Naruto Fairy tail crossover challenge

This challenge is very simple mostly everything is at the writer's discretion the only thing that must be followed for this challenge is Naruto after learning the shadow clone jutsu keeps looking through the scroll and finds a storage seal that looks like for all intents and purposes a fairy upon releasing the seal a weapon writer's discretion of what type of weapon (katana, spear, kunai, ect.) appears that allows Naruto to use Freed's magic the dark eriture and the jutsu shiki which I will link to where I got the magics on my profile other then what Naruto finds in the forbidden scroll everything else is at writer's discretion.

Paring: writer's discretion (not a fan of yaoi but writer's choice)

Effect on naruto's personality: writer's discretion

Team seat up: writer's discretion

Sensei: writer's discretion

Primary Skills: Freed's magic and shadow clones

Bashing: writer's discretion (I enjoy sasuke bashing but again writer's choice)

If you attempt the challenge please PM me the link to the challenge response along with any questions about rules I did not make clear.