A.N/ Faithful followers this is the last chapter! Of course i have to mention by beautiful soaring EmberRaven! Thanks girly you mean a lot :D

Kurtty Tested

Chapter 5

Kitty woke the next day with the biggest brightest smile on her face. She had finally had a good dream for the first time in 3 weeks. She stretched her arms over her head yawning. After her long yawn she looked out the window and saw the beautiful sun peeking in. She heard birds chirping and it was 11 in the afternoon. 'Oh yea today's going to be a great day' She thought as she swung her legs off the side of her bed and headed out her door for the showers.

"Kurt ah don't care what the hell you were doin' but you need tah get out of mah shower now!" Said a very angry Rouge. Kitty turned the corner to see a very wet very scarred extremely flushed Kurt walk out of the bathroom. She raised an eyebrow.

"Kurt?" Kurt froze looking up to be caught it the questioning stare of Kitty. He put his hands up in defense. "It's not what it looks like, I-I had to use the bathroom and I didn't know!"

Kitty giggled softly, and then the words of Storm replayed in her head. 'Make the first move hmmm' she thought manically.

"It's chill Kurt but hey do you want to go out today for some fun?" Kurt stopped rubbing the back of his neck and eyed her cautiously.

"Depends, who are you and what have you done with Kitty." Kitty laughed holding her stomach tight. Then Rouge walked out of the bathroom with her usual scowl. She glared in the direction of the two and stormed off to her room. Kitty looked back at Kurt.

She began to walk to the bathroom. "Hey if you wanna stick around and help Storm cook for Thanksgiving be my guest." She placed her hand on the knob of the door and looked back at him. "But if you want to I heard the fairs in town and it's got some new rides." She tried to hide her smirk when his eyes widened from the information but she failed miserably. He stood there thinking and she rolled her eyes and began to walk in the bathroom when she stopped midway in the door.

She looked back slightly but not enough for him to see her face. "And Kurt, if you ever wanted to see a girl naked, why don't you try asking them instead of sneaking up on them." She giggled and quickly closed the door. Kurts' eyes widened. "I DID NOT WANT T-" He was cut off by the sound of rushing water.

He blushed slightly at his imagination with Kitty and the shower. He shook his head violently. 'No Kurt bad thoughts.' He put himself in check and walked downstairs to get ready for his hopefully fun filled day.

About an hour later Kitty was waiting for Kurt in the garage and she was in the middle of a text when he showed up. Her eyes looked up from her text to see the pale skin instead of blue fur, she frowned slightly but his outfit made up for it. He was wearing a body hugging long sleeved black shirt and some nice baby blue jeans. She approved.

She finished her text and slammed her phone shut. "Well don't you look handsome?" He looked at himself and back to Kitty. "I do?" She nodded. "You do." He shrugged. "Well it might be cold tonight so I wanted to be prepared." Kitty rolled her eyes and stood up. "Do you think I might be cold?"

She wore a baby blue mini skirt and her hair the usual. Her shirt was pink but long sleeved. She wore wedges and light make up. Kurt looked her up and down. "yea you probably will be." She smirked turning around to her scooter. "Well isn't it a good thing I'm going with a big, strong, warm, fuzzy man." Kurt blushed hard.

'Is she okay? She's acting kind of weird," He sighed. "Nun ja." (oh well) he hopped on the front of the scooter making sure she had her helmet before they were off into the brisk night.

When they arrived Kurt whispered something in Kittys' ear.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" He winked at her. "Trust me." She nodded.

They walked up to the ticket booth and Kurt smiled warmly. The man at the front didn't smile back. "How many?" He asked.

"Wie viele was?" (How many what?) Kurt responded in his strong German accent. The man looked befuddled at the two of them.

"Um do you speak English?" He asked looking at Kitty and then back at Kurt.

Kitty responded in a decent German response. "Kein leid sir." ( no sorry sir)

The man grabbed his head as if a head ache was taking hold. Kurt looked down at Kitty slightly surprised. "J-Just go in before you give me a headache." The man urged in a rather growl of a tone.

Once safe inside Kurt stopped and looked at Kitty. "What was that?" Kitty smiled. "Whatever do you mean?" Kurt looked at her with disbelief. "You spoke German." She nodded. "Well yea, if your First language is German then I want to know it to. I want to be a part of you Kurt." Kurt stared down at her with pure shock written all over his face, then it formed into a smile a very thoughtful sincere smile.

"Thanks Katzchen." She smiled at him. "Okay now are you ready for no gravity?" She said while grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the named ride.

The whole night was extremely fun full of laughter between the two. Kitty had beat Kurt at the water balloon pop. Kurt had beat Kitty at whack- a-mole. It was like a constant tie between the two. They were currently eating pretzels and looking for something they hadn't done.

Kitty looked over to her right to see a Farris wheel. Her eyes light up like the night sky during a meteor shower. "Like, OMG Kurt we need to go on that!" Kurt stopped stuffing his face for a second and looked up following were Kittys' eyes were.

"Really Kitty, that's such a baby ride. Where's the thrill?" Kitty rolled her eyes. "C'mon Kurt it's the only thing that we haven't done. Please!" Kitty gave her big eyes towards him and stuck out her bottom lip. Kurt groaned and rolled his eyes. Kitty took it as a sign of defeat. "Yes! Let's go now." She grabbed his wrists before he could finish and dragged him to the ride. They got a blue seat. Kitty smiled and ran in.

She looked up at the sky as Kurt dragged himself in. "You two love birds have fun now." Said the smirking fat man as he closed the gates and they were off for 5 minutes of air.

Kurt was dead bored and it was only 30 seconds into the ride. Kitty on the other hand was star gazing and sighing at the beautiful sight. "OMG! Look Kurt you can see the institute from here!" She said as she stood up to point but the seat began to rock and Kitty froze and Kurt was ready to catch her with his hands ready. She gave a gassy grin as she looked back at him. "Kitty I don't think these things are meant for you to stand up in them." She giggled and tried to step back to her seat but the crate shook with every shift of weight and she ended up in Kurts' arms on his lap.

She opened her eyes just for them to be locked onto Kurts. They both blushed deeply.

"Kurt," She swallowed was she about to confess to him? 'No don't do it Kitty he has to give in first!' Her thoughts were interrupted with the sudden crash of Kurt's lips against hers.

She immediately melted into him. They felt sparks, as if electricity was connecting them and fireworks devoured the darkness behind their eye lids. He began to move his lips arithmetically against hers and squeezing her tight against him. She responded with a great deal of passion. The kiss went on for what seemed like hours with the constant push and pull of each other's built up passion; Until they were interrupted.

"Ehem," Said a smirking Farris wheel attendant. "The rides over you two. Why don't you take that lovey dovey stuff home eh?" They both ripped away from each other faces extremely hot. "We weren't uh well uh." They both stuttered but the man just moved out the way so they could leave.

Kitty and Kurt walked out not making eye contact with anybody until they were outside by the scooter. They both looked up to say something to each other but when their eyes met they both blushed and tore the gaze away.

The ride was a little uncomfortable but Kurt had decided to walk Kitty to her room. He said he wanted to talk to her. Kitty was silent on the way up and then she stopped in front of her door.

Kurt got down looked deep into her brown eyes and grabbed her hand. She stared at him curiously thanking the shadows for covering her blush.

"Kitty I had the best night of my life with you. You are the best friend anyone could ask for." Kitty slightly frowned. "But you are something more than that to me, if it wouldn't be too much trouble Kitty, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Kitty gasped and tears swelled slightly in her eyes she nodded enthusiastically crushing their bodies together and locking her lips onto his.

After a few minutes of intimate kissing and hugging Kitty pulled away and smiled at him.

"I thought you'd never ask Kurt Wagner."


Thanks for all the support Ember Raven.