Dear George,

George, you have to understand Fred is in a better place. You have to start eating now and open up the joke store, everyone misses it. Mum is very worried about you and Percy is

trying to strangle Ron if he won't shut up. Look at Harry, he's lost everyone, including Sirius, the closest thing to a father he had. Even Teddy is going to have a hard time since both

of his parents were killed in the war. Diagon Alley isn't the same without Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Lord knows you could use a laugh after all you've been through. Well anyways,

dad is working on his new muggle car, a Lambeerginy I think it's called. Harry says that it's a really expensive kind of muggle car and if Ron passes his muggle driving test (without

running into something again) he'll be allowed to drive it. Ron misses Fred terribly and he misses you too but right now he's taking his driving test, wish him luck, a lot of luck. Percy

keeps attempting to murder Ron because he almost ran into his room with the car and dad is repairing it...again. Should I worry? Anyways, Percy is loving his job as Junior Minister

with Kingsley. He visits Fred's grave everyday and starts talking to it, which is kind of depressing but it's nice of him. He and mum are telling Fred about everything that's been going

on around here. I think Harry is trying to get back together with me but I'm sure as hell not giving in after what he put me through. Do you think we should get back together?

Anyways, send me a letter by Pigwidgeon not Errol, he's about to drop, lazy old git.

