulder.
"Yes Aria, they lived happily ever after. Now, go to bed!" Mana ordered, standing up with Kyle. "Good night, Aria~" Mana said, kissing her daughter good night before leaving out the door. She stopped past Kyle, who was staring at Aria with somber eyes.
"What's wrong?" She questioned, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Nothing, nothing. Go on to bed, I need to finish up some reading before I sleep." Kyle answered, placing a kiss on his wife's lips. Mana nodded, yawning before leaving the room. Kyle walked over, picking up Raguna the bear and placing him besides Aria. He made sure Mana was out of earshot, before whispering in his daughter's ear;
"Aria, one day, you'll find your happy ending. But remember, it won't ever be easy, so you'll face many hard challenges in order to gain happiness. But it'll be all worth it..." He was answered with soft snores, and smiled, gently smoothing out her short brown locks of hair.
Kyle's onyx eyes seemed to shine sadly, as he stared at his innocent daughter.
"Oh, the challenges...I'm sure you can overcome them Aria...Just be brave, and I hope you can be brave. I must leave, Aria, and I don't know when I'll be back from-" He paused, a small tear falling down his cheek. "Take care of your mother, and I promise, I'll be back." Kyle kissed his daughter one last time, gently stroking her hand.
There was a sudden roar of thunder, a flash of lightning, and Kyle was gone. Out the window of Aria's room, if one looked through, they would've seen a retreating figure, looking back at the old house.
In his place, besides the bed, there was a silver chain with a oval pendant.
The thunder and lighting diminished as the retreating figure disappeared.
So...How's it so far? I know, it's pretty short, but the story will unfold...soon. Now, if only I could somehow magically get rid of my homework and midterms..LOL, I actually don't expect any reviews yet, probably because my readers/fans probably left..Anyways..
Over and OUT!