KuroiNeko89: Since people have reviewed meaning that they want a chapter update I have granted what they wished. Cookies to the reviewers! XD *throws cookies to the reviewers* I love you reviewers! And people who have faved, subscribed etc.! *Throws more cookies* And I love you secret readers too! *Throws cookies to the secret readers even if I don't know the readers* Love you guys! No flamers this time so I'll spare my wok.
Review responses:
DragonLady Warrior: Thank you for the review! You are awesome so I have now granted your 'wish'
Miku. Mikan: Thank you for the complement! But sadly this chapter isn't that good as the prologue... Haha you have one awesome friend. And you are awesome as well for reviewing! I have now granted your 'wish'
Kuroiusagii99: Aw thank you. You deserve the credit! I'll make sure you'll be there! Jokes.
Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice as I am not Tanchibana Higuchi.
Mikan looked around the castles looming above her. It had an exotic and modern feeling to it despite of its old and rusty appearance. Mikan was quite intrigued by this. It had an aura that was drawing her in, yet repelled her at the same time. She wanted to explore this unknown area but wanted to escape it too.
Mikan shivered as she got caught up in the icy wind and wondered why there was snow everywhere even though it was spring. 'I wonder where I am,' she thought as the snowflakes gently fell from the sky and gently hit the white-covered ground and frosted. This almost seemed like a winter wonderland to Mikan but it had an eerie feeling to it that she couldn't ignore.
She felt a presence from above and snapped her head upwards to see what it was. There was nothing except for a snow-covered rooftop, Mikan couldn't help but feel that she had saw something. A shadowy figure in fact. But she had other things to worry about… like how she ended up here.
She tilted her head to the right. 'Hmm lets see… last night I received a scholarship through the mail! That's it! And I accepted it… and then went to bed… and before I know it I'm at this castle-infested area the next morning. And…' but her thoughts got interrupted when she bumped into someone and fell down.
"Ahh! Sorry are you all right?" Mikan asked in a panicking tone as she winced and rubbed her head.
"Hmph! Watch where you're going next time." A voice said in an annoyed tone.
Mikan snapped her head to the direction of the voice, she saw a boy that was around her age. Jet-black funky hair and ruby cat-like eyes and wearing a school uniform? Wait… is this a school?
"Ah. I'm sorry I will next time…" She apologized, getting up slowly. "And um…can you tell me where this place is?"
The boy dusted himself and got up quickly. His mouth was pursed into an upside down 'V' shape.
"Gakuen Yuki. Snow Academy. Guess you can tell why it's called that…" he muttered as a snow flake floated down to the palm of his hand. He glared at the snowflake and crushed it with eyes filled with hate.
"This is a school? Which area in Japan is this? Sapporo?" Mikan asked.
The boy looked up at Mikan with a frown.
"I have no idea." He replied.
Mikan hesitated before talking. "What? Don't you go to this school?" She asked.
He gave a halfhearted laugh. "School?" he scoffed. "This is more like a prison with no escape." He continued walking away.
Mikan then reached out her hand. "Wait! I still have questions! I'm lost and I have no idea where I am!" She yelled with a puppy face.
Obviously her puppy face didn't faze the boy because he continued walking. "And your point is…?"
"You're the only person I know so far in this castle-infested area! Please!" She cried.
"No." the boy immediately replied without hesitation. He then shook her off and continued walking. He felt some weight on his left leg and looked down to see a teary, snotty and snow covered Mikan on the ground.
"Please?" she asked.
The boy sighed. "You are so annoying."
Mikan than gave a huge smile and jumped around in happiness.
"Oh thank you thank you... err…"
"Natsume. Hyuuga Natsume." The Natsume stated and turned around.
"Ah… Natsume, my name is Sakura Mikan!" Mikan smiled as she followed Natsume.
Natsume remained silent as they continued walking.
"Why are you following me?" he asked.
Mikan had a puzzled look on her face.
"Didn't you say I can?" she asked.
"I said: You're so annoying meaning no." he said kicking the snow that was in his way.
Mikan ignored what he said.
"Where are we going?" Mikan asked.
"Classroom." Natsume replied.
"Why?" Mikan asked.
"Because this prison is considered as a school too." Natsume replied.
"Why do you always call this place a prison?"
"Because once you step in this place. You can never escape. Ever."
Mikan froze. "Ne-Ne-Never?" She stuttered in shock.
Natsume nodded. "Never ever. Even the teachers here were past students." He then continued walking and cursed something under his breath.
Minutes past and the two had arrived at the classroom. Mikan was surprised with the size of the classroom. It was huge the walls were decorated with sugar snowflakes and jewels.
"Narumi. They got a new one." Natsume said getting his leather coat off.
Mikan's eyes turned to a young man with blonde hair, blue eyes and long skinny legs.
"It's Narumi sensei to you." The man stated with a frown. Natsume gave a sharp glare at him and he immediately gave in. "Ok! You win again!" he said in an 'I give up' gesture. His eyes then turned to Mikan.
"Oh sorry about that. You're new here?" he asked.
Mikan nodded. "Uh yes Narumi Sensei!" she smiled trying to give off an impression.
"What lovely manners you have! Unlike someone anyway… welcome to Yuki Academy… also known as the Winter Wonderland or…"
"Prison." Natsume interrupted.
Narumi gave a quick glare to the boy and continued. "As I was saying Winter Wonderland or Snow Academy. As you know, I am your teacher Narumi Sensei. And this is your classroom. 8A. And I would like you to meet your two classroom captains." Narumi then gave a whistle and two students appeared. A black haired girl and a glasses wearing boy.
"Hello Mikan san! Pleased to meet you! I am your classroom captain! Please call me linchou! And this is your vice captain! Imai Hotaru!" the boy smiled gesturing the girl on his right.
"Hi." Hotaru said coldly.
"Hello linchou! Hotaru san!" Mikan smiled giving a small bow.
Linchou waved back while the girl just turned her back to Mikan. 'So… cold…" Mikan thought with an anime sweat drop and a weak smile.
There was then a sound of many footsteps. It sounded like a herd of elephants running down the hallway! Natsume flinched and headed straight for the window opened it and jumped out. While linchou quickly closed the window back up again. Hotaru was making some unknown mechanical thing and took no notice to her surroundings while poor Mikan was left confused on what was happening.
"Err… What was that about?" Mikan asked herself.
"Fan girls." Hotaru said without looking up on what she was doing.
"Fan girls?" Mikan repeated stupidly.
Hotaru sighed and turned to linchou. "Hurry and explain this to her before 'they' come." She said in monotone and went back to what she was doing.
Linchou snapped out of his daydream, "Oh! Sorry, um so what Hotaru was saying were fan girls. You know what they are correct?" linchou asked.
Mikan nodded.
"Oh, so you know Natsume? He has a lot of them. And I mean a lot. ¾ of the girls here are fan girls." He smiled.
Mikan shuddered. "So they're all heading this way?" she asked.
"Most of them." He replied.
"Um…" Mikan started but got interrupted.
"NATSUME-SAMA!" The group of fan girls squealed. But he was nowhere to be seen.
"Damn it! I knew we should've come to his classroom at 5:30 not at 6am! We've missed him again!" A fan girl complained.
"That's what I said to our leader but no! She just had to sleep in!" a girl grunted rolling her eyes.
While the girls continued their little quarrel Mikan tried to stop them but failed terribly.
"Does this happen all the time?" Mikan asked Hotaru and linchou.
They both nodded with no hesitation.
"He always escapes just in time before they come." Linchou explained.
"I can see that…" Mikan nodded.
The door slid open while all eyes turned to a boy that seemed around Mikan's age.
"Ah. Am I late?" he asked while a rabbit was cradled into his arms. He had blonde hair, a very famine face and bright blue eyes.
The fan girls stopped their quarrel and stared at the boy.
Silence filled the room… and then….
"Luka-sama!" the girls squealed while surrounding the poor confused, rabbit holding boy.
"Ehh Narumi sensei? Help? Anyone?" Luka muttered stepping back slowly.
Hotaru knew what was going on but was too oblivious to do anything, linchou was having trouble getting through the fan girls. So basically Mikan was the only one that could save her. She wanted to but was afraid of getting killed or squished in the herd of fan girls. She then looked at the boy, he was cornered and was surrounded by monsters that had baring fangs and were drooling. Mikan took a deep breath and dove in the crowd. She gently shoved away the girls and made her way to the front and held out a hand.
"Here take my hand! I came to help you!" Mikan shouted to the boy so her voice was over the fan girls.
The boy stared at the hand looking unsure but the fan girls were approaching closer each second. He then grabbed Mikan's hand while she quickly dragged him out within seconds. But Mikan used just a tad too much strength and they fell down on the ground. Mikan laughed.
"Haha. That was scary wasn't it?" Mikan asked while laughing.
The boy hesitated before smiling back.
"Yeah it was…" he muttered.
Mikan held out her hand to shake it.
"Sakura Mikan! Pleased to meet you!" she smiled.
He stared at the hand and smiled.
"Nogi Luka. But please, call me Luka." He smiled taking the had and shook it.
"Okay class!" Narumi called clapping his hands to get the student's attention.
Mikan then looked around and realized while the fangirls were swarming Luka other students have entered the room.
The class took their seats including Mikan who just took the empty seat, while Narumi stood up and cleared his throat.
"Okay class! Today as most of you know we have a new student! Mikan chan can you come up here?" Narumi asked.
Mikan then stood up from her and had a bright smile on her face while she made herself to the front of the room.
"Now Mikan chan. Can you do an introduction of yourself?" Narumi asked.
Mikan nodded eagerly and turned to the class.
"Hello everyone! My name is Sakura Mikan! But please, call me Mikan! I am 13 years old! I hope you take care of me!" Mikan smiled bowing a little.
Narumi then told her to go back to her seat and then turned to the class.
"Now as you know, I am your teacher. Narumi Sensei. And this place is, as we know it, Gakuen Yuki. Snow academy. You guys are special, because the school chose you. Because of your talent, whether it is Luka's talent of communicating with animals, Hotaru's talent of making original and unique inventions or Yuu's talent of creating illusions. You were all brought here for your unique talents. But some students' talents are unknown. Even to the teachers. So it's up to you to find out what your talent is. Who knows? Might be something so obvious. Might be something that is extremely rare and is not so obvious. Or it might even be that you don't have a talent. Now that we're done with introductions it's time to begin class." Narumi said taking out a chalk and started writing on the board.
Mikan just sat there and wondered. What was her talent? Did she even have a talent? She couldn't help but sit there and wonder.
KuroiNeko's special notes.
Selecting students: As Narumi said, the school selects the students. Not the teachers, students or even the principle! How does the school select you ask? Well, every year all the teachers and the principle's and captains surround a fire called the 'Fire of death' the principle throws in some stones and then the fire flares up and names are formed by the fire. These names are the selected names.
KuroiNeko89: Sorry no interesting parts here it's just the first chapter what do you expect? By the way my author notes are long so if you want me to make them short say it in the review. And I want to know who reads the author notes so if you do say... SUUU! At the end of your review! I'll be littering KuroiNeko's special notes in the story about facts of the school that may play a role in the story. So you it's best if you read them! :3 Review please?
Special thanks to my awesome sister Sacred3 and to my awesome friend Kuroiusagii99 for helping me edit/improve this! Love you guys!