Here is the sequel to 10 Years Later! There will be a second chapter to this story
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter
"Mom! Have you seen my shoes!" shouted Aquila from her room
"Which pair of shoes are you talking about?" Hermione Malfoy asked as she walked into her eldest daughter's room
"My light brown strap sandals with the heel." replied Aquila turning away from her closet to face her mother
"Last time I saw those was when Narcissa was playing dress up last week." Hermione replied with a small smile on her face
"Narcissa!" Aquila shouter as she stormed out of her room in search of her six year old sister, "Where are my shoes!"
Hermione started to laugh as she left Aquila's room and made her way to Scorpius's room.
"Honey, are you ready to go to the Potter's? We'll be leaving soon." Asked Hermione as she entered his room
"Yes Mom, Can I bring my broom? James said we might play a game of Quidditch." asked Scorpius as he put away the book he had been reading
"Sure Scorpius, go and get it and I'll shrink it and put it in my bag." replied Hermione
"Okay mom!" said Scorpius as he ran from his room to get his broom
Hermione headed back down the hall in search of the rest of her family. Today was the traditional end of the summer dinner at the Potter's house and this year it also served as the send off for James, Aquila, Scorpius, Aaron and Thatcher; they would all be leaving for Hogwarts the next day. Hermione was very glad that after the reunion seven years ago she had begun to spend more time with Ginny and Harry, by default this also meant Ron, and Luna and Blaise joined them on many activities as well. This meant that all their children saw each other a lot and got along fairly well, at first Thatcher didn't like the idea of sharing his cousin but he got over it and enjoyed hanging with the other kids, even though he found himself the source of many of the pranks done by the twins and James. As she entered the sitting room she was greeted by the sight of the rest of her children.
"But Aquila you said I could use then when playing last week." said Narcissa
"I know I did and now I need them back to wear today." responded Aquila
"No! You said I could play with them!" shouted Narcissa
"They're my shoes and you have to give them back, you aren't even playing with them right now!" shout Aquila
"Aquila why are you shouting at your sister?" asked Hermione as she entered the room
"Mommy! Aquila is being mean to me!" whined Narcissa as she ran to her mother
"Narcissa wouldn't give me my shoes back, I didn't mean to yell." Said Aquila, looking guilty
"Narcissa you need to give Aquila her shoes back, she needs to wear them today." Said Hermione to her youngest daughter
"But mommy! Aquila said I could play with them!"
"Yes she did, but that was last week and you should have given them back when you where playing, now go and give them back to your sister." Said Hermione as she shooed Narcissa out of the room to go and get the shoes, "And you will apologize to her for shouting at her when she gives you your shoes, understood."
"Yes mom." said Aquila as she left the room to make sure Narcissa did give her the shoes
"I'm glad you could handle that dear." said Hermione as she faced her husband who was sitting on the couch holding their youngest son
"You know how I am with clothing honey." replied Draco
"Oh yes, telling Narcissa to give Aquila's shoes back to her would definitely be a hard task." said Hermione as she picked up her son from Draco, "Don't you think Lucas."
Lucas giggled in his mother's arms, "Moma!"
"Are they already to go?" asked Draco
"I believe so, why don't you go and double check otherwise we'll be late."
"Sure thing dear."
Draco left the sitting room as Hermione played with Lucas. Lucas had been the surprise to the couple, but they would never tell him that. After they had Narcissa six years ago, Hermione was told that she might not be able to have any more children. The couple was upset by the news but that didn't keep them from trying. Just when they had given up Hermione had found out she was pregnant, this was a little more than three and a half years ago, and Lucas would be four in a few months.
"They're already Mione." said Draco as he entered the room again
"Alright then, let's go!" said Hermione as she left the sitting room with Draco; they would be flooing over to the Potter's, "Remember speak clearly you two." Hermione told Aquila and Scorpius who would be flooing alone as Draco had Narcissa and Hermione had Lucas
"Yes mom." They both said as they took a handful of floo power and left through the fireplace. Followed by Draco and Narcissa and finally Hermione and Lucas
The Potter's lived in Godrics Hallow and owned a very nice two story house with plenty of land surrounding it. Harry and Ginny had two more children besides James, Albus and Lily: Albus is 7 and Lily is 6. Ever since they started to spend more time with the Malfoy and Zabini families they had been doing end of the summer dinners, Ginny would prepare the food assisted by Hermione and Luna, and Lavender would also try to lend a hand, the other Weasley wives would all bring a dish. As Ginny was working in the kitchen the fireplace came to life and Scorpius walked out followed by Aquila.
"Hi Ginny!" said both twins as the rest of the Malfoy family came out of the fireplace
"It's about time you all got here! I was worried you'd forgotten." exclaimed Ginny
"Ginny we're hardly a five minutes late." said Hermione as she cleaned her children's' robes
"Oh, sorry I guess I'm just stressed, Luna isn't here yet and I'm stuck with Lavender and you know how she is in the kitchen."
"Is James in his room?" asked Scorpius
"Yes he is, why don't you go up and tell him that I want him to set the table outside, you two can help him."
"Sure thing Ginny." said Scorpius as both twins ran upstairs
"Harry's outside Draco and I believe Lily is with him, I'm not sure where Albus has gotten to."
"Then I will be outside and I'll take Narcissa with me, you two have fun cooking, let me know if you want me to take Lucas dear." said Draco as he left out the back door, Narcissa in tow
Hermione placed Lucas on the floor surrounding him with toys and as soon as he was entertained she joined Ginny at the stove.
"So what needs done?"
"Everything, well almost everything, I have the turkey in the oven and really I just need to make mashed potatoes and some other sides, Lavender had been helping me but she vanished a half hour ago and you know how Ron gets when you ask him where his wife is."
"Oh yes, I know."
I had become apparent to Luna, Hermione and Ginny that Lavender wasn't very talented in the kitchen. There were many occasions where Lavender burned something or served something raw but the three women still tried to include her when they got together, she just had the habit of vanishing from the kitchen. The first time this happened Ron had become very annoyed when Ginny kept asking him where Lavender had gone and he ended up yell that it wasn't his job to keep track of his wife. After that incident they decided not to ask Ron again and they just had to live with the fact that Lavender would come and go from the kitchen. It really was a wonder that Ron and the kids never starved although, it did explain why they would go over to Molly's house a lot for meals; apparently even Ron couldn't stand his wife's cooking. As they started on the other side dishes the fireplace came to life once again as the Zabini family came through.
"Hi Aunt Hermione, Ginny!" said Aaron who was the first to enter
"Hi Aaron." Both women responded "I believe the twins and James are outside, or they are at least supposed to be so if they're upstairs please tell them I say that." said Ginny as Aaron headed outside in search of his friends
"Thatcher isn't with them?" asked Luna as she placed her daughter Jade with Lucas (she was also three)
"I haven't seen any of Ron's kids since they got here, they're probably outside."
"Is Albus outside Ginny?"Asked Draco "Drake" Zabini, Blaise and Luna's middle child (he is 7)
"I'm not sure where he is Drake, why don't you check his room."
"Okay!" said Drake as he ran upstairs in search of his friend
"Blaise, Draco is outside with Harry and Ron." Said Hermione, as Luna prepared to help her and Ginny
Blaise headed outside as the women finished up the dishes that needed to be done. Soon the rest of the Weasley family arrived; Molly and Arthur, Bill and Fleur along with their three children Victorie, Dominique, and Louise, Charlie, Percy and Audrey along with their two children Molly and Lucy, and George and Angelina along with their twins Fred and Roxanne. Food began to pile up on the kitchen table and once everyone had arrived the wives moved the food out to the table that Harry, Ron and Draco had set up outside, Ginny was glad to see that James, Scorpius and Aquila did end up putting the plates and utensils on the table. The backyard was tastefully decorated with streamers and balloons and over the patio was a banner wishing James, Scorpius, Aquila, Aaron, and Thatcher good luck for their first year at Hogwarts. Hermione sat down with Lucas next to Draco who had Narcissa on his other side, she spotted the soon to be Hogwarts students all sitting together and noticed that Thatcher was with them now. Looking down the table she spotted Lavender sitting next to Ron with their five year old daughter, Violet, next to her. Once everyone took their seats the food was passed around and in no time conversations had started all over the table as people caught up with each other and ate.
"So what house do you think the twins will be in?" asked Blaise from across the table
"They will obviously be in Slytherin." Boasted Draco
"Right, because they obviously wouldn't have been affected by their Gryffindor mother." Said Hermione
"I don't know, I always felt that Aquila could be in Ravenclaw." said Luna
"I agree!" shouted Harry from down the table
"Oh, I don't know I think the three of them will be in the same house and we know James will be in Gryffindor so…" said Ginny
"No, I think Aquila inherited both her parents' brains, she'll definitely be in Ravenclaw while I do see James being in Gryffindor, I think Scorpius could be in either Slytherin or Gryffindor." Said Blaise
"No son of mine will be in Gryffindor!" declared Draco
"Don't be too sure of that." said Hermione "But I'm sure you'll find a way to make sure Lucas ends up in Slytherin."
"Well I'm sure my little Thatcher will be a Gryffindor." said Lavender
"Yup, that kid is a Weasley through and through." said Ron proudly
The rest of the parents simply gave each other looks that went unnoticed by Ron and Lavender.
"Yeah that kid is about as Weasley as badger, he's definitely going to be in Hufflepuff." Whispered Ginny causing the other parents to laugh
"Well I think Aaron will be in Ravenclaw, he may look like me but he acts more like Luna." Said Blaise
"Oh, I think you don't give him enough credit, he could pull off being in Slytherin." said Luna
"Whatever you say dear." Replied Blaise, slightly distracted by the fact Jade had decided that he should wear the food she was eating causing Draco to laugh at his friend's misfortune
As the meal was finished and the table cleared the fathers began to plan the Quidditch game for the kids to play. Anyone over the age of ten was allowed to play and that actually meant a majority of the Weasley children along with the Malfoy twins, James and Aaron; Thatcher didn't like playing Quidditch which bothered Ron to no end. They split into teams and soon the game had begun with the fathers as referees while the mothers sat down below watching and the younger children ran around playing.
The next morning, Draco found himself being rudely woken up.
"Mom! I can't find my copy of Hogwarts A History! Do you know where it is!" shouted Aquila as she barged into her parents room
"Aquila its eight in the morning." Mumbled Draco as he covered his head in the blanket while Hermione got up
"And we need to leave for the train station in two and half hours dad, so you should get up." Replied Aquila
"What have we told you about barging into our room Aquila." Said Hermione as she looked for her robe
"Oh, that only happened once and you already have four wonderful kids, why would you need any more." said Aquila with a cheeky smile
"You should still knock; I don't think your dad wants to go through that conversation again."
From under the blankets a mumbled agreement could be heard from Draco.
"Now let's go and look for your book and Draco get up and get Narcissa and Lucas ready." Said Hermione as she walked out of the room with Aquila, before shutting the door she flicked her wand at the bed, resulting in the blankets flying off, as the doors shut a yell of annoyance could be heard
Thankfully the book was found underneath Aquila's bed and she was able to finish packing. As Hermione walked into her eldest son's room, she had to quickly duck as a shoe was thrown across the room.
"Scorpius, what are you doing?" asked Hermione as she served the mess that was Scorpius's room
"I'm packing mom, isn't it obvious." Replied Scorpius as he tossed his books into his trunk
"Of course you are; how about you fold your clothes instead of throwing them in your trunk."
"But mom that would take even longer." Whined Scorpius
Deciding that she didn't want to listen to her son whine she flicked her wand and all of Scorpius's clothes were folded. "There now they are folded, now finish packing, and don't tell me that everything doesn't fit."
"Thanks mom! But it would have been even cooler if you had put everything in my trunk." Mumbled Scorpius as he went back to packing
Hermione just smiled as she left Scorpius's room and headed down stairs to the kitchen.
"Good morning Star." Hermione greeted the Malfoy's house elf as she entered the kitchen; Hermione put her apron on and began to assist Star in making breakfast. When Hermione and Draco married, Hermione had fist insisted that they have no house elves in the house. Eventually after many arguments and tears from Star they came to a compromise, Star still kept the house clean, but the children's rooms were the kids responsibility, and Hermione would join Star in cooking the meals, mainly breakfast; this made everyone happy. As breakfast was placed on the kitchen table (the dining room was only used when people were over) the twins appeared in the door way.
"You two wouldn't happen to know where your father and siblings are?" asked Hermione
"Well we did hear some giggling on our way down, but we saw nothing." said Scorpius
All of a sudden a brown haired blur came rushing into the kitchen and launched itself at Hermione.
"Mommy, daddy said that you needed to do my hair." Said Narcissa, who had Hermione's hair color but none of the curls that Aquila had, Narcissa's hair was poker straight
"Sure thing sweetie, why don't you two start eating, I'm sure your father will be down with Lucas shortly."
Hermione placed Narcissa on her chair and began to braid her hair, she smiled as she ran her fingers through her daughter's brown hair; Narcissa was her only child that had her hair color. The other three had Draco's hair although both Aquila and Lucas had her curls. As Hermione finished braiding Narcissa's hair and placed her breakfast in front of her youngest, a loud squeal could be heard from upstairs.
"Draco hurry up with Lucas breakfast is ready!" Hermione shouted upstairs
In response the sound of little feet could be heard going down the stairs and soon Lucas ran into the kitchen in nothing but his pull-up, causing everyone to laugh.
"Hi momma!" said Lucas as he hugged Hermione's leg
"Lucas why aren't you wearing any clothes?" asked Hermione as she tried to stop laughing
"Daddy wearing them."
"Daddy is wearing your clothes?"
"Lucas!" shouted Draco as he entered the kitchen literally wearing Lucas's clothes, he had the Quidditch tee-shirt on as well as a pair of Lucas's pants, this caused the occupants of the kitchen to burst out laughing, even Star was snickering
"Um, Draco I think those would be better suited on Lucas." Said Hermione as she laughed at her husband's predicament
"I know that, someone thought it would be fun if he transfigured his clothes so they would fit me and swamped them for my clothes, it was pretty impressive magic actually except for the fact my clothes weren't adjusted for him, hence why he is not wearing any clothes."
"But why haven't you reversed it?"
"Because he ran away as soon as he did it! I was more focused on catching him."
"Whatever you say dear."
Hermione flicked her wand and Draco found his clothes back on and Lucas discovered that he was now wearing the clothes he had put on his father. Hermione picked up a now pouting Lucas and placed him in his chair in front of his breakfast, Hermione and Draco sat down and finally everyone was eating. As soon as they were done Scorpius and Aquila ran upstairs to get their now packed trunks while the rest of the family waited at the front door. Once they got their trunks to the door they went outside where the Ministry car was waiting for them to take them to the station, Draco placed the trunks in the trunk of the car and the twins carried their owls as they all climbed into the car; ready to leave.
It was 10:30am when the Malfoy's arrived at the station. Hermione found each twin a trolley and Draco loaded the trunks on to them as each twin placed their owl on the top of the trolley; once this was done the family set off into the station heading for the platform.
"We can just run into the wall, right mom?" asked Aquila
"Yes dear, just run into the wall."
Aquila ran in first followed right behind by Scorpius, Draco ran through with Narcissa while Hermione simply walked through with Lucas. Once on the platform Hermione looked for her family and spotted them near a group of red heads, she smiled to herself as she approached the group.
"James are you sure you have everything?" asked Ginny
"Ginny, he'll be fine stop worrying." Said Harry trying to comfort his wife as James rolled his eyes
"Now Thatcher I expect you to be in Gryffindor got it." Said Ron as he patted his son on the back
"Sure thing dad!" said Thatcher excitingly
"Any encouraging words for me dad?" asked Aaron slightly cheekily
"Don't get detention the first day, Does that count as encouraging?" said Blaise with a smile
"How about get into which ever house makes you happy." said Luna
"I like mom's better dad." said Aaron as he hugged both his parents
"Oh I'll miss you two so much!" said Hermione as she hugged both her children very tightly
"I'll miss you too mom." said Aquila as she hugged Narcissa and Lucas good bye
"Yeah, same here mom." said Scorpius as he hugged his dad
"Well you both know I want you to be in Slytherin." Said Draco with a smile
"Oh yes, we know dad." Said Scorpius as he hugged his younger siblings
"Just behave no matter what house you end up in, alight?" said Hermione
"Yes mom." said both twins together
The twins lugged their trunks and owls on to the train and took off to find a compartment with James, Aaron and Thatcher. Once they found one they all leaned out the window to wave good bye to their families. Soon the train began to move and before they knew it they had left the station. They all sat down and began games of exploding snap and talking, within a few hours they would be arriving at Hogwarts and would be sorted; it would definitely be interesting.
I hope you've enjoyed the first chapter! I have no idea when I'll be able to get the next chapter up. However, reviews may help it come faster especially reviews that have House options for the characters! So please review and let me know where you see the kids ending up at Hogwarts!