A.N./ Thanks EmberRaven for inspiring me and supporting me and all my stories this one is for you!

Kurtty Tested

Chapter 1

Kurt walked in his room slightly more exhausted than usual. He had just got back from a full day of school and homework was assigned to the max. He dropped his bag on the floor making a mental note of asking Kitty for some help later, and threw himself on his bed.

He lounged himself against his soft velvet covers. His bed was well made thanks to Storm who was like a maid when they went to school. He managed to get some strength in his tail to switch off his image inducer.

He sighed rolling over. This whole week had been just a wreck. He had exams up the ying yang and he didn't study for any of them. Earlier this week they had a mission and they were fighting the brother hood and Mystique. He couldn't put his finger on it but there was something wrong with Mystique, something different. One she totally avoided him and Kitty, and when he did try to attack her she just dodged and looked worried as if she was going to hurt him. It was weird.

Kurt shook his head of freaky memories and stuffed his face further into the pillow. He desperately needed a nap, and with that his mind was of its own will.

"Scott! Jean! Kitty! Rouge! Evan! Bobby! Aurora! Kurt! Let's go, to the X-Jet!" A very distressed Storm called over the intercom of the Xavier mansion.

All named were in the X-Jet except- "Where's Kurt" said a worried Kitty. Spike looked around and shrugged. Bobby sneered evilly. "Why Kitty? Are you worried?" He said getting up in her face. Kitty rolled her eyes and to hide her blush she phased her hand through Bobby's belt and his pants fell. Everyone in the jet began to laugh loudly except for Scott.

"We're going down by the airport. The brotherhood is supposed to be there now causing a lot of mischief." Everyone stopped laughing and nodded.

Kitty looked down at her feet as much as she didn't like admitting it in front of his friends she was worried about Kurt. 'Were are you Kurt' she thought looking out the window of the jet. She hadn't seen him all day, not even at school. She sighed. 'Let's get this mission over with ASAP. I want to find him.'

"Toad get your slimy elbow off of me."

"Whatever Mr. Grouch."

"Don't talk to me like that!"

"S-Sorry Lance."

"Yea well just keep your filth to yourself and we'll make sure we get this little mission over with, without a fatal blow to your head or having you 6 feet under."

Toad swallowed hard. "Well can we at least get some light? It's like pitch black." Blob laughed. "And I thought I was dumb! Ha-ha it is pitch black Toad." "Man shut up your gonna blow our cover." "Don't tell me to shut up!" "I say what I want!"

"Both of you shut up before vampires come and kill you. They smell fear." Lance warned. Peitro touched their backs.

"Boo!" Both boys screamed like girls and the two pranksters laughed like crazy.

"Not c-cool man. You know I'm scared of the dark!" The boys laughed even harder.

Suddenly the roof caved and light shown everywhere. The boys looked up to see a flying woman with the familiar face named Storm. "Oh shit man run!" The brotherhood began to run furiously away from the angry X-Men. Thus began a battle.


Scott grabbed Toad by the neck. "What are you doing here?" "Hey man let go!" Scotts' eyes began to glow as if preparing to shoot him. "Okay Okay Okay w-we were stalling and getting you away. Mystique wanted to do something b-but she wouldn't tell us." Kitty looked at him hard.

"You better not be lying to us Toad." He looked at her. "Trust me sweet cheeks I aint got a clue Mystique, yea she don't talk much."

Kitty rolled her and then realization struck her. 'Kurt!'

She looked at Scott. "We need to get back to the institute Kurt might be in trouble!" Scott looked at Kitty weary along with the rest of the X-men. "I'll explain on the way but we need to go now!" With that the X-men ran in the Jet leaving the Brotherhood and flying back to the mansion.

"Okay Kitty what are you talking about?" Jean asked looking back from the front seat.

"Yea," added Bobby. "Why did we have to leave so soon?"

Kitty looked at them nervously. "Well, Mystique is kinda umm well trying to get to Kurt."

They looked at her weary and unsure. "Why?" Asked Storm.

"Well cuz she wants to like, talk to Kurt or something." She began to twirl her hair.

"Why?" Asked Scott. "And what about?" Added Jean.

"What aren't you telling us Kitty?" Rouge questioned while folding her arms.

"Kitty bit her bottom lip and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Mystique is well um, is Kurts' mother."