Dear Weasley,

I know we have a not-so-good past (-cough- YOU DITCHED MY SISTER-cough) , I just wanted you to know that I'm really sorry about your brother. I lost my sister Padma as well, so I thought you'd be able to understand how it feels. Fred and Padma used to date when she was in 5th year, but it was nothing big. She would go on and on about him, so I got curious and met him. Big mistake. I ended up falling for the bloke, and Padma refused to speak to me after that, even after they broke up! Well, I did start seeing him the week after...But still! I bet she was just feeling betrayed. We didn't talk as much the next few years, and the next thing I know we were thrown into the war, fighting side by side, sister and sister. Not unlike Lavender, she was mauled by Greyback, but that isn't how she died. I think she saw Fred's dead body, and she finally cracked. She asked me to end it for her, she looked so sad and lost. You have to understand! She begged and pleaded and I...I uttered those two cursed words Professor Moody taught us in 4th year remember? I can't even write it down, it's too painful. But I'm pretty sure you can guess what I did. Thanks for listening Weasley, or should I say Ron.


Parvati Patil