6/24/18 : Hey, K-Angel here. This was a oneshot I wrote like...7+ years ago, then it got deleted, then I re-uploaded it, and now, 7+ years later, I decided to rewrite it after cringing at my younger self's writing style. I just had to go back and edit everything, and I'm planning to do the same to the rest of my stories.

Anyways, this edited version is much longer now, with more details, I guess? I haven't been in the FT fandom for awhile, falling behind on the manga because of school, yeesh. It finally ended though! I really need to force myself to finish it haha.

On another note, this site really changed a lot in so many ways? Like wow do people still write songfics (are those still a thing or am I outdated) and the whole cover image thing too is a nice bonus! Too bad I can't find anything or make anything for my fics at the moment...

Either way, enough with the long A/N. I hope you enjoy this old oneshot o' mine!

Italics - flashback


Autumn was always a beautiful sight in Magnolia. The foliage decorated the cobblestone streets with a colorful canvas of reds, oranges and yellows. The citizens of the town bustled about, cheerfully talking about the cool weather, upcoming holidays, or arguing over which Guild was truly the strongest.

The air of happiness made Natsu Dragneel want to keel over with disgust and anger. How could there be such cheer and joy when she was gone? It didn't make sense to him, but he continued to walk, pushing past the dense crowds. Natsu paused in front of a cart of flowers, watching as couples purchased lovely bouquets each other, and he couldn't help but scowl deeply.

"Good day, sir." The merchant called to him cheerfully. "Are there any flowers that catch your eye?" He twirled the end of his mustache excitedly.

Natsu huffed in reply, ready to turn and continue walking to his destination.

"Oh! You're the Fire-Dragon Slayer from Fairy Tail!" The man continued, clapping his hands joyfully. "One of your team members helped me graciously when I was being robbed. I believe her name was-"

"Lucy." Natsu cut in, feeling his heart aching with pain at the name. The name sounded so foreign to him, leaving an uncomfortable feeling on his tongue and a sour taste in his mouth. He bit down on his lip sharply, shoving his hands into his pants pocket as he turned to face the merchant.

"Yes! Miss Lucy, she was always one of my regulars. She always bought a single rose for her room, but she was quite the bright one." The merchant paused, sadness in his eyes. "She will be missed." Suddenly, he pushed a large bouquet of flowers into Natsu's face.

The scent of roses filled his nose and he gave the merchant a quizzical look.

"For her." The merchant explained. "I can see the pain in your eyes, Mr. Dragneel."

Ignoring the last statement, Natsu nodded wordlessly in thanks and continued to walk. He stared at the red roses, which seemed to stare back hauntingly, and he hated it because red roses were her favorites. With heavy footsteps, he continued walking until he arrived at the Magnolia graveyard, stopping in front of the rusted metal gate. Natsu froze, his hand grazing over the gate handle.

Hey Lucy, I remember your name

I left a dozen roses on your grave today

I'm in the grass on my knees, wipe the leaves away

I just came to talk for a while, got some things I need to say

Just step through. Open the gate and step through. It's not the first time you're visiting her. Her. Lucy. Lucy is here. Why is Lucy here.

His grip tightened angrily, and with a sudden surge of strength and a loud grating noise, the gate ripped off its hinges. He let the gate fall down with a thud, wincing slightly at the damage. He could almost hear her scold him in his head, and find himself smiling.

"Natsu! You didn't have to break the gate, now we're going to have to pay for it!"

Making his way through the graves, he finally stopped in front of a large, white gravestone.


JULY 1, X767 - AUGUST 19, X784



Natsu ignored the engravings. He liked to pretend she was still here, right next to him. He forced a cheeky grin as he brushed away some fallen leaves on the grave, placing the rose bouquet on top.

"Yo, Lucy!" He greeted, taking in a deep, shaky breath as he continued to smile. "You'll never guess what happened today!" He sat down and leaned against the gravestone, as he told her stories of what happened in the Fairy Tail Guild with their friends, and laughed as though she was besides him. Sometimes, he could hear Lucy's beautiful laugh, chiming in alongside him.

Now that it's over, I just wanna hold her

I'd give up all the world to see

That little piece of Heaven looking back at me

"The other day, Happy ate way too much fish. He was trying to impress Carla, you know?" Natsu said, laughing as he recalled the event involving his little Exceed buddy. "But then, he ended up throwing up all over Grey because the idiot was flying around too fast!" He chuckled, remembering the shock and disgust on Grey's face when the fishy vomit hit his head.

Natsu stopped laughing abruptly and began to tremble.

"I wish you were here." He said, feeling his heart crack and break at his own words. "We never found you, I bet you're still alive, right?"

And suddenly he let out a raw, guttural yell, akin to the cry of a dragon who had lost his mate. He knew he was only lying to himself, telling the guild that Lucy was still alive and she would return home soon. The whole time he had struggled to hold his emotions back, but now the dam was broken. The tears began to roll down his cheeks, and he grit his teeth, slamming his fist repeatedly against the dirt.

"Why Lucy, why!?" He snarled, ignoring the sharp sting that burst in his knuckles. Blood splattered on the corner of the gravestone. "Why did you let go of my hand? Why?!"

Now that it's over, I just wanna hold her

I've gotta live with the choices I made

And I can't live with myself today

It was that stupid mission they had accepted. It was a quest to find an extremely rare plant that was rumored to cure any illness or injury if consumed. The village head had requested it in hopes of saving his people from a mysterious disease that was spreading around in their country. Naturally, the team was more than willing to help the villagers, especially Lucy.

"We'll save your people with this flower, I promise you!" She said, with hope and determination in her eyes. Natsu nodded along excitedly, as he placed an eager hand on her shoulder and punched his fist into the air

"Hell yeah we'll help!"

"We need to be careful." She said, with a stern look. "We could get lost easily, so we'll split into two groups. If anything happens, Grey and Natsu can send up a signal with their magic. Be careful."

The groups ended up being Erza with Grey, and Lucy with Natsu. Poor Happy caught the flu and had been left behind under Wendy's care.

Natsu trudged on happily, pushing through the thick vines and leaves while dragging Lucy besides him.

"Ugh, all these bugs! And the humidity does not feel good either." Lucy groaned, fanning herself with her hand. "I hope we find this flower soon." She added, with a small frown. "The villagers need a cure soon."

"Hey, don't worry Luce!" Natsu said, grinning as he swatted away a few flies. "We'll be the firsts to find the plant and then we get to go home!" Lucy couldn't help but smile at his positivity, and laughed.

"You're right Natsu." She said, with a smile that nearly made his heart melt. He wasn't sure why he felt this way towards Lucy, but maybe it was just...normal?

Hey Lucy, I remembered your birthday

They said it'd bring some closure to say your name

I know I'd do it all different if I had the chance

But all I got are these roses to give

And they can't help me make amends

After several hours of searching, they found themselves near the edges of a cliff.

"Hey! There's the plant!" Lucy cried out happily, as she pointed at the exotic pink flower, resting on a fallen tree trunk. The tree rested precariously on the cliff's edge, and Lucy hesitated, wondering how they could retrieve the plant.

"Good job Luce! I'll go get it!" Natsu said, grinning as he stepped towards the plant. Lucy pulled him back by his scarf.

"Are you insane?" Lucy said, giggling. "You'll probably burn it by accident. Go send up the signal to Erza and Grey, I got this!"

"You just want the money for your rent!" Natsu shot back, with a boyish laugh. She responded by sticking her tongue out teasingly, before gingerly tiptoeing towards the flower.

Now that it's over, I just wanna hold her

I'd give up all the world to see

That little piece of Heaven looking back at me

"Stupid Luce, stupid me." Natsu said sorrowfully, letting his fist uncurl in defeat. He laughed weakly, feeling the dull throb of his hand settle in painfully. With a heavy sigh, he laid down on his back, staring up at the cloudy blue sky. He could've sworn he saw a cloud in the shape of Lucy's face. How could the world keep turning when she was no longer here besides him?

"Why aren't you here, Luce…?" Natsu wondered aloud, as he shut his eyes, forcing himself to turn away from the brightness of the world.

Now that it's over, I just wanna hold her

I've gotta live with the choices I made

And I can't live with myself today

"Natsu, don't you get it? She's not coming back." Erza said, feeling her heart drop at the loss of their beloved teammate and friend. Natsu ignored her, simply staring out the open doors of Fairy Tail with dull eyes. "She's dead."

"Don't you dare say that." Natsu snarled, flames of rage bursting out of his fists. "How could you say that about our FRIEND? She's alive, she's just lost!"

"We sent countless of search groups for her, Natsu!" Erza countered, refusing to step back from Natsu's anger. "They haven't found her, and we cannot go any further because it's dangerous-"

Before she could continue, Natsu let out a yell as he punched Erza, causing her to fly across the Guild hall. Everyone stared in hushed silence, as Erza stumbled to get up from the debris, a thin trail of blood dripping down her forehead.

"You're wrong, Erza." He hissed, the flames growing bigger.

"Natsu. You have lost all logic." Erza said calmly, pulling out her sword. "You are grieving, we all are, but this is not the way to go about it! You must accept the loss!"

"Shut up."

Here we are, now you're in my arms

I never wanted anything so bad

Here we are for a brand new start

Living the life that we could've had

It all happened so fast, and Natsu would never forgive himself for not saving her in time. It was all his fault.

Lucy managed to reach the edge of the tree trunk, she grasped her hand around the flower, carefully picking it out of the thick moss. Her eyes widened as an ominous cracking noise echoed throughout. Slowly turning her head, she saw a large crack across the edge, just beyond her foot.

"N-Natsu…?" She squeaked out, standing completely still.

"Hold on there Luce! I'll get ya out of here!" Natsu said, taking a step towards her with an outstretched hand. Another cracking noise, the crevice growing longer and longer.

Then she fell, the fallen tree disappearing below.

Me and Lucy walking hand in hand

Me and Lucy never wanna end

Just another moment in your eyes

I'll see you in another life in Heaven

Where we never say goodbye

Natsu leaped forward, grabbing onto a small vine that hung over the cliff as he clutched Lucy's hand tightly. She let out a scream, feeling her heart pound heavily as she looked over at the deep drop.

"Don't let go Lucy!" He shouted. "Erza and Grey should've seen the signal by now, we'll get help!" He winced at the tiny vine he was desperately holding on to, and as he struggled to pull them both up, the vine stretched out, ready to snap.

"No, Natsu!" Lucy called back. "That vine, it can't support us both!" She looked up tearfully, knowing there was little time to make a decision before the vine snapped. "You...you have to let me go."

"What the hell? I won't let go of you, ever!" Natsu replied angrily, as he further tightened his grip around her hand. "I'll fall with you Luce, we'll both be fine!"

"N-no, if you don't let go, we'll both die." Lucy stammered, squashing the fear that rose in her chest. Taking in a deep breath, she resolved herself. "Let go of me now." She said firmly.

"NO, Lucy don't be stupid!" Lucy shook her head in reply, smiling gently as if everything was fine.

Now that it's over, I just wanna hold her

I'd give up all the world to see

That little piece of Heaven looking back at me

"Tell everyone at Fairy Tail how much I love them, and that they gave me the best time of my life, please?"


"I need to tell you this, Natsu...I love you, a-and I'll never stop loving you." She loosened her grip and let go.

She was falling, falling, falling, and Natsu watched in horror as she disappeared in the dark void of the rocky cliffs and waterfalls.

"NO, LUCY!" Natsu yelled, lunging forward as the vine snapped.

"Natsu, stop!" Erza cried out, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him up."

"She's still there, we have to find her!" Natsu said wildly.

"Let's go, we'll send out a search party right now." Grey said firmly, but before he could run off, it began to rain heavily. Natsu slumped down to the muddy ground on his knees. Reality was cruel and above all, unfair.

Me and Lucy walking hand in hand

Me and Lucy never wanna end

I've got to live with the choices I've made

And I can't live with myself today


Natsu jolted awake, and stared in awe as he found himself laying in Lucy's lap, instead of the front of the grave. He looked deeply into her lovely brown eyes, and she giggled.


"What are you lazing around for, get up and get out in the world." Lucy said, running her hands through his pink hair. Natsu revelled in the action, feeling his heart soar at her loving touch.

"I-I…" Natsu found it hard to reply, his words clogging in his throat as he continued to stare at Lucy in awe, as though she was an ethereal being. Reaching up hesitantly, he placed a hand on her cheek and almost sobbed when he felt her smooth skin, her warmth, her love. Lucy smiled back, placing her own hand on top of his.

"C'mon, I know you're stronger than this. You have to move on." She said, shutting her eyes and letting Natsu's fingers trace her cheekbones and her smile.

"This...this feels so real." Natsu choked out, soaking in all of Lucy's beauty, as he moved from her face to stroking her hair. "You're here. You're actually here."

"You've got to move on." Lucy repeated, her eyes wet with tears. "The world will continue without me. And so will you."

Speechless, Natsu shook his head in defiance, feeling the agonizing pain build up in his chest as his tears pricked the corner of his eyes once more. Lucy simply held onto his hand, kissing the palm gently.

"I love you Natsu." Lucy said, letting go of his hand. "Wake up now."

Hey Lucy, I remember your name

He opened his eyes. The blue sky from earlier was now a hazy orange, indicating the setting sun. Natsu inhaled deeply as he stood up, shakily placing his injured hand on top of Lucy's tombstone. Strangely enough, he felt an odd sense of peace within himself, and let out a soft chuckle.

"Thanks for everything Lucy. I love you too."

I tried to make Natsu as in chara as possible, but I figure if he's grieving over his best friend/love, he would grieve deeply and awfully. Sorryz my poor bbys Natsu and Lucy for putting you two through so much ;v; Don't forget to read and review, they are greatly appreciated!

- K-Angel