You told me I was beautiful,

That you would run a thousand miles,

Just to catch a glimpse of my face.

That you'd break all the laws in Hyrule,

Just to catch one final look,

Before I swept my skirts out of the room.

But you lied Link. I look into this mirror and I see not a beautiful face. No, I see a cracked soul, bound by the chains of an endless cycle. I see a play piece. To be honest, it makes sense you would love me. You're a play piece too. You've also been chosen to hold a destiny larger than anyone else. You also have to contemplate every thought and action you have.

We're alike, but we're totally different. The same and nothing to do with each other. The raindrop on the leaf. We'll stay together for a little bit, and then one of us will slip away leaving nothing but a trail behind.

You don't know what I go through. The memories flood me; make it hard to know what's real. Sometimes they're okay, a family being reunited, a home being built. However, most of the time they're not; they're of things being burned, people being killed. Killed by you. Sometimes I remember my mother crying. I don't know which mother it is or was.

I wake up terrified all the time. I never know if my dreams are visions or nightmares. Even if they're not visions of this life, they'll likely come into play in the future. I dread every one.

I guess it's the Hylia in me, but I'm worried about everything. I don't know why. Dumb, you say. Untrue, you tell me. Nothing will happen, you assure me. Then you realize what you said and try to save yourself. I'm here to protect you; you try to make me believe. It only makes me wonder what you think I am. Hopeless, stupid, defenseless, or maybe the term damsel in distress suits me better? My superstitions are usually right, but you don't and never will listen. I can't blame you though; you're used to running head first into danger, dealing with the consequences later.

Now you know why I've declined your proposal, why I'll never accept. It's because you care about what's on the outside, golden locks, blue eyes, perfect complexion. But you don't care about what's on the inside, what really matters. When it comes to me your clueless.

Now if only I could work up the courage to say this to your face, and the power to get you away from me.

So instead I'll say yes.

It's sorta something I've worked out. One of them needs all three in order to be a winner. For example, Zelda would need both Courage and Power to rule effectively. If she lacks in those departments, she might ot be able to rule her country with an iron fist.

Ganondorf would need Wisdom to win the battle and Courage to actually go out and fight Link instead of waiting for him to come to him.

Link would need Power and Wisdom in order to get through challenges.