Hey guys, thanks for the reviews :) Sorry for the late update, I had a lot of family problems, and lots of homework as well.

I also did some research on the Rune Factory games, so that I could use them for this story. Maybe you could recognize some? :3

Sort of a crap chapter, but oh well, it's somewhat of a filler? Give me your feedback! I feel like I'm writing loads of crap! :(

Don't forget to read and review!

Nothing's Ever Perfect

"Orland did what now?" Cammy cried indignantly, as she looked up from her book. Leann frowned as well, pausing from fixing her hair.

"I know! Rude bastard..." Aria muttered, flopping down on Leann's large and fluffy bed, running a hand through her messy hair. It had been several days after their fight, and Aria didn't bother to even glance at the elf-boy, at all, giving him the cold shoulder. Not that he would apologize anyways. "How dare he accuse Dad of not coming back, I know he'll be back.." She traced the silk floral pattern on Leann's blanket, a feeling of sadness washing over her.

"We know he'll be back, Ari. Kyle is not the type of person or father that would leave without reason." Cammy answered, in a soothing tone as she pulled Aria up in a sitting position.

Leann, who seemed to understand her friend's feeling of remorse, smiled as she pulled out her pink calendar from the pale pink wallpapered wall.

"Well, Aria, Cammy..Look on the bright side! Tomorrow is a special holiday~~!"

"What?" Cammy and Aria questioned, both raising their heads to look at the petite girl.

"Silly! The Flower Festival is coming so soon!" Leann giggled, sashaying across her spacious room, holding the folds of her dress in her hands. "Mayor Byron is also holding a dance at the Square, and several competitions as well!"

"Oh, that's right!" Cammy exclaimed, her eyes widening in realization. "Roy asked me to be his date, obviously." Cammy added, twirling a strand of her strawberry hair, a dreamy expression floating over her face.

"Er..." Aria looked away awkwardly, rubbing her fingers together, as she couldn't help but feel out of place. "A dance? Don't we already have a festival for that? It seems a bit pointless, if you ask me.."

Cammy and Leann stared at Aria as if she had grown another head.

"Dancing with gorgeous flower petals swirling around you? I think that is the most romantic thing ever!" Leann chirped, giggling at the idea.

"Of course Ari would say that.." Cammy said teasingly. "She doesn't have a boyfriend~"

"And I don't want one!" Aria interrupted, a faint blush appearing. She crossed her arms indignantly, her nose turned up in the air.

"Ooh, what about Orland?" Leann squealed, jumping on the bed next to Aria.

"We already established that he is a COMPLETE bastard." Aria hissed, her blush deepening at the name.

"She's blushing even harder!" Cammy burst out laughing. "Looks like someone's got a crush!"

"Oh shut it you two!" Aria scowled, smacking both of them with a nearby pillow.

"Aria, I think I have a plan to get Orland's attention." Leann said suddenly, ceasing her laughter. "All we need is a makeover!"

"Yes! Then you two can actually go out!" Cammy said, with a wink.

Aria shuddered. "Honestly, you guys. I'm fine being single."

She had said it as the truth, but why did her stomach drop when she said it?

"Really, Aria you're a bad liar." Leann said flatly, bringing her friend to her feet. "Anyways, afternoon classes are going to start soon, we ought to go."

The trio grabbed their belongings, and headed out Leann's large mansion towards the school.

There, waiting at the school entrance, were Roy and Leonel, and naturally Leann and Cammy sped straight towards their respective boyfriends, leaving Aria in the dust.

"Right, see you guys in class." Aria said to no one in particular as she sat down on the school steps, drawing shapes in the dirt with the tip of a nearby stick.

"To be alone on a festival day, especially a 'romantic' festival..." She mumbled, as she continued to doodle broken hearts and sad faces on the ground.

"That makes the two of us."

Her ears pricked at the familiar, mellow voice as she looked up to see blue eyes.

"Orland, what are you doing here." Aria asked, keeping her voice neutral, when she really just wanted to stab those eyes with the stick she was holding and scream.

Orland raised an eyebrow, shifting the large book he was holding to his left hand as he sat down beside her.

"I am here to attend school, like the rest of you humans." He answered sarcastically. "You know, school, the place where we learn."

"Oh, ha ha." Aria scoffed dryly, still avoiding his gaze.

Orland paused, as he took in the sight of the girl before him. Though she was much more plain than the other girls, Aria had that special trait to her that made her shine much brighter, and made her much more unique.

In his opinion, she was beautiful.

"Well, what do you want?" Aria questioned, finally making eye-contact with him.

Ouch. Orland thought. She is really playing the ice queen role well.

He cleared his throat, avoiding her piercing gaze as he stared at the broken hearts she drew in the dirt.

"I am here to...apologize." He said quietly. "About what I said to you approximately a week and half ago. It was not my place to tell you something that would crush your hopes, and I do believe your father will come back."


Aria raised an eyebrow, as if saying 'Keep going.'

"Difficult to please you, Aria." Orland muttered to himself. He let out an exasperated breath, his face turning uncomfortably red.

"I'm sorry, Aria, and I will do anything to gain your forgiveness." This was completely unlike him, and here he was, embarrassing himself by apologizing to a human.

Aria tilted her head back, and began to laugh, almost cruelly.

"Goddess, Orland, you sound like we broke up or something." Her laughter ceased as she regained a serious expression once more. "Though I don't know if I can fully forgive you..." She narrowed her eyes, picking up the branch and began doodling once more.

"Silly human, I actually come for your forgiveness, and yet you still won't accept my apologies?" Orland frowned, standing up. "I see, that is your answer." He closed his eyes, rubbing his temple for a moment.

Aria bit down on her lip to prevent herself from laughing once more. It might've been torture for Orland to actually apologize, but it was probably one of the best moments for her.

"Then, if you'll be my...date for the Flower Festival, might you forgive me?" He said, with a smirk. His smirk only deepened when he saw Aria perk up with interest.

"W-well, if that's what you want, then sure.." Aria said, turning away while reddening with pleasure.

Score. Orland thought smugly. Of course she would want to go. She was the only one without a date, after all.

"Alright then, I'll be at the fountain at twelve PM." Orland said briskly as the bell rang for class.

Aria followed him to class, taking her seat in the front and pulling out her pencil and notebook. She was still in dreamland about the date when Leann suddenly loomed over her.

"So...did he ask you?" She piped up cheerfully, jumping up and down.

"Er, what?" Aria asked stupidly. She shook her head several times, before Leann's words actually begin to sink in her mind.

"Wait, WHAT?" Aria jumped up, now towering over the cowering Leann. "How did you find out?"

"Well..Leonel and Roy made him, you know. They were talking just this morning, saying that they offered Orland 400 gold, and two Insect Skins." The ignorant petite girl said.

"...Oh." Aria mumbled flatly, feeling sadness wash over her. "Thanks for telling me that, Leann."

So, she was only asked out because he wanted money?

"No problem! Now, we just need to dress you up nicely, that's all!" Leann, obviously not knowing what she really said, skipped away to her seat.

Aria knew Leann didn't mean it rudely, she was just stating the facts.

The truth, to be exact.

She felt tears prick her eyes, but quickly wiped them off, a determined glint in her eyes.

"Whatever, might as well make the best of it, and I don't like him anyways!" She said to herself, rubbing her silver pendant. "Dad, I wish you were here. You would know what to do..."

"ARG!" Aria let out a cry of frustration as she angrily kicked a nearby water bucket, causing Icy the Silver Wolf to look up in alarm. The monster was currently warming up her three eggs*, and the hatching day would arrive any time soon, and naturally, this left Icy on an edge, in case anything happened to her children.

If monsters had eggs, they needed to be separate immediately, in case any other monsters tried to destroy or eat the eggs, so only Icy and Shade the Shadow Panther, who was her partner were the only ones on B25.

"Sorry, Ice.." Aria sighed, flopping on a pile of hay and looked up to the flickering lights of the barn. "I just...had a rough day. Why do I feel I am so behind in everything? Love, looks, and-and..." She rubbed her eyes, feeling a headache coming her way.

Icy barked, licking her owner's hand in concern. Her large silvery eyes seemed comforting, and Aria chuckled at the monster. Sitting up, she rubbed the Silver Wolf's head, feeling Icy's soft silver-blue fur.

"Shade?" Aria called, looking around for the Shadow Panther. She was answered by a small growl, and found the panther waiting expectantly by the door, as if he was awaiting someone.

Her father.

Shade was her father's best monster, and it wasn't easy to tame him either. Aria remembered how her father came home every day, with bleeding cuts, declaring that he would tame the leader of the Shadow Panthers.

One night, Kyle came home, with the pack leader running besides him. Ever since he succeeded in taming the majestic beast, a special bond had formed between the two, but since Kyle left, Shade was constantly waiting by the door.

"C'mon Shade, let's take care of your eggs." Aria said, beckoning the panther to come sit by Icy. Shade tore his gaze from the door, and growled. But he reluctantly walked over and sat next to his mate.

Aria picked up one of the silver eggs, gently cradling it in her arms.

"You think they'll hatch any time soon?" She questioned to no one in particular, warming the egg by bringing it close to her chest.

"I wish life were as simple as yours, Icy..." Aria said, gingerly rocking the egg back and forth, as one would with a baby. "No heartbreak, no drama, and especially no guys who ask you to a festival just because they're forced to.."

Setting the egg back down, Aria stood up, stretching her limbs as she headed towards the elevator.

"Alright you guys, take care of your kids!" Aria called, stepping in the elevator and headed upstairs.

Outside, she saw Cammy and Leann talking with Yue.

"I don't know Leann, I don't think Aria would like pink with lace..." Cammy said, wincing at the idea.

Leann scoffed. "Of course she would like it! It's the Flower Festival, and most flowers are pink! She has to at least wear SOME sort of shade of pink!"

"Hey guys." Aria called to her friends.

Both jumped in surprise.

"Oh, Aria!" Leann stepped forward, yanking the tall girl by the hands towards Yue. "Tell me, would you prefer pink with white lace, or red with white lace?"

Cammy snorted. "She would prefer neither, Leann. You know Aria, tomboy through and through."

"Cam's right, Leann. You know I don't like pink." Aria said, staring at the extensive collection of dresses Yue had on display. "What is all this anyways, Yue?"

The kimono-clad woman grinned. "It's Flower Festival special! Limited edition, too. They're really popular, since lots of women are buying dresses and men are buying accessories for their loved ones."

Aria stared at all the flashy colorful jewelry and clothing, and frowned.

"Do you have something..a little less bright and flower-y?" She asked, picking up a ruby flower necklace before letting it slip from her hand back into the box of accessories.

"Hmm, I do have this." Yue said, pulling out a dress that was a deep blue with ruffles around the chest. "It's very modernized, as it came from the city! Just 3450 Gold!"

"...It has no straps..." Aria murmured, staring at the satiny dress. It was very pretty, she had to admit, but could she wear something that was so...unlike her?

"It's very anti-Festival." Cammy noted, running a hand on the skirt of the dress. "You should buy it Aria! It's perfect for you!"

"You guys! It's just ONE dance, and nothing more! I don't want to waste my money on a dress like this.." Aria groaned, face-palming herself.

"Here's 4000 Gold Yue, thank you!" Leann said, stuffing a bag of gold in Yue's hands, yanking the dress and dragging a very angry Aria behind her.

"I didn't want the damn dress!" Aria hissed. "It's only one day of fake fun, but you guys have to act like it's my wedding!"

"Ooh! Maybe we should buy your wedding dress ahead of time!" Leann squealed, picking up a large parcel with a label that read 'White Wedding Dress.' "White is traditional, and Aria would look so cute next to Orlaa-" She caught Aria's venomous glare, and before she could say anything more, Cammy quickly covered the Sainte-Coquille girl with her hand.

"Calm down, Aria." Cammy said, rolling her eyes at her friend's quick temper. "You're right, it is just one dance, and it is fake, but it's a chance for Orland to know how you really feel." She added, handing the blue dress to Aria.

Aria paused, dropping her glare as she eyed the dress in her hands. Did she really feel anything? Stealing a glance at her best friends, she sighed.

"Alright, I'll go.." She mumbled. "And I'll pay you back later, Leann."

"Oh, no!" Leann said, shaking her head. "Keep it, it definitely suits you much better, besides I prefer silk!"

Aria scowled at her reflection in the mirror that was 'conveniently' placed in her bedroom. She looked awkward in the dress, as her chest wasn't big enough to fill in the space, and her limbs seemed too long and gangly to fit anywhere.

Aria looked very uncomfortable, in other words. She had seen magazines and fashion shoots on the yearly trips to the city, and she used to fantasize over how natural and beautiful the models looked in all sorts of dresses.

She looked nowhere near natural or beautiful, in her opinion. Aria sighed, unzipping the dress and pulling it off. She put her pajama clothes on, tossing the dress back in the parcel.

"I wish...I was someone special." She found herself saying as Aria dived on her bed, face down. She flopped over to face the ceiling, stars painted on it with glow-in-the-dark paint. It was her own mixture, to be exact, made of Fairy Dust and a crushed Crystal. The stars seemed to glitter, even though she hadn't turned the light out yet, and Aria held her pendant up in the air.

"Dad, if you're listening to me, come back, please?" Aria said quietly, a lone tear falling down her cheek. Bringing the pendant close to her lips, Aria kissed it lightly, imagining that her father would receive the given kiss. She frowned, placing the pendant on her nightstand, turned off the light, and pulled her blankets over her head. Though today was rather eventful, she quickly fell asleep, ignoring her own thoughts on whatever happened to her today.

What she didn't notice was that her pendant began to shine brightly, as several symbols appeared on the front of the silver charm. It shook for several seconds, the light never dying, and then it stopped, just like that. The light faded away, and the room was settled back into darkness.

"So all it needed was the breath of an Earthmate..." A tall and very beautiful woman stated. Her silvery cloak covered her face, but one could see strands of long silver hair falling around her heart-shaped face. She seemed to be looking within a large intricate bowl, filled with a strange, watery substance, the surface showing the final scene of the light of the pendant dying away. With one swift movement, she waved her hand over the bowl, the image dispersing and returning to the origanal clear color.

"Tell me, Tempest. Why are you so interested in the girl?" Another deep voice questioned from the shadows of the room, dimly lit by multi-colored fires. "She will be the death of the world, if Fiersome finds out that Kyle had a daughter. We should leave her alone in peace, so that the world may stay stable."

Tempest looked up sharply, causing the hood to fall off, revealing startling grey-blue eyes. The mood in the room shifting, a harsh wind seemed to blow around her as she glared at the source of the voice.

"Terrable, be rational. This girl is naaive, and yet it is our job to guide her to her true destiny, after all. Do not tell me to leave her alone, seeing as every day could be her last. Fiersome could find out about her existance, and kill her at the very moment he finds out!" Tempest hissed, her silver hair flying behind her as she glared at the large purple dragon.

"You sound like Grimoire, he was trying to save the girl as well, but look what happened to him!" Terrable said flatly, letting loose a breath of fire to prove his point. "He is gone, another life wasted, and a great Wind Monster as well."

"At least Fiersome did not find out about the girl." Tempest said, ignoring Terrable's other words as she looked back towards the basin. "Aria does not know what she must do, in order to save the world. We must guide her along her path of destiny, so she may become ready for her true task..." Tempest's sentece trailed off as the substance in the basin rippled, revealing faded images that changed as soon as they appeared; A teary-eyed girl slapping a half-elf, the same girl getting severe injuries trying to save her friends, a fight between mother and daughter, and a fiery red dragon who was battling the same girl. Finally, the scene changed into one last image.

Tempest gasped at the very last image, backing away from the basin. She shut her eyes tightly, as if she were in deep thought.

"Call Aquaticus. We need to consult him about Aria's destiny." Tempest demanded, turning away. "It's time Aria begins to learn about the past."

Terrable didn't question Tempest, seeing as she had a rather short temper. He immediately changed into a young man with purple hair and red eyes, a deep royal purple cloak fluttering behind him as he too looked in the basin, wondering why Tempest was so shocked. The last image hadn't faded yet, luckily.

It was a cinnamon-haired girl lying on the floor, broken and bloody. She seemed to be in deep pain as she breathed heavily, her eyes barely open as she clutched a sword tightly. Suddenly, she coughed, her eyes closing as the sword rolled out of her hands.

She was dead.

Terrable's eyes shot open, wondering if his eyes were tricking him.

Will we go all this way, just to see Aria fail?

*Okay, I know wolves don't lay eggs, but Icy is a monster...And I sort of made it so that all monsters lay eggs. So don't go freaking out on me, okay? :3

So? How was it? :D Did you recognize those dragons? Tempest is an OC, and why she is there, and Grimoire isn't, will be explained later on.

Hopefully, it sort of made up for the last chapter...:) (Yes, it was bad, I know..)

Next chapter will be Aria, and the Flower Festival! She will also start having some strange dreams about four dragons, her father, and a certain half-elf ;) What will happen next? :O

Read and Review! Thanks ya'll!
