I'm not going to bore you with the story behind why it took so long to get this chapter up. Enjoy the chapter! It will be the finale chapter for this story!

Disclaimer: anything that belongs to JK Rowling is her's, anything else is mine

6 Years Later: Graduation

The Hogwarts grounds were full of excitement, today was graduation for the 7th year students. Family members were arriving and beginning to take their seats on a section of the front lawn in front of a stage, a section of seats in the front was roped off for the students. In the castle the students were running around getting ready.

"Scorpius have you seen my tie?" asked James as he tossed the contents of his trunk on to the floor

"No and how on earth do you expect to find it that way." Said Scorpius from his bed

"I don't know but it has to be somewhere." Exclaimed James

"You mean like wrapped around your bed post." Said Lily from the doorway

"Lily! What are you doing up here!" said James as he untied his tie from the bed post

"Aquila wanted me to make sure that you guys were ready since you need to meet in the Entrance Hall soon." Explained Lily

"We're coming, we're coming." Said James as both him and Scorpius left the room behind Lily

During their first year James and Scorpius made it a point of bring Aquila and Aaron up to the Gryffindor Common Room (sometimes Thatcher would join them). This resulted in any Gryffindor letting them in as the years went by so it became very common to see then in the Tower, even more so now that James and Aquila have been dating for two years now. Entering the common room the boys were greeted by Aquila and Aaron.

"Where is everybody else?" asked Scorpius

"Narcissa, Lucas, Albus, Violet, Drake and Jade are all down with our parents. You should probably head down too Lily. Thatcher is going down with his friends from Hufflepuff." Explained Aquila

"Got ya! Let's go get this over with." Said James placing his arms around Scorpius' and Aquila's shoulders while grabbing part of Aaron's robs with his hand, steering the group towards the portal, Lily following behind

As the group reached the Entrance Hall, Lily waved good bye and headed outside to find her family. Scorpius and James made their way over to the group of 7th year Gryffindors while both Aaron and Aquila did the same for their own houses. Soon the students were led out of the castle and to their seats. As they walked down the aisles of chairs parents were waving from every direction.

"Draco, Draco do you see them." Said Hermione anxiously as she looked around for the twins

"There they are!" shouted Narcissa who started to jump up and down waving at them

"Will you calm down, people are staring at us." Grumbled Lucas

"Oh stop being so over dramatic." Scolded Narcissa

"Actually Lucas is right. Why don't we sit down, the twins have seen us by now." Said Draco pleadingly

"Oh fine you two, we'll sit down." Said Hermione as she rolled her eyes at her husband and son

The family sat down and ignored the laughter coming from Harry and Ginny who where next to them.

"So does Aquila have her speech ready?" Ginny asked Hermione

"I believe she does, last I heard she was very nervous about it but I think James got her to calm down." Said Hermione

"I'm sure it will be a great speech, maybe she's out done your speech." Said Ginny

"I can only imagine, she has managed to break a few of my records. Maybe that has been our children's' goals when in school. Didn't James break the chaser record?"

"Yes he did, over 500 goals in a season. I was very proud of him although Harry still wishes that he was a seeker."

"Yes well Draco practically did back flips when Lucas made the Slytherin team as a seeker, I never did tell Scorpius though. I didn't want him to be to upset that his dad didn't do back flips over him getting the seeker position on the Gryffindor team."

"Haha, I would have loved seeing Draco doing a back flip, just imagine he probably wouldn't land right but would be too proud to ask for help."

"He'd probably just ask Star to get him a potion and act like nothing happened."

"If you two are done talking about me they are about to start." Said Draco

"Sorry." Mumbled both Ginny and Hermione with grins on their faces

As the ceremony started the students were called up based on their houses: Gryffindor was called first, followed by Hufflepuff, than Slytherin and finally Ravenclaw. When Scorpius was called the Malfoy's, Potter's, Weasley's and Zabini's cheered the loudest and Hermione snapped picture after picture. When James went up the same thing happened although Lucas shrink down in his seat out of embarrassment, looking at his son Draco had to agree, his wife's friends were a little too excited.

"Lucas, a Malfoy wouldn't let other people embarrass him, now sit up." Whispered Draco directly in his son's ear

"But dad, people are staring at us, some of them are my class mates." Whispered Lucas back

"I know, but you don't see me trying to blend in with the ground now do you."

"No dad." Mumbled Lucas as he sat up as straight as he father was

Draco smiled at his son; he was so much like Draco was as a child minus all the prejudices.

When Thatcher was called up Ron and Lavender actually stood up to cheer while the rest of their group just sat and clapped. Draco could see Violet sliding down in her chair and he smirked, Violet was definitely different from the rest of her family. Aaron was the first to be called up from Slytherin, this time the groups clapping was more controlled although Blaise did whistle. Once all the Slytherin's had been called it was finally time for the Ravenclaws. Draco could see Aquila fidgeting in her seat, she had always been the most impatient out of his children and he knew she was also nervous about her speech. Soon she was called and once again the group cheered loudly and this time Lucas didn't try to blend in with the ground. Once the last person had been called up Headmistress McGonagall called the Head Boy and Head Girl forward, a boy from Hufflepuff walked up on stage and Aquila followed after him. The Head Boy gave his speech first; it was nice short and sweet, the kind of thing a Hufflepuff would do. Aquila went up next and took a deep breath before talking, she was definitely nervous.

"Hello Everyone, I have so much that I wanted to say that when I wrote it all down I realized that it would probably take all day, so I shortened it up, don't worry. Many times I have been compared to my mother, which isn't a bad thing at all, but I always wanted to stick out a bit. No Malfoy had been in any other house but Slytherin for centuries so step one was complete. I probably would have gone insane studying if it hadn't been for my brother, boyfriend and friends. Being up here was a goal and I've done it. I've been asked many times what I'm going to do after school, I have three options but I won't bore you with them. What I have realized is that our class is going to change everything. In my year alone we made changes with just our sorting's, house rivalries have almost vanished, and we've had some of the top grades and quidditch player this school has seen in a while. Although many of us are not fully sure what we're doing next, I know we will change the world someway. Thank you.

Aquila and the Head Boy walked off stage to a loud round of applause; everyone was standing and cheering for them (even Lucas). As a last act the students all tossed their hats up into the air and the next thing anybody knew a large set of fireworks went of above them spelling out, We're Done! Harry cracked up laughing while Draco shook his head smirking, Ginny and Hermione looked like they wanted to yell at James and Scorpius but they were too happy to care this time. The students filed out of the chairs and began looking for their parents. The Weasley's, Potter's, Malfoy's and Zabini's made their way towards the lake so it would be easier for their children to find them. Soon enough the five Hogwarts graduates were making their way towards their families.

"I'm so proud of you two!" exclaimed Hermione with tears in her eyes as she hugged the twins very tightly

"Thanks mom." Said Scorpius, "Yeah mom thanks." Said Aquila

"Hermione, I think you can let go of them now so that they can breathe." Said Draco noticing the tight hold Hermione had on the twins

"What? Oh, sorry dears." Said Hermione as she realized Scorpius and Aquila who both took a deep breath

"Its okay mom." Said Aquila

"Good job." Said Draco as he hugged both twin separately

"Did you like the fireworks dad?" James asked Harry with a big grin

"Yes, they were a nice touch." Said Harry with a smile on his face

"Aquila helped us time it so they went off when we throw our hats up." Explained Scorpius

"Yeah, she said that she would kill us if we did something during the actual ceremony." Said James

"I think your moms would kill you guys too." Said Harry trying not to laugh at the look on Hermione and Ginny's faces, they couldn't believe that the boys wanted to do something during the ceremony; Draco just shook his head and glanced over at the rest of the kids

The kids who were still in Hogwarts had formed a circle and were all talking. While they were not all in the same house, they all remained close friends. Lucas, Draco "Drake", Narcissa and Violet were all in Slytherin, while Jade was in Ravenclaw and Albus and Lily were in Gryffindor. Who knew what they were talking about but they kept glancing over at their siblings who had just graduated. Draco knew that this probably wouldn't lead to anything good.

"So where are we having the party again?" asked Thatcher after the parents had congratulated everyone

"At Malfoy Manor but your Grandmother is cooking most of the food." Answered Ginny

"Yes, it took three hours to get Star to accept the fact she wasn't going to be cooking the whole meal." Said Draco

"Oh, she calmed down eventually." Said Hermione

"Yes, when we told her that she could decorate which I think is harder since all four house colors have to be there." Said Draco

"I thought Gran was decorating," said Narcissa as the rest of the kids joined them

"She got everything and is instructing Star on where to put it I believe." Said Hermione

"That makes sense then." Said Narcissa

"I'm glad you agree, now are you all packed or do we have to stand around and wait for you?" asked Draco

"We're going to take the train back dad." Said Aquila

"Yeah, we'll meet you at King's Cross." Said Scorpius

"Alright then, we'll see you there." Said Draco

"You lot better get going then, the train should be leaving soon." Said Ginny

"It leaves in like an hour mom, we'll be fine." Said James

"I know how long it takes you to pack, you'll need the whole hour." Said Ginny

"Don't worry Ginny I'll make sure he doesn't miss the train." Said Aquila with a smile

"Yeah don't worry mom." Said James as he put his pulled Aquila towards him and gave her a quick kiss

"Hey! Not here you two!" exclaimed Draco

"Oh Draco let them be." Said Hermione shaking her head at her husband, "Well see you all later, let's go and see if your mom needs any help Draco."

"Fine." Muttered Draco while he gave James a death glare while hugging Aquila good bye, he still didn't like that his little girl was dating

After the parents left, all the kids headed back up to the castle to finish packing.

That night Malfoy Manor was packed full of Weasley's and anyone else invited to the graduation part, as they were all friends it made more sense just to throw one party for the five of them. Draco was beginning to become curious of what the younger kids were doing though. So far all night they had all been together and whispering, if it was one thing Draco learned early on it was never a good thing when the kids got together and started to whisper.

"Draco I really think you're worrying too much." Said Hermione when Draco explained his fear

"Hermione, remember after our ten year reunion when the twins and James put something in our food that changed our hair green? They had been grouped together and whispering before that!" exclaimed Draco

"I really think you're worrying over nothing." Said Hermione

"We'll see who has the last laugh." Said Draco as he walked off determined to figure out what the kids were going to do, Hermione just rolled her eyes

Soon it was time for the cake that Mrs. Weasley had spent more of the day preparing. It was brought out and placed on the table; each section was for a different Hogwarts house with the names for the graduate of each house. The cake was cut up and passed out to everyone.

"Aren't you going to eat your cake?" Harry asked Draco

"No, I'm sure one of our children did something to it." Said Draco

"Wow and I thought Hermione was just joking about you being paranoid." Said Harry

"I am not paranoid! I just know not to underestimate the kids." Said Draco

"What ever you say Draco, Say has James come to talk to you recently?" asked Harry

"James? No he hasn't. Why?" asked Draco curious now

"No reason, don't tell him I said anything." Said Harry avoiding making eye contact with Draco

"You're the one who brought it up Potter." Said Draco annoyed

"I know that Malfoy but just don't tell him that! James will come to you on his own." Said Harry

"Well fine then." Said Draco

As the festivities were dying down Hermione appeared at Draco's side

"See honey, nothing happened." Said Hermione

"Yeah, Yeah." Said Draco as he wrapped his arms around Hermione's waist, "Did Ginny mention anything to you about James talking to me?"

"No she didn't, why?"

"Well Harry did but then he dropped the subject."

"Oh, maybe Harry didn't want James to find out that you knew what he is planning on asking you before he actually gets around to doing it."

"Right, and you have no idea what that might be?"

"I think I might but I'm not sure." Hermione answered as she watched James with Aquila sitting on his lap watch the fireworks going off above the Manor

"And what would your idea be?" asked Draco not noticing the moment his daughter and James were having

"Oh nothing, you'd probably freak out about it." Said Hermione

"Freak out? Why would I freak out?"

"Because Aquila will always be your little princess."

"And what does that have to do with anything?"

"Draco, sometimes I think you are a little dense."

"I love you too."

"Oh, shush."

Draco laughed as he pulled Hermione into a passionate kiss, not noticing James doing the exact same thing to Aquila

The next week Draco found himself in his study going some paper work when there was a knock on his door.

"Come in." called Draco without looking up

The door opened and the person walked in and stood in front of Draco's desk

"Um...Mr. Malfoy…I have something I'd like to ask you." Said James

Draco looked up from his paper at James, no one had told him what James needed to ask him and it was really starting to annoy him.

"Yes James and you know you can call me Draco, you have been doing it for your entire life." Said Draco

"Right…I know that." Said James trying not to lose eye contact with Draco

Draco eyed James while he sat back in his chair a bit, still upright, and placed his forearms on the table, clasping his hands together

"What is it you need James." Said Draco coolly, realizing just how nervous James had become

"I…I want to ask you for Aquila's hand in marriage." Said James quickly

"Marriage?" said Draco with a raised eyebrow

"Yes sir." Said James with a gulp

"You want to marriage my seventeen year daughter who you've only been dating for two years?"

"Yes sir, we have known each other much longer than two years." Said James determinedly

"I'm well aware that you've know my daughter for more than two years James."

"Right." Said James still not backing down

Draco stood up from his chair and was impressed that James stood his ground, had it been Harry he probably would have run off by now or just given up

"Have you picked out a ring yet?" asked Draco as he walked out from behind his desk towards James

"Yes." Said James as he pulled the ring bow out of his pocket and opened it, inside sat a beautiful silver band ring with a sapphire stone in the middle, it was elegant yet simple something Draco knew Aquila would definitely love

"That is a very beautiful ring; you think that she'll like it?"

"Yes sir, she's always said that she likes simple jewelry and since she's been in Ravenclaw she has started to wear more sapphires."

Draco was impressed, it had taken him a few years to figure out exactly what type of jewelry Hermione would love and James had already figured it out

"And just where were you planning on proposing?"

"Um…in the gardens here sir, it's always been her favorite place."

"Especially over near the oak tree." Said Draco as he headed towards the door

"Um…" stuttered James not quite sure as to why Draco was leaving the room

"Well aren't you coming? She's outside with Hermione right now or have you backed out." Said Draco raising his eyebrow

"I haven't backed out!" shouted James coming to his senses about what Draco had been talking about

The two headed downstairs and outside to where Hermione and Aquila were sitting, as they approached both women looked at them, Hermione staring intently at Draco looking for any clue as to what was going on

"Hermione I need your help with something in the house." Said Draco hoping that she wouldn't question him

"Really?" said Hermione not believing her husband

"Yes, its urgent." Said Draco desperately

Catching her husband's tone Hermione stood up and followed him into the house leaving James and Aquila outside

"What was that about Draco?" said Hermione as she rounded on her husband the instant the entered the house

"You'll see if you be quiet and watch them out the window." Said Draco walking over to the window which had a clear view of the oak tree, hopefully James had picked up on the hint

Hermione was still confused by Draco's actions but followed him nun the less, watching as James led Aquila over to the oak tree. As she watched James got down on one knee and held out a box to Aquila, Hermione gasped and smacked Draco on the arm.

"Ow, what was that for." Said Draco glaring at his wife as Aquila squealed in delight and kissed James

"For not telling me that he was going to proposing to her today." Exclaimed Hermione

"I just found out like ten minutes ago when he came to ask me!" said Draco defending himself from his wife's anger, "It's not like I could tell you when I went outside to get you!"

"Fine, oh look here they come!"

James and Aquila were heading back to the house, both with giant smiles on their faces

"Mom look!" shouted Aquila as the entered the house and she ran over to her mother to show her the ring "Isn't it beautiful!"

"I'm glad you figured it all out James." Said Draco clapping his hand on James' shoulder smiling, knowing how much he had freaked him out earlier

"Dad did you know he was going to ask me?" said Aquila

"He just came to me an hour ago to ask." Said Draco defending himself

"I'm glad you said yes daddy." Aquila whispered into Draco's ear as she hugged him

"Of course I would princess." Draco whispered back

"We're going to go and let everyone else know." Said James

"We'll be back for dinner!" said Aquila as the couple headed into the fire place and flooed off

"Can you believe it Draco, are little baby is all grown up." Said Hermione with tears in her eyes

"Don't worry, you still have three more." Said Draco putting his arm around her shoulder


"Yes three, we both know that Scorpius isn't going anywhere any time soon." Said Draco laughing as Hermione joined in laughing with him knowing that he was probably right

A few weeks after the engagement Aquila moved into James' apartment a few blocks from St. Mungos where Aquila was working in hopes of becoming a Healer while James worked at the Ministry. As Draco predicted Scorpius was still living at home but he was training to become an auror. The wedding took place the following spring on the lawn of Malfoy Manor with the reception taking place closer to the gardens.

"I think everything turned out great." Said Hermione sitting next to Draco as they watched Aquila and James dancing

"Of course everything turned out great." Said Draco

"Oh yes I almost forgot no price is too much for your little princess, It's a good thing we only had two daughters." Said Hermione with a smile

Draco ignored her comment as he watched the new couple finish their first dance and quickly stood up for the father daughter dance

"Thank you for all of this daddy." Said Aquila as they moved around the dance floor

"Anything for you baby, just remember if he does anything wrong I still remember everything that Grandpa Lucius taught me." Said Draco with a smirk

"Oh trust me dad he knows." Said Aquila with a small smile

The dance ended and soon the rest of the wedding guests came out on the dance floor. Draco made his way back over to Hermione and whisked her on to the dance floor.

"You haven't threatened James have you?" asked Hermione as they danced

"Not recently." Said Draco

"Well he looks nervous."

"Hermione, I would find it slightly unnerving if I knew your father as long as James as known me when thinking about what they are going to do tonight."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Lets just say that Potter let slip to me where James is taking Aquila on their honeymoon and James found out."

"And where are they going?"

"The same place we went." Smirked Draco

"Oh my, no wonder he's nervous, we couldn't keep our hands off each other when we were there."

"That's right; I say we have our first grandchild in say eight or nine months."

"Draco I really don't want to think about what my daughter is going to be doing tonight."

"I'll just have to distract you later then."

"Oh really?"

"Why yes Mrs. Malfoy."

"I'll definitely like that."

"Um if you to are done talking about your sex lives they're about to cut the cake." Said Scorpius awkwardly as he came up behind his parents

"Oh don't act like you don't know what we do in our bed room, you have two siblings and both you and your sister had horrible timing one morning." Said Hermione

"Which we both deeply regret and have blocked out of our minds thank you very much." Said Scorpius before leaving in search of cake

After the cake was cut Aquila threw the bouquet, which was caught by Violet much to Ron's horror.

"Well Weasley, when can we expect the wedding" said Draco patting Ron on the shoulder as Harry laughed next to him

"Never, I'm never letting her get married." Said Ron

"Right Ron, well see how that turns out in the future." Said Harry who had stopped laughing

Before long the wedding guest started to leave and so did James and Aquila after they said good bye to everyone.

"Draco, I feel old." Said Hermione that night as they got ready for bed


"Yes, my baby girl is married."

"Hermione we still have three other kids, you are not allowed to feel old till Lucas marries."


"Yes and we don't need to worry about any bothersome children, I locked the door." Said Draco as his began to kiss Hermione, giving her the distraction he had promised earlier

Over the years the house got quieter and quieter. Scorpius eventually moved out and got his own place, Hermione was ecstatic when he got a girlfriend who didn't mind him being an auror. Draco was right and nine months after James and Aquila's wedding the new couple welcomed their son, Charles Potter into the world. When Charles was four they had a daughter that they named Hermione. Both Hermione and Draco loved watching their grandchildren. Hermione never thought she would see the day that Draco became a true softy but both Charles and Hermione could get anything they wanted from him. Narcissa ended up traveling Europe after her graduation and settled down in Italy where she has been dating her current boyfriend for five years, she's been hoping that he would purpose soon. Lucas took over the post of Potions professor at Hogwarts and Draco swears that he reminds him of Snape at times.

As more time went by Scorpius and his girlfriend, Alice, got married and had three children, two boys, Tom and William and a girl, Elizabeth. James and Aquila had a set of identical male twins a few years after having Hermione that they named Fred and George. While James' family found this to be a touching gesture no one felt sorry for them when the twins caused trouble and Hermione was very upset that her parents didn't want to try and have another daughter. Narcissa and her boyfriend, Antonio, married and they have two girls Isabella and Sophia. Lucas still works at Hogwarts and much to his mother's annoyance has yet to have a consistent girlfriend.

Draco and Hermione still lived in Malfoy Manor and saw their friends regularly. While neither worked anymore they enjoyed traveling and watching their grandchildren, Hermione had even taken up writing books.

"Granny?" came a timid voice from the door to the library

Hermione turned around from her desk to see who it was, her hair had thinned out and grayed over time but her face didn't show much sign of age

"Yes Sophia?" said Hermione to her youngest granddaughter

"Hermione said that when I go to Hogwarts I'm going to be in Hufflepuff." Said Sophia sounding truly worried as she made her way over to her Grandmother

"Now why would she say that." Said Hermione as she picked up Sophia and placed her on her lap

"I don't know."

"Let me tell you a secret, you know your Uncle James' cousin Thatcher."

"Yeah! He's the one who works with the dragons!" said Sophia excited, she loved dragons

"Well he was in Hufflepuff."


"Yes he was."

"Did Uncle James make fun of him?"

"Well no, but Grandpa Malfoy did just a little bit."

"Why would Grandpa do that?"

"Because Thatcher's dad wanted him in Gryffindor."

"Isn't that where you were Granny?"

"Yes it was."

"Then that's where I want to be!"

"You'll end up where the sorting hat puts you sweetie."

"I'll tell it to put me in Gryffindor, does that work?"


"Good! I'm going to go and tell Hermione. Bye Granny!"

Sophia hopped of Hermione's lap and went in search of her cousin, almost running into Draco on her way out.

"Where is she going?" Draco asked Hermione as he sat down next to her

"To tell Mione that she'll be in Gryffindor not Hufflepuff when she goes to Hogwarts."

"Well of course she'll be in Gryffindor, she's your granddaughter."

"And she is also yours."

"That she is, how's the book coming?"

"It's almost done!"

"And have you thought of a title yet?"

"Of course I have!

"What is it then?"

"The Lion and the Snake."

"Sounds perfect."

"Um…Draco why is your hair green?"

"What! I told you Hermione, nothing good ever comes when our children or grandchildren get together and whisper!" exclaimed Draco as laughter was heard outside the door

"Whatever you say dear." Said Hermione joining in the laughter, one thing was sure while many things changed over the years many thing also stayed the same.

The End! Thank you to everyone who has been reading this story! There may be more Draco/Hermione stories in the future but right now I'm working on finishing my other story that I am working on. Thanks again and leave a review on the way out!